Plank Face (2016) Poster


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Breaking a Man or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Testicles
andyunderhill7225 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start with Plank Face? It's so weird that I felt like I needed to share my thoughts but I have no idea where to start. I picked this up at Cinema Wasteland and first I have to say that I don't DISLIKE the film at all. I do not think it's a bad film. Don't let my 5/10 give you the wrong idea, I use the 10 scale where 5 means I'm really in the middle.

The film is about a man who is kidnapped and raped by a feral mountain family with the goal of turning him into their new alpha, except that he is accepts that position in an unbelievably short amount of time. That's technically a spoiler except the back of the box gives it away; it gives only the question "Will he be broken or find their ways alluring?" (leaving out the third option clearly points in the direction they chose). This is where the film loses me most. The main character goes from being tortured, raped, force fed testicles, and treated like a thing yet in the course of what the film makes seem like only a FEW DAYS he totally changes his entire outlook on everything in life, abandoning everything from his past including loved ones he fought so hard to protect just days earlier. Why? Well, who knows. The film definitely doesn't explain his change of attitude. Not only does he join the family, he is totally cool with ALL of them including the ones who tortured him most. I could have bought his turn more if he killed Grandma and The Bride, leaving the only crazy family member who consistently treated him well. As is his disregard for "the old ways" is so jarring and out of nowhere that I could no longer enjoy the story. The way the story was presented to me I did not believe at all why he would suddenly murder innocent people for a family that nailed his feet to the floor and raped him. While on topic of the story the pacing of this felt very off. Act 1 is pretty perfect but after that I quickly found myself bored and distracted, constantly feeling like NOTHING was happening in movie.

Okay so I really disliked the story. What about the rest? Well the lead actor plays his role well. The rest of the family also plays their roles really well, as they were written at least. They're weird, they don't talk, they randomly picked this dude as opposed to any of the dozen of other male victims they've had (who is to say any of the other guys they killed would have been ready to murder?). But again, as they were written, the cast did nail the themes and looks they were aiming for. Full success from all of the actors for the family. Max's girlfriend in the film is given little to do so becomes forgettable to me and we get a fantastic cameo from Dave Parker who is also given little but elevates his creep factor to 11.

If you are expecting a slasher film, which would be fair given the cover and the trailer, you will be let down. There are only a few kills in the film and they're okay. However this is NOT a slasher film and isn't really meant to be, it's a psychological horror. It's meant to make you uncomfortable, which it does in spades. The gore factor here is unimportant, but if that's what you want there is little to have.

I know I'm speaking a lot of ill but I have to also say the following positives: The film LOOK amazing. It's well shot, well lit, and just the overall cinematography is great. The music is probably my favorite music in a horror film in recent memory. The creepy synths and slow beats compliment the film in a really beautiful way and when the story was losing me, the music usually roped me back in. Brian Williams did multiple things on this film, but deserves (in my opinion) the largest praise possible for the score.

So is Plank Face bad? Not at all, regardless of how the first chunk of my review read. Now I do absolutely think the script has some major problems with story telling and showing the main character's arc and that's a big deal to me. But the other bits really come down to pure subjectivity: This is CLEARLY not my kind of film. I am not the target audience for Plank Face at all. I prefer light, fun horror and this was a harsh, visceral, psychological story which is well shot, well acted, and very well scored.

Do I still think it has some major script issues? Yes, I can love films in genres I don't enjoy if the story is strong. However, the film DOES do so much else SO RIGHT that if you're a fan of deeper, darker, more serious horror you will very likely enjoy the film.

I recommend the film for those people that this sounds appealing to, I am confident that you will love it. But it was a mixed bag for me.
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Different, but not different enough
Groverdox17 July 2018
"Plank Face" is a strange horror movie that largely eschews scares and gore in favour of sex and nudity. It takes a run at doing something that I think is fairly unique, or would be, if it had been pulled off a little better.

For a "unique" film, it opens with stunningly familiar material, in which we see the bad guys kill some people. Slashers so often begin with this - think "Scream" and "Halloween". If that's not familiar enough, it even ticks off the most famous of the horror movie "rules": having sex gets you killed.

The movie then lurches into more unfamiliar territory, with a credit sequence that, unlike its opening scene, does not seem to belong to a typical slasher. We are introduced to the protagonist, a hipster-slash-outdoorsman, and his girlfriend, who are hiking through the woods. There, they run into another hipster-type, who chokes out the protagonist (in a fairly unrealistic scene). The protagonist comes to, and finds the other hipster raping his girlfriend. He promptly murders her.

None of this is as shocking as you'd expect; it just doesn't connect. It's handled unbelievably, and I think a large part is the pacing: this all happens before you know what's what.

Next, the young man is imprisoned by some yahoos who live out in the woods. First, they torture him by hammering a nail into his foot - which also seems pretty unrealistic as there's not enough blood or pain from the actor - and then they force him to eat offal.

Soon - much too soon, I might add - our hipster/outdoorsman is a happy member of the tribe, if that's what it is.

Throughout the ordeal he never loses his cover-boy sheen, as though the hut these people live in is actually on the beaches of Malibu. You would expect some kind of physical transformation to go with his caveman-like regression. You don't get it, unless you count the titular Plankface, and constant nakedness.

Why does the protagonist fall in line with these cannibal freaks so quickly? Was the part at the beginning with the rapist-hipster supposed to show that he had something caveman-like in his nature?

The plot of the film is different; the handling, unfortunately, is not different enough.
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Shows a Lot of Promise
TheRedDeath3028 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like there is horror to be found everywhere nowadays. No, I am not making a comment on the 6:00 news (though there is plenty of horror there as well), I mean the horror genre. Even 15 years ago, most horror fans got their horror at the local theater. If you were lucky enough to live close to a city, there was usually one that showed underground horror. Most often, you picked up a DVD at Blockbuster and hoped it didn't suck. There wasn't any real forum to discuss and share movies and there certainly weren't streaming sites. So much is different now, with the explosion of sites like that offer streaming movies, some even catering specifically to the horror fan. Conventions give indie filmmakers the chance to push their latest film.

Where once you had trouble finding something new and exciting, now it can be hard to wade through the mass of directors promoting their film on your social media feed and trying to decide what is worth your time. FAR too often, most of these indie films are just generic rehashes of things you have seen a hundred times over and offer nothing original, but there are movies that show some real talent and the work of actors and directors who show real promise. This is one of those movies. I am not going to tell you it's perfect, or even great, but it's good and that's more than can be said for most of what I see in the reviews column of your favorite horror magazine anymore.

Director Scott Schirmer's work is picking up a lot of buzz in the horror communities that I hang around and there is good reason for it if this movie is any indication. It's mostly another variation on the Sawney Bean story, which has been done to death in horror and one of the biggest negatives (to me) about this movie. A group of backwoods cannibals murder campers who have encroached on their territory. Only this one is different. We have three women and their man. In our opening murder scene, the man is injured, leaving a gap in the family. The matron of the family must find them another protector, so they kidnap a camper and begin the process of breaking him down and inducting him into their family.

It is this angle on the storyline that makes this unique. Yes, we get a few murders and some campers die along the way. We have plenty of cannibalism, as well. These scenes are not the main focus of the film, though. This is far from being THE HILLS HAVE EYES or WRONG TURN. Instead, the movie plays along an almost psychological edge. The bulk of the movie is about the three women slowly breaking the man down, ridding him of his taboos, breaking him of his dominance and ultimately trying to eliminate his past and his self, as he becomes one of their clan.

I am not going to get on my soapbox and preach about supporting indie horror. I recognize that there are plenty of people who just don't like it and don't get it. If you are going to judge the movie on its' budget limitations, or some occasionally stilted acting, then there's probably another CONJURING clone that you can find to watch. I'm not going to tell you this is a masterpiece, but this is a director who clearly has a good eye for shots and angles and interesting film making technique. These are actors and crew clearly devoted to making a good movie with something different to say. While absolutely not a movie for the squeamish or the prudish, if you dig indie horror, give this a chance.
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Graphic shot-on-video horror
Leofwine_draca22 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
PLANK FACE starts off as your usual wood-dwelling psycho movie replete with bloody violence before turning into a copy of the Italian cannibal film. The latter sequences feature graphic nudity, sex, and little gory cannibal gut-munching that fans of indie horror are sure to lap up. It's fairly hard-hitting, despite the low budget, but not at all convincing, and I was put off by the weak performances and bog-standard direction.
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jkidman0824 October 2021
Good start but went down right from where it begins to be interesting. No story and too many flaws makes this film trash. I was disappointed hoping something will be interesting to come up but it goes worst as the film proceeds. It was a waste of time invested. 4/10.
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I Wish You Didn't Spend Your Money
olcayozfirat27 February 2022
I got burned, you don't get burned. It's a 2016 horror movie. The acting is so amateur that you can see it as soon as you open the movie. Imdb rating is very high compared to this movie. In the movie, there are cannibals living in the forest, just like their counterparts. They are adopting someone. There is no limit to sexuality and nudity. I usually have incompatibility with Scandinavian films. I thought the movie was the movie of those regions, but it was American made. There was a similar mask in the movie cub - werb.
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Low Budget, but fearless acting and it entertained me
HorrorFilmHellion14 April 2022
If you follow any of Scott Schirmer's work, you will be familiar with a couple more effective titles, such as Found and Harvest Lake. These are examples where low-to-no budget can be great entertainment, if not just a bizarre experience to hold your attention. The questionable title aside, this one was great, all things considered. It's done on a very limited budget, but the heart is in it, the actors are giving 100% of their ability, and it just ends up working. The actors are comfortable in their skin and their ability to be fearless with the script really adds a lot to this premise. Even though it's hit and miss on what the Ellie Church posse comes up with, they put in the effort as independent film makers. Plank Face is not perfect. There's a lot of missing lore that would otherwise fill in many plot holes or plausibility acceptance (and would risk the runtime becoming too long), but I did enjoy this one without getting hung up on the details. The acting, direction, ending, and overall production made this one of the better ones in I/Low Budget category.
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Not good don't watch
johnspwn12 April 2022
This may be the most graphic (nudity gore ect) and upsetting/ unsettling film I have ever seen. This is one of those films you really wish you couldunwatch. Garbage.
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Sick or genius?
kosmasp1 October 2022
No pun intended - and I may be exaggerating with the genius part ... maybe. But it is a movie where I think you won't have no feelings about. You'll either be fully on board or you will hate this. Yes I think that it will make you feel strong about it! No doubt about that.

Because the movie - well it is more than just a horror movie. More than a slasher - if you even would call it that. Because while it may look that way in the beginning - well you will find out quite quickly, there is more to it. And there is some foreshadowing to the main character. And boy he is brave ... he goes places ... I am not sure many would have the ... well you know what to do what he does. If I said tennis balls, would it make sense and not be offensive? We'll find out I assume. One thing is for sure, the movie has a lot of nudity, but also a lot of sick stuff ... this is definitely not for the sensitive people out there ... legacy? Maybe ... but definitely psychologically complex ...
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From gritty to simply gross
okpilak16 August 2023
At the start, a couple is parked by the side of a road in a forested area, and they decide they want to get frisky. After all, from a fire tower they didn't see anyone for miles around. Bad decision. Later a couple are headed into the forest to camp out. They are assaulted, and the man winds up in a primitive cabin. There are three women inside. A grandmother type, a mother type and a younger woman. The younger woman wears a Halloween type bunny mask. They are not very coherent and they hammer the point that he is not going to escape. It is a scenario that they are very feral, living with some interesting culinary habits. They are not particularly verbal. The man, Max, seems to understand that he is not going to go anywhere, no matter how circumstances may change. And this is where I feel the movie lost its way. For me, it fell flat, and they threw in the gross factor.
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An interesting take on a horror film.
ja-roth28 February 2017
This has now been moved to my top five of favorite films. The film is about a family who lives in a cabin, and through various circumstances they find themselves looking for a new member of their family. The make up which was done by Producer, and actress Ellie Church, was amazing. Be warned this is not a slasher film, it's something entirely different, and there's not that much dialogue in the film which, in my opinion makes it similar to Wall-E. The performances are amazing, with stand outs being Brigid Macaulay as the Bride, Alyss Winkler as Bunny Girl, Nathan Barret as Plank Face, and Susan M. Martin as Granny. They all get emotions across without body language and facial reactions, and not dialogue. I highly recommend this film. I watched it on Amazon Prime and will be picking up the blu-ray at a convention later this year!
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Decent Horror
arfdawg-14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Somewhat uniu horror story regarding some backwoods psuedo female cannibals who want to covert a long heaired stud to thier ewird ways.

The character with the rabbit mask sort of detracts from the story because the mask is plastic and clearly from Halloween.

The cannibals (at least i think they are cannibals -- they seem to have eaten part of the original Plank Man) speak a language that is not english.

They basically threaten him with nailing parts of his body to the floor boards when he doesnt comply.

What makes no sense about movies like this is what happens when reality comes in? Like when he has to poop. I mean eventually he has to right? Plus there is no thought about a festering wound from using giant rusty nails.

Maybe I'm being picky. Overall it's an interesting concept that is way too slow and sort of takes way to long to get where it's going. However after quite a bit of torture he does get to have a nice BJ by one of the hotter chicks who then mounts him.

Rabbit mask chick -- whose body is even hotter moutns him later but somehow he doesnt like it so he rapes her. Make sense? Didnt think so.

I guess there are advantages to being a Plank Face. Except the director/writer who is a woman tells you where her sick head is REALLY at by the meals she keeps making old Plankie eat.
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Stockholm Syndrome pushed past the edge
AJ_Nel30 January 2022
As Descartes opined, man (and thus his mores) is essentially the sum of his past experiences. Plank Face is premised on whether a traumatic experience wipe out that person and and more pertinently his mores. Indie director Scott Schirmer poses this question in a well paced suspenceful admospheric woodlands setting, done largely through excellent cinematography using very little dialogue (reminiscent of Hagazussa). The suspense is retained by the question remaining open to the very end. The traumatic event could have been counted over a great period of time which would have added Greater realized, but all and all, a great film done on a lower than $ 10 000 budget.
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Plank Face Is Plain Great
s_bradford19 March 2020
Plank Face was one of the best indie movie I've seen. From the beginning to the end it held my attention. The feel of the movie was great, and set up the tone for the rest of the movie. I loved the story, which was nicely developed. The acting was so good. Susan M. Martin was specially good. This movie is good, but some people might not be able to handle the gorey stuff, and some of the sex scenes. I thought they were a perfect fit for the story. Well done, Scott Schirmer, and all the folks who made this film.
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beckettjag24 June 2019
I really enjoyed the twists and acting. Was unexpected
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