
29 Reviews
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Talk to Her (2002)
fascinating and worthy of acclaim
8 May 2003
Was it Roger Ebert who said 'Talk to Her' was "about women in comas and the men who love them"? Actually I found it was more about the men themselves, and the dynamics of relationships. It's also about the danger of losing oneself in dreams and fantasies, which, like drugs, are pleasant at first, but become a trap.

I thought this movie would spend 95% of it's time at the bedside in a hospital, like 'My Dinner with Andre' in a different setting. But no, it's far more wide ranging and more special. And the relationship issues are much more varied and detailed than I thought.

As a single person too, this movie slapped me in the face. It shouts "Hey! Get out of the house! You've been staring out the window for half an hour or half your life and you haven't done any LIVING. Don't just flip through travel magazines - travel! Don't just watch other people dance, or rise and fall in relationships. Get up and dance yourself. Make the phonecall, risk the hurt again and try a relationship, even one that's faulty, rather than fantasing about a perfect one that's only thin air.

I once read somewhere that while an unexamined life is not worth living, an unlived life is not worth examining. To me, that's the difference between Marco and Benigno. And that's why I'm going to get up and turn off this computer.

Have a great day. DO something.
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The Good Thief is a great movie
5 May 2003
Like a child stealing cookies from a jar, there is something delicious when sometimes the bad guys win and the good guys lose.

"The Good Thief" reminds me quite a bit of "The Thomas Crown Affair" with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo. Both films have to do with clever scheming, high stakes gambling, the dance between men and women, and masterpiece art. And like a candle and a flame, or a gambler and his wager, both proclaim the wisdom that the money may reward you, but it's the gamble that hooks you. The prize money just lets you come back to the table one more time. And risk it all again.

I'm disappointed and surprised that this movie has so far only averaged a seven, with most voters giving it an eight. I think it deserves way better, like a nine or a nine and a half. There's so much here to like. I love the way this movie looks, the way it thinks, the way it demands that you pay attention. Okay, I wish the actors could have spoken up more (what did he say? did I miss something important?) but still, wow.

Nick Nolte deserves the high marks he's already received. I think he's this generation's equivalent of Robert Mitchum, another tough guy who is sadly missed. But other performances deserve credit too. For one, whoever the guy is that plays the slimeball informant plays a slimeball informant really well! And the lead guitar/techno art/computer geek/co-conspirator is another offbeat character who is cool to watch. Lastly, it was great to see that actor from "Three Kings," again. Pretty intense, and yet I sense he could do comedy too.

So who do you believe, 'the sevens' or me? Bet your nine bucks. Go see this movie.
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A funny family picture - this movie made my day
2 May 2003
I'd been reading good things about "Bend it" long before it came here. So as soon as it arrived, I made plans to take my niece. I probably enjoyed it more than she did. I found it touching, genuine and funny, like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" only funnier.

I loved the lead actress, Parminder Nagra; I forgot all about the camera watching her. I loved the dads and the moms. I loved the closing credits of the cast and crew; they're hot hot hot!

Okay, for a sports film, it could have used a bit more soccer action. And aside from two main characters, the rest of the team is a nameless blur. But still, if it comes out in VHS, I'm buying it.
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a great film that deserves a bigger audience
18 April 2003
Father Ovide, I have a confession to make. The two main reasons I went to see this movie were A) the Winnipeg Free Press gave it four stars, and B) the movie listings said "warning - sexual content." All you guys out there, can any of you relate? Heck, I'd go watch professinal lawn bowling if it had a sexual content warning.

Turns out I lucked into seeing a fine little movie. It caused me to think of the decisions we make and why we make them, and the errors we commit and how they can wind up controlling us.

It also made me very mad at Seraphin. At one point I was loudly thinking, "SHOOT HIM! SHOOT HIM!" But then, truly he was an evil man who deserved his comeupance.

The sweet lady Donalda bugged me too. If you've made a mistake but you get a chance to get over it, wouldn't you get over it? "No, it's much better to stay put and accept your punishment." AARGH!! What's wrong with you people? But then, I'm coming from a 20th century anglo-protestant perspective, not an 18th century french-catholic one.

Neat film. I'd love to see these actors again.
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A study in taking sides, and unintended consequences
31 March 2003
Right off, I liked Michael Caine more than I liked the rest of the movie, with the exception of the man who played his assistant (Tzi Ma?) whose role, when you think about it, is fascinating.

Though Roger Ebert, whom I respect, gave it four stars, I'd be closer to three. I thought the direction was jumpy, clumsy, and even annoying. Like a snapshot photographer, the movie takes lots of pictures, but they aren't well seen.

I also thought Brendan Frazer's character was just getting interesting, when suddenly - whap, it's the end of the movie. Drat. I would have liked to have seen thirty more minutes.

But "The Quiet American" did make me think of unintended consequences, and how wars have many more surprises than any military strategist can plan. Which in light of the Iraq war is sobering indeed.

I read a report today that to encourage and train his troops, Saddam Hussein has distributed copies of "Black Hawk Down." I dearly pray that it doesn't become that.
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Adaptation. (2002)
weird, fragrantly so
13 February 2003
I'm so glad I saw this movie. Aren't you glad you saw this movie? I'm so happy we're happy we saw this movie. Omigod I'm sweating. Probably because I'm so fat. Okay, what to write, what to write?

Do movie reviews need to look like movie reviews or can they look like something else?

Gosh I could use a muffin. And some coffee. Got to buy coffee to wash the muffin down, or the muffin will stick in your throat. I should head down to the donut shop and see if they have any blueberry, or maybe even chocolate chip. The waitress there is pretty cute. Boy I'd sure love to wash her down with....

GEEZ I hate it when I think like that. What was I working on? Oh yeah, the movie review. "Adaptation." Good movie. Got that song running through my head, "so happy...together..." Ha ha, good song. And Meryl Streep sure looked cute. Never saw her look cute before. She's always so distant and professional, but in this movie she looks like...someone you could actually go out with. Yeah.

Right, I'm done. Hey Donald, want any muffins?
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If you like this stuff, go for it
9 February 2003
This was my first Jackie Chan movie. Having seen it, I like him, but I wish his comedy were as good as his stunts. The fighting is great, and the sets look expensive and lavish. But the writing is mundane and not that funny. Fann Wong, who played his sister, was wonderful, but I thought Owen Wilson was just darned annoying; I would have enjoyed it more without him.

I dunno, this movie seems to be a hit at the Cineplex, but gee Jackie, aim higher next time.
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Has me thinking of "The Doors"....and refrigerators
1 February 2003
This is weird trip of a movie, in a good way. Beautifully seen, well shot, impressively directed. Okay, it's a little confusing at times, but wow! Mr. Clooney, if this is your first film, please, make another one.

Mr. Barris, if you read this, please forgive yourself. Okay, you were a schlockey TV show producer, but it's not like you cheated Uncle Bert out of his pension. (Unlike, say, Enron executives.) And all you guys who ranted about "The Gong Show" twenty-five years ago: hey, it's just a darned TV show! Give your head a shake. Or go watch "The Osbournes" and see how much the art form has advanced. Afterall, it's not like he shot the Pope or something. (Or did he...?)

The lessons I get from this film are: 1. first time directors can do very good work (gotta go see Denzil Washington's "Antoine Fisher")

2. life is fictional, but some lives are more fictional than others

3. some people take themselves waaaay to seriously (myself included)

4. as in "About Schmidt," the question in life isn't did you make a BIIIG difference, did you become President, but did you care? Did you let lonely people feel loved, or make an orphan smile? In the midst of his agony, Jimmy Stewart discovered he had a wonderful life.

The last lines of this "Confession" are brilliant. I was freed by them.

Good luck Mr. Barris. You're still a creative person. Create something.
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About Schmidt (2002)
not hilarious, but funny, and touching
25 January 2003
There seem to be more movies coming out where to really appreciate them, you need to be of a certain age. I found that with Far from Heaven, and I find it with About Schmidt. The trouble is, this time I'm about twenty years too early.

I wouldn't call this film either a comedy or a drama. It's more like a character study, with Jack Nicholson playing your kindly next door neighbour - or worse, your dad. While I didn't find it out and out hilarious, there is some beautiful comedy in here. The rebellion in the bathroom. The waterbed incident. Grocery shopping. The ribbons display. Wow, well SEEN, guys.

I would also love to see Kathy Bates and Howard Hessman star in a show together. Don't take this the wrong way, but I start to laugh just looking at them. Besides, nobody swears like Kathy Bates.

But like a trip across the prairies, the rest of the movie takes a little long. I kept waiting for Jack to just snap and get raging, freaking, vein-popping angry. I wanted him to total Len Carou's car with his motorhome. But instead of unleashing all his sadness and anger, he stays calm; as calm as, well, as a retired insurance salesman. Which is true to the character but, to me, kind of dull for a movie.

This movie is a time capsule - and probably a warning. I expect to be squirming in my seat when I watch it again in twenty years.
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Chicago (2002)
good show, bravo bravo!
18 January 2003
I really enjoyed this movie. It's one of those few films that I could recommend to anybody, regardless of tastes.

Renee Zellweger's skill as a comedienne reminds me of Carol Burnett and Lucille Ball. Contrasting with her innocence, Catherine Zeta-Jones reaches out and grabs your collar. She's totally believable as an old black magic kind of babe. Richard Gere probably surprised even himself by having so much fun. Yet when he turns and says, "That's Chicago," you see there's still some real world grit in him. And guess what Canadians, Pierre Trudeau plays the assistant district attorney! (Nice to see Colm Feore on the screen again.)

My real hats off goes to the director, the choreographers, and especially to all the lighting, cameramen and sound technicians that made this happen. "Entertainment Weekly" says they went from start to finish in two months. Absolutely amazing. You people behind the scenes, step up and take a bow. You made this movie wonderful.
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better perhaps, but I didn't enjoy it as much
6 January 2003
This second film of the trilogy makes me glad I saw the first one, and whets my appetite for the third. But as a film by itself, yeesh. I mean, it's lousy to be like a bride after her honeymoon thinking, "that was really nice honey...(but is that all you've got?)" Which is to say no, the fireworks did not go off for me this time.

So why didn't they? I mean, if you enjoy battle scenes you'll love Two Towers. All it needs is a couple of play by play announcers from Monday Night Football to make it really complete. "We're here with Gimli the dwarf, talking to him about that big play in front of the castle gate. Gimli, weren't you a little nervous when Aragon tossed you into that army of sword-swinging mutants, or have you two handled that play before?"

Maybe it was two or three too many helicopter shots, round and round and round and ....oh no, Gravol please! Peter Jackson, I love ya, we love ya, and the New Zealand Department of Tourism loves ya, but you've got to come up with some different stuff!

Maybe it was seeing so much of Gollum, in such detail, when he's a lot sicklier in my imagination. Maybe it was talking trees that looked like, well, computer-animated talking trees.

Overall, my impression of Two Towers is more, but less. More is happening, but less is memorable. The characters are more developed, but they're less charming. The cinematography is again stoo-pendous, but in ways that we've seen before. Like Olympic competition, when you've the bar so high, further gains come in increments.

Fellowship of the Ring blew me away. Two Towers, as good as it is, just blew over.
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Fascinating - I'm going to see it again!
6 January 2003
I had never heard of the director, Baz Luhrmann, until I saw Moulin Rouge. But within two minutes of playing Romeo & Juliet on my VCR, I wanted to shout "hey! I know this guy!" It's all there: the juicy visuals, the frenetic energy, the throbbing music, the beautiful people, so loud and uninhibited. Damn! I wish I'd seen this at the theatre! But like Moulin Rouge, it probably threw people for a loop.

I say let it. This movie is a treat. I don't just want to, I NEED to see this movie again so I can catch what they're saying. Yeah, I could read the play, but I never did twenty years ago in high school, so why fool myself? Besides, Juliet's romantic musing about Romeo is soooo much sexier when Claire Danes is saying it.

(Makes me wonder: Leonardo di Caprio is in the just released Catch me if You Can, but what has Claire Danes been up to? Mod Squad doesn't count.)

Shakespeare is certainly a famous fellow, but it took this movie to open my eyes and mind. Thanks Baz. Keep living loud.
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Far from Heaven speaks with a gentle fury
3 January 2003
At the end of the film, as I got up to leave the theatre, I noticed that many people were still in their seats, reading the credits, thinking. I nodded to them. Personally, I felt a strong urge to cry. Yet like the heroine, I suppressed it.

In a nutshell, that's what this movie is about: the outer lives we share, and the longings that we can't.

To everyone involved in making this, well done.
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like the moon: dry but cool
3 January 2003
So you wanna spend umpteen million bucks and go visit the space station? Why not just spend eight bucks and go see this movie? That way you get the weightlessness without the nausea (unless you're sitting too close to the screen).

For people expecting an action picture, I think Space Station will seem slow and dry. But for science and astronomy geeks who want to see what's up there, this movie is pretty cool. After thirty minutes, planet earth seems foreign, and the space station seems familiar! It seems so narrow and long, like a school hallway lined with scientific equipment.

Tom Cruise was a good choice of narrator, because of, yeah, star appeal, but also because his voice telegraphs his childlike sense of wonder. To me, there was also a sense of danger, similar to the danger of being on a submarine. You're travelling through a truly hostile environment, and always just a thin shell away from disaster.

For the general public, I'd give it a seven. But for space geeks, it's atleast a nine. Now I can't wait for "Apollo 13" to come to Imax.
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Training Day (2001)
They could have called it "Dead Cop's Society"
3 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Ever wonder what happened to Ethan Hawke after he graduated from private school in Dead Poet's Society? Guess he fast-forwarded thirty-five years and became a rookie narcotics officer in Los Angeles. Yes, sounds crazy, but it'll have you cheering. Despite taking a s--- kicking, he still pulls through, with sphincter and morals intact.

Denzel got the Oscar, but I preferred Ethan. You can feel his apprehension, disbelief and disgust, yet also his sense of purpose. He's easy to identify with, tough outside, even tougher inside, and simply believable. His transition from "sheep to wolf" is both logical and fascinating.

Denzel in contrast starts out at full volume and stays there. Even his death sequences - two of them! - are too long. I also don't get how he could get shot at close range, yet still stand and talk like he was hit with a punch instead of a bullet.

"The Russian" thing was also kind of dumb. Why bring a smoke screen of international intrigue into this? They should have kept it simple and called the bad guys from Vegas, oh, "bad guys from Vegas"; the same bad guys who offed Elizabeth Shue's pimp in "Leaving Las Vegas" maybe.

Okay, so it's flawed. But despite that, it's still a good picture. I'd easily rent it again sometime.
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slow to start, but I still enjoyed it
13 December 2002
This movie reminds me of one of those frustrating campfires that you spend an entire book of matches on. You can coax it to light and burn for a little bit, but it never quite leaps into flame. Argh!

Likewise, this movie has lots of good pieces - with actors and characters who I quite enjoyed personally, unlike some others here - yet the story never quite gets airborn. Darn. It's like the couldn't decide whether to make it funny or serious, so they made it both...and neither. Several times I felt on the edge of laughter, yet I couldn't quite laugh. Other times I thought, gee I should feel really moved by this, but...argh! Frustrating, like a bowler who needs all three balls to knock down the pins instead of throwing strikes.

So how could you improve it? My main suggestion is, make it funnier. You've got four guys in a terrible situation, so play it up. Don't be so serious all the time; it saps the energy from the really serious parts. That was one of Pulp Fiction's strengths: really funny, but really deadly too. This movie could have been closer to that.

That said, I loved the characters (especially our charming head basher, Vin Diesel), and the chemistry between them. I believed their friendships and family ties. John Malkovich comes across as an educated yet deadly man. I wouldn't trust him with my kitchen cutlery.

Yeah, it could have been better. But thanks guys, if you ever read this. I enjoyed it anyway.
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implausible but fun
30 November 2002
After a lousy day at work inwhich an irate customer literally spat at me, seeing this movie made me feel much better. Seeing the latest James Bond is like having coffee with an old friend. You feel good even if you talk about the usual things, only hint at your struggles and never bare your soul.

So I came to this movie expecting to like it, and I did. I loved the cars, the bad guys, the women (especially Rosamund Pike, who I'd gladly see again; too bad she's ....), John Cleese, the opening Hovercrafts scene, the cool gadgets, on and on. For Bond fans, the fun starts in the first minute and just keeps accelerating. This series would never have lasted so long if they didn't get the big stuff right.

But yeah, I also have some beefs. While I expect - and want - the stunts and the story to stretch the limits and be Fantastic, there are scenes here that are just plain IMPLAUSIBLE. Two deathly duels, at the same time, in a doomed airplane? Surfing/parasailing a glacier? Come on guys, your four year old wouldn't believe that. To me, these scenes and some others should have been re-thought, shortened or cut.

Also, while Halle Barry is supposed to be "the female James Bond," to me she comes across like a high-tech bimbo, able to kill bad guys in a blink, yet still basically a sex-object and damsel in distress. I find her part, and Bond's too actually, disappointing and under-written. The dialogue overall is pretty juvenile, but coming from bright, intelligent, Oscar-winning Halle, it sounds even worse.

But who cares. When the next Bond movie drops into town, I'll be there with my eight bucks all over again. You probably will be too.
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Femme Fatale (2002)
at the end of the day, I liked it
17 November 2002
When I left the theatre after seeing "Bowling for Columbine," I saw a long line for "Femme Fatale." My, how that line has dwindled! There were only about six of us, all guys, in the theatre on Saturday, and at the end there were only two of us left. The government ratings department should have a blurb that goes, "Contains moments of intense violence and sexuality. Weirdness warning."

So it's like a Bo Derek movie. Sure it is. Guys go to see Bo, or in this case, Rebecca. But John Derek was a lousy moviemaker - LOUSY - whereas Brian DePalma is stylish as all heck. But his work is strange, strange like he was raised on Salvador Dali as a kid instead of cartoons.

This movie strikes me as being very French; more passionate than logical, more stylish than sensible, and at times just plain weird. But Rebecca doesn't disgrace herself. Antonio is dependably good, given the material. The bad guys are really bad (and both black I noticed, hmm). And there's even, egad, an uplifting message in all this, and I'm not just talking about Rebecca's top.

I don't know what the other guy thought, but I left with a smile on my face. Rent it sometime. It's also neat that, despite being a "guy movie," the women's votes for Femme Fatale are much higher than the men's: nothing less than eight out of ten. THAT interests me.
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Still thinking about this one
29 June 2002
This movie has had glowing reviews, so I expected a Mexican "Amelie," yet even wilder. But to be honest, when I left the theatre, my first thought was, "well that was a nice little Mexican porn flick." The deeper thoughts about life, love, freedom, and economic status came later. When they tell you this movie's sexy, hoy, you sure get your money's worth.

Frankly, I didn't need to see scenes of guys urinating or "slapping their monkeys." And I thought the narration, which others loved, was heavy and depressing. Again, seeing "Amelie" probably made me confused.

But the performances are darned impressive. I love these characters, especially Julio. The lead actress is excellent too.

But boy, if I were an actor, I sure wouldn't want my family to come to the premier. Atleast I'd never worry about finding a date.

Hmmm. Comments?
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Dogma (1999)
"Kevin help us!"
24 June 2002
This movie, believe it or not, actually refreshed my faith. It's vulgar, it's violent, and a lot of the humour is juvenile BUT, it made me laugh, and I liked it. There wouldn't be a joke if there weren't something real to joke about. And so Kevin's movie helped me to laugh at church's flaws, at our arcane language and and incessant hair splitting, and be washed of my spitual weariness. Before this film was over I found myself re-embracing the Real Deal. Thanks. Not a family film, but for certain adult audiences...good fun!

ps: the words to Allanis Morrisette's closing tune are challenging.
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A sobering glimpse into a very real hell, lest we forget
7 February 2002
There is perhaps something a slightly wrong with seeing realistic war movies for entertainment.

It is also perhaps slightly off topic to opionate on whether this is the Greatest Movie, or one of the Greatest Movies, of all time or not.

Mr. Spielberg, thanks for helping me to understand.

There's more I could say, but I don't feel like talking right now.
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Heist (2001)
Satisfying guy movie
8 January 2002
"Heist" isn't Shakespeare, and yet it's a movie I'd like to see again. It's a good guy movie; it made me think of the old Charles Bronson movies I watched as a kid. Forgive me, but it's fun to cheer for the bad guy once in awhile, especially when the bad guy is Gene Hackman.

Only two things I would change. One: the writing. It is juvenile, and so "tough" it's sickening. I'm surprised Gene wasn't spitting up while he was saying his lines.

Two: Danny DeVito. Not that he's bad, but come on; this is Danny DeVito playing Danny DeVito. I had to stifle my urge to laugh, because I kept expecting him to do something funny.

If you put somebody else in Danny's spot, and tightened up the writing, you would have a much better movie. But "Heist" is still good. Rent it sometime.
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It's a little bit...odd
4 January 2002
I find myself scratching my head, not sure whether to recommend this movie or not. I had read good things about it; certainly Mr. Malkovich and Mr. Dafoe deserve their honours. But the rest...hmm, I'm still scratching my head.

If you enjoy OLD horror films, offbeat films, or Mr. Malkovich's pictures, judging from others' comments, you'll probably really enjoy this. But if you're looking for something more Hollywood or mainstream, maybe you should pass.
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right now....who's watching you?
22 December 2001
Great movie. Lots of energy, great editing, neat characters. SPOOKY theme. I won't look at my remote control the same way again. Or my blender. I loved Will Smith, Jon Voight, Gene Hackman, and the actor who now plays "Shallow Hal." The ending is a little too tidy, but what do you expect from Jerry Bruckheimer? I didn't intend to rent this, but I'm glad I did. Worth seeing.
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right now....who's watching you?
22 December 2001
Great movie. Lots of energy, great editing, neat characters. SPOOKY theme. I won't look at my remote control the same way again. Or my blender. I loved Will Smith, Jon Voight, Gene Hackman, and the actor who now plays "Shallow Hal." The ending is a little too tidy, but what do you expect from Jerry Bruckenheimer? I didn't intend to rent this, but I'm glad I did. Worth seeing.
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