
24 Reviews
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Shaft (2000)
Action with style
29 December 2000
I recently saw this movie again at a late night movie marathon and its still as good as the first time I saw it. I don't know why people say this a remake of Shaft, it's much more of a sequel than anything else. The setup for this film is simple: Rich white boy Walter Wade Jnr kills black youth and is arrested by Detective John Shaft. However, the case falls through in court and Walter Wade Jnr goes into hiding. Two years later he reappears and is again caught by John Shaft, who is now working in a different precinct. Once again the case falls through. Enraged, Shaft quits and begins a one man vendetta to bring Walter Wade Jnr to justice. This movie is full of good old action movie fun. In a year were we've seen movies ranging from aliens invading earth to tired old teen slasher flicks its refreshing to see an action film from the old school. Gunfights, car chases and humorous quips are what this film promised and it delivers "ten times out of ten"(!) Plus Shaft's clothes are so stylish! This movie also has some of the funniest hispanic drug dealers I've ever seen in any movie. Couple that with a top-notch performance by Samuel L Jackson as Shaft(he makes Shaft seem so cool) and you've got yourself one of the better action films of the year.

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My comments on Battlefield Earth
9 October 2000
Acting/Script- B- (John Travolta's constant use of the word leverage is grating and annoying)

Plot- C- (I don't think I've ever been more confused about a movie plot in my life, plus some parts are TOO unbelievable and the plot holes are sometimes noticable)

Action Sequences- B+ (One of the better parts of the film, in my opinion)

Overall- D+ (the plus being for the action sequences)
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Sudden Death (1995)
One of Van Damme's best movies
17 September 2000
I watched this movie last night again after buying it for 10 bucks{!}, and I must say I still can't find anything really wrong with it(O.K the plot is shaky). The acting is good and the action sequences are top-notch. The fight between Van-Damme and the giant penguin has to be seen to be believed! Powers Boothe's character Joshua Foss is right up there with Hans Gruber of Die Hard. One of the better Die Hard clones out there in video-land. 9/10
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Eddie Murphy: Delirious (1983 TV Special)
Hilariously funny- a treat to watch.
14 September 2000
What a riot! I mean I love this "movie"! Its so funny and full of great jokes. I mean Eddie Murphy's impression of Micheal Jackson and Mr T has to be seen to be believed. Plus his incredible outake on life, especially family barbecues. I guarantee you won't stop laughing throughout the entire video AND you'll remember the jokes long after you've turned it off. I mean I still can't get the Mr T joke out of my head and I can't stop saying gooneegoogoo either. However this is one video you'll want to watch without minors present. I mean it has extremely coarse language. But who cares when its this funny, right? I guareentee you wont forget this "movie" in a hurry 10/10
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Eddie Murphy is a good vampire.
13 September 2000
I watched this movie thinking it would be like other eddie murphy movies- lots of humor and fun. I was wrong BUT I wasn't dissapointed. I mean, for once I enjoyed a horror movie. Usually I shy away from horror movies because of their incredibly stupid and repetitive plots and characters. This one was different however. I don't really know what it was that made me like this movie, but I have to say that Eddie Murphy makes a good vampire. His version of a vampire is cool but SO totally evil.And his sidekick Kadeem Hardison(also seen in the movie Drive) is funny. In all a good movie. I guarantee that once you start watching this movie you'll be hooked and wont want to finish watching it until the end. 8/10
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X-Men (2000)
The X-men come to life in a big way
22 July 2000
Ever since I heard about this movie being made I wanted to see it. So I went to the cinemas with very big expectations. I have to say I wasn't totally dissapointed with it. There were a few things that weren't totally true to the comic books(like Rogue being so young and Sabretooth being so stupid and monosyllabic)but I gradually acccepted this. The casting I have to say was good. Patrick Stewart IS Proffesor Xavier and Hugh Jackman portrays Wolverine perfectly and shows us that he does have a heart(and that Australian's can act)James Marsden looks good as Cyclops, although I have a problem with DR(?)Jean Grey(I think this is due to the fact that Beast didn't make it to the final cut and they needed that "Dr" element in there)Halle Berry was good as Storm, but didn't have much to do (besides kick evil mutant butt).At first I have to say that Anna Paquin was not in my list of choices to be cast as Rogue but she does a good here of showing us a young Rogue before she became what she is now. On the evil mutant side Ian McKellen is fantastic as Magneto and shows us how powerful he really is. Ray Park is good as Toad although the character was TOTALLY different from the original but I don't care because the original was SO lame. Rebbeca Romjin-Stamos looked so incredible as Mystique but why did she only get one line in the WHOLE movie? There was also a slight change in her costume(she was never naked in the comics). Finally Tyler Mane as Sabretooth. Good casting, not so good transition of character from comic book to big screen. I mean Sabretooth is supposed to look like an animal. Instead here he looks like a man with a bad facial hair problem. And whats with the costume? Did he rob a second hand clothes store? Also Sabretooth is supposed to be Wolverine's opposite. He's supposed to be cunning, homicidal and extremely psychotic. Yet here he nothing more than a big dumb sidekick to Magneto. He doesn't sound or even look scary in this movie. Plus his fight with Wolverine should have been MUCH longer than 2 minutes. Hopefully we'll see a full out bloodbrawl in the next movie, along with some hint as to the connection between Wolverine and Sabretooth. Overall however this is a good movie and is right up there with Blade. 8/10
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Drive (1997)
Rises above its budget
24 June 2000
I read about this movie on IMDB and heard it was quite good so I rented it. This movie is better than good- it's awesome! I mean, of course the movie is low budget(made for 5 million I hear)and the acting isn't top notch, but considering the budget this movie is excellent. I mean there isn't much evidence in the whole movie that it is low budget, even the action sequences rival that of The Matrix. Mark Dacascos is an actor I have never heard of but I think after watching this I'll try and get my hands on other movies he's made. His martial arts skills are awesome.That coupled with the wisecracks coming from his sidekick/friend(forget his name sorry) and you've got a good action movie thats worth the rental money. 10/10
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Welcome to Rookerworld!!!
18 June 2000
This movie in fact is probably every bit as good as the second sequel.One of my complaints about this movie is the change in the character of Peyton Westlake/Darkman. In the first movie he was a tortured man battling strong demons within himself, whereas in this movie he seems to be fully developed into a wise-cracking comic book type character. We only get a small hint of Darkman's emotional state throughout the entire film and that's about it.

I think this movie's was made as an action movie rather than anything else. The action sequences aren't bad either.

Also Jeff Fahey's character, Rooker is good but feels somewhat shallow, as if more of the character needed to be developed before we could believe he was truly evil. Arnold Vosloo is an interesting choice to play Darkman and brings his own style to the character. Add to this the plight of Darkman falling in love again and having to painfully remember that he can never share his feelings with another person and you have the makings of a good movie.

Maybe they should have spent more time on the characters than the action. Maybe this would have made the movie better. But nevertheless it is still quite an entertaining movie and works well if you don't stop to think about it. 6/10
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Silly, wacky fun
17 June 2000
This movie must have the funniest skeletons I have seen in any horror movie. That plus the fact that Ash, the main character, suffers more physical abuse than any action hero before him makes this movie a must see. Don't try for a moment to make sense of this movie,just sit back and enjoy the ride and get ready to laugh you're head off with this movies array of physical humor as well as verbal gags, jokes and one-liners. This movie is silly but fun and it works quite well, unlike other movies following in its footsteps. Overall a good movie to sit and watch with your friends, dates or anybody else who needs a good laugh. 10/10
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Con Air (1997)
Good action fun
15 June 2000
I bought this movie last year and was glad that I had. Its a funny movie, full of action. The characters range from cruel to insane. Steve Buscemi's character, Garland Green is especially funny(i guess Steve Buscemi is funny in whatever movie he's in) and his lines throughout the movie are SOOO funny. Overall this movie is fast, furious and full of action. Just don't watch this movie for the plot(not much there) instead just sit back and enjoy the wild ride this movie is. 7/10
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Black Dog (1998)
Good chase movie- with trucks!!
14 June 2000
This movie is just plain cool. Its a chase movie with a difference- it uses trucks!! The chase scenes are filmed excellently and the big budget shows. The plot may be flawed, but you don't watch movies like this for the plot. You watch it for the action. And there's lots of it in this movie. From fistfights to gunfights to car and truck chases this movie has it all. Patrick Swazye's character is all too human and his plight is believable. Overall a good movie. Snap it up next time you're at your local video store. Its worth the rental price. 10/10
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Jeff Speakman's first and best
14 June 2000
Where can I learn to fight like that? This movie is fantastic. The fight scenes are choreographed perfectly and make Speakman out to be a good fighter, but not invincible(he does get hit a few times, quite nastily I might add). This is much better than a Steven Seagal film where he never suffers one blow from the bad guys. The way Speakman moves is breathtaking. Its almost hard to believe that what he's doing is actually a martial art. But it is. And he does it so well.

The plot in this movie is simple: its just another revenge flick. This makes the movie easier to watch because you don't have to really watch the plot, just the action. Its rather disappointing that after this and Street Knight, speakman was reduced to doing low-budget films. He deserves another big budget movie like this. Fantastic action, fantastic martial arts choreography make this a 10/10 movie. If you haven't seen it yet you must WATCH IT NOW.
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8MM (1999)
Disturbing and eye opening
11 June 2000
After seeing this movie in the video store, me and my friend decided to borrow it thinking it might be interesting. By the time we'd finished watching it a whole new side of society had opened up and revealed itself to me. The story is simple- a private eye, hired by an old lady to find out the truth behind a film she found in her deceased husbands safe that shows a young girl being murdered on film- is the murder real? Who were the men who perpetrated the crime? And so begins the journey into a side of society we rarely see, let alone believe exists, a journey that is both dark and disturbing but almost true. It makes you wonder, do you know your friends as well as you'd like to. Is there something that there hiding. Do they have a side that we'd dismiss as fiction? Although this movie isn't gory or graphic(except for one scene) it still has the power to shock you with its images and themes that run through the film. The way Nicholas Cage's character changes is entirely believable. I mean wouldn't you change if you went from being a family man with a happy, one sided view to life, to a man who has been corrupted by a world he never knew existed? Overall a brilliant study of the human character and the many faces a person can have. You have been warned though this movie is very disturbing and should not be watched alone (or if you have a weak stomach) 9/10
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The Punisher (1989)
The guilty will be punished!!!
11 June 2000
I consider this to be one of the two comic book adaptations that have actually worked and been watchable more than once(the other movie is Blade). The movie is based on the Marvel Comics character, a relentless vigilante who witnessed the death of his family at the hands of mobsters and has now taken it upon himself to destroy every mobster he can find. He is only known as the Punisher and his phrase "if your'e guilty, you will be punished" strikes fear into the hearts of mobsters everywhere. Altogether this isn't a bad film considering it is low budget(and due to this Frank Castle's background was changed from ex-military to ex-cop). If you can overlook the fact that the Punisher is missing his trademark uniform with the skull shirt and that there's no Micro(punishers weapon supplier) you'll enjoy this movie, although I'd say Dolph Lungdren wouldn't be my first choice to play The Punisher. One warning though this movie is extremely violent and is rated R in Australia for its frequent violence and some coarse language. 6/10
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Good, old fashioned, swashbuckling fun.
10 June 2000
I recently purchased this movie and decided to watch it again yesterday and was once again hit with realisation that this movie, even though it is lacking in special effects and gimmicks, is excellent. What this movie lacks in S/FX it makes up for with daredevil stunts, sword fights and subtle humor. It doesnt need CGI or the like to capture your attention. What captures your atention is the romance, the action, and the mystery that is the legend of Zorro. The casting also is brilliant. Sir Anthony Hopkins makes for a good choice as the original Zorro and Antonio Banderas is dashing and brave as his protege. Of course what movie would be complete with a sexy heroine and this part is filled to a T by Catherine Zeta Jones, who proves theres more to a heroine than just screaming and fainting. Overall this is a good family movie and is sure to please any disconcerning viewer, young or old. 10/10
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Insightful and eye-opening
7 June 2000
Being a fan of the Spice Girls, I bought this almost as soon as it showed up in the stores. I watched it as soon as I got home and was pleasantly surprised at its contents. A Tour Story follows the Spice Girls exploits and adventures in America during the time they performed there. Of course Geri had already left by then, but even without her the film was still interesting. It shows how life on the road can be lonely and long and incredibly draining, both on the mind and the body. It is also very upfront and shows the girls emotions before and after performing. You thought it was easy being on the road? Well this film proves you wrong. All together this is very good film and I recommend it to anyone who is a fan or not. 10/10
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The Matrix (1999)
No-one can be told what the Matrix is
7 June 2000
To tell the truth, I went into this movie expecting to come out totally confused, but instead I came out asking questions that I think i will never be able to answer. Next to John Woo, the Wachowski's are the best directors I have ever seen. They way they film action sequences is spectacular and was worth the Oscar they won. The plot also, will raise some eyebrows and cause a lot of questions to be asked. My favorite character in the film would have to be the evil Agent Smith he is both slimy and mysterious at the same time. I have to say this film set the standard in directing for action/sci-fi movies. I give it 10/10 and anxiously wait for the sequels.
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Darkman (1990)
Call me....Darkman
7 June 2000
Wow! I love this movie! Peyton Westlake(Liam Neeson) is a scientist who has it all;a loving girlfriend, a good life and the chance to make a difference with his synthetic skin experiments. That is until Robert Durant(Larry Drake) and his men break into his lab one night and savagely beat him, leaving him for dead and blowing up his lab in the process. But Westlake does not die instead;he survives and, altered by an amazing(and almost unbelievable) medical procedure, he retreats into the shadows as a creature of the night, as the Darkman, and begins to seek vengeance against the man who destroyed his life: Robert Durant, while at the same time battling the madness in his mind that threatens to consume him. I loved this movie simply for the plight of the main character, the man known as Darkman, a man who has been forced to live a life of seclusion due to the random cruelty of a man just doing his job. It is this thirst for vengeance that tears him apart; does he attempt to pick up the remains of his life and live it as best as he can, or does he allow himself to become what he wants to become, an anger driven machine of vengeance? And when he makes that choice will he be able to live with it? All these questions and more are observed and answered at length in the film. This movie is notable for the directing style of Sam Raimi, who is my third favourite director of all time (behind John Woo and the Wachowski Brothers). The way he captures action sequences is magnificent and has to be seen to be believed. Overall this movie is must see and I recommend it wholeheartedly(if you do see make sure you see the sequels there pretty good too) 10/10
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This tape will destruct in 5 seconds....
6 June 2000
I watched this movie mainly because I am a big fan of John Woo's directing, but also because I watched the first Mission Impossible and thought that a sequel could possibly improve it. Just by watching this film you can instantly tell its a John Woo film, the slow motion action sequences, the long looks between characters, plus the opera-themed music. Also the action sequences were impressive to say the least, with the best bike chase I have ever seen. Not a bad way to kill 2 hours I reckon. 8/10
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Steel (1997)
Good as a comic, bad as a film
6 June 2000
Where do I begin? I mean I enjoy the character of Steel myself, but this rendition of him is just plain bad. I mean Shaq is a good as a basketballer but needs more practice as an actor. The supporting cast did nothing more than smirk and make wisecracks now and then. What happened to the supporting cast Steel had in his comic book? I mean they were interesting enough, at least more interesting than the characters in this farce.What about John Henry himself? What happened to the dark background he had in the comic? I mean there was enough plot for a movie there. John Henry's motivation for putting on the armor is almost none exsistent, execpt for the fact that the armor is there only to stop his weapons from being used wrongly. What??? John Henry is supposed to also have a mad on against gangs. What about that? All we see of John henry's character in this movie is a wisecracking smirking mettalurgist(he's even missing his background in engineering, judging from the fact he needs help to design the armor) What about the armor?. I personally was looking forward to seeing Steel's armour in action on the big screen, but then they replaced it with this more "realistic" armor. What??? I mean, Steel's armour was unrealistic. So? That's what made the character so interesting. With the exception of Blade and the Punisher,this movie is added to the list of bad movies about good comic book characters. When will it end? I give this movie a 2/10(2 being for the music and F/X)
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Spice World (1997)
Welcome to life in the Spice bubble
6 June 2000
This movie is fabulous, but this is only because I am a huge fan of the Spice Girls and would recommend this film to any other fans out there. It is funny movie, full of witty comments and performances and I love the way the girls make fun of each other and their personalities. Victoria shows some great promise as a comedic actress. As I said before watch and you'll love it 10/10
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Die Hard (1988)
Sets the standard for action movies everywhere
6 June 2000
Now this is what I call an action movie! John Mclane(Bruce Willis)is a New York cop in town to celebrate christmas with his wife(Bonnie Bedelia) at the high rise building where she works. No sooner has Mclane arrived then the building is taken over by a group of highly armed terrorists led by Hans Gruber(Alan Rickman), who take everybody hostage, including Mclane's wife. It is now up to Mclane to stop the terrorists and rescue the hostages without getting himself killed in the process. With its mix of blistering action and white knuckle thrills, Die Hard is the mold that all other action movies should use. I mean this movie is just fantastic. I especially like Willis's performance in this movie. His John Mclane character is terrific, being able to take on terrorists and utter wisecracks at the same time. This is hollywood action at its finest!! 10/10
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5 June 2000
This is truly the best bond film i have ever seen. Timothy Dalton does a commendable job as Bond in his second outing and shows the side of bond we rarely see: his angry side. Dalton pulls off a serious bond a lot better, than say, Brosnan or Moore. Dalton shows that bond is human and can show real emotion like the rest of us. Dalton also shows that bond can question authority and not say "yes sir" to everything M says. This films boasts some of the best stunts in a bond film since "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" (another severely underated bond film i might add)and provides a refreshing change from the "laugh in the face of danger" bond that Moore portrayed in his films. I recommend this film wholeheartedly for anybody, bond fan or not, and give it 10/10.
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Shaken, not stirred
5 June 2000
Wow! What an awesome film. This just goes to show that Dalton should have been given more than two bond films to act in. I mean what other actor can play bond and portray him as smooth and charming, yet calm, cool and possibly cold hearted. Dalton does not deserve the bad press he recieves from the majority of people who have seen this film. I mean it is a fantastic film and deserves more praise. This movie also boasts the best pre-title sequence in a bond film ever.

I have to say it this movie ROCKS and I give it 10/10.
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