I Am Mortal (2021) Poster


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Waste of time borefest
tezraym-6569612 January 2022
Honestly this movie is so boring I nearly died, you feel nothing for any of the characters at all, the idea could be good but you don't actually get any kind of answer at all, I have a feeling they want to do a trilogy but because the first one is such a dribble borefest I doubt it will happen. Extremely low budget poop, wish I could get my time back.
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This was bad...
amcnamara-9290813 January 2022
Sorry but this movie was just bad. The acting wasnt much better either.

Very bad editing and with some scenes you can see parts of the filming equipment. That scene on the balcony while she is walking and on the phone, when the camera angle changes you can clearly see the camera in front of her as she walks towards it, how HOW was this missed in editing or even during their proof screening.

Other reviews that are insulting people for not liking this movie must have been written by someone related to the film crew.

Its low budget, and if its not then its giving the impression it is.

CGI is ok.

The "pilot" looked strangely pregnant! (the pilot is a man) The story line is dull and parts of it done make sense at all.

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Exposition sans Action
pidstr17 January 2022
This is what happens when one tries write SciFi without understanding the Rules Of Tropes, and there's plenty used along the way in here.

Some of the actors do good work, some are 'phoning it in,.'

Technical side, camera, sound, lighting, editing, are all carried off competently, making the production look better then the plot has any right to.

It's basically an Asylum type film with better production values and some well known B-listers getting their scene on in main roles instead of being sidekicks.

Put it on to fall asleep to, the dreams that follow will have better plots.
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Religious doggerel
larryy15 January 2022
The message: Atheists will damn you forever by forcing you to live forever and controlling your mind. Christians will save you by making sure you live and die like you're supposed to.

I should acknowledge that I only watched about 32 minutes of this movie. But when the good-guy rebels started explaining how everything went wrong because an atheist took control and mind-wiped a Christian, I couldn't take it anymore.

The film equates immortality to never having truly lived and confuses even that pithy little gem by conflating immortality with mind control. Yes, the dialog is pathetic, the acting mediocre, the production values low, but it's the wild illogic and rabid proselytizing that are truly unbearable.
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It's not a "Christian" film
Snootz26 January 2022
Several reviews here refer to this as a "Christian" film. Those reviewers totally missed the point. Yes, God and religion are mentioned, but they are neither promoted nor dogmatically insistent on such. It's listed more as a historic fact: At one time people believed on God and faith and had religion. That's pretty accurate "history" for the sake of the movie. In no instance did the movie promote returning such thing to society. The closest it got was mentioning that some people believe there is an eternal soul. But it turns right around and says, "What if that's wrong? What if when we die, we cease to exist?"

That's not a "Christian film". That's a question many people ask themselves all the time. And that's what this movie is about... all the way through. It's about a man who has offered society immortality-- at a severe reduction in their emotions and free will-- and society accepted. But after a while some people began to wonder what we traded for that.

The film brings out several good points. First: there are always those who rebel, no matter what. It questions if eternal life is a good thing, or if death has a purpose. It definitely questioned reducing emotions and appreciation for life by extending that life indefinitely. Those are all sound science fiction themes-- and this is not the first story line to present such questions.

Neither does the film offer any answers. In the end some people make some choices, others make other choices. They don't show 200 years down the road. It's evidently not the goal of this film to make a statement. Rather, it's to pose a question: if given the choice of eternal life, would you take it... especially if there was a significant cost?

One of the points made by this film is that even a Utopian society might take the form of a Dystopian society under certain circumstances. I thought it did pretty well in presenting that concept.

The writing, directing and acting was reasonably good. It was a slow-burner and some viewers may be dissatisfied with the ending. It's not for everyone (I myself only give it a "mediocre" 5 stars). Yet I do see what they were trying to do: make us think. Make us question.

In the end there was still the major issue of which is worse: the society we live in now, or a less-motional, pristine society without crime, war, sickness, aging, or death. I would suspect that given the choice a lot of people would choose eternal youth and good health. Many people may agree that our society is excessively emotional anyway; maybe it could use a dialing-down from always on 10. What if we could eliminate all the things that plague our society today. Were the people in their society unhappy? Was the newfound "wonder" in the rebels worth what would undoubtedly follow: a return of greed, hatred, crime and eventually war?

These were all open-ended questions presented in this flick. I would have given this 6 or 7 stars, but the movie tended to be somewhat one-sided, and in my opinion failed to give "equal time" to the other side. They mentioned it, but let's mention it again: Before their "cure"... the world was a horrible, terrifying place filled with hatred, crime, war, disease and death. They put a stop to all of that. The people weren't walking zombies. They were cognizant, alert, happy. Is that so bad?

That's the ultimate question asked-- with no real answer provided. Perhaps it can be taken for granted that in another 200 to 300 years their civilization would have regressed, and would no longer be so civilized. Then perhaps there would be a rebellion of people thinking that eternal life and a balanced society wasn't such a bad thing after all.

So no, it wasn't a "Christian" movie. It was a reasonably decent sci fi movie that I wish had been fleshed out to present both sides in a little more balanced and through-provoking manner. It was the weakness and unbalance of the script that cost this film stars.
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Where did you get the idea that it was a Christian film?
lilbride-4498916 January 2022
Yes there was mention of religion but I wouldn't say this is a Christian film nor would I say that it portrayed atheists bad christians good. It was a poorly made dystopian film that might have been good if they had developed the story, characters and plot. It was very disappointing and I wouldn't watch it again. Don't waste your time.
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The "good guys" were the bad guys
jumano14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Usually I'm fairly generous rating Christian movies, as money for those kind of projects is often hard to come by, so you can't really expect a cinematic masterpiece. Usually though, the story, or at least the message, makes up for very poor production values. But in the era of Sony full frame cameras, it seems this crew did a reasonable job on production values for the budget and even the acting was pretty good (the lead female did a particularly good job and there was at times good chemistry between the two leads).

Where this fell down was the story. The lead characters were basically joining a kind of death cult, under the guise of some strange psuedo-Christian moral idea that living forever is somehow a bad thing (eternal life??). At the end I was questioning if it was a Christian production or an anti atheist rencarnation of the Jones cult.

I found myself agreeing more with the actions of the "athiest".

Also, everything about the first conversations with the cult leader made me queezy. He used every manipulative salesman technique in the book. It was actually disturbing seeing kids manipulated into a self destructive cult.

Even the misrepresentation of the athiests position was quite jarring.

It also didn't help that the title actually told you the entire story, so there was no mystery other than the mystery of "is this a Christian movie, or did I miss something?"

Again though, if the film makers get a better idea for a movie, I have no doubt they have a good future in the industry. This movie just wasn't great.

That said, they at least made a more enjoyable movie than the Eternals!
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The life must go on
kosmasp8 May 2022
Immortals - actually as you might notice yourself, it is not literally true. Because if you are able to die, than you are not actually immortal. But no one seems to wish someone else harm ... well most of the time. Because trying to contain humans and their emotions is quite difficult - or rather impossible to be honest.

Having said that, the movie has an interesting premise. But one we can't be entirely sure about. What would you do, how would you feel, if you knew you had the possibility to live forever? Of course since you would not be the only one, but it would also include your friends, that would make it easier. At least in theory that is.

But there are other hidden agendas and things contained in this. And while the main idea is more than intriguing, a lot of cliches and predictable plot points creep in. This dares to be different, but does not fully succeed. Still decent effort in my book - especially if you like Science Fiction in general.
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Not going to be a must see....
pwcks8116 January 2022
Movie is basically a poor mans Equilibrium (2002) without an experienced cast or cinematography. The premise of eradication of emotion for the sake of humanity is not a new concept and needs shown by good narrative. Its not the lack of big special effects that makes this film bad but the lack of creativity or surprise. It follows a very predicable course through out the whole film. It also lacked any emotive atmosphere to give you any feelings towards main characters and make you wonder What if?.. for the current future of the human race.
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Movies are supposed to entertain--this one don't. So don't.
landingqueue16 February 2022
Acting--mediocre to good, the lead actor could do a few more hours practicing his lines and facial emotions.

Cinematography---there were plenty of scenes to celebrate about, although this one sure is low budget, but no cheap frills here.

Story--there isn't any. There's just a forced premise that mortality is better, but no story development, no peak and valleys, just a tired plateau.

Verdict-- DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. Reading the news is more exciting.
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I am immortal
ol-boehm11 February 2022
Ye that sucks so I want to experience how to die thats the plot I understood until I turned off the video

thats just silly at this point

dont care how the movie ended.
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Know What to Expect
tom-nedimyer15 June 2022
This is not an action movie. There is a lot of dialogue and not much that is fast-paced. If you want a heart-pounding thriller, you will be disappointed.

The movie also presents the main idea fairly early on and then spends the rest of the movie developing the plot and exploring some of the nuances of that main idea. Don't expect too many sharp twists and turns.

For a low-budget movie, I was actually quite impressed at how easily I was able to lose myself in the story (as opposed to thinking "This looks like the set was cobbled together with parts from the junkyard," which some movies seem to be). I liked how part of that accessibility was how natural all the actors & actresses were; instead of an unnaturally-Hollywood-gorgeous-pencil-thin cast they were all just clean, normal yet attractive people. I was also impressed that despite the low budget they were all fairly convincing actors.

Some other reviewers thought this was a Christian movie, but it is actually just a "faith vs science" thing, or even better "determinism vs free will."

All in all I definitely think this deserves a rating much higher than the 3/10 that it shows at the moment. I've seen some very bad movies in my time and this one is much closer to the excellent ones than the terrible ones.
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nova369F21 January 2022
This movie is simple in itself, but asks some profound questions.

Do you want to be safe but essentially a drone, or do you want to be a free person with all the risks that come with it?

Is immortality more important that what makes life worth living.

In a way its a depiction of society even now, with a part of the population being scared enough to give away free will and another refusing any interference in their ability to choose. Its a movie of extremes, and one thing history teaches us, extremes are never a good idea.
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Logic takes a back seat.....
jpcanning-334964 March 2022
I have only one thing to say about the review from Dex<Slazenger ........... Dude it's a movie, if you really get that serious and upset about a movie find another hobby.
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Being and Nothingness
nogodnomasters11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Logos (Abraham Lewis) is a terraform engineer who is about to become immortal in the year 2235. He has his doubts as one becomes docile at this point, a price to pay for a utopian immortality. The Pilot (Sean Gunn) created the drugs and procedure a couple of centuries ago. Logos is discovered and recruited by an underground of individuals who want to change this version of "Brave New World." In order to save mankind from the evils of a utopian immortal society, Logos (=word=Jesus) must become mortal and die. So goes part 1.

The religious overtures came through on this modest science fiction offering. There is more talking drama than action and it is the boring kind of philosophical talking. Might work on a religious tween.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity. Eloise Smyth shows off her belly button.
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Logic takes a back seat....
Dex_Slazenger14 January 2022
Ok immortality, if you can die you are not immortal you may live longer but that doesn't make you immortal. A perfect example of the stupidity of what people consider immortality can be can be seen in Highlander, they call themselves immortals, well until you chop their head off and absorb their life essence... immortality fail.

Immortality is, regardless of what happens to the body, the body will still live, even if you get to end up like mincemeat, so, there would have to be some self assembly process like the body will either regenerate and or reconstitute it's form to an encoded template. I cannot conceive immortality would be that much fun to be honest because we would need different brains, brains that can adapt to the rapid changes in knowledge and not be hardwired to a birth era, talk to an 80-90 year old and you will see what I mean.

Secondly you cannot have a trans-human human, once you have altered the DNA they are no longer human. Trans-human is a term to make dehumanisation more palatable.
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The trailer says it all ...
alan-jenny13 January 2022
Don't you just hate those trailers that show every plot point of a film, so that there is essentially no need to watch the actual film? I could have predicted the path this film would take, but having watched the trailer I don't even need to do that.

So I rated it 5 out of 10 because I haven't seen the actual film and so don't really have the right to come down on one side or the other.

Having said that, I suspect that if I did watch it, I'd give it a 3.
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Another worst film! Full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Avoid at all cost!
kwenchow22 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with the narrator talking about pandemic, and a man "Logos" waking up from his bed scene! As turnout, this film is about a man "Logos" need to expose the immortality secret implemented by a man called "The Pilot"! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the searching scene, overuse of the reading scene, overuse of the kissing scene, overuse of the waking up scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the blackout scene, overuse of the song playing at the background scene, and overuse of the making speech scene! Make the film unwatchable! At the end, The Pilot's secret been exposed! That's it! Wasting time to watch!
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Faith-based garbage. Christians BEWARE! athiests are coming to get YOU!
dunnrick8 March 2022
Seriously, you can't make this up. Christian-paranoia garbage about evil athiests taking control and genetically engineering people to live forever.

But, the good Christians - always so FRAGILE - try to fight back and stop them!
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frtrzbbtj11 March 2022
OMG! This was so boring! My neighbour fell asleep after 30 minutes trying to watch it. Certainly wouldn't bother buying the movie as you will ripped off for even paying $2.00. Watched it for another 15 minutes then turned it off. 😴😴😴
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veneer of ok but silly plot
nigelowen221 October 2023
There is a coating of awesome and protentional, a lot of the actors are solid, scene design, camera, the visual world are decent.

But it cant hide the most silly plot, ropey dialogue and character actions. No effort is made to sell the plot and it is so so boring.

Voiceovers at the start just bring the pace down further to what is a slow, plodding snooze fest.

I do wonder how these types of movies get created as some money was spent on this. I assume the money person had an idea and as they were paying for it nobody wanted to hurt their feelings by telling them the script sucks badly.

Well at least a lot of people got a pay check and a bit of experience.
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Really good movie!
justinisnd15 March 2022
I don't understand why people gave this such bad reviews it's really good. All the bad reviews I read are basically saying they don't have the attention span to watch this movie, if you have half a brain then this is a good movie. If you have a really short attention span and no brain this is not for you so don't give a bad rating when you're not paying attention to what's going on.
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gopi-865146 March 2022
Not fab but I ve seen worse, one of these no surprise, no suspense, no-brainer films that help you to kill some time - better than game shows in tv...
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Does Freedom Promote Evilness?
westsideschl11 April 2022
Earth 2235 looks pretty much the same with people behaving like it's 2022. Somehow (and failing grade school science) people can choose (well, may not have a choice) to be immortal & further to freeze their aging when they feel in the prime. Classic, simplistic, argument which is better? Freedom of choice results in evil things such as humans killing humans; other species; the planet. Or, restricted choices resulting in no killing or destroying of life & planet? Really poor acting, dialogue.
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Science fiction romance, with a message
callmejames-8824513 January 2022
This is NOT just an arbitrary science fiction flick that looks cool, but its empty of essence, like most of the movies we see. The filmmaker managed to make a bold, yet convincing guess of the next possible steps from our era towards a seemingly "perfect" future when the story takes place, and also carry a message.

It addresses the issue of the psychopath-geneticists of our time, who think they can "hack" what took nature millions of years to develop, and come up with a "better" human being -officially called "transhuman" today (yes, that bad already) with their infinitesimal knowledge and wisdom -they hardly know themselves.

The pacing is right, the duration is right (short enough), the dialog is fine, and most of the acting is decent.

It's a small-budget, yet thought-provoking movie, and original, and I would prefer this kind over any fancy CGI any time, which when it's over, makes me feel dumber than when it started.
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