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There's Something In Your Eye
16 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers, but with this movie that's not an issue. I'll keep it short & sweet - don't waste your time watching this very mediocre film. The cast's talent is totally wasted on this failed effort of a movie. I was expecting to see technical details on drone operations and the actual prosecution of the kill chain. What I got was a boring hierarchical pass-the-buck up the political ladder story until a decision can be made to prosecute the target. The notion that one small child in the field of fire can delay that decision is totally stupid when in reality "collateral damage" is just part the war on terror. For the drone pilot-in-command to intervene is preposterous - he has very little authority in the decision At the risk of plugging the print media, there's an excelling book that provides an interesting account of how America got to where they are: Kill Chain - Drones and the Rise of High-Tech Assassins by Andrew Cockburn. Enough said.
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Remember (I) (2015)
Totally Unexpected Twist At The End! Spoiler Alert
2 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Some thoughts from a senior in Canada. The trailer look interesting with two older seasoned actors at the helm of a vengeance tale. The plot is simple enough but why send an old man with dementia to kill an old Nazi? When Zev buys the handgun I'm half expecting him to forget about buying ammunition! Yes he seems that senile. And that's what I was expecting when he had to use it in anger at a later opportunity - no bullets. But surprise surprise!! Zev not only bought bullets but he seems pretty handy with the weapon as he dispatches a dog and then it's owner. Not bad for an old guy who has never fired a shot in his life. But something isn't right here but we can't put our finger on it. We continue to believe Zev is a holocaust survivor right up to his final meeting. Only then does he REMEMBER. Zev is actually an SS Nazi officer sent on a fools errand by his skillfully manipulative friend back at the rest home. I'm giving this 8 out of 10. It held my interest all the way through and the twist at the end is beautifully written and executed - pun intended. "Revenge proves its own executioner." ― John Ford, The Broken Heart. Kudos to everyone involved with this production. Chris in Winnipeg Canada, April 2016.
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Yet Another Tarantino Gore Fest
10 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert. You either love it or hate it or maybe you're somewhere in between but make no mistake, Quentin Tarantino's style of film making is an intricately twisted story slowly simmering like some crock pot cooking tension until it's released in an explosive gore fest. If you like that sort of thing. But them all of his movies thus far have followed this formula so there's really nothing new here. Set as a western this time out, the first hour keeps you comfortably in your seat until all the players have assembled. Towards the end there's just too much gun play and even though our protagonists survive to the end of the film - it's likely they'll bleed out and die with the rest of the players now littering this rather Shakespearian stage. You end up asking yourself why did I watch this anyway. Why have I subjected my mind to these disturbing images? This is definitely my last Tarantino film.
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Vinyl (2016)
Vinyl - Schminyl - What A Sordid Mess! Avoid!
18 February 2016
Summary: The pilot episode was quite enough for me thank you! My chief complaints are language, too much gratuitous sex, ( I mean come on - we're only 5 minutes in and there's a quick glimpse of a BJ for heaven's sake! I knew right then & there this was shaping up to be a turkey), way too much physical violence including murder and too much illicit drug use. There's also echos of GOODFELLAS here too and adding the mob just ads another layer of garbage to an already toxic mess.

In the final scene it loops back temporally to the beginning of the episode and the punk rock band quite literally "brings the house down". At that point I'd really had enough. I got through with the pilot, now I need a shower! I really don't need any more of this sordid mess.

Too bad. I was really looking forward to a music series that offered some quasi educational behind-the-scenes-like history to the music industry in the 70s but that's not evident here. Instead, this sordid mess skips around temporally far too often and the whole episode left me somewhat dazed and confused. Maybe that was the idea? Who knows? I'm not wasting another second on this garbage. One out of 10. Sorry Marty.

Chris in Winnipeg Canada Feb 2016
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Well Worth The Time
12 February 2016
Some musings from a 68 year old male sci-fi fan in Canada. First I need to get this off my chest. The future depicted in THE EXPANSE is totally unrealistic. By that I mean it's almost 99.99% unlikely. Space is a hostile dangerous environment totally unsuitable for human habitation let alone routine travel for commercial purposes. Intellectually speaking, the "commerce" depicted between the planets and the belt would not justify the expense of that effort. The cost-benefit of such a venture, even if the asteroids were precious metals, is ludicrous. Aside from pure exploration, the most likely incentive for humans to venture away from Earth is species/genetic survival. But again - at what cost? Could we afford to do that when it becomes necessary?

Having vented that, - and keeping my comments general and broad, I was totally blown away by this space opera romp and eagerly awaited each and every episode of the first season. Great believable acting, terrific sets and computer displays, costumes, lighting, story/script and of course the special effects. There's a little too much gore from time to time so adults only please. But this is the best Sci-fi offering since the re-imagining of Battle Star Galactica - first season. I can hardly wait for season two. Well done to all involved in this production and thank you. Ten out of ten.

Chris G in Winnipeg Canada, Feb 2016.
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High Castle Indeed - Dream Along With Me
7 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This diatribe contains mega spoiler.

(1) The book by the same name has very little action, no underground resistance movement, no scenes set in New York or Nazi-dominated territory, hence no mind-blowing swastikas or Nazi uniforms or Obergruppenführer. Mostly characters sit and talk, think, cast the I Ching, and/or wait for someone to arrive. It's more a philosophical novel than a thriller. But it gives a more detailed alternate history - you hear about what's happened to the whole world - that's interesting. Avoid this series. It's a brutal and boring all at the same time. I'm sure Philip K. Dick is rolling over in his grave and may rise from the dead if a second season is hatched.

(2) Second, the entire premise, that the USA would fail to win WW2, is totally flawed for hundreds of reasons which I wont get into here, but suffice it to say that America out produced the entire world in the war effort. America was unstoppable - period! Even if the Nazis had the capacity to nuke the USA, they could not produce enough nukes to bring the world to its knees. There just wasn't enough fissionable material in Europe. America would never surrender to fascism - Never!

(3) Third, I'm guessing that over 90% of the 8+ reviews here at the IMDb are based solely on the first episode. I'll admit, the first episode had the look & feel of possibilities. By episode 3 I was beginning to wonder how much more "filler" material the writers were planning to throw at me. I was ready to bail by episode 5 but I wanted to stay with it to see how much worse this turkey could get. Yes, the sets and all the visual trimmings are exceptional. The only character of any mention in the series are not the main leads - they're completely forgettable - but Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith who is one of the most ruthless but loyal guard dogs of the Nazi regime.

(4) Fourth, the final minute of the last episode of season one is totally borrowed from the last episode of "Newhart" that I felt both relief and utter shock with this convenient writer's exit ramp. It was all a dream after all. Well wasn't that special? Please put your head into a bucket of ice water and give it a good shake. Please remain in your seats with your belts fastened until we have come to a full stop at the end of the credits. There's really no reason to watch season two should it ever become available. I've had quite enough of this ride. Chris G. (68) in Winnipeg Canada Dec/2015.
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The Martian (2015)
McGyver-Cruso on Mars
14 October 2015
OK … so much has been written both good & not so good about this film here and at other movie review sites. Considering myself a seasoned sci-fi fan, maybe it's just my advancing years but, Ridley Scott and company, what were you thinking? When is somebody going to give Mars a truly grandiose sci-fi treatment? How would Kubrick have handled this subject? So much of the suspense and pacing of the book is totally missing from this movie. Even at over two hours the events of the film just doesn't connote the passage of months. Further, it all seems just a little too glib. Our hero doesn't ever seem to be in any peril at all as long as he can "science the sheet out of this" he'll get by just fine. Red Green fans will love the somewhat comic use of NASA's super duct tape too. Even if you haven't read the book, in this typically "Hollywood" film, we know right from the first frame that our wisecracking group of explorers will never be in any real jeopardy. Even the premise of the entire movie is totally false. Wind speeds on Mars can be high but the atmosphere is so tenuous that it exerts a negligible force. The sand storm depiction is just plain wrong. Yes I know - suspension of belief - even Andrew Weir makes this concession in You Tube presentation. It's yet another totally forgettable sci-fi film about Mars. Chris in Winnipeg Canada, Oct 2015.
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Great Bond Mash-Up / Documentary
19 May 2015
Full marks for this effort - 10 out of 10. Possibly one of the best Bond documentaries to have come along in what is the longest running movie franchise in modern history. The target audience has to be the 60+ crowd who have been around since the beginning of the Bond films. Sure I guess there is something here for the younger fans who are now discovering this "Buck Rogers" of secret agents via the release of the last three films staring Daniel Craig ... who incidentally is the best Bond ever since Timothy Dalton … in my opinion. All of the Bonds make an appearance with the notable exception of Sean Connery which is a pity. If President Bill Clinton can make time in his schedule for a few words - I think Connery does himself a dis- service by failing to appear and add his take to the proceedings. This doc has been around since 2012. I only stumbled upon it recently on the History Channel.

If you are in the remotest possible way a Bond fan - make time for this one. You'll be very satisfied that you did. It's highly entertaining, very interesting, informative and totally engrossing from start to finish. Chris G., retired 68 Winnipeg Canada, 19/05/2015
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SNAFU Watch MAYDAY Instead.
31 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
By no stretch of the imagination am I an airline pilot. I do have 35 years in aviation as a Canadian bush pilot and much later as a Civil Aviation Inspector. So I have some technical knowledge in this area and some training in CRM.

In my humble opinion, this is not a movie for the general public. It's just way too confusing. If nothing else, these cockpit voice recordings show how very limiting a CVR recording can be. Without any background information on the event being vocalized, it's just a bunch of folks in the cockpit screaming at one another at times. I'm a little bewildered why this film is receiving such high marks in some aviation circles. Without some form of analysis, a voice over for example, it fails miserably as Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) tool.

First - what would help this movie is a split screen. The top half would be the CVR recordings and the lower half would be a computer generated animation of what is happening outside the aircraft and some other exterior references. That might help the general viewer figure out just what the heck is going on - like is depicted in MAYDAY episodes.

Second - It also suffers from poor production value. The same crew(s) are used too frequently wearing the same uniforms in the very same "cockpit". At times the drone of the engines almost mask out the dialogue. Some subtitling would have come in handy with every chapter since it's very difficult to understand the crews when they are on communicating at the verge of utter panic.

Third - The "reveal" at the end of the chapter fails to explain why the aircraft lost control or the accident in some cases. What the heck just happened?! In essence the viewer is now forced to discuss the incident with a knowledgeable colleague or search out the incident on the internet. So then - what was the point.

I really was looking forward to viewing my rental of this movie but if you're seeking an understanding of what can, what has and what will go wrong in a cockpit, or other aspects to aircraft operation, then watch the many MAYDAY episodes available in YouTube. Sorry folks, it's a valiant effort but not good enough - 2 out of 10.

Chris Gartner, Winnipeg Canada, January 2015
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THE Italian "JOB" - Avoid This Sequel
14 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted this diversion to be as funny as their first outing. Unfortunately it was a total waste of time. The only plus to this film was the scenery and unfortunately there wasn't enough of it. Once again we get Rob's 'man trapped in a box' routine but this time in Pompeii beside a mummified man in a box - really poor taste. And the impressions are just not that funny the 2nd time around. And what's with the love interest. The whole film has a rambling off the cuff feel to it and we never really learn anything about Italy. It's just one gastronomic feeding frenzy that only the wealthy can afford and at times it just made me sick to see our 2 leads stuffing themselves. The simple life indeed. If I could give this film a zero I would have. Avoid this waste of time but I do recommend their first film THE TRIP. I enjoyed their banter and the movie seemed fresh just like the northern English local.
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Southland (2009–2013)
Do Not Miss This One - Way Way Better Than BB IMO
2 November 2014
I'm here with general overall comments on this program.If you love watching police drama - SOUTHLAND is _the best_ (so far) in the genre. If I could, I'd give this series 20 out of 10! This series is 100% better than Breaking bad in my opinion.

It's probably the best "cop show" _ever_ and I would encourage anyone with an interest in great compelling performances and great story to make time for this series. It really hits its stride in season 4 but all season and all episodes are totally engaging. I binged watch using DVDs and downloads so story arc continuity was easier to maintain (especially for "the hood" stuff in Seasons 1& 2), and I would encourage you to do likewise. The gallows humour and practical jokes in season 4 are not to be missed.

There are numerous series out there competing for your attention - but do not miss this one. There's a line the character John Cooper uses in episode one indicating being an LA cop is a ticket to the "greatest show on earth with a ringside seat". He's absolutely correct. Bring your piece & wear your vest!

Chris G. (retired male 65) Winnipeg Canada - Nov 2014
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NY Med (2012– )
Best Medical Reality Show EVER!
2 September 2012
If you love reality TV and you love medical drama then this is without a doubt the best amalgam of those two formats ever seen on TV. Each and every program pulls the viewer right in. Each episode is fast paced and cover many diverse situations and personalities. It's also great to see Dr. Oz in his natural element as a heart surgeon and his interactions with patients. You'll gain a new respect for all the nurses, doctors, and all of the other front line medical practitioners that make a hospital function. The scenes in the E.R. are riveting. Life and real death stuff right there in front of you. Without a doubt this is the best thing on TV this year. I've PVR'ed and archived all 8 episodes from season 1 and I'm sharing them with my grandson once he's old enough. To summarize, make time in your schedule for this one. It's worth the time to watch! It'll put a lump in your throat, a tear in your eye, and make your spirit soar.
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Interesting First Person Account of Jungle Survival
13 November 2011
I found this DVD recently in the "Buy One - Get One Free" bin at the local video store. There were only 2 copies in the store. The cover storyline looked interesting and since it was about an aviator's survival story, I decided to buy it. It's not THAT bad. It's definitely a low budget documentary and real life is not like a Hollywood action movie. I'd recommend this movie for anybody who can remember WW2 or who appreciates the fact the American entry into the conflict was the deciding factor in its outcome. So that would be anybody over 60+ years of age. The documentary could have been slightly improved if the actor's clothing would have been allowed to dirty and deteriorate throughout his ordeal. He just seemed to clean after 4 weeks in the jungle. The computer reenactments of the flying sequences were somewhat lame. To summarize, if you're an older male, former WW2 aviator veteran, you'll find this story interesting. Chris in Winnipeg Canada.
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Really worth the time to view this doc.
30 April 2010
A charismatic figure featured in Tom Wolfe's book The Right Stuff, Florence "Pancho" Barnes was one of the most important women in 20th Century aviation. A tough and fearless aviatrix, Pancho was a rival of Amelia Earhart's who made a name for herself as Hollywood's first female stunt pilot. Just before WWII she opened a ranch near Edwards Air Force Base that became a famous -- some would say notorious -- hangout for test pilots and movie stars. Known as the "Happy Bottom Riding Club", it became the epicenter of the aviation world during the early jet age. Chuck Yeager celebrated breaking the sound barrier there in 1947, and Howard Hughes and Jimmy Doolittle caroused in the bar. The Club's destruction by fire in 1953 is seen by many to mark the end of a Golden Era in post-WWII aviation. In the same fashion Pancho herself has become something of a legend, a fascinating yet enigmatic icon whose swagger is often celebrated, but whose story has been largely unknown. Until now.

OK so I saw the PBS version of this doc recently so I'm not sure if the DVD version is longer. And that is my only complaint otherwise I'd have given it a 10. For anybody with an aviation interest, this doc is a must view. Pancho was definitely a woman ahead of her time. One thing I do remember from Yeager's biography when Pancho came up in his book, was the unpleasant fact she had been dead for a considerable period of time before somebody found her body. A pretty ignoble end to this woman's amazing life. Nuf said, see this doc OK?
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Ice Pilots NWT (2009–2014)
Great TV From The Great White North Eh!
7 March 2010
So if you're reading this you've probably already checked out all the other web references for this Canadian reality based TV show. I'm not sure who the intended target audience for this program was, but as a retired aviation professional and former Canadian "bush" pilot when I was in my 20s, I'm favourably biased in my opinion of this program. I totally enjoyed each & every episode of season one. I understand a 2nd season is in the works. I'm looking forward to adding those episodes to my existing DVD archive of these broadcasts. If you don't have an aviation interest, then this program isn't for you. But if you've ever wondered what it's like to operate ageing aircraft in the Canadian arctic during winter conditions, then this program is the closest you'll probably ever get to "freezing your ass off" without actually signing on at Buffalo. And -40 degrees Celsius is also -40 degrees Fahrenheit and if there was even a whisper of a breeze, it's what my friend George used to call, "knee snapping, eye gouging, snot flinging cold out there!" You had to be young, you had to be keen, you had to be building hours, you didn't mind the meager wages, coming to work in the dark on 'square tires', going home in the dark dead tired, and you had to love climbing into that freezer of an airplane each and every day because nothing, absolutely nothing could top that exhilarating view from the pointy end of the airplane. It was great to be alive. Kudos to all involved with the production and especially to all Buffalo staff for permitting such an intimate look at their flight ops.
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Virtuality (2009 TV Movie)
26 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The first half hour hooked me. The remaining hour left me wanting for more. This was one of the best sci-fi programs on television in recent years since BSG. I watched it with the aid of my PVR and as soon as the program finished I searched the e-schedule for the next installment. But none was found. And that was disappointing since the ending was just the beginning of this adventure.

Will the crew survive their 10 year journey? Did the ship's computer/A.I. kill the commander? Or is there a PhD. wacko on board who'll kill again? (My money is on the computer) Will this mission succeed? Why will Earth's environment become hostile in 100 years?

Although VIRTUALITY contains numerous previously explored sci-fi themes and ideas, this revised treatment truly engages the viewer and invites you to stare down the rabbit hole of of your own "reality". I think this program is worth the view. I also think it would make a great 1 season 20 episode series. Well done Mr Moore, & Mr Taylor but personally I would have gone with the constant gentle nudge of an electric ion drive vice the pounding thump ("hit me") of the nuclear impulse drive. Much easier on any vessel
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Best Science Fiction Movie E v e r !
13 May 2007
Without any doubt, this the best sci-fi film ever! This is the first film I bought in VHS format and later in DVD format when that became available. I was a young teenager when I first saw this gem in the theater. The ending remains somewhat cryptic. The only "cure" is to read the book and see the movie. Repeat the dose if required. Each time a somewhat different conclusion emerges. By the way, I was the first to point out a discrepancy to Mr. A C Clarke regarding HAL's commissioning date. The movie has one date, the book has a different date. Check for yourself. Kubrick composed an excellent piece of visual art. The film stands up well with the advancing years but, ... oh how I wish someone like Spielberg would create a updated remake using today's state of the art if for no other reason than to introduce a new generation to the frightening majesty of spaceflight? Do NOT miss this film!
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Saturn 3 (1980)
Saturn 3 - Worth A Look See
7 March 2007
I must start off by saying I'm a fan of Sci-Fi films so I'm biased towards this genre. I really liked this film and continue to do so now more than ever.

I first caught a brief glimpsed S3 in a hotel room premium TV channel while waiting for my friend for an evening out. What I saw was interesting and intrigued me sufficiently to see the movie when it came out on video (VHS) back in the disco 70's era. Recently, I rented a DVD copy of the film and I've experienced it from a completely new viewpoint. I'm seeing it at 58 years of age after a recent corporate downsizing and one of film's themes, obsolescence, strikes a bull's eye with me. The film is laced with such references. Dialogue such as "then one of you will be obsolete" and "abort time" are examples. Kirk Douglas was about 54 years old when this film was shot. His own career was just starting to wind down so aging and obsolescence of his character must have struck pretty close to home.

S3 is also the typical man against machine film. It also takes aim at the drug and youth culture and a planet earth that is in ecological peril. Farah looks great and the shower scene gives us mere mortals a brief glimpse of her just to spice things up. Seven out of 10 for me. Worth the time to see it yet again.
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Definitely Not A Chick Flick
7 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Unless of course the chick happens to be Xena Warrior Princess, this is definitely not a 'chick flik' feel good movie. In fact, I felt quite indignant at the end. But then the applicable military recruitment adage has been and will probably always be, "if you can't take a joke, then you shouldn't have signed up". In many ways the politics of war depicted in this film are just as valid today as they were in the Boer War a hundred years ago. And in all likelihood, it will be so into the next hundred years and beyond. I highly recommend watching and sharing this film with anyone (chicks included) who needs proof of the utter moronic stupidity of war.
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Falling Fire (1997)
A.C. Clarke's "The Hammer of God" as a TV Movie
5 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm obviously in the minority here, but I really enjoyed this film. Terrorism in Space. The religious terrorist cult aspect of the film is now (2007) more relevant than pre-911 which is when this movie was produced. Based on the user comments herein, it's unfortunate that Hollywood's 'big budget - big stars' treatment of asteroid doomsday impact seem to have biased the north American audience against a low budget version. I would recommend reading The Hammer of God and then seeing this film. Unfortunately the movie ends with the close encounter - atmospheric rebound as the asteroid glances off the earth's atmosphere. Even a near miss would be catastrophic with an object of this size. The final shot of the movie shows a minor streak high in the earth's atmosphere as children play on a beach. The meteor streaks by briefly. Earth is saved. The truth is even a near miss would have global climate impacts. The terrorists would win, but that's another movie I guess. ........
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