Animated Atrocities (TV Series 2013– ) Poster

(2013– )

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Not AS bad as some claim, but still not very good
sssuperman-dot-com17 August 2015
I enjoy watching internet reviewers. Two of my favorites are Linkara and the amazingly obscure Comic Strip Critic, and I also enjoy watching MLP reviewers occasionally. I also like Nostalgia Critic, though I guess all the swearing makes me a little uncomfortable, heh.

I was rather intrigued by Mr. Enter due to the subject matter - reviewing really bad episodes of cartoons? Sounds great! But overall, Mr. Enter is just not all that enjoyable as a reviewer. I've watched several episodes because of how interested I am in the subject matter, but I have to admit that I get very little out of what Mr. Enter brings to the table.

Many internet video reviewers focusing on being entertaining, with jokes, fake exaggerated anger, etc. In addition, they may also bring some pretty interesting analysis to the table. Unfortunately, Mr. Enter's analysis is rarely all that outstanding, and he's not all that witty, either. I mean, he's not totally bankrupt, but he just doesn't compare with, well, a GOOD internet video reviewer.

Worst of all, though, he's really, really angry all the time. And it's not acting angry and playing it up for laughs like most "angry critics" online. He's just genuinely angry, and gets wayyy too worked up about everything without having any sense of humor about it. It's just really hard to take, and it's not funny, endearing, or entertaining in the slightest. I mean, just think about how much fun it is to hang around with someone who's constantly getting really enraged and worked up about every little thing. It's just not that fun.

Don't get me wrong, he's not nearly as bad as some people have made him out to be, but overall he's just not that enjoyable.
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His videos are pretty bad.
blueflamingo-2146518 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I used to like his videos when he first started. But now he just keeps going on and on and on. I lost my trust in him when he Pretty much said he hated the first season of Spongebob. Deep inside of me felt so attached to that season of Spongebob.
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Really people???
Reckno6426 March 2020
I'm gonna preface this by saying why there even is a page for Mr. Enter's "Animated Atrocities" to begin with here on IMDB. We all knew it was gonna be a trainwreck of negative reviews from his haters. He's become the internet's punching bag cause he criticizes kids cartoons, therefore he's seen as a big "man-baby".

But he's actually a really good reviewer. Do I agree with him ALL the time? Good God no, but he definitely makes some really good points. Like his reviewing style or not, you have to actually give him a chance. He's definitely harsh, and can get a bit angry, but he's greatly improved over the last few years. So I strongly recommend his more recent videos over his old ones.

Check out his videos and actually give them a chance instead of letting the bulk of the internet judge for you. The lot of you may still not like him, but you'll also learn a lot from his videos.

Call me an "Enterbot" all you want, but I just had to leave this here. He certainly ain't a bad person, and not as bad a reviewer as most have claimed. He's an internet critic, it's his job to criticize these shows. Give him a chance.
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Little more than the pretentious complaints of an egotistical snob.
keith-57-47457 March 2015
I don't care if the majority disagrees, I'm saying this: Mr. Enter is not a good reviewer, and his Animated Atrocities are some of the biggest bunch of bull I've ever seen. What's wrong with him exactly? You mean besides the fact he has an ego as big as the sun and standards higher than Mt. Everest? Well, here's my main problems with him:

He's a cherry-picker. He takes one bad episode of an otherwise decent or mediocre show and makes it look like the whole show is bad. For instance, in his Sanjay and Craig review, he bases his entire opinion of the show on the episode Fart Baby and makes it look like the rest of the show sucks. Never mind the show has good, heartwarming episodes like The Giving G, Trouble Dare, and A Tale of Two Slithers. Teen Titans Go is another example. Yes, it has bad episodes like Waffles and Staring at the Future, but there are still occasional gems to be found from it, such as Colors of Raven, Terra-ized, and Baby Hands. But if one episode sucks to him, it's irredeemable.

He's biased. Sure, he says he holds all cartoons to the same standards. But if that's the case, how come nearly all of his reviews are on recent Nicktoons and he's done only one atrocity of a classic Nicktoon and one atrocity of an earlier season of Fairly OddParents? He also hates anything that Seth MacFarlane (I know he's divisive, but come on) or Nickelodeon make, simply because they're involved.

He's an egotist. Have you ever tried to disagree with him? Don't be surprised if he just calls you a troll (which he thinks is the same as a cyberbully, despite there being obvious differences) and writes you off as some know-nothing dolt. I'm sorry Enter, do you not like Teen Titans Go or Family Guy? Do they not reach your unrealistically high expectations? Oh, and did you know that not everything has to be exactly how you want it and the world does not, in fact, revolve around you? And lord forbid you get his fans on your case... (Basically, they say you suck for "not respecting" his opinion. If he's entitled to his, shouldn't I be entitled to mine?)

He doesn't realize times have changed. Yes, Hey Arnold and Rugrats are good (if highly overrated) shows, but back then, that was the norm. Taste in TV has changed. Sometimes, a show doesn't have to be deep or meaningful. Sometimes it's nice for out-and-out ridiculousness and shock value. Also, he's shocked Breadwinners was at one point the most popular show for kids? Yes, how dare the show's TARGET AUDIENCE enjoy what was made to be viewed by them?

Finally, he's a hypocrite. One of his most notable reviews of My Little Pony, Twilight's Kingdom, has him saying you should not accentuate the negative and shouldn't nitpick. And that's exactly what he does in this vile little show. If an episode he deems "atrocious" does even one, tiny, MINUSCULE thing wrong, it's garbage. Did I mention he says he holds all cartoons to the same standards but hasn't backed it up?

He also tends to forget one of the basic rules of common sense: If you don't like something, YOU AVOID IT! You don't dedicate your life to whining about it! (Yes, I'm aware I'm being a bit hypocritical, reviewing him and all, but at least I KNOW when I'm being a hypocrite).

Yes, he does usually go after stuff that really, truly does suck (such as Tentacolino and Allen Gregory), but most of the stuff he declares is awful is really just subjective. It'd be nice if he was calmer about his opinion, and reminding us it's just what he thinks, but he just beats us over the head with what he thinks and refuses to listen to anyone who tries to debunk his claims.

Basically, if your looking for fair and intellectual analysis of animation, don't go here. Try the Nostalgia Critic instead (and even if you disagree with him or find him biased or unfair, the theatrics and comedy of his reviews at least make it more tolerable).
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What the heck, guys???
gravitynaut1 February 2016
Quite frankly I'm surprised IMDb lists a YouTube series on here anyways, which is an odd thing to do but I'll accept it. But many of the reviews in this section have been nothing but rude insults thrown at a person. Mr Enter (as his YouTube channel is called) isn't a despicable person, nor is he deserving of half the crap thrown at him here by his haters. Does he get angry? Yes. Is it entirely justified? Mostly, yes. Everyone likes to pick apart his intentions like this person is some object they get to pull apart and decide if it's to their liking, and I find that nothing short of reprehensible and for every piece of actual criticism I've read about him, I've read ten pieces of judgmental and angry junk that is nothing more than the very thing these people seem to have against Mr Enter; rude, arrogant, and insulting. Only instead of a piece of art he found particularly repulsive (and make no mistake, he has reviewed some truly nauseating distasteful trash, and he does make sure to cite his problems with each clearly, using research to back up some of his more political points), these reviewers only seem to want to use these words to attack a person. And for every decent criticism, it's exaggerated by hyperbole like saying his voice is worse than nails on a chalk board (it's not that bad) and he takes cartoons too seriously for a 30 year old man (he sees animation as an art form and thinks it should be treated as such) or other such nonsense.

Next time you attempt to demean and berate a person, I suggest to try to see things from their point of view. Perhaps you might learn to see things differently or at the very least provide something useful, rather than become part of the problem by ranting and insulting someone's viewpoints and manner of expressing it.
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Not as bad as people say
rennyraccoon23 May 2017
I don't mind Mr. Enter's content too much. I feel like he gets too much hate, simply because he whines so much in a lot of his reviews. His reviews can be good, but then his reviews can just be him repeating himself over and over again.

Mr. Enter can bring up some interesting points on a subject. His Admirable Animation on Duck Dodgers' Samurai Quack was pretty good. He goes into detail on how to make a respectful parody, while still maintaining some kind of funny aspect. Another great Admirable Animation of his is his Gravity Falls review on 'Land before swine'. In that review he describes how to deal with two characters that have the same goals, but different dynamics at the same time.

Sometimes his animated atrocities are just him rambling & repeating about 'how he doesn't like gross out cartoons' & etc. And he gets a little too p1ssed off from a piece of fiction. To the point where he makes no valid opinions while rambling.

The guy clearly doesn't need the hate that he gets. There are worse cartoon community channels out there. Such as 'Valiksisbum', Phantom Strider after he jumped the shark, Channel Frederator after they jumped the shark, small channels that talk nonstop about TTG, etc. But then again there are better Cartoon Youtubers that get their point across in a superior way within the community. Such as PieGuyRulez, Rebeltaxi, Lewtoons and etc.
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Well screw me.... I may be autistic, but
chaofreaks13 March 2016
I can sum up three words for TheMysteriousMrEnter, "Get a Life!" This douche reminds me of PIEGUYRULZ, and I despite him to death, he may be much better than PIEGUYRULZ, but he's not a very good critic, I want him to delete his account because of how low he's really is, he should freaking stop criticizing episodes of our favorite shows, if you read it this far, then let me tell you.... I was just kidding, he's a funny guy, because he's manage to rage completely, and make his opinion of how the studios made this thing, such as Fairly OddPet, and Breadwinners, he's very reasonable, although the fact that I don't agree with his opinion, it's pretty hilarious to see his reaction to different episodes and how he complains about the animation, like his response in episode 93 was, "Burn it! Burn it with Fire!" He's a pretty watchable guy, and is better than looking at that non-fag-got PIEGUYRULZ.
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Mr Enter needs to lighten up and needs to get a better attitude
andrew-wess316 May 2015
God where do I start? Mr Enter (what kind of a name is that?) Is a hypocritical, rude, obnoxious, egotistical, immature Man-Child. All he does is moan about how 'LE SPONGEBOB IS NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE.' and thinking it is good and fair reviewing. Also not to mention he thinks kids are stupid and so impressionable that they will literally believe anything the TV tells them to. Kids are smarter than you think, Enter.

Also lets address his obsession with MLP. He tells people not to nitpick Friendship Is Magic but he nitpicks everything else. He never shuts up about it! And if you don't like ponies then Enter has a rage about how you are 'bullying' him, simply for not enjoying what he enjoys. And if you don't agree with him then he hates you! that's a good open minded and humble approach to life isn't it? He must have so many friends with that personality trait! Hell the hottest girls must be all over him! And of course he has to think that all Christians are stupid (Breadwinners review joke about Sarah Bible) And he has no problem calling people who like the shows he doesn't like stupid. So Enter is not only a bad reviewer, but just straight up rude. Insulting another person's beliefs, calling people idiots for no good reason and forcing your opinions down other people's throats These are not traits of a good person. I hope this guy changes his attitude because to be honest right now he is straight up obnoxious and unpleasant. Don't believe me? In one of his journals a person sent him constructive criticism on his writing in a polite and respectful way and Enter said and I quote "Have fun making mountains of debt that you will never be able to pay back in college" This shows how much of a smug, disrespectful person he really is.

He also is boring, he speaks in a monotone voice and he needs to lighten up! would you listen to MLK if the I have a dream speech was just him moaning? No you wouldn't! It was his passion and emotion that made people listen! While he just whines about how people in Victoria say 'Aubergine' instead of Eggplant.

And he thinks that nothing can be mean spirited. Kids know what suicide is! having suicide jokes isn't going to make them kill themselves! that's not how depression works. Suicide is what happens when Pain strongly overrules coping mechanisms and the sufferer can see no other way out and believes that death is the only solution. It's not: HURR I SAW A SUICIDE JOKE ON A CARTOON I BETTER KILL MYSELF XD" I've been suicidal and I assure you it was not because a fictional kitchen appliance told me to kill myself.

And Enter straight up insults writers. While in all honesty Enter is one of the worst writers I have ever seen! He cannot create any argument and just says pointless buzzwords words in a pretentious voice in the hopes that people will think he's a genius. It doesn't matter how deep your nose is buried down in a thesaurus or how obscure the words you are using are, the context is 95% of what drives your point home. You cannot just use a bunch of colourful words and expect it to mean something, that makes you look pretentious.

Mr.Enter (His real name is Jonathan, why couldn't he call himself that?) has his own cartoon coming out! called Growing Around. Whats it about? Children are adults and adults are children. That is not a fun premise, that's a one joke premise. And after reading through several of his scripts the show does not stand out at all, it is actually pretty bland and doesn't really have a fun or exciting feel to it. And he openly stated that one of the characters was so fun that you could just watch her doing chores and you would be entertained. That's pretty arrogant, man. Also not to mention that he stole the premise for the show from a Disney cartoon. You know that's really something, When Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings books he did not just think "Well I'm just going to copy Beowulf's premise" he looked at what parts of the text he could base elements of the story on and he created something new, he didn't just make a rip-off of Beowulf. So yeah, use elements that you liked from the Disney cartoon but don't just straight up rip it off.

All in all, Enter needs to lighten up and he needs to grow up.because he cannot accept that other people have opinions and different people like different things.

EDIT: also I recently found out that he is blaming the fact that he can't take criticism on Asperger's Syndrome. Okay, first of all Autism is not just some magical get out of jail free card for all your flaws, You can not just use it as an excuse for being immature. Second it is really insulting that you are saying that Asperger's causes you to act like this. I have Asperger's as well and I'll admit sometimes I do or say things that are a bit strange but I still know how to take criticism, It is so insulting that he thinks he can just blame his condition on all his flaws, That makes other Autistic people look bad. I really hope that by some miracle Mr. Enter changes his attitude and learns how to take constructive criticism because he is smug, disrespectful, obnoxious and rude to anyone he reviews and people who don't suck up to him.
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Great! You've done a fine job MrEnter!
icygirlaj24 April 2016
Overall, Enter's reviews are entertaining and interesting. Sure, he isn't the most perfect or best internet critic, but he has a lot of heart in his reviews. Yes, he does have screw ups, but who doesn't? We're all human. When I first heard about him, there was a lot of mixed-to-negativity surrounding him. At first, I thought, "Meh. Okay, people don't like him." However, the more and more people starting bashing on him, I kind of began to sympathize with him more. Honestly, if you're more into "safe, "less critique" reviews (>:/ what's up with people?) He certainly isn't for you. But..... if you just really need someone else's opinion on a show/movie, check him out!
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nothing of substance
DontWorryJesusLovesYou27 October 2015
This show definitely is not to my taste. The show features Mr. Enter commenting on several children's cartoons. Frankly this show is unpleasant, Mr.Enter does not review the shows fairly as he only ever talks about the negative aspects; granted the show is called Animated Atrocities but it is not fair reviewing to only talk about what it does wrong unless the show is an absolute abysmal, which 9 times out of 10 the show he is reviewing is not. Also Enter is really angry in this show. You have to have several emotions when making these kind of videos, just plain anger doesn't hold my attention nor does it create anything of substance, you can use happiness, anger, sadness, melancholy, excitement but just showing annoyance does not bring anything new or exciting to the table.

The show also lacks comedy, I'm assuming that he is doing this as a riff sort of thing, like what the Nostaglia Critic or Jontron do in their web-series. However many of the episodes do not have any jokes or anything of that sort, and an awful lot of the ones that do Enter has to really stretch to make a joke, or just settle for an easy target. Granted there are many times that Enter can make good jokes and he does seem to have a good sense comedic timing, however a lot of the comedy is not spectacular The editing is not exactly top notch either. There are many audio glitches and sometimes when he is talking he gets cut off mid sentence. And the footage is also looped very often, it gets very monotonous looking at the same clip over and over again. When he started this series Enter was an amateur so the poor editing is excusable, however he is using Patreon for this series now so I think that if he is making money from this then the editing has to be tuned up. Enter should invest in good editing software such as Sony Vegas Pro, or he could commission an editor Enter lacks variety in what he reviews. The majority of his reviews are targeted towards the Spongebob Squarepants show, it is very important to have diversity in what you are reviewing, if you review the same thing over and over again then there is nothing new or noteworthy.

I've notices that his biggest complaint amongst what he reviews is that it is violent or mean-spirited. There are many films, television programs, books and other media that are mean spirited but they are still good. I honestly do not see a problem with this material. I used to watch shows like this when I was a child and I'm not some kind of violent maniac. Children are not idiots, they understand that what happens on TV and in real life are two very different things so there is no risk of the average child pummelling their best friend with a hammer because a starfish told them to. Obviously there are some things such as a Clockwork Orange which shouldn't be shown to young children but cartoons are absolutely harmless. To be frank, saying that Spongebob is violent sounds like something an overprotective mum would say.

Mr. Enter clearly needs to work on some things on his show, as right now it is not very impressive
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Extremely Underrated
hc-1880423 August 2017
Okay, I know that this is a controversial opinion, but I think Animated Atrocities is one of the best critical review shows on the internet. Don't get me wrong, it isn't flawless. But Mr. Enter is only human. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and Mr. Enter actually tries to learn from his and everyone else's. His commentary is (usually) insightful, and he actually seems to want to make animation better with his reviews.

To those that complain about him reviewing shows that are for a demographic that excludes him, I say, THAT'S NO EXCUSE FOR SUCKING. Are you people going to defend The Garbage Pail Kids Movie because you're not the right demographic for it? No! So why should Mega Babies get a pass?

Also, addressing the allegation that Growing Around ripped off a Disney short: If the end result is bad, it's a rip-off. If it's good, it's an homage.
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Don't waste your time!
wiz456728 October 2015
I found his reviews flawed, rushed or sometimes insulting! The thing is that he let's his emotions and massive ego get the best of him. This is true in his "Pet Sitter " when he called out and offended one of the writers for not satisfying his ridiculously high standers. Not to mention the production quality is pretty low in his episodes. Also, he quite an egotistical person. His reviewers sometimes feel rush out and unthought out which is quite unprofessional I might add. For example on his " Brothers Grunt" he kept repeating the same two to three points over and over again throughout the entire video. Finally he takes things too seriously. For example, most of his MLP FiM reviews can have him swearing like a sailor and insulting the writers or just him screaming on top of this lungs.
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Just an whiny man child who complains about cartoons NOT for his age.
smoshgermany5 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I would give this guy at least five stars if he would stop yelling at people's ears on his microphone about Season 6-9 Spongebob, Teen Titans Go! and current Family Guy, because it apparently appears to him that these cartoons are for his demographic, but they are ACTUALLY MEANT FOR 6 - 12 YEAR OLDS! (Expect for Family Guy of course). Also, STOP USING NOSTALGIA CRITIC CRITIC AS YOUR ONLY INSPIRATION! There are TON of other people who you can get inspired from.

And also, did i mention that he is planning on making his own television show called Growing Around? Yeah, he actually ripped it off from an FRICKING Disney SHORT! And he is actually planning to send it's pilot (which he has already made) to an actual TV network, and i bet it's going to fail, A LOT.

Anyway, I'm going to end this review here, because I'm starting to act like Mr. Enter myself.
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Mr. Enter's Animated Atrocities is the best.
GravityLoudHouseLover111 November 2016
Hello There again Today I'm Doing a Review on Mr. Enter's Animated Atrocities. A show where Mr. Enter looks at Bad Cartoons, TV Pilots and movies. I Know I Did a review last year on Animated Atrocities but I Deleted that other review because I wanted to updated my opinion on Mr. Enter. I Loved His Review on SharkTale a Movie from 2004 Staring Will Smith & Jack Black. Mr. Enter did a review recently on this Comedy Central show Legends of Chamberlain Heights which I didn't know it came out this year. Mr. Enter has done Many Animated Atrocities Since July 6, 2013 - Present. Bottom Line I Enjoy Mr Enter's Animated Atrocities. It the Best 10/10 Btw I have Autism just Like John Enter :)
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"Animated Atrocities"? More like; "Hey, guys! Listen to me bash this episode because I think it sucks!"
CartoonDude201511 July 2015
Okay, at the time, I was interested in hearing about what Mr. Enter had to say about certain episodes of good shows. Looking back, I figured out that it was the biggest mistake I had ever made.

Mr. Enter could be one of the worst viewers that I have ever stumbled on across YouTube. As one user said, Mr. Enter cherry-picks episodes that he THINKS are bad in the very least and constantly kick it to the curb. He's basically an IGN critic in a nutshell. As before, he is rude, has a massive ego, obnoxious, a grown man chastising kids' cartoons, and you also feel that he's trying to manipulate you into agreeing about every facet of his reviews.

I remember watching his review on The Hunchback of Notre Dame II, and when Quasimodo started singing, his loud exclaim literally hurt my ears and caught me off guard. (Mr. Enter, for the love of God, if you're going to be that loud, just turn off your freaking microphone!) Mr. Enter sounds too much like Squidward Tentacles. By that, I mean he's boring, monotonous, and steel-hearted.

In Enter's review of the Dexter's Laboratory episode "Jeepers, Creepers, Where is Peepers", he called the writing lazy due to Koosy saying the word "monster" after Peepers defeated the anime villain. In related terms, Enter's review of the SpongeBob episode "Squid Baby" contained him saying that adding the suffix "-itis" doesn't make anything that end with it a disease.

Hey, Mr. Enter! Don't you know that shows containing the jokes mentioned above are for KIDS?

I practically feel sorry for the writers of an animated episode being chastised by Mr. Enter, and he's calling the kettle black.

Mr. Enter also made a claim that there's "more dirt than gems in the world," and I consider this so-called review show "dirt." Why? He's basically wasting his time reviewing bad episodes of good shows, and uploading it to the internet for all to see. Nobody should even give a flying fig about what he says.

I even disagreed with him in one of his reviews. Plus, Enter thinks he's in his own world where he wants everything to be perfect. Well, guess what? Life doesn't go that way.

I might be contradicting myself in the things I said above, but I just wanted to get my point across.

So... if you're still watching Animated Atrocities, STOP AT ONCE. You're basically wasting your time listening to some grown man knock over episodes that he hates, and wants you to agree with him. Someone said that Animated Atrocities is a Nostalgia Critic rip-off (which it is). Personally, Nostalgia Critic is more entertaining.
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Greatest Reviewer Ever On Youtube
bradleydavisjr009 March 2015
This guy is my favorite reviewer on YouTube. This guy pretty much sums it up on how bad animation is on TV. I watch other Animated Atrocities, but I really like to watch the episode if it's about Nickelodeon. I also watch Admirable Animation, too. I like it, also. Of course there is some good animation out there. So if you ever want to see how bad most animation is now a days, watch this series on YouTube. Some of my favorite Atrocities is Love Loaf (Breadwinners), Fart Baby (Sanjay and Craig), A Pal for Gary (SpongeBob), Save the Tooth (Glenn Martin DDS), and so many more. This guy puts a lot of variety in his videos. One of my favorite people and reviewers on YouTube. So, I just want to say, Keep on keeping on, Mr. Enter! Keep up the good work!
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Biased Beyond Belief
georgehazard734 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Though he can seemingly write good reviews, his reviews of the G3 My Little Pony movies reveal just how biased and ignorant he can be. He'll ask questions that are directly answered in the film. He praises the new version of My Little Pony yet cannot seem to realize where the faults of that show are. He thinks it's bad for a movie to show no dialogue at the beginning oh and did I mention he doesn't like criticism? If you cannot take criticism, you shouldn't be dishing it out on things you don't like. Furthermore, he seems to forget that these G3 movies are AIMED AT KIDS so yes there's going to be lots of singing and only small conflicts but there are conflicts there. A simple argument is a conflict but Mr. Enter doesn't seem to realize this or chooses to ignore it. Unfortunately, he's the reason why so many don't like the G3 movies. They literally take his word for it without actually viewing the movies for themselves. If you have time to kill in your schedule, don't waste your time (or money as he does also earn money for his reviews) on this guy and find someone who actually knows what they're doing like Nostalgia Critic.
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Great Youtube review show.
admredsoxfan22 July 2014
In the midst of overly cinematic reviewers, such as the nostalgia critic, John Enter takes a simpler approach that was rarely seen before him. His show can take on bad episodes of good shows like "A Pal for Gary", dropped pilots like "Bubsy", and movies such as "Chicken Little." So far the show has had more then 50 episodes, all of them being fair and critical. He looks at both infamously bad animations like "Seahorse Seashell Party and lesser known media like "The Grooveinians" "Animated Atrocities" is possibly the best review on Youtube, along with "Admirable Animations" on the Mysteriousmrenter channel.
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trebordjackson28 November 2018
His reviews are terrible. If a cartoon doesn't have a moral it's awful. If a character acts mean the story is bad. Godforbid a story have conflict. He has the most ludicrous opinions ever.
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wiggleclock5 December 2015
Where do I start? This guy is the most self-important person I have ever seen. Every single video he posts is just him ranting about cartoons which nobody cares about and if you disagree with him then he will set his fans on you to send you death threats in the hopes that you kill yourself, and I'm not kidding they actually tried to do this to one of the writers.

Nobody cares about cartoons, they aren't an art form they are just a TV show made for fun, so stop critiquing them, or whatever Enter calls it. A TV show about a yellow sponge living under the sea isn't meant to be serious. Why doesn't he review some animation worth reviewing? Like Grave of the Fireflies or Snow White? That would have been awesome! But no he reviews TV shows which haven't even aired in 5 years and thinks that they are worth reviewing. Nobody cares about TV show cartoons, they aren't important, review something good.
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Wow, Mr. Enter has his own IMDb Page...
connor-p-mcclory12 January 2015
By far my favorite reviewer on Youtube. Not only is he fair in his reviews, but he has had to put up with trolls his entire time making them. Just as well, he has had the courage to say things I could never say. He was even the one who inspired me to become an IMDb member! He's the best reviewer I've ever seen. Even if he does lose his temper, he tries to remain as calm as possible. But trust me. I'd have lost my temper long before he does in his videos. Anyways, he opened my eyes to, if you will, the Atrocities of Animation. So, um... The end! Nothing else needs to be said! Other than, if he's reading this, hi John Enter, Love your videos!
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Animated Atrocities Review
redwaytoo14 July 2022
Just because you're agitated and have a bunch of youtube subscribers doesn't mean you're right.

Also mentioning Ghostbusters 2016 for 100th time won't take the big evil corporations down.
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Why do we hate this guy again?
kavijohnchauhan29 May 2021
I know he had gotten angry in his past reviews, but that is the point of why it is funny, and his reviews are hilarious.
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MrEnter, from decent to self atrocity...
BlackCharger25 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Had to remove my brief history due to insane word count.

Even though it's not Animated Atrocity, the Trolls video he said lines such as "To those who say there's a difference between Cyberbullying and Trolling, shut the f*** up!", combined with the fact he refuses to accept Trolls and Cyberbullies and different things and whines at people if they don't disagree, and this is the first problem with him and one that will plague for the rest of his career, I bet. This guy not only has ridiculously high standards for cartoons but refuses to accept an opinion different to his own, he says that people are entitled to it but that's wrong for the most part, he will call someone a troll or an idiot for disagreeing proving he has no idea what a troll is and because he acts like a spoilt child and has a hissy fit worse than a spoilt sugar active two year old, you're not allowed to disagree with him or criticise him. Yes in his remake of Pet Sitter Pat, he says that he took the criticism and took it into account but why couldn't he always be like that. There's one instance where someone made critical but very polite criticism towards his very bland project Growing Around, but did MrEnter take it well? OF COURSE NOT! Instead of acting like an adult, he pretty much acted like a D-bag towards him and spat all over him, telling him he'll have financial issues and dept, having a hard time accepting the criticism by his snatchy tone, at least that's what it seems it's text so I'm really not sure but I doubt he was polite, but worst of all, label him as a "Troll" because he didn't like his work, okay I'm pretty sure MrEnter is too stupid and doesn't know what it even means! Yet here he is acting like a big shot.

His fan... BOYS! Now I don't mean his fans as boys obviously, but the ones over obsessed with him, nuff said...

He pretty much calls people who like different humour stupid, or messed up, or whatever just because they have a different opinion, what he fails to realise is that humour is SUBJECTIVE! He thinks so highly of himself that he needs everyone to live up to his standards. He's also a hypocrite, always contradicting his own points, especially in his Rocket Monkey and Trolls review and his satire one. Not only did he make people look stupid and wouldn't understand his points when he decided to explain... I mean whine over getting requests, instead if making a video explaining it, he labelled his whining of requests. His Trolls and Satire video, two more terrible videos, he keeps alternating on if trolls are Cyberbullies or not so he's now gonna have to telling himself to "shut up", OOPS! He also doesn't know what Satire is, his example of Satire isn't satire as he doesn't have any humour in it, or at least I didn't find any and most haven't either and the way he defines it is that the message of the satire is more important than it's humour, which is the point of it! Someone here mentioned he didn't like people nitpicking MLP FIM but I bet it's due to his biased opinions due to his love for the show and since he pretty much nitpicks shows all the time! Oh and when he said Trolling was to steal enjoyment from people or to make them angry, let's not forget that he made some reviews like his "Putting Your Hoof Down" review which angered many people as many liked the episode and the invalid points, it seems every cartoon has to be how he and his man child thoughts see it, not what kids want. He seems to always want morals to shows even though Cartoons aren't meant to be realistic and be for fun. Yes they can have morals but they don't need to be required, and while he said to separate comedy from morals, he still doesn't do that for things like "Girls Gone Mild", so hey more hypocrisy. He seems to still whine on how shows don't have morals, referring back to Tom and Jerry again, a critically acclaimed cartoon is mainly cartoon violence and usually don't need or have morals is considered bad? Yet he praised it, so can he make up his mind? Or at least fix his standards and points.

He acts pretentious saying "He should be an English teacher" in one of his worst videos, the trolls video, he's obsessively bashing cartoons he hates like TTG, he uses terms and words he doesn't know like his lame Satire writing tips and especially the definition of Trolling! And like I mentioned, if you disagree with anything he says, your a** is hauled by his butt mongrel obsessed fan-boys. I use to really like MrEnter, now he's either mediocre or terrible and it's mainly because of his attitude. He is snobby, rude and usually always thinks he's correct and those who don't think he is and even when giving a valid response, he acts like a big shot and him not accepting requests, even though every internet critic has them, even the ones with bigger fan-base so he's not special NOR is he bigger than every other critic like him who actually takes request or, or better yet... He could have IGNORED them, everyone would understand! Pretty sure only he wouldn't...

I'm fine with as long as he makes insightful, valid or clever points, since I like reviewers such as TheRetroReplay, the game reviewer. He whines and nitpicks and is overly biased, even admitting it in his Rocket Monkey review, so I don't recommend him at all... If you like or want to watch him that's fine.

The worst reviewer I have seen so far! My review had to be seriously shortened.
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If I could rate his channel with 0 stars I would
AgentFreakBunny26 December 2018
With how bad Enter's content is, you would assume he's trolling.
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