
12 Reviews
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Funny and heartbreaking in equal measure
1 June 2024
What a surprise....! I have never particularly liked Jeremy Clarkson and absolutely loathed him back in his Top Gear golden days, but this show has (somewhat) changed my opinion of him.

Firstly, what I most love about this show is that it reveals how difficult running a farm is - physically, emotionally and financially. You learn so much about what it takes to make a farm profitable and the awful realities that come with the day in and day outs of the business.

I saw another review saying that this was Clarkson 'playing at being a farmer' and in some ways that is true - he has subsidiary money to fall back on and he does not have a background in farming. However I completely disagree that the show makes a mockery of 'real' farmers and their struggles - if anything it encourages the viewer to feel nothing but respect and admiration for the farming community.

Jeremy is often portrayed to be a bit of an idiot in this - who rushes in and makes foolish decisions and who is then (rightfully) reprimanded by Charlie, the business sense behind the operation. Maybe that's why I like the show so much - Clarkson being humbled is a gratifying watch. What does come across about Jeremy is that he clearly cares about his animals and genuinely wants the best for them. I know that seems incongruous with slaughter, but there is a twisted farmer's logic to it.

There are moments in this show where you will cry and moments where you will laugh, but you will never be bored and will end up learning a fair amount about farming in the process.
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Manhunt (2024)
Ignore the naysayers - it's good
10 April 2024
I do not get the bad reviews? It's a good show! Might there be some racism rife amongst the reviewers? It's the only reason I can come up with as to why people are trashing this series.

The whole series has a play-like feel to it, with beautiful sets, costumes and lighting. Its exploration into emancipation and the difficulties faced by Lincoln's government are unsettling. I couldn't help but feel sickened and frustrated by the people of the era - more so as the echoes of the time can still be seen in present day America. It's not as horrendous and gut-wrenching to watch as 12 Years a Slave, but it's enough to make your blood boil. The show strikes a balance between exploring the political and ideological upheaval of the era, and the human trauma and cost of such change.

The acting is great, but I agree that the plot is a bit slow. I think it depends on what you are expecting. If you are interested in seeing the politics and changes of the era, around the story of the capture of Booth, then you'll enjoy it. If you are looking to watch a literal 'manhunt' then you'll be disappointed.

Perhaps the shows name is really the problem?!

The main complaint from other reviewers seems to be that the actors don't look/sound like the real life people. 'Stanton had a beard!' 'Lincoln didn't sound like that.' Which, in my opinion, are ridiculous condemnations. The show is broadly historically accurate, but it is also a TV show adaptation. If you want to get a 100% factual version - read a history book.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
22 September 2023
I watched this film with low expectations, but was shockingly surprised. The low ratings of others perhaps indicate that they didn't quite 'get' the intention or parody of the film. It simultaneously sheds a light on the British, upper class, country-elite culture (and its inability to discuss anything that matters) whilst dealing with existentialism and what it means to 'live;' oh and, of course, the climate crisis.

Reviewers have said that it 'doesn't feel real,' but I think that's a shallow interpretation of the intention. The point is that, by revealing the benign and ludicrous worries and concerns of the characters, it mocks the benign and ludicrous preoccupations we all have every day in the face of much wider and serious issues. The difference here is the countdown added... that's kind of the point.

We fritter away our lives until our deaths; we fritter away our planet until its death - but until it becomes an immediate issue, everyone feels the security of 'time.'
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Beast (I) (2022)
20 May 2023
What a load of absolute nonsense. They make the lion simultaneously indestructible and nonsensical. Big cats have a notoriously excellent sense of smell and sound - and yet apparently this one is deaf and nose blind. I mean the entire premise is stupid to begin with, but at least make the basics make sense.

Also, the reactions of the humans just don't ring true, so any emotive investment is instantly belittled. It tries to force in a grief/redemption story and cheapens everyone's experience of grief and redemption in its attempt.

My main question is - why on EARTH did Idris take this part?! It's such a downgrade from all of his past acting exploits.
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Not 'just another war film'. Brutal and meaningful.
15 April 2023
In terms of a film - the cinematography and acting are flawless. Felix Kammerer portrays the experience of a young, naive (and then traumatised) soldier with expert precision. Overall, the film achieves its purpose with a brutal and exacting perfection. The shots are simultaneously stunning and revolting, leaving the viewer turning away from the screen in emotional and physical disgust.

But here's the thing - it's a hard watch. The worst I've experienced in a while. I don't think I realised the effect that this would have on me. I came away feeling destroyed. The sorrow I feel for all those poor soldiers, who lived the reality, is immense. It's almost too much to comprehend.

The film resonated with me far beyond the four borders of the screen - and it left me doubting the nature of humanity.

Will we ever learn? Perhaps not.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
6 March 2022
It's an American (and embarrassing) attempt at a Downton Abbey. Honestly, it's all production value and no soul - there is no chemistry between any of the characters and the dialogue is unnatural and full of period piece cliches. Avoid at all costs!
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One of the greats!
4 March 2022
First off, if you are easily shocked, religious or massively conservative, you will hate this show.

Secondly, it is just fantastic. Finally an original show that is simultaneously over the top and understated. Some parts of it play like a dark drama, others like a homo-erotic pastiche, some segments feel like a slapstick comedy, others more refined - and at times it is purely absurd and impossible to watch. You love to hate the characters and can't help but feel complete admiration for the acting talents of the cast.

Thank you HBO - thank you Danny McBride - and here's to many more seasons!!!
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The Mist (2007)
Best ending of any horror
4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Look - this is of its age, and therefore the effects aren't quite 'up to scratch.' However, I have yet to find a horror movie that affects me to quite the same level. The last ten minutes of the movie are some of the most upsetting in cinematic history. It's one of those moments where you realise why King deserves his 'king of horror' title. Plus, some (definitely not all!) of the character portrayals are really unsettling. It's a mixed bag, but one I love.
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Ignore the naysayers
25 September 2021
The fact that many reviewed this series two episodes in is proof positive of the goldfish mentality of many when it comes to entertainment. I have just watched the finale; the show is brilliant.

The filmography is beautiful throughout and the acting is superb - Michael Shannon and Melissa McCarthy shine in their roles, covering trauma with depth and feeling.

There are a couple of flaws (Kidman's accent and the rushed revelation of Carmel in the end episode) but otherwise I was truly impressed with the show.
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Heartland (II) (2007– )
Just not the same without Ty...
2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season 14 is truly bleak and dull. I am finding that I just don't care about the characters anymore. Ty and Amy's relationship was the backbone of the show... without it it just feels flat.

Also - the absence of Georgie and the younger characters has made it feel really predictable and old.

It needs to end as a series or dramatically change - it seems to have lost its purpose and direction.
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Soul (2020)
5 January 2021
Not only is the animation incredible, but it is emotional and relevant without feeling trite or forced. I loved the diverse and positive representations that, for once, didn't feel forced or 'token.'

Pixar keeps outdoing itself and managing true moments of humanity in a surreal medium. It was clever without being arrogant, world-building, but not patronising.
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Mulan (2020)
Doesn't deserve bad reviews
5 January 2021
I think most people take umbrage with this because it isn't like the Disney version, at all. However, if you take it for what it is, it is actually a fun and satisfying movie. It is also nice to see a female lead who isn't sexualised and is, rather, focused on for her power and character.
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