Atrocious (2015) Poster


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Watch At Your Own Risk
hbeeinc22 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you sat down and thought about everything horrible thing you'd want to see on film, you'd get this movie. Both the physical and mental violence go way over the top. It's compelling enough, though, that I stuck with it to the end...although the end disappointed with some weird afterthought of a plot you know nothing about and a violent dues ex machina at the end.

A woman gets run over by two drunks. The cops throw them in the cop car. An inspector comes by, check out the car, pockets the gun he finds and discovers a camcorder. Turning it on, he finds a record of the planning and brutal torture and killing of a transvestite prostitute. We're talking BRUTAL. The effects induce nausea. The perpetrators obvious enjoy the depravity they engage in. And it's dark, horrific stuff. Honestly. No joke.

The perpetrators get taken to jail where they're similarly tortured by the cops, Abu Grahib style. One finally cracks and tells them where the prostitute was killed. While investigating it, the cops find other tapes worse than the original one. Yes. Worse. One involves another prostitute. The other is a home movie about his family and the background that spurred his psychosis.

There's no good characters in this. Everyone sucks as a person. That said, the acting is pretty good. The victims look like victims rather than just people screaming. It's also too amoral to be depressing. You get too overwhelmed by violence and cruelty for it to have any effect.

I would have rated this higher if it hadn't been for the miserable "let's make a statement" ending that comes out of left field and the appearance spoilers.

If you have a strong stomach, give it a shot.
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An Extreme(ly Dumb) Movie
Humdinger698 October 2018
I've got a lot to talk about, but I'll try to keep this as spoiler-free as possible.

You ever seen a movie that's just so eager to shock and repulse that it goes so over-the-top to the point of being unintentionally comedic in it's childishly single-minded nature? We need a new label for this type of stuff. We've all heard of so-bad-it's-good, how 'bout so-extreme-it's-funny? This is one of those movies that, as a whole, could've been very entertaining as extreme over-the-top trash if it wasn't so g*dd*mn stupid, or at least didn't take itself so seriously. Nothing worse than exploitation trash that shoots above its head.

The movie tells the story of two sadistic killers who are caught by police after they get into a car accident, killing a pedestrian. The police commander finds one of their video tapes with reveals the torture and murder of a transvestite prostitute, prompting further investigation (aka police torturing the killers for information... right) and the discovery of more tapes. The story of the killers unfolds through three confiscated videotapes with the police interrogation as the wraparound.

The first tape featuring the aforementioned murder of the transvestite is unusually nasty but mostly dull torture porn. Same for the second tape which shows the murder of another random girl during an aberrant sex scene and then some nasty things are done to her corpse. But it also raises some more questions about the killers motives which are promised to be answered in the third tape, a VHS showing the killers extremely abusive childhood.

In reality, it explains nothing at all about the motives of the first or second murder, actually causing even more confusion. However, this is the segment that, at first, comes the closest to being legitimately disturbing. This goes right out the window later on, when it shows two scenes so ridiculously over-the-top in their attempts to sicken (that come directly after each other no less) that I immediately bust out laughing (something's wrong with me).

As with most found-footage films, there is no adequate explanation provided for why anybody keeps recording during all of this.

Then back to the police station, there is a twist that still explains nothing, and ANOTHER twist that makes zero sense.

So the only reason this gets points is for it's entertainingly childish shock tactics. But one can't help thinking how this could've been a truly grueling experience if placed in the right hands, or something akin to a more extreme Troma if they went the other route.
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Everything They Said About This Film Is True.
redrobin62-321-2073113 November 2019
Brutal beyond compare, this movie ranks up there with the likes of Marian Dora, Lucifer Valentine, August Underground, Snuff 102, Salo, A Serbian Film and Cannibal Holocaust as among the most difficult films to stomach. Interestingly, there is a plot to "Atroz" amid the graphic decadence that makes viewing it worth it. Sure, this film isn't for everyone, and I'm quite convinced the $67 it made in theatres was because of people like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, the Green River Killer and so on.
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huajuco-780094 December 2020
I was gonna give this movie a 2 but after seeing the estimated budget everything makes much more sense. The audio mixing is terribly done, and the story could have been written better, especially the conspiracy part. Same with the special effects.

I cant really recommend this movie.
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Surprise Zombie Twist
cyberknight18 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert! I'm going to tell the whole story, though there is not much to tell.

A woman is hit and killed by a car driven by two drunken men. A police investigator is called to the crime scene and, disregarding all protocols, inspects the car. In the glove compartment, he finds a video camera and a tape. Watching the recording, he finds out the two men had kidnapped, tortured and killed a male transvestite prostitute.

After torturing the two men for a confession about the prostitute's body, the police finds the hideout and, there, an old VHS tape.

Back at the station, the investigator calls the man that killed the prostitute (his accomplice recorded it) and plays back the old tape. It's a footage of the man's parents finding out about his homosexuality. The father proceeds to rape his son, while the mother watches. After that, the father forces his son to dress like a transvestite prostitute and drops him at school.

Later, on the same VHS tape, it's shown the man purchasing a gun and drugs, which he uses to dope his parents for a revenge. He forces his mother to wear a strap-on rubber phallus, covered with barbed wire, and rape his father with it.

After killing his parents, the man has a stupid fight with his sister, his accomplice on their parents murder, and kind of accidentally cuts her throat. He gets excited seen her covered with blood and masturbates over her dead body.

Twist alert! The investigator has two surprises, first, the prostitute was a close friend of him (or family, I couldn't care less), and second, the man's sister wasn't dead! She's now grey, with a bad hair, wields a knife and is seeking revenge, so, the investigator puts them together and... Credits roll.

This film is a big mess. It starts stating that 98% of murder cases in Mexico go unsolved. I don't know if that's true or not, and it really doesn't matter, because it's thoroughly irrelevant to the story, and gives the film a bad segregationist taste.

Most of the runtime is found-footage garbage (shaky camera, bad angles, bad sound, bad "acting" etc.), what wouldn't really be a problem, if they were believable. The first footage (prostitute's torture session) is plausible (though barely), because the criminals are idiots, so, yeah, why not record their crime for posterity, right? The second footage (VHS compilation) is insanely preposterous:

* Why would there be a VHS camera recording in the man's room?

* Why was there a VHS camera recording the man and his father in the car at school (by the angle, and considering the size of a VHS camera at the time, it would have to be hanging out of the car's window)?

* Why was there a VHS camera at the drugs/weapons dealer scene? Didn't the dealer notice the "small," noisy monster VHS camera under its nose?

* How did no one notice a VHS camera recording in the kitchen when the man's parents were drugged?

* The man's sister probably helped filming their father's rape by their mother, but how in hell did they manage to stick a VHS camera inside the father's rectum (yes, the film shows the barbed-wire-covered rubber phallus moving forth and back inside the father's rectum)? I mean, not even all lubricant in the universe could possibly allow a VHS camera AND a barbed-wire-covered rubber phallus inside someone's rear end, or am I wrong? I'm kind of sure that the VHS camera would do a lot more damage than the barbed-wire...

* Why the hell did the man and his sister put the VHS camera to record their boring, nonsensical conversation on the aftermath of their parents' murders (the one that ends with the man killing his sister)? They are clean and tidy, so that probably happened a good time after they killed their parents and, probably, disposed of their bodies. I mean, it was VHS, people didn't go around recording everything, all the time, because it sucked to carry the camera and the tapes around (and the power cable, because the batteries didn't last that long).

Considering that very little happens in this film, there's a lot of loose ends:

* How did the man's sister become a zombie? Or, otherwise, how did she survive having her throat being cut open? And, in that case, why did she turn grey?

* What happened to the man's friend (the one that helped kidnapping the prostitute)? He's never shown again after the police torture scene. Did the police kill him? Will it come back grey, with a bad hair and thirsty for revenge?

All in all, it's a no-mystery, no-thrills thriller, just a very lame excuse for torture porn, with a forced twist ("look, you failed to kill your sister, now she's here to kill you," and, for some reason, the actress is painted grey, so, what, is this a surprise zombie film?!)

The best thing about this film is its IMDb score: how on earth/hell can this piece of junk have a score above 1?
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1 because 0 is not an option.
metalium-289427 February 2022
Read the title above and that's all you need to know about this 'movie'.

A wothless, unecessary, and sick attempt to make a found-footage film just as an excuse to show how sadistic and sick a person can be.
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jlanderos70618 October 2019
You will wince a few times in this movie. If not from the the graphic scenes, from the camera movement. It starts off very rough and seems to just be a snuff film. Glad I kept on and saw the bit of story develop.
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Very nasty and sadistic
Indyrod2 June 2018
This extremely sadistic movie has a little bit of story for me. It was number one on my Want List, and as usual I searched a little on the Net, and it was nowhere to be found, let alone with English subtitles. So I took a chance and requested it through my local library, never thinking they would actually order it. So, I ordered it for practically nothing from Amazon, and got it a few days ago, and then found out the library HAD ordered it. That's ok, because after just watching it, I'm glad I have the official DVD release.

This Mexican movie is about two sadistic serial killers that get caught after they kill a girl in a traffic accident and arrested. In investigating the incident, the detective discovers some video tapes the two made of their very brutal killings. So a lot of what you see, are the contents of these insanely brutal and sick videos of the torture and killing of their victims. Some events will probably be too much for some viewers, but I thought the whole movie was very very well done and realistic. The videos are very intensely graphic, and borderline X rated and would never play in a theater at least here in the States. There is one set of scenes, where some parents discover their oldest Son is gay, and the Father humiliates him as sadistic as you could. Later, and these are the scenes that affected me the most, is the Son getting revenge on his Father and Mother. What he does to them, I won't reveal but believe me, it could not be anymore extreme and brutal, and a little hard to watch. So to sum this up, this is a movie that is hard to recommend except to people like ME, that have seen the hardest core movies ever released, and that is what I want. As I said, it is sadistic, bloody, and even the police hold nothing back in trying to get a confession from the killers. If you are not a fan of the sick and twisted, and very graphic, then stay away. I present this movie with my Gorehound Delight honor, my highest award to any movie in the genre. One extremely nasty movie, and I loved it. 4/5
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August Underground but not as nasty and with cheap FX.
Jester2225 August 2022
This film tries too hard to be AU and falls short. It does have a storyline and ok acting in places but the camera work is dreadful (and I'm not talking about the found footage parts which at least have an excuse for being bad) The gore make up is pretty poor also. Shame.

They did try to push it to the extreme but had a long way to go. Worst you get is a little poo and pee.

Some scenes were filmed on camcorder yet not explained why?

I had heard about the film and wondered if would live up to the hype. Sadly as usual it didn't.

It's an OK attempt a d will be too much for the standard horror fan but gorehounds will wish they had spent a bit more time on realistic fx and less on fake poo. Ha ha.

Watch TRAUMA instead. A far superior film in all ways.
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Lpcabrera4 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Incredibly grotesque, a sordid, creative film, an experimentally crude story, but with a great value in Mexican cinema making a big difference in contemporary terror, strong but different, tells a conventional story from where everything, fetish, traumas And other elements that form the profile of a maniac, a serial killer who walks loose and films snuff films for fun.
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Very unsatisfying
jtindahouse1 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love horror. And I love the most downright awful, vile and despicable horror I can get my hands on. But it still has to feel like a movie. It still has to feel like there is a point. Just showing us clip after clip of the most horrific things that can happen to a person isn't enough. The movie did have a chance to justify everything at the end, but it let that slip too.

To get into some spoilers, the movie shows us some awful torture scenes, then is shows us a little bit of an explanation about why the guy doing these things is so messed up. Then at the end the movie sets itself up perfectly with a character from earlier coming back with an opportunity to take revenge on behalf of herself and every other victim we have seen in the movie. The character moves forward with a dangerous smirk on her face. And then the credits roll. Sigh.

Of all the things we have had to sit through and watch happen to innocent people, we couldn't get to see even a minute of revenge taken on the perpetrator? It makes no sense. That was very disappointing.

The movie is pretty messed up and if that's all you care about then you might just have a good time. If you're like me though and need more structure and purpose then you will probably struggle with it. 4/10.
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Brutal, but no animal violence, so there's that!
rob-haskins25 December 2021
Atroz deserves its reputation, no doubt. The violence it depicts is excessive and disturbing, but not gratuitous. (I can't say the same for a lot of recent Hollywood torture porn I've seen, which I find incredibly cynical.)

I had to finish this film over several days-and it's not a long film-but I finished it, and that always carries a lot of weight with my overall impression of a film's worth. You've been warned, but if you're ready for very realistic atrocity, you should watch this film.
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August Underground + A Real Plot!
itrevorallen6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Short review, but this movie is spectacular and bridges found footage with extreme cinema perfectly. Another user already compared this to Marian Dora's work or A Serbian Film and it is justified. CERTAINLY not a film for everyone, and I'd steer anyone borderline on watching it away from the film, unless your familiar with other brutal pieces.

6/10 from me. The plot existed but fell short, and the stupid "SiStEr iS aLiVe" thing took the movie down a huge "peg" for me.
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A Way Better Version Of August Underground.
DarkSpotOn25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that will constantly keep you interested. It never gets boring, but it does get confusing at times. Pretty much it's a movie about how Mexico is crime-infected. Pretty much two killers accidentally had a car crash. Nobody ever captured them, until the crash. We then get our main "hero who", that finds the camera they own. In the camera, we find how nobody even noticed, that they found a transgender woman, that they decided to torture and kill. Because of this, the two get beaten up by the police, until one of them says where the location of the murder is. The police go there and find two tapes. One where one of the two kills and rapes a prostitute. While the other tape is pretty much the history behind the killers, that he grew up in abuse. He grew up in a homophobic family, where his father and mother abused him for being bisexual or gay. Well, that's when he decides enough is enough, and he along with his sister went and kill both of their parents in a gruesome way. His sister then was turned on and was about to have intercourse with the brother, but the brother could not get a hard-on, so she says that he actually might be gay, which makes him rage, and tries to kill his sister. The ending is amazing, the police officer shows him that his buddy killed himself and that his sister is alive, and that she is responsible for other murders, and far as I understood, the transgender is a family member of the police officer, so the officer lets the sister do the justice both for him and her. This film is what August Underground could have been with a plot. I never got bored watching the film, i only got confused at times. If you are not a shock film fan, i doubt you will watch this, however, if you liked movies like Guinea Pig, The Butcher, Grotesque, and Hostel, this might be your cup of tea.
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ocosis8 January 2020
Laughable torture porn wannabe for zeros.

Moronic to say the least.

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It was good - now I never want to see it again
Der_Schnibbler28 February 2023
A sadistic serial killer films his exploits with his sidekick until a cop finds one of their tapes, leading to the discovery of additional tapes. It's through the playback of these recordings that we see what the killer has done and, eventually, what happened to him before he became that way.

This movie is extremely nasty, sadistic, gory, and just gross. It makes the Japanese GROTESQUE look like a Sunday morning cartoon.

Is there a story here? Sure, there's a commentary on how Mexican society treats people who are, uh, different. Yes, very poignant, very relevant. Then there's some last-minute twist in the end that tries to wrap it all up that was like, huh? But it's still better than low budget nonsense like that AUGUST UNDERGROUND thing everyone here keeps comparing it to.

Is a film like this "good"? It depends how you define it. If it's to entertain, then no. This is not a horror film that provides you with safe scares in the comfort of your own home. It's not even a horror film.

But does it shock? Does it push the envelope? Does it do it with at least a halfway plausible motivation? I'd say that there it succeeds. And in that sense, I want to say that yes, it is good. But let's be clear about one thing.

If a movie of this kind does its job right, then it's not something you should ever want to see again. Much like the French MARTYRS, its images will haunt you long after, if not for a lifetime.

So yes. ATROZ is good, man. And definitely worth a watch for those who don't get queasy easily.

Someone said it's boring. It's not.

Someone said it's like that AUGUST thing but with "bad special effects."Haha. No. It's better. Shut up.

Watch it if you're not eating, then give yourself a pat on the back for checking it off your nasties list.
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Best movie ever in the genre
koddie-8375326 January 2021
Through the years i seen many of these kind of movies and honestly, atroz is still the best in his kind, for me. I hope they make more like this.
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