"Game of Thrones" The Iron Throne (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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HBO wanted 10 seasons. GRRM wanted 12. D&D wanted Star Wars.
mikedartlife24 May 2019
Its sad that one of the best TV shows of all time concluded the way it did. The ending wasn't bad, but the 7 season buildup only to have this mad dash to the end is awful. Nothing was explained, nothing was written well, terrible pacing! Absolutely disrespectful to fans! This last season makes it really hard to recommend the show to new viewers or repeat viewings. If the writers didn't care why should we?
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Still sad after 7 weeks
Julia_Stark6 July 2019
Season 8 broke my heart. Years and years of build-up, of laughter, tears, despair and happiness, after falling in love with many characters and their arcs and passionately hating some others, my favourite show ever got ruined completely.

The disappointment and sadness were so monumental, that I really asked myself 'what is happening here!?' And I found the answer. I felt like after wonderful years in a beautiful relationship, the love of my life broke up with me. Suddenly. Via SMS. Without explaining anything. Without collecting their things.

And I still find belongings here and there. And I'm still mourning and lovesick. It will take a while longer I guess...
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amal-saleh-kc20 May 2019
Everything is rushed and disappointing, i have no problem with the ending... my problem is how we reached this ending. They massacred the show.
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Imagine if "Avatar: The Last Airbender" ended like Game of Thrones
jpferris-317753 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ozai is defeated by Sokka halfway through the final season. Aang never actually uses the other elements for anything and just stands around uselessly. Zuko then declares that he never cared about his honor, abandons team Avatar and goes back to join Azula, then they both get killed by falling bricks. Toph completely forgets about metal bending and never uses it again despite plenty of situations where it would've obviously been useful. All the Airbenders are inexplicably back for the final battle despite all being dead. Katara goes crazy and destroys Ba Sing Se before being killed by Aang. Momo then becomes the new Firelord. Then the show ends with Aang just walking off and going back into the iceberg. What a let-down.
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A Message to Dan and Dave
SergeantReview20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dear Dan and Dave,

I have long been a huge fan and an avid supporter of Game of Thrones all the way since Season 1, granted I regretfully have not had the joys of reading any of the wonderful George RR Martins books. I have, however spent hundreds of hours exploring the Game of Thrones lore, history of Westeros, fan theories, detailed interviews and everything in-between - It's fair to say I'm a more passion fan than most.

I am no Hollywood writer - or in fact any writer for that matter - but I believe I share the opinion of so many GoT fans. I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you to the visual effects crew, stunt co-ordinators, body doubles, extras, set designers, costume designers, camera men, George RR Martin, directors, the brilliant actors and so many other people behind the scenes of this once all-time great show - Not only have we the fans been incredibly let down, but the people who have put their physical blood, sweat and tears into the show have also had their beautiful hard work defiled.

I could go into incredible detail about all the things wrong with this season, some notable events: Jon being exiled for killing Danny who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people, Jon's heritage being seemingly not important, the woeful execution of Danny going mad, Bran being king even though he didn't do anything at all, Drogon flying off into the 'sunset', Rhaegal being killed, missing the reaction of Sansa and Arya's when Jon revealed his real parents and most of all for me, no one sticking up for Jon in the meeting with all the powerful lords... He literally killed the woman he loved and saved countless lives in the process and he gets nothing in return, its shameful.

With the holes in the show - and there as so many - I think it's a pathetic excuse of an ending. HBO wanted 10 seasons, but foolishly Dan Weiss and David Benioff decided they had enough, they wanted to wrap the show up so they could make mountains of money butchering yet another beloved franchise (Star Wars). I understand that not everything deserves a happy and perfect ending, nor can you please everyone. However, we spent nearly a decade following these wonderful characters, watching them develop and intelligently interact with each other since season 1. The ending to this show will never be forgotten, for the wrong reasons unfortunately. I hope Dan and David come out and apologise to the fans, we are the people that kept the show running, without the fans support there would have been no Game of Thrones on TV at all.

The characters deserved better. The whole crew deserved better. The fans deserved better. George deserved better.


A Game of Thrones fan
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This show became a Meme
diegofernandezv20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Good things:
  • Music. Better than ever.
  • Work Behind Cameras. It can´t be denied.
  • Acting, despise of the poor writing.
  • Arya, the Hound and Jorah were the few characters who behaved consistent.

The Bad Things:
  • S08E01 and S08E02 filler episodes with dumb fan services scenes.
  • S08E03 was a joke. Nobodody saw anything thanks to HBO, the Night king was a joke, everybody had plot armor, a lot of dumb fan service scenes, nothing really happened that affected the lore in the long term.
. Dothraki´s charge was just stupid. The entire plan to defend Winterfell sucked.
  • Bran made no sense the entire season. We never really understood his purpose. Why did he warg during the battle of winterfell?
  • S08E04, another filler episode. Euron´s fleet was full of Hawkeyes.
  • So DAENERYS kinda forgot about Euron. Really????
  • S08E05, Euron´s fleet became a bunch of Stormtroopers.
  • So Daenerys destroyed the entire fleet with no problems at all. Why didn´t she do that in S08E04 after they killed her dragon? The ships were attacking her fleet, so she could easily flied up and then she justo does the dive bombing thing. Euron could have still survived, killed a dragon, and he coul still capture MESSUNDAE in the beach. The he could have said to Cersei "We lost half our fleet but we killed a Dragon and captured this girl".
  • So the city surrenders easily, and Daenerys became Anakin Skywalker. Made no sense. It made sense for her to become the mad queen, but not that way.
  • So what´s the point of the letters that Varys wrote? Useless.
  • S08E06, so nobody mentions that Jon is the true heir to the throne, not even during the election of a new king.
  • Daenerys´s death was cheesy.
  • During the election of the new king and during the council reunion, GOT turned into a Sitcom, a bad one.
  • Jon was ruined this season. He was foolish, dumb and with bad lines.
  • Tyrion was like Sherlock Holmes during S01-S06. He turned into Lestrade.
  • Bronn´s arc made no sense.
  • Sadly, Euron´s arc made no sense at all.
  • So Cersei and Jaimie could have survived if they wanted. they just needed to move a little.

I could go on...
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she's muh queen
johnwyoung13 June 2019
I dun wan et

This is what Kit Harrington said for 6 episodes of Season 8. Writing: Atrocious.
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Biggest disappointment and letdown in Television history
Kingslaay21 May 2019
Our biggest fear was confirmed. We got a weak and absurd final episode. We have gone from episodes like The Red Wedding and The Winds of Winter to this sorry excuse of an episode. I'm struggling to believe that they intentionally thought this was good writing, maybe I should give it a go. It seems many fans had better ideas on how/what should have happened. Maybe Hollywood will let me write bad scripts and get married to a pretty film star.

The tragedy is that is such a sorry and weak way to wrap up such a show. This season was a disgrace to all that has come before it. The issues are through the roof.
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D&D should be ashamed of themselves,
NatashaJAmos201519 June 2019
What a way to treat your loyal fans with this rubbish!
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Unfortunately this is the worst series finale ever
cheeseman197528 July 2019
At first I was still excited but now only the disappointment never outweighs again I'll look at this s### bad script bad acting just total p###
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Better if Whitewalkers had won and last episode just silence.
objviewer20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my. It was like a High School drama class was given access to the GOT sets and allowed to act out their own little scripts.

Where were the characters? GONE! Wonderful characters. NOT THERE! Jon Snow was so bland as to be almost lobotomized. Bron, Sam, Davos, Sansa, Arya, Yara Greyjoy, Brienne - all sitting around in that nothing scene - it was like the actors were there, but no one had given them any lines for their characters; because all the characters had disappeared into some talent sucking ether.

To say the dialogue was like in a bad soap opera is too generous.

Clear D&D just wanted to get this over with. This series should have ended with Season 6.

So sad. So sad.
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Bittersweet, but sweet enough
jgardiner8620 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Im equally annoyed at ppl blindly rated this 10 but more so those going out of their way to rate it 1 and complain about every detail. lets be clear this season with regards to pacing, dialogue and character development has been far from what we've come to expect from the show, but the worst episode is still as good if not better than 90%of whats on tv. Yes its flawed but the music and visuals aswell as the performances have been some of the best of all the seasons. This episode didnt end how i would have chosen, just as the long night and the bells episode didnt provide me with what id hoped.It did however close up all the characters plots and put on the throne a logical choice even if not the fan favourite. The show faced an impossible task in trying to continue to match George RR Martins high high standards of writing. People also have their own desired ending so they were inevitably going to leave many disappointed regardless of outcome. Would i have loved to see Dany liberate westeros without the genocide and take the throne?... ofcourse but it would also been too simple and what you've been told from season 1 is going to happen. I realky enjoyed all of Emilia Clarke and Peter Dinklages performances and felt the first 20 minutes of the episode were the most enjoyable. Jon going north with Tormund and Ghost made sense and seemed right as did Arya sailing iff to see whats really west of Westeros. Theres alot to enjoy in the episode and in the season as a whole. its biggest downfall is time,a 10 episode arc would hsve made this season the season the fans, the cast and the show deserved. Ignore the haters and see it for what it is, a slightly dilluted version of the previously incredible high standards, but still an incredible achievement in all regards. The shot of drogins wings appearing from behind Danerys is everything and is worthy of the 8 rating alone. Its bittersweet but still sweet enough to satisfy.
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Theoretically fair end with bad writing
aelberson20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
With the development of Season 8 in the back of one's mind, it was clear that we won't get any change of this bad writing in the last episode. Beside this fact, the end is not that bad in theory and was forth-shadowed in the last episodes.

Sadly the 10/10 boys here don't get that the 1/10 voters are not whining about the storyline overall and that some prophecies didn't get fulfilled. No, it's just complaining about HOW we get there. But the rating has become a religious war, cause considering all the positive things (music, acting, cgi, costumes... all the things the crew put tons of work, time and love in) you can't rate this 1/10, as well as you can't rate this 10/10 due to the bad writing and considering the overall context of the show.

So here is how I came to my rating: *Music & Acting (regardless what they where forced to act): 10/10 *Engineering (CGI, Costumes, Setting): 9/10 *Storyline (regardless that it was rushed): 6/10 *Writing (aka "how they tell the storyline"): 1/10

Footnote: Needless to say, Jon got resurrected to kill Dany after all and preventing a new arbitrary power.
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Imagine a Turkey
lingonius12 July 2019
A turkey being stuffed for Thanksgiving Day. You stuff it, and stuff it, and stuff it. You stuff it for 7 seasons and put it in the oven.

The 8th season comes out and the turkey looks amazing! It's got a lot of meaning & effort put into it! Now it's finally time to enjoy the delicious turkey!

Then the turkey gets thrown away... and you're served Instant Noodles.

Hey! I wanted that turkey!

Ah, well, there an egg in those instant noodles. Be happy!


This is what Game of Thrones is in the end. A seven course meal finished off with cheap thrills.
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W- what?
haris-mustajbasic21 May 2019
Four stars for:
  • the first one for music (it is incredible, hands down)
  • the second one for work behind the camers and for all of the staff that worked hard to create such an experience
  • the third one for the few of the characters which development was huge and they were actually viewable and likeable
  • the fourth one is for the actors, who actually played their roles perfectly (even if the script sucked)

Six missing stars are for:
  • episode 1 of season 8
  • episode 2 of season 8
  • episode 3 of season 8
  • episode 4 of season 8
  • episode 5 of season 8
  • episode 6 of season 8

Thank you for your time.
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This is utterly disrespectful
Celestialwit20 May 2019
Forget all subplots, forget mystery around the White Walkers, forget The Faceless Men, Jon's heritage, forget that there once was logic and common sense in the series. The show lost everything George R.R. Martin created - a complex world of utter fantasy and everyday life with politics, war strategies and basic human needs combined in a beautiful and authentic saga which you wish would never come to an end. And the showrunners did everything in their power to ruin it. What a shame.

3 stars for the music, actors' performance and a tearful last scene of Drogon with Dany.
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6 months later and I still can't get over this
tashlast25 November 2019
Man, every time I tell myself I'm over this show, something new about it pops out and I get sad, so I came back here to express how I felt a few months back when my favorite show crashed and burned into smithereens.

I gave this show the benefit of the doubt so many times. People started doubting this show starting Season 5. I still gave it a chance. People started turning on it worse in Season 7, but I still stood tall for this show. I DEFENDED it through despite it's lows like Dorne, Sansa & Ramsay, Stannis, and title episode "Beyond the Wall", the Winterfell plot in S7, Littlefinger and whatnot because I put enough faith in David Beinoff and Dan Weiss to end this show beautifully because we were given 6-7ish good years of television. Why can't we now?

Well, I got my answer in the worst way possible. I still can't believe the nosedive of the quality in the show. So much wrong for so many absurd reasons that it doesn't take any casual viewer with 2 brain cells to see what the hell is going on. I have never in my life seen so many characters ruined in just an hour and 30 minutes. It almost makes what M. Night Shalyman did with the Avatar The Last Airbender characters look good, and he BUTCHERED the characters from the original source. But my god, D&D...What the Hell were you thinking when you were writing this? That we'd enjoy it? That the fans would understand it made sense? I have made a few arguments in the past for some of the downtrodden plots/episodes of this show (Except Dorne and Sansa) but this season was a catastrophic failure and embarrassment to everything.

From everything that has been coming out lately, you have been given so many chances. So many opportunities to make this better. And what did you do? You ignored it for the sake of that Disney money, which means NOTHING since you left that behind as well. It doesn't matter if you don't care about this show anymore, MILLIONS of people including me have dedicated our Sundays in spring YEARLY to watch a new episode of this show that you were given the responsibility to take care of. You were quite literally handed the best cast ever, the most dedicated crew, MILLIONS of cash and endless resources to make this show great. To give people a debate whether Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, or Game of Thrones were the "Best Shows of all time." Matter of the fact is, we waited 8 long years to watch our investment pay off. To make sure our money was spent well. To make sure all of the endless conversations and research meant something to you. But it didn't.

You broke the hearts of millions of fans around the world with that awful writing, and I will never watch a single thing that your names are on. Don't take those 2 stars I gave this episode in stride, for they are for GRRM and the hardworking crew and actors.

The actors honestly had it the worst. Emilia, Conleth, Kit, Peter, Lena, Gwen and Nikolaj must've had it the worst. To have their beloved characters of 10 years of their lives be flushed down the toilet. To have their character sold out for cheap shock value. They deserved better.

As for GRRM, It must've been sad for him to watch two nit wits destroy his life's work. He deserves better.

WE the fans didn't deserve to have our money and time wasted by investing in this show. We deserve better.

D&D, I dont care how many awards you guys get after this. Take that silly and undeserved "Best Drama" Emmy and go home and know that you both will go down in history for destroying this cultural landmark of a show and turning it into a meme made for mocking as everyone hangs their heads in shame talking about it. You guys blew it. And to add more salt to the wound, you can't even give your cast and (FORMER) fanbase the decent respect to give them an ending worth the near decade worth of investment into this series OR a proper explanation. Shame on both of you. Truly, shame on you both.

(Edit/Update:) So it's May 2020, I'm currently in quarentine, and since I just binged all of the good shows I needed to catch up with and I currently have nothing better to watch, and I'm completely over my rage for GOT, I tried rewatching it for old times sake. My initial plan was to just stop at S6, but only 3 episodes into S1 and I HAD to quit. It's true, all it takes is one bad season to ruin an entire show. The entertainment value is shot. I'm watching and everytime the characters explain or tell a story about the lore of the universe all I can do is roll my eyes or yell at the TV and be reminded of how utterly useless everything that was established in the earlier seasons became in the final seasons. The legacy of this show is really ruined. Last year that was just my blind anger reviewing and speaking, now this is me talking from a calmer mindset than I was when the show ended. You can't even enjoy the GOOD seasons without being reminded of how useless everything became. There is no point to this show at all. This taint has carried over to the books for me as well because if the S8 ending is truly whats planned for the books, I don't want to waste my time. It's so sad now.

Oh well, I wanted to just update my feelings about this show as we approach the one year anniversary of its disappointing conclusion. Mother's day last year was rage enticing for a lot of GOT fans since we watched the character assasinations of every remaining character on this show. Next week Sunday is the anniversary of this show's final destruction. Might as well give insight as to what the show looks like from fresh and calmer eyes a year later. Guys, it's not worth the rewatch at all.

The best thing I can say about this show is that now, whenever you hate someone you can just recommend this show to them. Get them all invested to be disappointed by the time they spent binging and getting invested in the characters and stuff as a revenge tactic.

I still stand by original rant review a year ago. My rating will remain at 2 stars just for sympathetic feelings towards the cast and crew. In my head, it's a -5 for D&D.
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mason-murphy15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
8 seasons. Supernatural creatures from beyond the wall, a prophesy, the many faced god, the lord of light, dragons, battles, magic, mythology. None of it mattered.

It was all so Westeros could switch from a monarchy to a committee. Yep. That was what the whole thing was about. Gods literally returned people from the dead so they could switch to a committee.

The best programme on TV has the worst ending I've ever seen. They wanted it finished, they didn't know how to end it, so they cobbled together a few fan theories and abandoned the entire history of the show.

Absolutely awful.
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D&D should be banned from TV
mecong-378-2927013 June 2019
Terrible terrible...so disappointing. I cant understand how anyone at HBO let this go on air. The moment they saw the scripts they must have understood what garbage this would turn out to be.
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Let's Not Completely Lose Our Minds Here
Jeremy_Urquhart20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm going to come out with an unpopular opinion here, but hear me out: I didn't think this was nearly as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be.

Was it somewhat anti-climactic? Sure, but a good deal of Game Of Thrones season finales have functioned in this way- you get the crazy action and twists in the season's penultimate episode, and then more of a wrap-up/ epilogue in the final episode.

This episode was not Game Of Thrones at its best. This season has been far from Game Of Thrones at its best. But the way it wrapped up made enough sense to me. I liked the Starks ending up where they did; I thought it was well-deserved after all the stuff they went through over the years. I'd seen it leaked that Bran ended up king, and thought it sounded ridiculous, but the way it was executed I could buy it.

Other parts of the episode I liked were Dany's final scene, the emotional scene near the beginning of Tyrion discovering the bodies of his siblings, Jon finally giving a pat to Ghost, Brienne getting to write the history of Jaime, the eerie-ness of the opening scenes in the decimated King's Landing, the final montage flicking between Arya, Sansa, and Jon, and the music in general: it was stunning. Some would argue it deserved a slightly better episode to accompany, but I think it's hard to deny how fantastic it was regardless.

But like I said, it's not all great. It's a slower-paced episode that drags a little in places, and many of the problems that have plagued other episode in seasons 7 and 8 pop up here. There's a sense of some things being rushed so the character development suffers in places, the dialogue isn't quite as sharp, and there's definitely some of that much-maligned teleporting going on (everyone rocking up in King's Landing very abruptly for the debate about the new king, for example).

Ultimately, what am I trying to say with all this? Well, there's good and bad here. It's not black and white. This is nowhere near a 1/10 or a 10/10 for me- I think there's things it does well and some things that weren't fantastic, but regardless, I'm more or less satisfied enough without having my socks blown off. Additionally: a lacklustre ending should not totally diminish what came before. If you loved seasons 1-4, then still cherish those seasons; regardless of where the show went, they're still fantastic. And for as mixed a bag as this season felt, it wasn't all bad. Good acting, fantastic music, and a stunning attention to detail on a technical front still made for a more than watchable show for me personally, regardless of the writing being less satisfying as it was in earlier seasons.

The ending to my life, your life, all our lives will suck. We will all die; that is how all our stories end. It's the worst ending imaginable, really. But does that retroactively make our lives "suck?" I would argue no.

You can find this to be the worst episode of TV you've ever seen. That's honestly more than okay. But if you want to go so far as to say that it completely ruins everything that came before, I think that would be an extremely negative and even disrespectful view to take.

Game Of Thrones was a once in a generation phenomenon, both for all the good parts it had and all the bad. It's amazing that we all got to experience something like this; something so discussed and analysed and anticipated, for so many years. This kind of thing doesn't happen very often anymore, what with there being so much to watch and even more to ignore. We should all celebrate its legacy, or at the very least, celebrate the parts you liked and don't let the parts you didn't totally undo the positive feelings you've had.
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I liked what happened but I didn't like the speed
chris_reed-6984221 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think modern day films and tv series set us up to think in a logical pattern and they often give the fans what they want and let them almost tell the story through what they want to happen.

Game of Thrones has never been that right until the end. Naturally we all want the main hero, Jon, to sit on the Iron Throne but we were all denied that. Jon ends the story as the guy who didn't really get what he wanted or deserves yet all the other characters had massive gains from a crap situation from castles, to leadership to crowns. It was sad to route for someone from the very first season (other than Robb Stark) and be disappointed for them but that is what kept us gripped for 9 years. We had to accept Daenerys was going mad but we grew to love her too so it was also pulling on your heart strings to want her to succeed too.

The only real problem I had with this episode was I wish there was more conflict in Jon when he killed Daenerys. I wanted him to break down and show that he didn't want to do it, but did for the greater good. I wanted more drama from it rather than a quick and stealthy stab in the chest. That is my only gripe for this episode. My only real gripe for the season was the speed. I think more people would have accepted all the events and the storyline a lot better if at least one more season was made and all seasons from start to finish we're 10 episodes long.
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Not good.
I don't even have the energy to complain anymore. The ending sucked. That's it.
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Well, i have something nice to write
tijana-nestle0020 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am so pleased and happy with this ending, i feel in peace now. I think they all got a closure and loose ends are tied. Everything what was on the beginning in season 1 or what they wanted, they got it. My girl Sansa rocking that crown. I am happy that Ser Poddrick and Ser Brienne got their recognition as Kingsguards. Ser Bronn finally got his castle and Sam made his house proud as a Maester. Well, Dany as well got what she deserved, that Drogon scene broke my heart how sad it was. Bran being The King, its kinda what Three-eyed raven do, manipulates, and if you look back, thats all what he has done, with one purpose. John got his peace at the North where he likes it and where he belongs. I think that all was really poetic at the end. Maybe previous episodes were a little rushed, but i really liked this one. But it makes me sad, that this is the last what we will ever see from Game of Thrones and from these wonderful actors and characters. It was nice seeing all those almost forgotten characters. You can all whine as much as you want, but i think that the directors and the whole crew gave its best to make this amazing series. People you can never please. Thank you for making me laugh and cry. Absolutely amazing show.
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Not a 1/10 at all
rodrigoguimareyh20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly it was not the finale this series deserved, but a lot of people seem to be more angry than objective here.

Were we very hyped about this season? We were. Was it dissapointing? Maybe. Was it CRAP? Not at all.

Most of all agree that the problems were not the things that happen (for example, the idea of a mentally broken and desperate Dany is not bad at all), but the way and how everything happened (the breakdown was very rushed).

Not good character development in this season, we are all on the same page here.

On the other hand, the cinematography of this complete season is beautifull, the score is on point as well, art production is amazing, acting is pretty good, directing is quite good as well. The problem was not the production itself but the writing, and considering writters had to finish everything on 6 episodes, you kind of need to rush a bit. Of course, THIS DOES NOT JUSTIFY a mediocre -or not great- final product, but a lot of people seem to hate everyone involved and just rush to rate a 1 without apreciating the beautiful work we have seen. About the rushed writting, it probably was a budget issue, or maybe not, I really don't know. The final product is clearly not great, but considering writing is not EVERYTHING (it is a HUGE part tho, we can debate about that), this is a very interesting episode, VERY well shot, pretty good directed, and it had a few memorable highlights as well. I really suggest you rewatch it, and try to be as objetive as you possibly can, cause in my opinion a 1/10 seems to me like a complete effortless piece of garbage with NOTHING good in it. As I suggested, maybe you expected wat too much, we all did! but taking the hype aside, was it really Dragonball Evolution level? I'll rewatch the episode soon, so my perspective of it could change and I may delete this review on a few days.
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How do I rate 0/10?
nuno-5826520 May 2019
Because it was that bad. Such a disappointment. My expectations were below the ground already, yet this finale still managed to leave me dumbfounded.
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