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Red Lights (2012)
I'm seeing red!
18 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I can sum up this mess of a film in a few short paragraphs:

Sigourney Weaver was amazing. A brilliant performance a kin to her role in Copy Cat as Criminal Psychologist Helen Hudson. Weaver plays Margaret Matheson, a no nonsense style professional out to help people understand that paranormal abilities are not real. Sigourney's role is abruptly cut short after 35 mins - for no reason!

Funnily enough after Matheson dies, the film just nose dives into a bowl of mess. Cillan is weak, De Niro is just appalling. Rodrigo Cortés has no control over the movie at all. I'm not even quite sure what happened in some scenes.

This film could have been something brilliant, if Weaver was the lead and focused on her character. I don't want to see this film again.
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Black Swan (2010)
Something very special
4 February 2011
Black Swan is simply mesmerising.

From the dark dance opening sequence, this film grabs you by the throat and doesn't let you go until the bright white light at the end of the movie.

You many think Black Swan may be "a movie about boring ballet" but it is far from it. This movie is about transition, control, losing control; and questions reality and of course what it is to be perfect.

Natalie Portman gives the greatest performance in movie history as an aspiring shy ballet dancer with high ambitions. She totally engrosses the audience in her world by taking them on her journey from her humble beginnings to the heights of what it takes to become the Swan Queen in Swan Lake.

Without giving too much away the scene where she dances the black swan is simply orgasmic, such grace, power, beauty leaves you feeling like you have just experienced something never seen.

It's great seeing Winona Ryder in this small dark role with a nice line of "you stole these from me?". Also the Hershey also gives a very chilling performance as an over protective mother, something along the lines of Carrie's mother in Carrie. Also the use of CGI in this movie was really brilliant. Really subtle and adds perfectly to Nina's decent into madness.

I urge everyone to go see this movie. Throw away any preconceptions about ballet and prepare yourself for something very special.
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Zombieland (2009)
What a load of fun!
12 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was thinking this would just be another dumb zombie movie but how wrong was I, it was brilliant.

Funniest new movie I have seen in ages.I could rave on about how cool the opening credits were, or how good the visual effects are or how funny Woody was or how heartwarming the main character and all his little quirky rules.... but I am not. There are moments of pure genius in this film.

Also great quote from Little Miss Sunshine herself with a sawn off shotgun in her hand, while holding Mr Natural Born Killer at ransom himself "12 is the new 20".

Go watch it and try not to love it, i dare ya!
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Brüno (2009)
All I can say is pure genius
18 July 2009
An uneasy watch, crude, vile, shocking mixed and hung all together by the unlovable, well not totally unlovable, Bruno.

Such as great film, laughed my socks off - come on a singing penis ....absolute genius! Have not enjoyed myself at the cinema for so long, well done Sacha you must have the biggest balls in the world to make this film!!!

Working your thang in the middle east and then on American TV, I felt so uneasy I wanted to leave many a time, but had to stick it out to the end!

Love the new expression 'carb eyes'.
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Eden Lake (2008)
Horrifically realistic
8 June 2009
Like most films these days I try not to read anything about them first or even see the trailer.

My brother recommended Eden Lake and thought that I would give it a go. British horrors are either brilliant or completely dreadful. Thankfully this one was excellent.

One of the most calm horrific films I have ever seen. The main characters are completely believable, a loving professional couple who are terrorised and made powerless by a bunch of teenagers. Being British, the villains in this film are played by what we would call 'chavs'. Local shopping centres are always full of kids that act and behave like this and what they do in this movie is horrendous.

This film was so realistic I was shouting at the screen and feeling so sad and horrified. This film is wonderfully sick and I would recommend anyone to watch this.
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This film was just stoopid!
4 June 2009
Maybe I had too high expectations but this film is truly awful. The acting is horrendous, no pace, no suspense, comical horror - why was this rated 18? I was expecting something truly innovative, suspenseful and horrific due to all the buzz surrounding this film but it was literally ridiculous.

People were laughing in the audience, so many things made me angry in this film "what's that red stuff on your blouse?", "I was cutting a tomato in the kitchen" and that seemed to be a perfectly acceptable answer... like how dumb does Raimi think we are? I think the Scary Movie guys are going to find it hard to spoof this film as it is already done for them but with out the humour.
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Australia (2008)
Hmmmmm...OK I suppose
18 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK went to see this at a special screening last night and came out thinking I wished it was better.

I saw the trailer ages ago and thought 'was that really a Baz Lurhman film'? Where is the glitz and glamour? Anyway, went to see it and I thought it was all over the place. Baz added a few of his signature styles at the beginning of the film but then nothing in the second half, it was weird.

Kidman was good but Jackman was average but with a body like that who cares? Both of them looked good in Jophurs. I didn't really feel the chemistry between the two actors apart from a spine tingling kiss under the tree when they were doing the 'foxtrot'.

What I didn't get about this film, was it a love story, was it a war epic, was it about the stolen generation? If it was about any of these, none of them came across strong enough.

Although a great scene in the desert with the cattle - reminded me of an excellent scene in King Kong.

Nice to think that Kidman got pregnant while making this film and her character couldn't.
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Best British FIlm Ever!
8 December 2008
I feel so lucky to go to a special screening of this film.

This film is simply amazing. A true love story that will have you hooked from beginning to end. The film's first half is so intense and sad and funny and so painfully real you just want the world to stop to help these poor children.

The second half is more about Jamal's redemption. Don't want to give anything away but it will have you in tears.

You will hate but forgive Salim in the end too.

Brilliant British film, Ayush Mahesh Khedekar deserves and Oscar for his amazing performance as the youngest Jamal and great to see a young British actor have such a meaty, gritty role - well done Dev! Go see this film!
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I Am Legend (2007)
I am 28 weeks later
31 January 2008
This film is good. I have given my comment a bit of a cheeky title as it is very very similar to 28 weeks later. Although it is pale in comparison. It still is good. Will Smith did a good job but I am getting a little bored of his 'save the day' characters as they are getting all a bit samey. It was great seeing New York empty and Will got his characters isolation across quite well "please speak to me". It was quite creepy but and there are some good suspense moments but the zombies were all a bit odd looking. Very CGI which was a bit disappointing, the same as the lions.

I loved the bond between the dog and Will and how we discovered how the army evacuated New York. Very scary.

The ending was very typically American, giving the glimmer of hope in the 'Village' type community in Vermont, where the little Irish woman has the cure. Where as in 28 weeks later, the disease has just spread into France and it looks as though there is no hope.

All in all, quite a good film. I would watch it again on DVD.
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300 (2006)
Visually Stunning
31 January 2008
Saw this the other day on DVD, why oh why did I not see this at the cinema? I have been a bit lazy and not looked into what this story was based on but it grabbed me from the very first scene. I was dreading it being another 2 hour long 'Lord of the Rings' battlefield epic but it wasn't. The whole Spartan thing was great, and I thought the scene where the young king was growing up was very interesting. The action scene were quite typical, lots of arms being chopped off and decapitations but it was slightly different and made it very captivating to watch. Xerxes was a very very creepy enemy, very feminine to look at but a body of a fierce god and the voice like Candyman - very scary.

300 is not the best film ever but definitely worth a look! Shame its called 300, don't know why but that really bugged me!
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Enchanted (2007)
I loved this movie!
24 January 2008
I went to see this last night in my local little cinema. It has proved me right again not having any expectation before seeing the film proves that you can be really surprised. I loved everything about this film. This is not a musical but has some singing in it and I usually hate that, but it was just hilarious how it was done. The idea of the Giselle acting like a Disney princess in New York was just so funny. I really embarrassed myself laughing out loud, glad there was only 8 other people in the cinema. Im not really a romantic either but this film was so romantic i fell for it and prayed that they got together at the end. The animals were cute, the story was sweet and it all worked beautifully. So much fun! Most funny bit in the film was when Giselle needed a fairy godmother and the little girl helps out.

If you haven't seen it - GO SEE IT!!!
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Truly Awful!
22 January 2008
I am a massive 'Alien' fan and Alien Vs Predator was a slap in the face but Alien Vs Predator Requiem is just like a massive kick in the balls!!! Visually OK, too dark at times, but why did they not make a movie the fans are crying out for? Looking back now Alien Vs Predator was not that bad! The scene with 1000s of aliens running up a pyramid could have been a good place to start to make a sequel or prequel. This movie was so weak that I am surprised it ever got released at the cinema. No story, no characters and what the hell was that Predalien all about??? Don't waste your money on this empty space of a movie. I wish I had better things to say about it but I really don't!
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Disappointing, why did they have to make it?
17 August 2007
Not much to say really, weak story line, all the funny bits had been repeatedly advertised on television, therefore when you saw them in the film it was just 'luke warm funny'. It is such a shame, as I am a massive fan of the TV series, why did they feel they had to make this film? I didn't like how the characters personalities seemed to be different too. Basically I found this film to be a really big disappointment. It is such a shame as The Simpsons is such an amazing sitcom! Ooh, actually the best bit of the film was Ralph in the 20th Century Fox opening credits, which now makes me thing they should make a film based on him being the central character/hero of the film. That would be "some good tooting boy" - what do you think?
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I Just don't know if I enjoyed it or not!
21 September 2006
I went to see this last night and was puzzled. It had all the trappings of a fantastic film, the story, actors etc but for some reason it just doesn't seem to pull off! You can't fault Robin or Toni, I just don't know what it was!

One thing I usually appreciate in film making is the unusual use of light in film but in this film the light was so contrasting, like a fluorescent, Illuminous annoying bright light in the back ground with not much foreground lighting, it made me feel a bit illas I was struggling so much with the contrast!

What I did appreciate was this story did not question the lead characters sexuality, or delved too deeply in to it and not question why he is gay or make a big deal out of it and I liked the 'real' portrayal of Gabrielle & Jess'relationship. As a big Sigourney Weaver fan, Sigourney says that a good role should be able to be portrayed by a man or woman, like her recent portrayal as Lenny in the upcoming 'The TV Set' (which was originally penned Ben Stiller)and I think the same with regards to a character being straight or gay it should not matter or be the focal point of the film (well that's depending if the films subject is sexual or not).

Anyway, this film does have it's highs and its lows - I'm glad I have seen it but wouldn't get it on DVD.
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Snow Cake (2006)
11 September 2006
This film is just a beautiful story that made me laugh and cry. Sigourney was just fantastic, have never seen her better. I was so lucky to meet her in Edinburgh where she did a 'reel life' interview about her career. Sigourney described how in depth she studied the role and was nervous about not being able to do it, which took her out of her comfort zone. All I would like to say is all the hard work was worth it. The scene where Linda dances at the wake just got my heart, I felt I was transported into Linda's world and you cannot ask more from a film.

It was so good to see a film without ego, cgi or violence, just a gentle take on extreme circumstances. Please please please go see this film and even if it is just to find out what 'DAZLIOUS' means!
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