World War Four (2019) Poster

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Epic use and re-use of stock footage
johnanthonymazzei8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Epic use and re-use of stock footage. Also great source of comedy. During the amphibious attack on North Korea I noticed a blank adapter on one of the Korean defender's rifle. (A blank adapter is a device used when firing blank rounds while still providing back pressure to the weapon. This allows the weapon's auto loading--automatically chambering a round from the magazine when the weapon is filed. As it would when firing live rounds. ---PROBLEM---a blank adapter blocks the barrel and you can't fire any actual bullets. A dead give away that the majority of this movie was cut together with stock footage going all the way back to the nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll. Other problems 1. Agent Fitz was using a calculator as a cell phone. fbi agent cally satelite phones. 2. Soldier's don't get to phone home and tell mom they are in the first wave for the secret invasion. Mom can't tell sister as fast as she did. Notification takes days. The fbi doesn't have captains, they have senior agents. 4. Assault teams don't use scoped, suppressed rifles. 6 Or look thru their scopes while walking in tunnels. They don't run to a tree line in a desert 5. Much more of the same hollywood's poor interpretation of the military. They made a movie without an actual plot. There was no cause or complication and no resolution. Kudos to whoever got someone else to pay for this mess. That is the greatest talent exhibited in this movie.
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bvqsmgto25 February 2021
Did they even have a military advisor in the making of the film? One glaring error helicopter pilots had the wrong helmets
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So bad it's watchable
Nic15036 March 2022
OK it probably deserves 1 star but in a generous mood today. Terrible acting, nonsense plot and I am only halfway through the movie writing this. Just can't stop watching it for some strange reason 🤔
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Great battle scenes, really stupids plot line and terrible acting.
jamminjohn25 May 2019
The battle scenes in this were probably cut from real battles. Then comes this unbelievably ridiculous plot line, with some of the worst acting I've ever seen. Don't waste your time. Watching paint dry would be more interesting, considering the story line.
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Horrible Plot, Worse Acting .... So many things wrong
raven-686397 September 2020
This was a waste of 80 minutes. The acting was horrible and the plot was ridiculous. I only watched to see how it would end and was further disappointed.
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Among worst 5...
fakeaag15 November 2020
... movies I have ever seen. Absolutely, and I really mean, absolutely no story. 80 mins of military archive clips, run over and over, with music added. And thats it. The 5 mins of actor screenplay is abysmal...
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Worst ever.
steweyge23 October 2020
There may have been a worse movie, but I'm not sure what it may have been. Don't waste your time. Only reason I gave it a 1 is because I couldn't give it a 0.
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Hitting rock bottom....visualy
stevenmertens-5912523 February 2021
Appearantly they also have issues Somali pirates in the Baltic region and I would admit not being an expert on the local founa and flora, I seriously doubt palmtrees are native to the area.

Besides being nothing more then a visual scrapbook of every military video out there - they even tried to pass bikini atol - the actual acting is so adds a new level to the term 'over-acting'.

And ps: appearantly the FBI drives around in British cars...
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I was wondering when this would get made
admfrncs9 October 2020
Veterans watch military movies to find the mistakes they make. I was wondering if someone would ever make a movie with nothing but military mistakes. Aside from the stock footage of actual combat, everything was a mistake; uniforms, combat formations, radio lingo, gear, weapons, handling weapons, calling air strikes, more uniforms. You'd think by now, people would stop getting uniforms wrong in movies. This one is so bad, you'd think it was satire but it's not.
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What a piece of junk and the makers have you believe one man sitting in a room manipulated the world into nuclear war BS.
yobo-996669 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Where can I get the 1 1/2 hour of my wasted time back.
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kristenturner-421614 July 2021
Terrible acting, stupid plot, I'd rather die of covid 19 than watch this movie again.
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Quite Plausible and VERY Possible
KevnKath9 October 2022
Those who think the bad guy(s) isn't close by could be very surprised and mistaken!! Tru its not a hollyweird movie and the acting is a bit off, but otherwise it is a top notch thriller. You have to consider this was "dreamed" up years ago, and lo and behold, now it appears that some really bad people ARE trying to get us in a war. Wouldn't the world order be happy if something like this happened so it cut down so many humans. They want population control, what better way than to start a war. The men in suits have been trying to kill the world for years - the coof didn't work (altho the vax results are still coming in) so this could be their way!!
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Very confused and disappointing plot, action good though
marksheppardafc23 January 2022
Some very good battle sequences though some of this was footage from real events cleverly woven into events in the story. The big problem with this movie is the complete lack of a story. It can't decide whether it is showing us events in flashback, or in the future, whether it is trying to warn us of cyber terrorism. It is a series of imagined events and the USAs response to them. Mainly based around current global trouble spots, so it's pretty current, but real events would not play out like this. Some characters are inserted into the proceedings for no obvious reason, they just appear. Ultimately there is no big reveal or conclusion. At one point you think this movie could get really good, but then any sense of tension is rapidly deflated as the movie sleepwalks its way to a shuddering stop.
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No. Just... no.
DavidBarak25 December 2020
Making a dramatically-successful film primarily from stock footage is a nearly impossible task. Unfortunately, this film proves that.

There are some genres and worlds in which it's easy to spot mistakes, and military films are one of those genres. Much of the non-stock military scenes in this film get things so very wrong. Research, please. Build a look-book so you know what looks right. Example: the naval officer with a goatee. Nyet, comrade.

I really want to cheer for low budget indie filmmakers, but you can't cheat your way through making a film. Lay off the stock footage, get your details right, and of course cobble together a great story and a great cast and you'll end up with a good film.
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Better than a 1 rating
dedtjo14 April 2021
Well they tried to entertain us, old military clips and drama music and a little story just wasn't enough.
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I kept waiting for Larry, Moe and Curly to show up on the movie set
billwinstead28 December 2021
This was undoubtable one of the worse low budget movies I have ever seen. The idea behind the movie has such promise but the execution really sucks. The producer and director should be taken out and horse whipped for wasting my time. The plot if there was one did not flow, just patched together bits of scenes with no continuity at all or explanation. You could just as easily be watching bits and pieces of a dozen different movies. Save yourself the time and go watch grass grow or paint dry, much more interesting than this movie.
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Another worst action film! Full of boring conversation, and super annoying overuse scene! Avoid at all cost!
kwenchow30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with the narrator talking about nuclear war, and he indicate it's start in Korea scene! As turnout, this film is about a FBI agent "Fyfe", need to take down a mystery mastermind hidden in a monitor room, who try to start nuclear war by manipulate an oil attack at the middle east! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the green screen war scene, overuse of the news broadcasting scene, overuse of the aircraft flying on the sky scene, and overuse of the talking on the phone scene! Make the film unwatchable! The only intensity of the film is the explosion scene! At the end, Agent Fyfe fail to find the mastermind in a room! That's it! Wasting time to watch!
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Incomprehensible plot tied together with stock footage
jchm-2114330 December 2022
I have absolutely no idea what the story of this film is meant to be. There is basically almost zero plot or character development. It just seems to launch in to military conflict with no explanation whatsoever. That conflict is illustrated by huge amounts of stock footage stitched together with no consideration of continuity. A flight of aircraft is supposed to be over the Black Sea. But this changes to the Baltic - and then back to the Black Sea. However, the planes are shown over desert, then snow covered mountains, ocean and somewhere with palm trees.

The planes themselves somehow metamorphosize from Danish F-16s and RAF Typhoons into USAF aircraft. They are shown attacking what is described as a "Mig-23," but obviously is a F-18. This then changes to a Mig-21 - and then gets shot down when it turns into an American QF-4 drone.

This must have been the cheapest movie in history Avoid.
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This movie is a colossal flop
redhorseth13 March 2023
This movie is so horrible that I had to watch it for all the laughs. Like the one scene where the U. S. is invading N. Korea and footage of a "North Korean" Soldier with a U. S. Army training blank adapter on his rifle. I think the budget for this flop was $29.95.

It looks like they took every available footage of the US Army from Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan and anything else they had and crammed it all into this movie. I stopped counting literally the number of times actors would use the phrase "I say again" in all the combat scenes. If there were any war crimes in the real W. W.4, it would undoubtedly be forcing people to watch this dumpster fire of a movie.

I have lost IQ points from having watched it.
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evoluterx7 February 2023
I was looking for WW III movies and found World War Four.

When i read the reviews here i was stunned that not ONE review was positive so i decided that i wanted to see it but, go in with an open mind. After seeing this, i conclude that it was one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my life. There is no story at all, the production team literally copy and pasted videos and scenes..... well dang!! I expected something. The Day After was a GOOD movie and even it was from the 80's (i believe) i would rather watch that again then ever watch this movie. IF you can call this a movie at all. 1 STAR!
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Y'know, I'd have given it a 3 until I came to this page
danjhatcher14 October 2023
To shamelessly claim this predicted Russia's invasion of Ukraine three years before the fact is an incredibly disrespectful thing to do by itself, let alone the fact that *barely* even happened in the movie. Was the 'prediction' that one line of voice over saying Russian troops had entered Donbass? Regardless, 2022 wasn't the first time in modern history that Russian forces had entered the region.

Aside from that, I simply don't have the time to list out all the glaring, basic errors in this movie, even as someone uneducated in US military specifics.

Save yourself an hour and a half and have the same experience watching stock combat footage on YouTube.
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A Budget Film but 3 for Effort (SPOILERS)
daver618 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a good film though fairly entertaining in a bad-is-good sort of way. It is a budget film and it shows in many ways that are relatively good and bad. Nothing wrong with a budget film, in fact applause to those involved in such films for taking on the might of Hollywood. I have great respect for them.

The Good: 1. Using snippets of US and foreign stock-footage of armed forces (and weapons testing results on decommissioned warships) is quite an effective way of getting 'hardware' on a budget. It was highly inaccurate, disjointed, laughable, and often did not reflect what was happening, but that does not really matter to the casual viewer and it effectively served it's purpose. Having a military advisor would have improved military reality no end though and made it a better film.

2. The nuclear part was well done and was quite chilling in showing civilian populations going about their daily business quite unaware of their fate. The footage of actual nuclear explosions was well chosen and frightening.

3. The fate of the main protagonists was left to the imagination and allowed the viewer to visualise and think about the end of civilisation.

4. Fairly current in terms of world politics though not the predictive film some suggest given the plot line.

The Bad: 1. The acting is entirely unconvincing, particularly the main action hero and FBI agent. Granted neither had much to work with, but they were both awkward and stilted, which is forgivable for the FBI agent actor as he has only this film to his credit, but is less forgivable for the action hero actor as he has many films under his belt.

2. Terrible dialogue. Overall the dialogue speaks in clichés, and both action man and FBI agent seemed to speak in sort of sound bites from other poor-dialogue action films. The dialogue was massively unrealistic, e.g. The action man giving away all of that information to a stranger on the phone claiming to be FBI, and the mother getting a phone call from the son as he about to join the first wave ashore!

3. The action scenes are laughably terrible, such as the action-man-for-all-seasons hero being involved in a very loud and extremely explosive fight for the woodland tree line and then having the enemy airbase 1.5 'clicks' away being completely unaware of it!

The Ugly: 1. The film is about the lead up to a nuclear war orchestrated by a shadowy figure within the US hunched over a computer. This plot line brings the film in to the realm of conspiracy theory's and undermines the realism of the film's story arc and any claims to be predictive. It would have been better by far to have shown the progression to nuclear war through current political and geographical realities. This would have required more imagination and thought on how it could happen, but paid dividends for the films narrative.

2. Who are the real aggressors here? From one standpoint the aggressor is the US over-reacting and taking military action with little thought and escalating things for no valid reason and no excusable outcomes. This has been happening, particularly in the Middle East, with the US and Western allies since the 60s, so maybe the film is reflecting that to show how one day things might go too far.
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Mostly ctap
svlp-111674 July 2022
The one who put the picture together is a complete layman. In the frame, when a Russian plane is shot down over Ukraine, mountains flash many times in the frame. Firstly, there are no mountains in this area! On the territory of Ukraine, there are mountains only in the west, and this is very far from the border where the alleged battle was fought. More precisely - 1300 km, well, you should at least open Google maps. Secondly, on the territory of Ukraine, the mountains look different, they are higher. Thirdly, the very area where the battle was fought is absolutely not so deserted, which could also be seen on Google maps. Fourthly, the nearest mountains are 500 km away and this is already the territory of Russia, and there they also look absolutely different! The film is absolutely without a plot, without acting and with wild inconsistencies between the picture and reality. It feels like the film is glued together from different pieces of passages that are not related to each other. Complete crap!
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Starring stock footage!
BandSAboutMovies19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You know, if 2020 has anything left to throw at us, well, World War Three and Four is probably next, right? I mean, after murderhornets.

So what if a war was going to happen? This story explores exactly that, as a series of escalating conflicts throughout Korea and the Middle East lead to more and more fighting, with all the countries of the world ready to destroy one another - which is, you know, what a world war is all about.

Written and directed by New Zealand's A.K. Strom, who also made End of All Things, this is a tense film that juxtaposes the big moves of military units around the world along with the impact of combat on a military family.

The budget on this is low, obviously, but it really takes advantage of great editing and quite a stock footage budget. If you think all of the military action in this looks real, that's because it is.
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It's so bad It's bad.
kinnypa8 May 2022
I think there may have been one other movie that was worse than this. The story probably sounded good as a concept, but the combination of geopolitical battles was incoherent and very poorly executed. Tom Clancy also predicted Russian aggression against Ukraine (as well as Georgia; he even got the timeline right) in his 2002 video game: Ghost Recon.

While the writer may have a reasonable analysis of where the world is headed, he did a poor job of bringing it all together in this movie.

If it's entertainment you're after, any other movie would be better.

If it's an understanding of geopolitics, try reading Michael Totten or Tom Clancy.

If it's modern weaponry being put to use, pick up the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare franchise for your favorite game console or PC.
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