The Executioners (2018) Poster

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I love home invasion movies so when I saw this movie and read the plot I got really excited. Let's see what makes this movie a meh one:
  • They actually spoiled the movie in the first few minutes, there was this scene that just spoiled everything.
  • The three stooges who invaded the house, their acting was really bad and unconvincing at all.
  • The editing was not that great and distracting sometimes,
There were really some interesting stuff here and there that makes you say 'well, that's interesting' but it wasn't explored in a new way so by the end of the movie all you can say is ''meh, seen better'' and you move on to other stuff....
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Fails on nearly every level...
mariusar4 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The good: a very good performance from Natalie Burn.

But that's pretty much all you get here. And that's kind of stretching it...

This film doesn't even deserve a full sentence-structure effort from me so instead here are bullet points for the many lowlights in this MUST MISS flick:

  • Exploitation and sexploitation films can be fun and of good quality [Troma, Ed Wood, etc...] but this one is just idiotic and mean-spirited. It even fails on the sexploitation bit as there is zero nudity during the second act, giving us absolutely unnecessary nudity in the form of a bathtub scene featuring Miss Burn. FAIL.

  • Strangers is an example of a home invasion film done right. The invaders here are nearly as inept as the idiots from Home Alone.

  • This actually happens in the film: the victims end up arming one of the invaders/rapists/killers with a gun after the tables have been turned. Yes, you read that right. Truly an epic WTF moment in cinema.

  • Never have I heard worse ADR sound effects - the gunshots sounded like they were all recorded in a dive bar toilet...but without the classiness.

  • The so-called twist ending is so patently absurd it defies all logic.

  • A lot people tried to make a movie here. Pretty much everyone failed in their task, except for Natalie Burn.

Kill the shills on imdb - this movie is the definition of an irredeemable waste of time. A very weak 4, one higher than my minimum imdb rating, solely for a competent performance from a single actress.
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Home invasion or porn?
BlakeRsanchez8311 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not the worst movie and not the best.

Some of them couldn't act or scream. It was a little bit of a mess. I don't really see the point of this movie killing them all for what? Fame?
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Terrible Acting
msudude2227 June 2020
The women in this movie need acting lessons. I'm watching it right now and I've never seen such bad acting.
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Holy crap! Stupid!!!
africe15 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be THE dumbest revenge movie out there! Any woman I've known in my life would have totally messed those dudes up after getting the edge on them. Wow! Stupid!

Also, when he was around the corner she could have stepped out and shot his ass!

Although she was writing a book, I had to laugh that it would be published. Believe me....NOBODY would publish this. I even want my time back for watching it.

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Horrible Movie (on many levels)
spencerwaynesmith31 March 2018
First of all, this movie was completely misrepresented. To call this a woman-empowering revenge flick is misleading at best. So what is this movie? A poor-mans sex-exploitation flick. It fails on every level. Watching this movie was like watching a porn movie with no sex scenes. No scares, light nudity, and very little action. The production value was very low too. It truly felt like I was watching a poorly made soft-core porn movie. The only difference being that there was little to no nudity and absolutely no terror.

Seriously the blue-man group was scarier than the blue/black/whatever men. I love horror movies, but there is a reason this went straight to DVD. I'd advise skipping this one, IMO. .
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You will regret watching this..
webcityaustralia29 March 2018
This movie sucks. Plot is weak. You can predict the end easily. A total waste of time. Don't go with other reviews. It is one of the worst movie ever made..
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One time watch!!
amgee-895511 June 2018
The Executioners wasn't a good film. The story was weak. It's a low budget horror home invasion thriller film. It's definitely a one time watch if you haven't got nothing else to watch. I wouldn't recommend it. The cinematography was very grind house style. The acting was good enough especially for a low budget film. The blood and gore effects was ok nothing great. The ending was stupid tbh. I would spoiler the ending. 2/10.
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Fighting execution
TheLittleSongbird26 June 2018
'The Executioners' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing if not particularly original premise and as someone with a general appreciation for the genre. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive as well as the low rating and poor reviews.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films have are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'The Executioners' is yet another terrible films, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too). There is next to nothing to recommend.

Lets start with the sole positive. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky at times.

Unfortunately, the scenery is not done justice by the rather direct to video schlocky way it's shot and edited and the drab colour palette, so much so it was hard to appreciate it, it was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm. In particular, the camera work was a nauseous assault on the eyes with its excessive amateurish-ness.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is extremely cheap and poorly recorded and it's best not mentioning the uniformly inept acting, especially from the home invaders, role that are also written unbelievably and disastrously.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés and no depth whatsoever, while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags on forever with very little going on worth caring about and useless padding, never recovering. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Would not have minded the lack of originality (the film is extremely derivative and in a dumbed and watered down way) if the story and atmosphere were at least alright in execution, in reality they were both very poorly done.

A lot of 'The Executioners' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending can be seen from miles away and is insultingly absurd.

There is not enough threat, and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, it is completely unimaginative and more odd than creepy, completely failing to show any sense of horror or creativity. Everything here is neither creative, suspenseful or nail-biting. Some badly sagging momentum too and the gore and such are overused and gratuitous. The direction is leaden and like their heart was not in it or ill at ease, with the chemistry between the characters and actors coming over as constantly random and aggressive with the subtlety of an axe.

Overall, awful with no redeeming value apart from an element that is difficult to appreciate with it being complemented so badly. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Lionsgate should pull this movie to protect it's reputation
antonbulgaro6 August 2020
This genre has a ton of potential but is unfortunately bogged down by cheap rated actors with no talent in a bid to overact a scene. Yes, the viewers are the ones who invest and suffer. Please Lionsgate, you are a company that has distributed films since 1997 and should know better.... this movie is AWFUL !
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Great Revenge Chick Flick
caniac-882914 April 2018
If you like B movies, and revenge movies like 'I Spit on Your Grave' don't offend you; then you will love this movie! The people who gave this poor reviews know little about low-budget B horror films. The acting wasn't the greatest, this much is true. But the story moved along quickly enough that it wasn't a problem. I've seen much worse. Special effects and Gore were up to par although we would have liked to have seen a little more! Especially in the film like this! But again, that's where the low budget comes into play. There were many twists in this film and there were parts where the director could have spent more time unpacking the story and making it more tension-filled. But for what it is, this is a great film.
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What ride!
rudymoonluna-4149224 March 2018
This little gem of a film is well produced, shot and acted! If you like action, thriller with some mystery behind it, you'll like this film. It moves well and it has a nice surprise at the end, so be ready!
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wish I was on the headblock
arcanjl4 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Viewers are forced to watch not one, but three rapes and two sexual assaults, as well as the torture of both women and men in this movie. Understand, I'm not talking about five minutes of the film, the sexual assault scenes lasted at least one-third of the movie. That's a long time. this isn't a horror movie at all, it is torture porn. - by Kelli Marchman McNeely I couldn't have said it better.
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Why make a movie like this?
Hal_Opinot-Pepper25 October 2020
Even if there was some reason to make yet another torture porn after decades of talentless typewriter and camera operators (I'm not going to call the writers or filmmakers, because they're not) remaking the same exact piece of garbage over and over again for decades, this would be an exceptionally pointless rehash of the formula. I Spit On Your Grave did it better 40 years ago, and that movie sucked. At least "Funny Games" had the terrible idea of trying to make a movie that audiences would walk out of. This doesn't even have that much o an idea behind it. 100% garbage.
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Horrible movie
shannabananasnickers18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dumbest movie i have ever seen!!!! Love scary movies! Not scary at all, just down right stupid
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Not a good film
soowooo1722 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was intrigued by the plot summary and was kind of excited to watch this. I'm a big fan of horror movies taking place in mainly one location, so this seemed right up my alley.

It starts off...okay. The acting leaves A LOT to be desired but it sets the stage decently. That's when things go downhill. Fast. The "villains" are comically stupid. They are constantly getting tricked by stupid ploys, they can't seem to handle 3 tied up women, and they look ridiculous. My favorite part was when one of them had a gun to a girl's head and was thwarted by another girl hitting him in the ankle.

There are also some major continuity issues and unintentionally comedic scenarios. Avoid this.
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What a mess.
okpilak29 January 2024
If the cover art was to suggest women overpowering an invasion menace, it wasn't this movie. Four women head to this remote house for a weekend, and quickly find there is no phone service. In addition, there seems to be some menacing activity, and when they get ready to leave, find the car has four flat tires. They go back inside, and do some smart things, but then a really dumb thing that allows three men to get inside. It turns out the men are streaming the action live, and their faces are covered in paint. But there are more twists and turns, but one really can't care what happens. At times the women become smart, then they get dumb, and smart and then stupid. What was the director aiming for in this movie? There are a lot of obvious flaws that should have been easily caught.
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xanycarter23 April 2018
This movie was horrible and definitely needs a Rape trigger warning. Crappily written, crappy plot, really nothing good about it.
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Worst movie ever made
ya-1303725 October 2020
Truly horrendous on every level , feels like it was written by a bunch of regarded 5 year olds
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Bad movie, but very good if you want to laugh
gonsajose15 June 2020
This movie it's similar to Scary movie, you laugh at everything, but the only change is that this movie tries to be serious but it is not, at all!, you laugh by only seeing the "bad guys" with the blue and red paint. And you can easily predict the end, with the classic "dumb mastermind" character

Good movie if you want to laugh for a while But a really bad movie if you want to take it seriously.
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Good home invasion movie
redazione-002962 April 2018
I had to watch this. Good directing, with an italian touch. Natalie Burn isn't just HOT, she is GOOD!
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Natalie burn
caseyellin4 April 2018
Amazing performance by Natalie burn! Did not see that was common, can't wait to check out more movies with her in it
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Was this a middle school film project?
greg-2953527 December 2022
Seemed to be written by a young boy just entering puberty who has no idea about men, women, rape or torture. Movie had a story that defied logic, dialogue no humans would ever engage in, laughable action, and camera work and lighting that made it look like it was shot with a cell phone from 5 years ago. The acting of course matched the terrible level of writing and direction. Even if you have nothing to do, staring at your TV while it is off will be more enjoyable than watching this trash. Be warned, any positive review you see is from cast, crew or family. I'm still confused as how something like this even gets on any streaming service...
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Crazy insane kills!
dnizzles28 March 2018
This film is noooooo joke when it comes to the torture! Definitely worth watching! Natalie Burn is A++++!
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A nice little romp around the house
fluffchop12 December 2021
It has some nice chicks, some bad guys and a house. There are some happenings as the story goes along. It's entertaining and highly watchable. Not everything is explained at the end.
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