
42 Reviews
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Alien 3 (1992)
Good but not as Impactful
13 March 2021
This story leaves off from it's previous sequel where Ripley escapes with Newt and Hicks in a space shuttle, while in hyper sleep the shuttle crashes severly injuring and killing Hicks and Newt.

Ripley realises later she's on a remote planet with a refinery inhabiting all male prison inmates. This is another film where the alien sneaks in and terrorizes again.

This makes a descent end to Ripley but not as impactful because it really just copies and paste the tone but they add a new alien. I felt Hicks should of lived long enough to face the new alien at least. It's a worthy watch but doesn't give off the fear it gave in the first two sequels.
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Suspense and Terrifying
9 January 2021
It's an interesting approach of supernatural when Sean an old friend and former boyfriend of his now ex girlfriend brings a box that was meant for someone specific.

We learn Sean wanted a vengeance but got a more terrifying result of what you end up when going to great lengths for this.

I like the "don't keep your eyes off it" rule giving an awkward yet suspense feeling to the audience and characters. The acting is well performed on this type of story without under playing the situation. I would of liked to see more of that creepy suspense feeling from the man in the box instead of a brief moment.

It's a good scenario and a worthy of watching.
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Psycho (1998)
No Edge or Expectations
6 January 2021
This being a remake of a classic film this just doesn't give much added edge, excitement or suspense.

Vince Vaughn played very well as Norman Bates but I felt he could of explored other actions Norman/Mother could of done. This would basically be a copy of what you've already watched giving no new ways of seeing the relationship between Norman and the girl or the people he meets and how mother would interject. Every scene and line in this film is basically exact which isn't a good thing in this case.

Even if you re paint a house you still have to make that existed house stand out and not re use the same texture.
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Simple Yet Haunting
6 January 2021
A group of students invited to a remote house by their class mate on April Fool's Day that turns into a terrifying weekend.

The cast was well put together giving everyone an innoscent feel and look, not one of them gives off a specific sterio type that were accustomed to in many Horror films. The story itself may seem somewhat oblique but for a reason which is revealed at the end. The most surprising of this film is that it isn't a traditional Horror film.

It's simple but fair.
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Tales from the Hood 2 (2018 Video)
Principal Wasn't Met
6 January 2021
This is one of those sequels where it piggy backs off an existing idea that drew attention but fails to make something of a new.

Granted this film does have a feel for the troubled culture issues with some other minority issues but it doesn't give off the importance and essence Tales From the Hood brought.

The only story I thought was more in tune with the the theme of the first film was where a couple was having a baby and the wife kept having visions of the past in a more radical time.

The introduction of the freedom robot in the film was horribly cheap and cartoon looking and cheap effects to match.

The intro to this film was also off to see and should be skipped due to it's constant background image flash and dancing skeletons with a bad look of a 90s screen saver. Don't expect much flavor from this film.
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A Fun Gory Adventure
6 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Taking place after the events of Dead Snow with it's remaining last survivor he by accident gets the same power to raise the dead after hearing what the leader of the Nazi platoon has planned which is to finish an uncompleted mission.

This film brings back the dark comedy and well done makeup work. I felt despite this the story had some faults such as the leader being beheaded by a tank that would end his reign and stop the soldiers from attacking yet the doctor who is a zombie still lives which doesn't quite makes sense even for this type of film. It was also off the fact a town would evacuate it's residency to prevent a Nazi zombie take over I find it hard to believe everyone bought that and got out of Dodge.

Another odd thing is if the leader is to raise a bigger army of zombies why did he just chose a few humans he recently killed instead of making all the recently killed people also zombies?

Aside from these it's a fun film and fun watching zombies kill each other and the Zombie Squad take part.
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A Fun Active Martial Arts Film
7 December 2020
Comedy and non-stop action with the male lead role who is homeless that sets his goal to be someone by wanting to join the Axe Gang with his soft hearted friend.

It's like following a comic book story with love and enlightenment as it's focal point. The characters are interesting with different martial art backgrounds even the bad guys.

The lore itself on the move techniques should alone be the interest.

The main villian plays very well and not be a common peg in the game of heroism. This story doesn't always make things serious it keeps you in the middle.

It's a worthy add to anyone's martial art films and a fun laugh.
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Most In-depth Zombie Film
7 December 2020
Day of the Dead being another one of George A. Romero's zombie films this one gives more detail on the zombiefication side.

A group of military and civilian team of scientists held up in a cave bunker to figure out how this all happened or what's causing it. The characters being calm and collected for the most part in this situation as opposed to the eractical emotion you would expect in this situation.

The fact a zombie could learn or relearn what it was from before gives that added Intel and more interesting.

This isn't a common "escape the city" story it's about attempt to find answers but the military doesn't see the same way and assume that it's all a waste of time.

The film score is unique and gives that added almost sympathy feel for the situation. The film gives horror, drama, gore and justice to it's prevaiors.
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Mortal Kombat (1995)
Shortcoming of a Story
7 December 2020
Mortal Kombat being based on the first video game on the tournament inviting top fighters from realms to keep order between realms.

It is appreciated that they included the games characters Goro, Shang Tsung, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Reptile, Sub Zero, Sonya, Scorpion, Lui Kang, Kano, however this film copies the video game itself leaving no added story or to it's characters and even cutting the roster down for no returns to a sequel.

The fights were short, the defeats were dissapointing, no blood or gore making this a clean film.

The film score is excellent that puts you in action upon hearing it.

This film could of been better executed had they not make this soley off the tournament but giving more character and a build up for it's sequel and even giving a cameo to a character or two from the second or third game would of safficed a little.
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Chopping Mall (1986)
New Protocol
5 December 2020
A group of young lovers looking for action after closing in a mall but don't realise the new security was put in place but after an incident these robots are to kill than protect.

This fits a good hunting ground setting and it certainly makes you feel your in an 80s slasher Horror. There's kills and some thrills although it's amusing to watch a robot move a foot an hour when these young people are frantically running from it.

This makes a descent B movie.
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Deadpool (2016)
Hilarious Yet Adventuress
5 December 2020
The Merc with the Mouth being introduced as someone who gets paid to track and kill people we see the story gives explaination that he has a slight soft spot for kindness on occasion, the story also brings the love interest, tradgedy and revenge in one sitting and quite a bit of hilariousness.

Ryan Reynolds certainly becomes this character and doesn't hold back. This is one of the few storylines of an anti super hero fans of the comic could enjoy.

Plenty of action, plenty of comedy and a dose of awsome.
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This Boat Went in The Wrong Direction
5 December 2020
This entry of the franchise being a slightly more super natural feel involving a woman who was at the camp while Jason was below.

The story itself is pretty straight forward but taking place on a ship and Jason going after the group in Manhattan. The look of Jason is fair and even though not consistent it still looks well done. The overall effects were poorly done from Jason's face looking like some 100 year old Skeletor to Young Jason looking nothing like the young Jason from the first film or at least an alteration that would safice.

Young Jason effects were very simple and had full head of hair with no deformation to his face except a side eye appliance. I felt this wasn't taken to heart and the fact that Jason could of taken all of the group on the ship before arriving to their destination it could of been a different look if the story changed at Manhattan.

The characters have a brief interest and quickly forgotten considering Jason's motive.

Kane Hodder still brings the sheer brute force to the character and doesn't dissapoint in this case. This entry is worthy of a look a few times despite it's errors and not being cannon to it's sequels.
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Constantine (2005)
A Well Told Super Natural Film
3 December 2020
Demons, angels and John Constantine in the middle.

It puts a little more depth on imagining how or what the works of demons and gels do in the same plane and John insures the demons go back where they came from but not for the sake of humanity but as substitute pay off to get in heaven himself.

The anti hero feel Keanu gives to the character really plays out where you wonder if John would continue to take demons out or live about his days in his way.

This isn't an over hyped film on the depths of the traditions of heaven and hell and i feel it's right in the middle of satisfactory.
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Labyrinth (1986)
A Fun Adventure
3 December 2020
A young man immersed in folk lore and imagination she feels her parents doesn't quite understand where she is and her little brother for a moment becomes a problem and by summoning the goblins to take her brother away to the goblin king she didn't mean it.

The journey she goes through a magical land where the goblin king rules and by finding and eventually befriending new characters to gain entry to the castle.

The sheer setting where not everything is what appears and opposite becomes relevant. The puppets are a great work of art in this film and play off flawlessly.

This story is a warm invite of imagination, friendship, and ambition. It is a fine work and beloved for generations.
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Eternal Code (2019)
Reality Becomes a Borrowed Factor
27 November 2020
A story that uses real research and greed on humanity.

We see that this new breakthrough can benefit and also be abused if certain type or types of groups get more involved mostly if they have the right amount of coin.

This direction focuses on how far can a person go to achieve near immortality even if others are against it's principal.

This story adds a sense of clairity to it's characters such as the lead male role played by Damien Chinappi a former military soldier that became homeless and cease to see any reason to live, he is forced into a situation that he doesn't know what will come to when his friend the leader of the research clinic gets kidnapped.

Fair acting in a low key fasion plays well. As the viewer ventures in this story it should be noted that it's not always about compromise, ransom or to achieve glory, it's giving incentive of what can and could be.
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Gamer (2009)
Action And Redemption
27 November 2020
Prisoners to be put in a simulated controlled video game setting for their freedom is an interesting way to see as the gamer and the prisoner has to work together for the prisoner to get his freedom again.

This film gives you alot of action and they really want you to see female nudity too. This also adds other simulated programs to heightened people's fetishes, social behavior etc. So it's like watching a mad man marketer using people as the devices for the gain.

The main character surely gives you that Mad Max ferl. Pretty descent action film.
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Home Alone 3 (1997)
A Lesser Copy of The First Film
27 November 2020
As the title states we once again see the same type of character with the same type of bad guys in the same type of environment.

The story gives almost nothing new to the sequels. Kid gets left home alone by accident, some Burglars/Crooks/Spies seek to a point go after the kid.

It feels like they really didn't try to make this more exciting or different in any way. It's just a lesser version copy of Home Alone that copied the same antics we saw in the first two films. The overall acting reaches Disney standards but nothing really comical.

It should be a hard pass watching this sequel.
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Creep (I) (2004)
An Empty Void With Some Interest
27 November 2020
This being a stall and prey type of film I find it awkward. The atmosphere being in a subway does help give the "what happens now?" Feel and involving a few homeless people who live in it.

The stalker in this that follows the lead character I felt didn't add much thrill to the situation, it became awkward him having a place of his own that apparently even a city worker who has years experience didn't realise there was this big gap in the wall in the tunnels.

We eventually see what this guys problem was but already took his agression out on a homeless pregnant female.

It's worthy of a look but forgettable due to not enough suspense or actions. It's pretty much an Empty film with very few people involved that goes by quickly when things get bad for them.
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A Fun Adventure With The Monster Under Your Bed
27 November 2020
A film involving monsters that are only there to playfully prank torment children and scare them gives a nice look in story telling that revolved one monster Maurice (Howie Mandell) that soon makes friends a child (Been Savage) leading in adventure in the world of monsters that are forever kids themselves that enjoy playing and being carefree, however even in this world there's a higher authority "The Boy" in which the monsters are afraid of.

This story is like The Goonies meets monsters, my only real complaint to this is the ending. The ending could of had an actual battle but unfortunately the protagonists did very little and making their goal unnecessary, however it was a heart warming end for these characters so you could easily forget that hopeful moment on the battle scene.

A recommendation for parents that not all monsters are bad.
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A Deeper Feel
27 November 2020
A sequel to Bladerunner when another blade runner years later discovers a hidden past and preserved away from the future.

We see a more dynamic and emotional approach to this lead character in a desolate world forgotten by time. This added ingredient to AI emotion to this story brings a more deeper feel and rather if humanity could ever respect and accept it.

This film could provide a different meaning as to society of placement, obedience to the core of motive of a human being or replace human error all together and put it in a submissive state where the living can have some liberty.

The overall feel of the film certainly stayed true to the beautiful artistic look Bladerunner shown but with a wider lense in this film.

Harrison Ford's character gives you that notion of sorrow, anger, and detachment as we learn with his past since the first film.

It stays true to the first film but not quite as different as it could be but still a good look.
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Predators (2010)
A New Challenge Game
27 November 2020
Predators have become a supreme Hunter and bettering themselves every time they go for a new prey. In this case Predators cruise planets and find the most challenging opponents they could find and place them on the predators preservation.

What makes this interesting is the predators want their opponents to be equipment with the most deadly weapons to further challenge themselves in the process. A group of soldiers are to face this unseen new monster themselves being unaware of what their capable of.

This film has a little more insight of what these predators do as we learned from Predator 2. I would of liked to have seen more interactive scenes with other deadly creatures the predators kidnapped for this hunt to where we see the predators handy work and the soldiers survival instincts. It's exciting to see two types of tribes of these predators and their rituals as we see an unarmed strung up living predator on a totem pole.

It has plenty of action, excellent design on the predators. It's a must own to add to the the sequels because you want to see more of these predators world.
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Two Horrors in One
27 November 2020
Aliens and zombies mixed into a classic B movie feel. This isn't a typical mesh but an interesting take on an alien experiment tossed into another world giving a terror a new twist by invading living and recently deseased things, these slugs multiply the more hosts they invade.

The special makeup and effects are excellent providing a cringy and terrifying look.

The score fits very well matching the tone. The characters are subtle but inviting when it comes to situation. This isn't exactly a hero saves the world or the damsel in distress from evil plot, this is a survival mixed with a troubled past with one of it's key characters played by Tom Atkins.

This film also gives a nice innocence to character without trying to make them the attention grabber rather for good or bad. A fun film to watch for sci fi and Horror lovers.
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An Example To Live By
24 November 2020
This I consider a prime example of every teenager that has issues with fitting in or bullied and this places every form of class in one room the jock, the outcast, the nerd, the trouble maker, the most popular and it's like seeing your own reflection at times during the film because many do what is depicted here.

The reaction and emotion feels very genuine when the group confronts each other of how they feel if they were treated differently rather than a one sided debate.

You also should give credit that making a film like this is a tough challenge. Having to follow each class of character and what they are going through and having to follow them for contuation.

There are many highschool films but often are more on comedy with some drama or a mix but this tops it all by including drama comedy and experience rather than another advertised slogan.
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A Vision Everyone Should Realise
24 November 2020
After the events from the previous Planet of Apes films this involves it's lead ape to maintain and preserve the remaining species both human and ape.

This gives an example even the most loyal and most uphold situation can crumble. This franchise cease to amaze when using real conflicts with a different form of species.

To a degree this does hit another chord to the human moral that there will always be a defiance even if it's a Utopia and we witness that others will never come to compromise or accept difference or alteration to life and it's routine.

It also gives insight that when there is conflict there is a fight and either you are defeated for what you stood for or rise above of because of your beliefs and rely on leadership for greater purposes.
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The Thing (1982)
An Excellent Horror To Remember
24 November 2020
The story itself being revolved around a group of scientist mixed profession personnel in a facility what feels like the Arctic wasteland we see something different and unknown and the true horror is what is it? The fact we see this disguised entity at the beginning of the film automatically gives you that anticipation and later suspicion.

The special effects is it's top quality and a work of horror art. The creatures were brilliantly built and dressed that would make many scream and run out of the room. The cast are well placed even if for that moment they weren't as acknowledged in the industry they make their character believable even if it's subtle.

This is the right formula to fear factor.
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