All Girls Weekend (2016) Poster

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Pretty bad
NeedAnswers10 June 2017
The premise is reasonable but the acting was terrible. The emotions of all the characters was very "canned". I would compare the quality of the acting to that of a middle school play. I hung in there until the end just to see the whole point of the story. It was pretty much a waste of time although luckily I didn't have anything else to do at the time anyway.
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Not as bad as it sounds
grey106623 August 2016
Assuming you've read the other reviews on this page, I'm skipping all the diatribe about that the budget was supposedly $1,000,000. Yes, for that amount of money this should have been much better. However, as a low budget, bare-bones horror film, it really wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I have certainly seen worse films with better reviews. The story is simple, yet ambitious, and if it fails to live up to that ambition, well...better luck next time.

The editing was iffy, the acting spotty (sometimes decent, sometimes bad), but the location is visually appealing and little things made it somewhat enjoyable to watch, if only once. I won't use spoilers, but the progression of the second-to-main character is actually fairly subtle and interesting. If you watch the beginning and the end you'll see what I mean.

In sum, is this a great film? No. Is it the worst possible film ever made? No. I found it on YouTube and the comments there are much more forgiving, perhaps because they didn't read these reviews first.
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all dump and dumper weekend
trashgang26 August 2016
This is ultra low budget for sure. Just look towards what is happening, it is a must see because this is so bad that you will love it. To give an example, the cover is the most terrifying thing to see.

It's just one big joke, there's no horror, the story itself is unbelievable and the effects if there are any are laughable too because you never see what is happening, yes, off-camera we call it. yes, the red stuff do flies here and there on faces but that doesn't make a horror flick. It takes a while before the girls set-off for a hike and by the conversations they are having and the stupid situations at home you do know immediately what kind of flick you will see. The first encounter with horror is so dull. They are sitting in the woods and after a lazy conversation one of them says, what's that smell. Suddenly all girls do smell it and what does it reveal, rotting flesh laying a bit further, admit it viewers, you would smell it instance and not after 1à minutes of yawning talking.

And so this flick goes on and on, with one girl touching some poisonous leaves while wiping her crouch, yes, you've guessed it, itching fingers and itching crouch, a must see how those girls are handling that.

So weird that this flick didn't bother me at all, and towards the end the possession of the woods comes in with stock footage of a beer. All girls weekend? Guess they are more stupid then dump and dumper.

Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0,5/5 Story 0,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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devilsadvocatered620 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes Twilight look like cinematic gold by comparison, and that is not to be taken lightly. I won't go through the entire plot here or point out all the inconsistencies, that would take all day. Instead, I'm going to be as methodical as possible and break this dumpster fire down into a few select categories: characters, story, cinematography and editing.

Characters: Fail

Story: Fail

Cinematography: Fail

Editing: Fail

1) The characters are uninteresting and terminally stupid. For example, let's say you're in a car with 4 of your buddies and the driver decides to randomly pull over. The driver then insists that everyone takes a 3 mile hike into the woods. What do you, a sane and rational person do? If you said: 'stay in the car', give yourself a cookie! If you said that's not at all suspicious and go into the woods, punch yourself in the genitals.

2) This movie takes 90 minutes to tell a story that could have been told in 15. Here, I'll do it in one sentence. Angry spirits in the woods demand sacrifice. That's about it. Everything else in the remaining 75 minutes is filler of the most asinine degree.

3) So boring to look at. This movie takes place in two locations: a house and the woods. There are exciting ways to film the outdoors, of course. The Revenant made it look awesome. This movie is just flat angles, terrible lighting and completely lacking in the language of film.

4) Holy mental deficiencies, Batman! There are editing errors all over the place here.The one sequence where one of the main characters gets chased by a bear was so badly handled that I laughed until my lungs exploded (I got better). They use stock footage of a cub, not even a full grown bear.

In closing, this is not a slasher movie as the artwork may lead you to believe. This is an attempt at a supernatural sort of affair like The Blair Witch Project...except all the creativity has been replaced by severe brain trauma. Don't watch it, for your own sake.
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This is probably the worst movie I've ever watched
singleyem31 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bad that I honestly cannot believe it was released. It's also shocking how the budget could possibly have been 1 million dollars. The acting, the script, the directing, everything about this movie is absolute trash. A girl gets frost bite on her fingers so bad that they appear gangrene yet the actress just casually makes a joke like "who's going to date me now?" or something stupid like that. No surprise, no crying, just a simple joke and laugh. It's supposedly so cold she gets frost bite instantly out of nowhere but yet you can't see their breath in any of the filming. If it was that cold then you should not only be able to see the actors breath but their faces should be rosy and look cold as well. One girl dies from being covered in leaves. Yes, leaves. That's it. And whenever someone dies the other girls just act like nothing happened. Like "oh, Sarah's dead now? OK. La-de-da". The only thing that makes this not look like it was done entirely by high schoolers is the actual filming. It's not atrocious. That is, as long as you don't count the scene with the bear that looks like it was a shot from national geographics and pasted in.

I have seen probably millions of movies at this point. I'm a movie junkie. Horror movies being my favorite. This is the worst piece of trash I've ever seen. The only reason I watched the entire thing was because I stupidly ordered it On Demand without looking it up beforehand and felt obligated to get my money's worth. I had half a mind to call my cable company to demand my money back for such trash. As I said before everything except the camera work (which was still not great) seemed as if it was done by high schoolers, maybe even middle schoolers. And it's not even funny to make fun of. I mean, my boyfriend and I did make fun of it, but it was so pathetic that it wasn't funny.

And I just have to say: whoever did the positive reviews here must know the actors or be a part of the movie production or something. I don't believe any person could actually think this movie was good in any way. I normally would never say that because I know people have different tastes in movies but this shouldn't even exist as a movie.
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Not watchable
Heef6 August 2016
You know how there is this pretense upon which we call feature length pictures which are important or exceptionally good "films", those that are merely entertaining "movies", and those that are neither "videos"? We need another name for this caliber of picture. Whatever this should be called, it is an example of the worst stuff available in that category. One of the actors is barely intelligible. All of the actors performances are stilted and feel disjointed from sentence to sentence. I don't think one could even watch this ironically. Even with MST3K voice overs you wouldn't be able to enjoy it. There are plenty of examples of better produced content on YouTube which didn't even have budgets, directors, writers, or even actors really.
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Worst film ever made?
dave-leary10 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I like to finish every film I start watching, this one was tough to get through.

I honestly don't know how to describe all girls weekend, it's just so bad in every way possible, it doesn't have a single redeeming feature - i'd go as far as saying that anyone who writes a positive review about this film is being paid or a friend of the director/cast.

You have trash like killer klowns from outer space, it's bad but you can have a laugh. Even when you really drag the bottom of the barrel for things like The Nostril Picker - again terrible film but enough wtf moments to still laugh.

This film offers nothing, it's dull, pointless, stupid even - the "deaths" if you can call them that are ridiculous, it contains the worst film death ever - it's not even bad funny, just sad.

Inspired by the descent? HOW????
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Whispers and Walking
scythertitus18 December 2018
This movie has very little to it, there are just some women in some woods walking around and sometimes talking, then sometimes there are some creepy whispers. That is actually it.

Sometimes you have so little budget that you have to cut corners, but this film takes it way too far. You can do so much more, just have good characters and interesting dialogue. Instead this is just a boring slog that does very little to entertain you.

Overall I wouldn't bother with this one, there is nearly nothing going on and it's not even like the film tries to sell itself with skin or gore as both are sparse here too. No good.
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Average modern-day slasher.
KittyKelly197612 July 2016
This film is not as great as it wants to be, but is still a cool little survival/slasher with some pretty good kill scenes in it.

I'm not going to bore everyone with a long-winded review (like I am sometimes accustomed to doing), because the premise for the film is simple, the film itself is also very simple, and laid out for you from the beginning.

Most of the girls do a pretty good (and relatively convincing) job here, and if you've got an hour to spare, this film should make you smile if you're a fan of the genre.

Direction-wise, the film delivers what it is supposed to, and there are some nice cinematography shots of the beautiful surrounding wilderness to take in (sometimes these are REALLY nice, and I wish there were more longer shots to take it all in).
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Irredeemably awful
user-575-90964023 September 2016
A solid contender for a spot in the top 10 worst movies I've ever seen - and I watch a lot of low-budget indie productions, particularly in the horror genre.

Combining the worst of a Blair Witch vibe with wooden acting and an utterly banal script and characters so paper-thin it's surprising they can stand, "All Girls Weekend" makes The Human Centipede look like it deserves an Oscar in comparison.

I saw in another review, this movie allegedly had a $1million budget - I find that hard to believe. I don't know, but if it's true it was a staggering waste of money and I can't fathom what they even spent it on.

The set is a small section of woods outdoors, save a couple of brief shots right at the start in a hotel room and a room in an abandoned building later on. The lighting, effects and production quality are all at a level you'd expect from a shoestring budget amateur production.

The plot is threadbare and what little is there doesn't make sense. Without putting in any spoilers (not that you could "spoil" this awful movie for anyone) - at one point there's a bit where there's a shot of a bear that is possibly stock footage, seeing as you don't see it in a shot with any of the cast.

Please don't waste your time with this. It was horrific, but not horror. I don't know what else to say.
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One of the best indie horror movies I've seen in a while.
lsimonesq8 April 2017
I watch a lot of indie movies, and a lot of them horror. I saw some reviews on here, and I realize that these "critics" obviously do not so I had to chime in. One guy is comparing it to "Twilight" Really? Twilight was made for hundreds of millions of dollars, so how can you possibly compare it to that? This is an indie movie, and if you watch more than just a couple you know how painful sometimes they are to watch. This was not painful at all. Acting is pretty good and the story is strong and deliberate. It has a couple of twists I wasn't expecting. The setting is beautiful and, hey, it even has a bear! My only pet peeve is that I wouldn't call this horror. I would say it's more of a thriller, but I know that film distributors these days do marketing campaigns that are very deceptive. Don't be fooled by the poster, because nothing like that remotely happens.
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Poster is a bit of a tease, but still enjoyed it
adam-6490519 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I picked this to watch on Amazon prime after looking at the poster. Who doesn't want to see 5 gorgeous women in shorts walking around in the woods? Well, I waited through the entire movie and that never happened. But, luckily, the story kept me engaged so I didn't mind it. It's about 5 friends who get lost while hiking, or so it seems. In fact, the forest is haunted and it's trapping people inside. I would give it a 10 for being original in that it's not a slasher with the women running away from a slow-moving killer, only to trip on a branch and then he's right on top of them. There's also NO nudity or Lesbian scene, so if that's what you like in horror films, you'll be very disappointed. The girls are still very easy on the eyes and, for the most part, are very good actresses. I especially liked the last 2 girls. I'm also big on the outdoors and this made me want to go the mountains this weekend. I would recommend it to others. Better than most horror films out there. I would also recommend to the filmmakers to change the poster, but I guess it got me to watch it, so maybe they shouldn't.
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A decent slasher
mike617043 August 2016
Low budget, all girl slasher. The plot is already laid out in the beginning so no confusing story-line to follow. No flashbacks just right to the point. The actresses in the movie do a pretty convincing role. There really isn't any chemistry between them but they all seem to have some good acting skills. Direction was decent, there are few scenes that were really enjoyable to watch. No shaky camera, no extreme closeups, I would give the director a thumbs up for sure. Reminds me of a low budget 80's slasher film. Most people reviewing these low budget horror movies must not have been fans of the genre. People have to realize what they are watching and if its not in the class of movies they enjoy, just don't watch it and post a 1 star rating. I have actually never rated any movie in my life a 1 star. I have seen way better movies, and I have seen way worse, but it defiantly deserves at 3.5 to 4 stars solid. What I really liked about this movie and deserves more than 2 stars is the use of practical effects. Practical effects add more of a realism to the movie and of course looks way better. Too many times have I watched a modern horror movie with digital blood and I just down right sucks and looks so bad. So props for practical effects and I hope more directors and special effects people move far away from digital effects for horror movies. Overall a good movie for someone that enjoys low budget 80's style slasher films. 4 stars for me!
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An extremely Forgettable Fiasco That Fails to Deliver Any Weekend Fun.
cottonlee-906052 February 2024
All Girls Weekend is a disaster that stumbles through a poorly crafted storyline with cringe worthy dialogue. The film's attempt at suspense falls flat, leaving audiences more perplexed than thrilled. Lackluster performances and awkward character dynamics further contribute to the tedious mishmash of clichés and uninspiring scares that leaves viewers yearning for a better movie choice. The cinematography is forgettable at best, failing to capture any essence of the supposed 'weekend getaway.' With a predictable plot and unconvincing scares, this movie is a regrettable choice for anyone seeking a remotely enjoyable cinematic experience.

Merely A tedious mishmash of clichés and uninspiring scares that leaves viewers yearning for a better movie choice.
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Pray you never have friends like these!
zamboni-366337 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was one strange little movie. For being best friends, these people sure don't like each other very much. When the one poor girl dies from her wound her friend doesn't give her a second thought. Wow. The acting is terrible. The plot is non-existent. The ending is stupid. I give this movie two stars instead of one because in the very beginning I got a genuine good laugh seeing a poster for this very movie hanging up on the wall of the house they were in.
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Let's See...
tmccull5225 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Here, we have the usual formula for this type of movie. Five long-time friends head off for a weekend of wilderness fun, to reconnect and renew the bonds of their friendships. We have Daniela and Gem, Stephanie, Nancy, and Annie. Daniela, Stephanie, Gem, and Nancy have been friends since high school. Annie is a friend of Nancy's, whom Nancy invited along on this weekend excursion on her own, without letting any of the others know.

Despite this unexpected development, Daniela, Gem, and Stephanie welcome Annie into the group, and take her along for this weekend of camaraderie and bonding. The group goes zip-lining, and after this they head out again.

While on their way to the next "planned" event, Daniela decides to make an unexpected stop. There's this trail, you see, with a gorgeous view of the forest at the end of the trail. The girls reach the end of the trail, enjoy the view, and the horror hijinks begin. Let's run down the list of the usual plot devices:

1.) None of the girls' phones has any cell service.

2.) They are poorly equipped for woodsland/wilderness fun.

3.) The one girl who was thoughtful enough to pack protein bars for everyone, Gem, eats them all, because she "forgot" that the others might get hungry, too.

The problems don't stop there. For long-time friends, there is zero chemistry between them... none. As it turns out, Daniela and Nancy can barely stand one another, because Nancy used to tease Daniela about being overweight in high school.

As it turns out, Daniela brought her friends to this particular stretch of woods because she knew it was cursed. It was necessary for them all to die do that she can be freed from the curse.

Annie dies Friday m blood loss and hypothermia. Stephanie is smothered by dead leaves. Gem is killed by Daniela, and Daniela is killed by the angry spirits in the woods. Only Nancy survives, but oh no! The curse is passed on from Daniela to Nancy, who swears to the angry spirits to bring more victims to be sacrificed.

The end.

Among the dumber events in the movie, Nancy manages to kill a grizzly bear by "stabbing it in the jugular". She admits to Daniela that she was lucky to kill the bear, as she really wasn't sure where it's jugular was. And then there's the fact that the knife that she had miraculously killed the bear with had all of a three inch blade. Mind you, one needs to get quite close in pitched combat for one's life with a grizzly bear, but Nancy doesn't have so much as a scratch on her from the fierce struggle. She even managed to kill the bear with a small knife and an already injured hand.

This movie tries to be a blend of "The Blair Witch", "The Descent", and "Evil Dead", and fails miserably on each count. The locations in the film we're decent, but virtually everything else was abysmal.
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elliemayes-9160722 September 2021
I'm not even gonna lie. I started following the director on Face Book. Thought I'd support females in the biz. She pumped up this film with all the "awards" and where it was released I got all excited when it popped up on Prime. After 10 minutes I thought it must be a different film. It's beyond amateurish. Flat angles, lighting, just all bad. Dumb script. Literally makes no sense. No cohesion. It's as if they're written over night.

From the looks of reviews on this film and others, the director is either delusional or just a complete fraud. I get having dreams and trying to sell yourself in Hollywood, but I'd be embarrassed to have my name attached to this one. Definitely wouldn't be bragging and giving myself a pat on the back for how quickly I write scripts and pump out films if this is the result.
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With every birth there is blood.
nogodnomasters6 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Five girls go for a hike in the woods and get lost. The woods is cursed and they walk in circles unable to leave. One by one they succumb to the elements.

Their living room is filled with "B" movie posters, mostly from other films by Lou Simon having a D-lister ego-fest. The dialogue and characters failed to engage me. The special effects were meager.
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Shockingly bad.
ru_thaker5 April 2020
The acting is so bad, it's shocking. Overall quite unwatchable.
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A really enjoyable way to spend an hour and a half
alliedrealtyinc12 April 2017
I met the director at an event, and she asked me to watch the film on Amazon Prime and write a review to undo so many trolls on here. After reading the reviews on this page, I see exactly what she means. People who enjoy the film just watch it, and people who have nothing better to do with their time, feel the need to trash other people's hard work. For starters, this is a low-budget, independent film and should be compared to other similar projects. I feel sometimes like there should be a separate section for independent films on these film websites so people can know the difference. I watch films for their story. When I saw that it was about 5 women in the woods, I rolled my eyes thinking I've seen this before a million times. But I was pleasantly surprised, that it was a very different film. It's not some guy with a machete, it's something very unique and I really appreciated that. There's very little that hasn't been done in horror. I also really enjoyed the acting, which is not always the case in these lower budget films. It reminded me a little of The Descent, with the all-female cast, but obviously on a much lower budget.
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Fun /movie
jakewills-7600811 March 2017
I was pleasantly surprised by this film. It is enjoyable and I was curious as to how it was going to end. The lead playing Nancy did an outstanding job carrying the film throughout. The locations are pretty and added to the mystery. It was a fun movie to watch and I would recommend it to anyone.
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5/10 because it's smack in the middle
jamesalmos26 April 2018
Obviously the 9 and 10 reviews here are from cast/crew/friends/etc. Might be one from a real person, but it's unlikely.

This is yet another entry in the perennial "attractive young people go somewhere off the beaten path and encounter a deadly threat" trope set.

If you're a horror fan at heart, that's not so bothersome. It's been done a million times, but that doesn't change the fact that this is the same basic premise for many films that we now term classics.

Original, this is not. But that doesn't make it inherently bad.

In terms of executing that basic plot structure, this film strikes me as standing out for no other reason than it doesn't stand out at all. It's entirely middle-of-the-road from start to finish. The script, the acting, the effects, the sound, you name it: none of it is particularly bad nor particularly good.

It all pans out to be exactly mediocre.

Though, on a personal note, gotta say I'm a fan of Katie Carpenter.
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Anything Goes. As Long As It Goes Slow
bemyfriend-401841 May 2021
Slow. Ass-pulled storyline. Tedious. Annoying. Gets three stars because for a while, it was "what will happen next?" Then, I stopped caring what would happen next, because I didn't like any of the characters. Also the villain was some supernatural force, which did things; but had no discernable manifestation. So, anything could happen, and still fit into this anything-goes storyline. Seen on Tubi, the free streaming site.
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The woods are lovely, dark and deep
Wuchakk6 August 2020
Five young women take a hike in the woods in northern Georgia during the mild winter. They face mysterious injuries and worse. Why?

"All Girls Weekend" (2016) is a low-budget indie adventure/horror that combines elements of "The Blair Witch Project" (1999), "The Edge" (1997) and "The Woods" (2006). It's not great like "The Edge" but it's about on par with the other two despite its low-rent status.

The acting is shaky at first, but the no-name cast rises to the challenge. None of the women are babelicious, but they're a'right with Gem (GiGi Calero) and Dani (Katie Carpenter) kinda fetching. Nancy (Jamie Bernadette) is a little reminiscent of Ensign Ro from TNG, albeit with three-times the attitude. Fortunately, she becomes more human as the story progresses.

The sylvan fall/winter locations are gorgeous, especially the early overhead shot and the Boerum Mill ruins; meanwhile the score is proficient. One critic complained about the supposedly amateurish editing (e.g. the camera turns to an actor, pauses; she talks. Then cuts to the next actor, pauses; and she talks). Actually, everything flowed well as far as this goes; editing is only an issue when it annoyingly calls attention to itself.

There's more to the story than first meets the eye; good job on this front. Whether or not you like the movie depends on if you appreciate lost-in-the-woods type stories. I do and enjoyed quite a bit of it, but some parts are kinda dull or unpalatable and the movie needed the presence of a standout actress to draw the viewer's attention.

The film runs 1 hour, 25 minutes, and was shot in northern Georgia (Cumming, Marietta, Buford, East Point & Atlanta).

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Good flick if you adjust your expectations
dreamhomesinv-4200027 September 2016
First, I wish that film distributors would stop doing artwork that doesn't match anything that remotely happens in the film. Also, please don't do trailers that show all the good parts of the film. That being said, I really enjoyed this film. It was a fun, low-budget adventure with some horrific aspects to it, but it's not a gore fest or a big jump scare fest. It has a fun story with a supernatural twist to it, but the part that I enjoyed the most was the adventure part of it. I got lost in the grand canyon, so to me, that is a scary situation regardless of anything supernatural. Acting is a lot better than other low budget films I watch, and there were some funny parts to it. I really enjoyed the views, especially the scenes in the snow. If you're not expecting a high budget, Hollywood gore-fest, you will enjoy it too.
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