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Salvation (2017–2018)
A political soap opera
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The series starts off well in the first season and sets up a few plot surprises. However once season 2 starts the various factions get a bit messy and borderline unbelievable. Some of the political maneuverings are close enough to morden day US politics to be coherent.

One of the key characters Grace Barrows is everywhere despite being unable to decide between 2 of the other lead characters. In one of the last episodes she has to decide whom she likes the most as her life may depend on this ( a bunker awaits) but is unable to do so.

So in that same episode after receiving a marriage proposal (from A) she spends part of the night with suitor B and then expecting to have breakfast with him is surprised to have suitor A at the front door. Just to spice things up she almost has a thing with one of the other leading characters too. It's almost like they couldn't think of a reason for her to be in some of those scenes so made her a romantic interest to get her a ringside seat.

Very frustrating to be floating around on a sea of random romance like that. So even though it is ostensibly a series that includes rocket science there was none of that in the actual script.

Final spoiler. John Noble has a great time playing a hammy villain who literally blasts off into space with a group of malcontents. They think it will let them survive the asteroid but really they are not coming back and the planet is better off without them. So that was a nice touch.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Star vehicle is empty nonsense
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to like this but when the "bad guys" go to Prague to get one guy they create a major incident involving police, commandos and lots of explosions and gunfire. It is hard to believe that almost no-one appears to have died despite the huge number of bullets flying. It is absolutely farcical. If anything like this happened in any city in the world it would be front page news and yet as we know he will the chief actor gets away scot free. What a joke. On the plus side that Evans guy seems to be having fun playing a villain. Although over acting and hamming it up is not the same as acting. At least someone had good time. The various gunfights may as well be fireworks displays. The kid is playing a 13 year old who is 35 but seems ok in that peculiar over written way that passes for acting. I'm sure she is good but really why cast for a 13 year old if the actor is like that. I couldn't watch this to the end.
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Ennui is a real thing.
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Leave the World Behind is a slow developing apocalypse movie that suffers from ponderous musical interludes and over done CGI for those animals.

I like violins as well as the next person but really there are a couple of sections where it seems like the director ran out of steam and just maxed out the music as a kind of aural smokescreen.

Thankfully it does have a couple of moments of insight buried deep in the runtime but will most viewers even notice or even get to that part without hitting eject or fast forward? One speech by character/s G. H and one by Amanda played by Mahershala Ali and Julia Roberts shed some light on the films meaning but it was generally too little and too late.

There are a few scenario set pieces such as the racial juxtaposition of the two families. Another concerns the role of conspiracy thinking. Over all this film seems to be a somewhat muddled meditation on what happens to society when a huge external event just stops everything.

It was probably triggered by the events of the pandemic which gave many a chance to pause and reflect on whether the kinds of lives and culture we are perpetuating is a good idea or not.

In the movie the trigger is an external and unknown trigger probably caused by a massive cyber attack that takes out all communications infrastructure. Once isolated, the characters in the film are forced to confront what kind of values they hold true and that is very challenging for them.

Julia Roberts and Kevin Bacon get to play against type which must have been interesting.

There are two daughter characters - Ruth who is probably late teens and Rose who is about 12 - a tween-ager. Rose has an existential connection to the TV series Friends and is fixated on watching the very last episode when her internet access is cut off. To be clear all comms are down so it's not just her that is marooned in the present.

By contrast as Ruth observes that the whole of Friends takes place in world that never even existed. A fictional universe - it is a mass delusion that we want to believe in especially Rose at this point in the story.

Leave the World Behind is not as dumb as it seems most of the time. The real world pandemic gave our planet a taste of apocalypse and like some of the characters in this movie we mused about resetting and rebuilding better than before. We were invited to review the past and many of us found it wanting. That is what this movie is about even if it is a bit clumsy about exploring that ennui.
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Love Actually (2003)
Over rated but its intentions are good
27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Finally watched this one about 20 years late ha ha. There are a selection of cameo parts from some superb actors and also a selection of hammy over done sequences too.

Bill Nighy's character steals every scene he is in. It must be fun to play a terrible character like that. Emma Thompson is great in everyone of her scenes.

Hugh Grant does his thing. If you like his work you probably saw this years ago. Colin Firth has a part as Jamie who somehow has an epiphany involving a woman who doesn't speak English at all. This leads to the most ridiculous scenes in the movie. They say love is inexplicable but that one is a real stretch.

There was one couple who shouldn't have even been in the film at all. Just Judy and John are some kind of lighting stand-in's for porn although I had to read about that as it is not obvious what they are doing and not a job one ever knew even existed.

Martine McCutcheon was a nice surprise although well known to others but not to me as I don't watch TV soaps. But she was funny and seemed like a real person.

Liam Neeson is now so well identified with his fictional role in those nutbar films where he goes OTT crazy it is hard to even consider him as a grieving widower which is what he plays in this movie.

Thank goodness for Bill Nighy who I think gets the tone exactly right. Cynicism with a sense of humour.
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Deadwind (2018–2021)
Working mum gets things sorted
27 December 2023
The series starts off a bit slow but I liked the way it is seen from working mum Sofia's point of view most of the time. I watched this series after seeing Bordertown which is also set in Finland.

Great to see some stories from that part of the world. A bit dark but also has moments of humour. Most everything happens in low light or at night. It is definitely not a tourist booster and the net result of all the bleak landscapes and brooding scenes is the exact opposite.

On the other hand it is intriguing and keeps your attention so that you watch the next episode. Episode 7 in the first series is a high point.
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The Castle (1997)
It's the vibe of the thing
25 December 2023
Finally after 20 years of hearing about this movie I found a copy of the DVD and have now watched it a couple of times. It is immensely enjoyable.

Like the lawyer in the movie says "Its the vibe of the thing". The tone of the film is very gentle and funny. The family are simple folk and it would have been easy to mock them but the script writing and editing is sharp and it hits the spot.

I first visited Australia in 1985 and even lived there for a few years. This movie was released in 1997 and shows a a window into an Australia culture that has largely gone now but that is part of its charm.

There are plenty of jokes in the film and you probably know some of them already. Michael Caton in the lead role is a master class of under statement. I also like that Charles "Bud" Tingwall plays a lawyer who does the right thing.

The vibe of the movie is the thing and even after more than 20 years it is a classic moment in Australian fictional history that is still worth viewing into the future.
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Cunk on Earth (2022)
Not as funny as it thinks it is
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are 3 extended jokes in this series. After the first episode it all wears a bit thin. Having seen other comedians play the mock interview against the "straight interviewer" many times it loses its appeal. That is the first running joke and the main one that gets repeated for 5 episodes. Some of the experts are better than. Others at playing along although apparently they were told not to.

The second joke is playing Pump up the volume for 20 secs or more in each episode. It's their version of Rick Rolling and they add some new sub titles each time.

The 3rd joke is that Cunk pretends to be incredibly stupid and quote her stupid mates as sources. She also purposely mis pronounces names, place names and the like.

It is funny for the the first episode but just repeating the same joke on multiple times each episode gets a bit tedious. I'm sure some people will like it much more but in my view you are better to go and watch Comedians in Cars getting coffee if you have such a short attention span and at least there are a range of jokes in that.
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A minimalist classic
16 January 2023
Just re-watched this after about 30 years. I remember liking it the first time around and it still works all these years later. Very little actually happens apart from the haircuts and the costumes. The band is so terrible they are actually good. In fairness to them they can actually play quite well although it is difficult to say at times.

The visual joke of having 8 or 9 band members in a kind of Spinal Tap meets the Blues Brothers and out performs both of them by doing very little is exactly the point. This film could be a really long episode of Seinfield. It is absurd, minimalist and highly entertaining.

I am a fan of deadpan humour and I can see why Jim Jarmusch was in the film and friends with the director. It shares certain stylistic tendencies with Stranger Than Paradise which predated in by a few years. The version I just watched was dubbed in Italian and it didn't make any difference. It is visually so smart that you don't need to know any of the dialogue really. A minimalist classic in my view.
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Pixie (2020)
Pixie steals every scene
6 September 2022
There is about a minute in the film where Dylan Moran has a cameo. He is gloriously over the top in that particular style that he has but it is no match for Pixie played by Olivia Cooke.

Olivia effortlessly steals every scene she is in and even some where she is just in the background. There are many comic moments and even a few recognisable actors like Colm Meany and Alec Baldwin but no one gets the traction that Cookes character does.

It must have been fun for her to do. Early on she leaves a bullet on the graveside of her mother. I don't know what that means but "unfinished business" might be a good guess.

It turns out that the death of her mother connected to many later events but we don't find that out till much later.
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Never stuck for words this doco captures the life of Vonnegut well
15 August 2022
As a sometimes reader of Vonneguts novels but not a die hard fan this documentary was very comprehensive in showing us with archive footage and visits to some of the key locations.

The parts where Kurt's daughters, sone and nephews talk about their memories and experiences of the writer, the man and the relative are all very telling.

The film maker does get a bit embedded in some of the story but for the most part it is in a kind of explanatory way that a fan does could have done with a bit of editing on some of that but he was the writer / director and producer so that is all OK.

I will read a couple more of the novels that I missed. As a documentary this movie is well crafted and worth the time investment. I saw it at a film festival.

I can see why it took so long to make and the friendship with the director is part of the story too but can see why some people might not like that so much.
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Neptune Frost (2021)
Contemporary dance disguised as a movie. It works for the most part
15 August 2022
Neptune Frost is completely trippy. Black codes from the underground meets cloud networks but all expressed as some kind of extended contemporary dance piece.

Parts are simply incoherent but there is always something to look at. It is interesting to have 2 or three characters in the foreground having a poetry recital while in the background there are often dancers interpreting the music that we are all hearing.

There are a number of ideas going on here and I really enjoyed this film as a creative and engaging although the stilted dialogue was a bit too theatrical for its own good.

It was very much like some kind of theatre / contemporary dance piece where the words are clues to the story but not the whole story at all.

I read somewhere that the music was 3 albums worth and when I saw the drummers at the end I was ready for the film to finish so that editing felt like a natural arc. I saw this film at a film festival and I hope it gets wider release. It is exciting and visually and musically very much a success on its own terms. There is a narrative but I think that is secondary.
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Phoned in from the hospital bed
19 November 2021
Most of the movie is Shane talking to a few different people over a drink or two. He is definitely not well and it is like watching someone in hospital on their last days.

I can understand Shane and his wife wanting to share a few more stories and it does seem like many of the songs and the whole updating of Irish folk that the Pogues were part of has been under rated. It was good to hear about that but It is hard to watch.

Fairytale of New York is a great song but you know what I"ve never listened to the whole thing and never tried to decipher what it is about. It has always been just a few fragments of heartfelt emotion that seems to fit together well and it seems like commercially it did the trick for Shane and his band.

I'n glad I have a bit more background but fear Shane is not long for this world.
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We needed more of the little Monk
19 November 2021
I saw this at a local film festival. The opening scene starts with a tracking shot that shows a mystery car but keeps going to some islands. That seemed like a misdirection right at the start.

The real opening scene with the mad aunt, the fairy saint of Naples and the little Monk in a tumbling down palace complete with oversize chandelier hinted at some whimsy and magic but alas it is a prompt for domestic strife when Aunt goes home late to her husband.

The next scene with Fabio and his parents on the scooter is joyful and they de-escalate the drama. Mad Aunt is Fabiettos mothers sister.

There are a number of other scenes but the best are at the family picnic, the swim and the boat ride back.

When we finally get towards the end Fabietto meets the director who shouts every line.

I much preferred "the Great Beauty" which has a few more magical scenes than this. What is also of interest is that the film is going to be released on Netflix very soon and so its theatrical run will be super short. I enjoyed watching it on the big screen but it seems like a few scenes involving the little monk would have wrapped it up better. It needed more magic and less TV sitcom filler.
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The County (2019)
Bleak and anti-glamorous realism down on the farm with a few high points
3 August 2020
I went into The County expecting it to be more of a comedy than it actually was. To be fair I expected bleak, dry and dark comedy because Iceland is like that. There is also some kind of similarity between New Zealand isolation stories and the Icelandic ones. It does feel like rural Iceland and rural NZ are quite similar and so I expected the tone to a bit dark.

Well that part was correct only a bit bleaker than I had expected. The earthy anti-glamor realism of thick jerseys and overalls plus dollops of cow muck and milk are a bit hard to watch without an involuntary wince or two.

I knew the lead character was a widow before I went to see the film and so was surprised to find the husband alive for the first part of the film. I think the editors could have missed that section and I was somewhat distracted to see the supposed corpse breathing in the body ID scene. The impression is that they are people of few words. When the lead character makes a pointed post on Facebook the group dynamic changes and the conflict from that drives the movie forward. It does feel a bit compressed though from a narrative perspective.

I know it is is a script but the villains of the film are cartoonish and very very stilted. By the end of the film there are some rays of hope although there are some realistic outcomes as well. Not as great at say "Woman at War" or "A White,White Day" but it has its charms.
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Lolita (1962)
Not bad enough to be good
15 December 2019
This is just a terrible film. It has dated very badly and it has caricatures instead of actors. There are 3 hams and a vegetable in the 4 lead parts. I watched this because it is directed by Kubrick but I wish I'd never seen it at all.

James Mason over acts everything in a very exaggerated way. How did he even get cast. In 1962 were they that desperate? Certainly desperate enough to case Shelly Winters as the mum. Surely the character should have some redeeming features? As for Clare Quincy - what kind of name is that? Peter Sellars hams it up every time he has a moment. I'd like to think he was laughing at the movie, the script and the rest of the cast.

The Lolita herself is a kid of 15 playing a 14 year old. Theatrical would be a kind way to describe her. She is more like a vegetable - there only to be chewed up and spat out by the other characters.

This is dodgy subject matter and might have been something in 1962 but save yourself some time by watching another Kubrick film.
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A misfire
15 December 2019
If saying motherf dozens of time is your idea of funny then this is is for you. I wish Murphy had better material than this. The idea is stretched thin when you first realise the character is stealing someone else's copy. It goes downhill from there.
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What Just Happened? Mockumentary or Documentary?
5 August 2019
The first half of this documentary reads as a kind of sly, long con in which the film maker has somehow managed to get funding for a multi-year, multi location field trip. He can't believe his luck and starts off thinking much of the initial story is some kind of elaborate hoax.

Much to his surprise as he and the other investigator quite literally dig deeper they are rewarded by a much bigger story that is actually quite shocking.

However we can't quite be sure if the super witnesses are the real thing or actors playing a part. The secondary story seems to me to be the quite serious and deserving of a follow up.

The initial story around the death of the UN's Secretary general at the time does give us more context and that part of the story has quite rightly attracted a number of headline stories.

The secondary tall tales seem quite feasible but the tone of the overall expedition / documentary seem more mockumentary like. The format seems il suited to the secondary and more mysterious context and politics.

This is very much like that moment in Jaws where the character says - "we're gonna need a bigger boat" but he does recognise this but only in an oblique way.

This discordant contrast between the jokey tone of the initial story and the wider context makes it hard to know what it is that we have just seen. At times the style is very meta with Mads Brügger ( director & one of the investigators) unsure what to do with all of the revelations.

I personally hope that some other journalists or investigators follow up on this. If the director gets to film a part 2 I'm up for it.
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A sideways glance at the life of Marianne
5 August 2019
In some ways this film can be seen as an extended victim impact report. It is about Marianne who clearly contributed much to Cohens life on more than one level.

It also leaves a great deal unsaid and hazy. The assumption is that the cultural moments of the day ( and the copious drugs) have blurred the stories in many many ways. Despite all of that it somehow brings the back story of Marianne and Leonard into focus in a very sweet way towards the end of the film.

A number of the interviewees are just plain great. Watch out forAviva Layton who seems to be uncredited but she deserves better.

In many ways this film could have been much better if we had got past the headlines. Archival footage is used but the viewpoint most of the time is very much the male point of view.

This much thoughtless behaviour seems highly paradoxical. The myth of the unreachable poet seems to have attracted considerable numbers of women to the Cohen fan club. They felt like they were being understood. But seems to me; if that were really true - the story would have turned out quite differently.

What lifts this film is the redemption towards the end when we see the famous letter from Leonard to Marianne. In his dying moments Leonard recognised the value of his connection with Marianne. Coverage of the 5 or 6 years in a Buddhist monastery definitely hints at a rebalancing of Cohens' personal life and perspectives.

All in all this is a rather gentle sideways look at a significant relationship but understandably it is overbalanced by the the celebrity aspects of the story.

Marianne herself is present in the story but mostly in a back handed compliment kind of way.
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Is Palestinian comedy an Oxymoron?
5 August 2019
Maybe the best response for an absurdist situation is to reflect back that same puzzlement. I suspect the "p" word puts off many viewers who want to watch a film without too many arguments. The idea that some kind "Buster Keaton persona" could be present at so many bizarre situations without launching an obvious rant of some kind is a tidy conceit.

Most of the time - that stance works. It does get stretched a bit thin as the locus moves from Nazareth to Paris and New York. Apparently Montreal was a location too but that wasn't obvious. That may have been intentional.

The film maker appears to be asking us to makes some comparisons between international scenarios and the Palestinian politics. There is very little spoken dialogue in the film itself.

I liked the music and the general keystone cops sequence in Central Park but some of the other sequences are a bit more cryptic. On the whole the film does a great job of setting expectations and then flipping them for comic effect. Some of that comes across as self parody.

There are genuinely funny moments. I saw this at a film festival and I was delighted by it. It did make me think some more about the absurdity of the modern media and the milking of outrage rather than the more important discourse that we never quite get to.
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High Life (2018)
A misfire in space where no-one can hear the screams - an appalling waste of space
26 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was included in a film festival. It has Juliet Binoche. I've heard of the director before and seen some of her movies before. Usually all reasons to take a chance.

Unfortunately almost nothing happens in the first hour of the film and then things take a violent but cliched turn. I don't consider rape as entertainment. That is when I walked out. It is a rare thing to walk out of any movie especially a film festival pick but trust me this is a disaster.

There might be a target audience for people who like watching Robert Pattinson with his shirt off. But you could have painted a smiley face on a rubbish bin and the acting would have been more convincing. The guy is a walking prop not an actor at all.

It might be that the film miraculously gets better in the last half but I have better things to do like sleeping.

As for Juliet Binoche I tried to watch "Clouds of Sils Maria" and "Slack Bay" on Netflix and I found them unwatchable too but both of those are miles better than this turkey.
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A highly compressed view of a life lived at pace
22 July 2019
Saw this today at a film festival in Auckland. It felt rushed and over stuffed full of trivia. Almost like the makers wanted coverage and balance :) I would have preferred a little more focus on some of the pivotal moments and we did get some of that.

Clips of Kael being interviewed were some of the best parts and there were also some notable responses by film makers, critics and others.

I suspect the clips from movies that were used were all very short because of licensing constraints but it would have been better to label the less obvious ones.

I didn't know the story about Mankiewicz and Citizen Kane. That seemed like one of the great moments and could have been teased out a little more.

We heard from her daughter and possibly grand daughter? I think the story about the collaboration with Warren Beatty was worth a deeper look but perhaps there were some legal fish hooks there.

The David Lean clips where he mentions he was devastated by a particular event where she took hime to task was interesting. Again I wonder if there was more to add there.

On the whole though I came out of the theatre reminded of the many times Kael had made a call on a movie and had by doing so added a little edge to the movie going experience.

I have enjoyed her writing and will look up some of those essays and reviews now.
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One for the painters among us
1 January 2019
This self documentary meanders along and focuses on Lynch's art life / history. That would be great if it it came with insights into some of his films which it generally doesn't. If you are interested in painting and art generally then this could be for you.
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Lilyhammer (2012–2014)
That face makes up for some terrible scripts
1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Rather late to this but glad I finally checked it out. Watched the whole series over a week. Series 1 & 2 are best. In many ways the new Frankie the fixer is still the fixer. He is much smarter than the locals and works out a way to get what he wants despite being supported and staffed by a crew who cause almost more problems than they can solve. Folksy is not stupid but often played that way. A direction mistake in my view.

I was thinking he is a big fish in a small pond when it was suggested he was a shark. He does start as more of a shark but is disarmed by what we imagine is the folksy charm of Norwegian ways.

Van Zandt as Johnny / Giovanni / Frank has the most expressive face. At best his expressions carry whole scenes. Although at times you can see he is thinking WTF like when his crew beat up the owner of a green car. Except the car was red and his lead sidekick is colour blind.

Although there is an extensive core cast most of them don't develop their characters much at all. The character Jan is too much of a parody of correctness so when loses the plot it is no surprise. That character only has one mode in which he thinks he is a slapstick god. He is not. He is so hopeless that we lose any sympathy we have for him as he deteriorates.

Attitudes to women are not good and although Norwegian society is better than that, those more positive attributes are only played for laughs.

Johnny is much smarter than the rest of the cast and although this is a kind of mafia series the mob aspects are mostly played for laughs. The mob are shown to be incompetent and stupid. Various protagonists try to better Johnny but they all meet highly unlikely endings.

Series 3 is not as much fun. I didn't enjoy any of the Brazil episodes and I don't think they added anything really to the plot. If they wanted to get the Alex character to Norway they could have done it much more easily.

A new mob character who turns up after a failed assassination attempt is clearly much more astute than the other petty criminals but not smart enough to recognise that subtlety is required.

There are some cameos from Sopranos and Springsteen himself appears briefly. The series is at its best when it is a parody of the mafia relocated to small town Norway. And that face is truely priceless.
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Off Camera with Sam Jones: Aimee Mann (2014)
Season 1, Episode 9
The artist in their own words
19 May 2018
The format here is quite restrained. Being 40+ mins allows the subject some rambling time if they find a particularly interesting topic.

I started with the musicians and comedians episodes as I know more about them than the actors for the most part. Sam Jones has an easy questioning style although just occasionally I wish he'd probe a bit more.

The episodes look like they are filmed in one take and some of them might be especially with the bigger "names". It would be good to know if that is the case. I liked Aimee Mann sending herself up in that Portlandia episode and this is similar in tone.

Watching some of the other episodes now and particularly liked the Judd Apatow, Sarah Silverman, Jackson Browne and Matt Damon ones.
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Inside Man (2006)
Too abstract to bother anyone
19 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There is a clever story in this film but it takes so long to be revealed it becomes an anticlimax. A bank president has done bad things and keeps the evidence in a safety deposit box.

There is an awful lot of planning going on to make it look like the equivalent of a postmodernist bank robbery.

The problem is no one can connect with the hostages or the robbers because they are wearing masks over their faces most of the time. The police lead investigator thinks he is in a stand up competition looking for more comedy bits for next set.

In a word the whole event is kind of anonymous with very little to connect to so when the story progresses we just don't care.

Update 2023: Just rewatched this after forgetting most of it. Very much the same result. There is a cunning plan in there somewhere but by the time it gets to the end we no longer care if we ever did.
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