
15 Reviews
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Twilight, not at all bad
4 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard of twilight, I wasn't even going to watch it, however, I reconsidered and watched it. honestly,it wasn't bad. this movie actually made a good point, I'm referring to the scene in which the evil vampires were ready to attack Bella, the entire Cullen family put themselves in front of her, in other words, they were willing to protect her with their lives, that to me was a good moral especially considering she wasn't of their kind. Carlisle Cullen makes a good family role model simply because his entire family looked out for each other. I did not criticize the Edward/Bella relationship because it's geared toward a female audience, and I haven't read any of the books, so, I don't claim to know exactly how they were supposed to act. I didn't find anything wrong with their acting, that's just my opinion. The thing that made me laugh was whenever James would cock his head to the side, nothing against him, he actually made the movie more entertaining. during the mirror scene, every time it showed his reflection, my brother would quack once, everyone that was watching including me started laughing to the point of tears, no offense intended. In my opinion, Victoria is the most attractive vampire in the movie, I think she's gorgeous, and i'm not ashamed to say it! she is the main reason I liked this movie!
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what the heck happened!! (contains spoilers)
29 November 2008
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I've only played spyro 2, and spyro 3 and enjoyed them, so when I saw this one on the discount shelf, I wasn't sure about buying it, but my younger brother wanted it, well, we bought it, and I can honestly say, it was a disappointment. The portals that took spyro to different worlds were gone, and replaced with certain themed levels with enemies that took too long to kill, and getting through them would put you on the edge of sanity(getting killed multiple times for no apparent reason), I finally beat the game hoping to acquire a power flame attack like in spyro 2, instead, I got dark spyro, the only redeeming quality of the entire game. another issue: spyro himself(regular spyro) , I hate to say it, but he looks awful, I mean come on, they've had ten years to improve him and they turned out with this! he is nothing like he used to be! heck, he looks and sounds nervous, I didn't know whether to continue playing the level, or try to find him some psychiatric help! as for his powers, I was infuriated to find that he has a magic bar that has to be refilled, I got killed many times trying to get to a green crystal, i'll cut to the chase, if you have a short temper, stay away from this game. if you don't already have spyro 2, go and try to find a copy. If you have the money to burn, go ahead and rent "the eternal night". I like spyro 2 because it doesn't keep you in the same level for what seems like eternity, spyro isn't nervous, and simply because it's more original. The only reason I would recommend "the eternal night" is dark spyro, although it takes forever to unlock.
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Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition (2005 Video Game)
Midnight Club 3
24 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Midnight club 3 by far, is the best racing game on the ps2 game console simply because it has more going for it. the car customization in MC3 tops that of any racing game, cars not only have nitrous, they also have special moves: agro(smash through traffic and opponents) zone(slows down time) and roar(scatters traffic and opponents). races are mostly easy to win, and don't take forever to finish. but with every great game come the flaws: the only real flaw in MC3 is the strategic placement of city vehicles: the game has a very funny feature, whenever you're about to win a career race, it seems like out of nowhere, a city vehicle will smash your vehicle right off of the road, causing you to lose the race multiple times, the only possible way to avoid this is to either have zone or lightning reflexes. another funny thing: when racing at night, you see a bright light ahead, one of two things happens, if you're in the lead, it turns into a delivery truck that nearly totals your car, or if you're in last place, it's just a flash of light that disappears. I have only this to say: very creative! I recommend this game because it is one of the many excellent racing games out there that doesn't require you to earn respect points, I'm referring to the racing game flop "juiced" avoid it at all costs!
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15 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The usual, two powerful Pokémon show up, and start to fight because of some kind of prophecy that the main characters undoubtedly figure out or already know, then you get a glimpse of the title Pokémon once or twice. and of course, there's the scene where everything falls apart, and Ash is always there to save the day, then the big "shocker" one of the main Pokémon dies, and the battle continues, somehow peace is made, and the more powerful Pokémon disappears, leaving the other one to put up with Ash's blubbering about how everything was destroyed. so, the damage is reversed, and everything is back to normal, then comes the mourning for the Pokémon that was killed in battle, as they walk away, pikachu sees a shadow, behold, the Pokémon is alive, then the credits start, the end. A closing statement: When Ash started to yell, I wanted Palkia to vaporize him and leave the rest of the people in space! I mean come on, logically, you can't just tell a super powered monster what to do and have the monster obey, see what I mean? it's so predictable!
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egregious beyond the point of "egregiousity"
14 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get it, this movie had a budget bigger than that of most all Godzilla movies(Godzilla movies by all means are better in comparison to this movie). yet somehow, they still messed up, oh wait, that's right, they got the worst, below the bottom of the barrel director that has ever disgraced the film industry to direct(if you want to call that crap directing) the worst, so-called movie of 1997. and another thing, this movie was spinning with gayness(i'm referring to the bat-suits), that was ridiculous and completely unnecessary, even if the director has a particular interest, he shouldn't try to force that on the audience, the bat-suits were a huge, if not complete destruction of the movie, one that level. The things that also beat the crap out of this movie: every line in the movie was a catchphrase that made you sick to your stomach, next, poison ivy,(not that I hated her) she should have come off as a serious villain. and had more realistic lines. They could have made her absolutely evil, and they would have had at least one decent character, one can wish. and lastly, the effects, i'm not even going to go there. I know, there were like a thousand things wrong with the movie, it's just that they could have made poison ivy a more vicious character, and given her a realistic personality! is that too much to ask?! I watched this movie on TV, and honestly, I tuned out after crappy batgirl so easily dispatched poison ivy, there was nothing remotely interesting after that!
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good movie , although, Godzilla was cheated
2 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Godzilla vs Destoroyah is a great movie, although, they could have intensified Godzilla's hatred for Destoroyah times a hundred, Godzilla should have been more brutal and more determined to inflict some serious pain on him, I think that they should have made Destoroyah a difficult monster to face at first, but then as his temperature rises, make him torture Destoroyah, and kick him all across the city! as for the final battle, I felt like me and Godzilla both were cheated, meaning I watched Godzilla basically get flipped off in the face, when the JSDF finished Destoroyah, and he didn't get to kill Destoroyah! here's the version I came up with: Destoroyah tries to fly away, but Godzilla pulls him down, he gets up, tries to slice Godzilla with the laser horn, as he does this, Godzilla's heat ray sears across his face, Destoroyah screeches in pain, and falls. Godzilla starts kicking him in the head, then he nears the meltdown point, moments before the meltdown, he picks Destoroyah up, uses one more energy pulse, Destoroyah disintegrates. Godzilla roars in triumph, his meltdown commences with the JSDF firing away at him. That is the way that Godzilla's anger should have been portrayed, maybe not, like I said, that's just what I thought of. on the off-chance that toho remakes Godzilla vs Destoroyah, I hope they come across my comment before they do.
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mainly fake blood sprays , nothing else
24 October 2008
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I know this is a horror movie, but come on! was all that fake blood truly necessary? Ronny Yu obviously knew this movie would bomb, so he added the blood to scenes where it wasn't even that bloody (to make it "look" scary), no one (in real life) could lose blood in the middle of a room and have it flood all the way into the bathroom, How fake was that?! The movie is not even really what the title claims, it's just a bunch of teenagers on drugs!. If you took away the drugs and all of the other crap that was thrown in, you might have clips of what could have been good! I don't care what anyone says, this movie is a total waste of America's money, and it trashed both Freddy and Jason's reputations, and lastly, There better not be a sequel EVER!! If you took the time to read this comment and hated it, why did you waste your time reading it if it was going to upset you in the first place? That is the question.
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I've seen that monster before...
10 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, the movie was pretty good, but there are two drawbacks: 1 They overdid the whole "halloween" tone of the movie 2 This is what really bothered me: has anyone seen "Godzilla 2000 Millennium? Well, if you have, compare the evil thing to Godzilla's opponent: Orga. They both have the same build, They have the same type of teeth, granted, the evil thing had overlapping teeth (they did this so no one would notice the similarity), They had the same hands too. the only things different: the fact that its head separated into two, and the eggs that it carried on its back. still, I enjoyed the movie, I liked it better than the Goosebumps series, no offense intended, Everyone's entitled to their opinion.
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Most Haunted (2002–2019)
More Like "Night Vision Cameras And Swearing"
10 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've tried to watch this show, but every time I do, it's the same crap: someone says "oh (bleep)!" or " what the (bleep) was that, I haven't seen one remotely ghost-like being on that show, I don't count the tinted flashlight being shined around the room either! Wanna know why the camera is always focused on their faces when a "ghost" enters the room? They don't want you to see the equipment that they use for their "ghostly" sound effects and etc. Yeah, I told their "big secret". this show is just smoke and mirrors-no, it's just night vision cameras and swearing! the people who read this who actually like this show are going to feel like kids that have just been told that Santa isn't real, if they don't, then I guess that they just like night vision cameras, and swearing. Don't like my comment, well, that just lets me know that some people just can't handle the truth. PS. That's why I put in that this comment contains a spoiler.
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Johnny Test (2005–2014)
Worst Excuse For A Cartoon!!!
23 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I want so badly to give this piece of GARBAGE a zero, unfortunately, there isn't, so, I had to give it a 1 just to warn you about how stupidly terrible this imposter of a familiar cartoon really is! The characters look like they were drawn by pre-schoolers, no, wait, I've seen pre-schoolers do better! I prefer "Misadventures of Flapjack" to this terrible excuse for a cartoon! I'm probably saying what others have said, two words: RIP OFF!! Remember that episode of Dexter's Lab when they raced go-karts down that volcano? yeah, Mister Fellows even cashed in on that idea and failed! They even ripped off Shadow Lugia in that one episode that parodied Pokemon!(he even cashed in on that franchise!) That one character is a cheap rip off of Mandark from Dexter's Lab! Mister Fellows needs to be sued for statutory infringement for this piece of crap!! Everyone has their own opinion, but those of you who like Johnny (RIP-OFF) Test, your'e just lying to yourselves. Do yourself a favor, change the channel when this rip off tries to disgrace your screen!
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Truly a Dark Movie
20 September 2008
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My brother, mother, and I went and saw this movie at the theater, and I must say this one was very dark! We couldn't even find our seats, because it was already five minutes into the movie by the time we got there! We all laughed when Jack was running away from the cannibal tribe. But then, after watching more of the movie, we all knew something bad was going to happen, it did, when it was over, everyone got up silently, and walked out of the the theater, as if they had just attended a funeral, some actually crying, having being attached to Jack Sparrow, but, we all knew they couldn't end it that way. If you do decide to watch this one, true fans of Capt. Jack Sparrow should have the third movie handy, after watching this one!
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Lake Placid 2 (2007 TV Movie)
Bitter,Not Entertaining In The Least
19 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen some bad movies, but this one, forget about it, no, seriously, this one, it was like a cookie made of salt! that's how I describe this wreck of a sci-fi channel movie! The cast and crew should be tied to a chair, and forced to watch this movie for every single person that was duped into watching this flop of a movie that they so carelessly unleashed onto the innocent public! The crocodiles were appallingly fake!! At least the crocodile in the first one was convincing, I actually cared about whether he lived or died, and that is saying a lot! The crocodiles in this one lacked the realism,along with everything else that was supposed to make them crocodiles! In more than one scene the so-called crocodiles looked like cartoons!! Whoever was involved with the CGI needs to go back and graduate the whole course at the (very,very,very) least twice!! As well everyone else involved in the script,directing,acting etc. I know ten lines is the minimum amount of lines, but hey, I'd need a hundred or more to fully describe how impossibly terrible,awful,,despicable,and heinous this movie really is! But, I don't want to waste anymore of my time talking about this,well,you get the point. I'll close with this, you can waste your money renting this movie, but, if you do, and you hate it, you will not get your money back,even if you win the lotto, you still will not get that same money back that you spent on this, or you can spend your money to try and erase the thought of it from your mind.
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Godzilla Mothra King Ghidorah
19 September 2008
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SPOILERS!!! This Godzilla is better than any of the other Godzillas! For instance, the fact that he was biggest monster in the movie, and the way he attacked with extreme prejudice,unlike the other Godzillas, when the military attacked him, he made sure he obliterated them, not just the usual breath of fire, then move on to fight his opponent, he even proceeded to destroy the military battleships! man was he determined!! Also the way he dispatched the other monsters, This Godzilla is one of my all time favorites, along with Radioactive Godzilla:"Godzilla vs Destroyer". I recommend this movie any day over "Final Wars" seriously!
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Total Drama (2007–2014)
review for total drama island
18 September 2008
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I gave this show ten stars for a reason, to me, this show is great! It's full of twists, and believe me, It is worth watching, at least the creators of this show try to make it interesting! It's not like Johnny Test, with "J T" it's always "been there done that" and if that offends anyone,it's the truth. Total Drama Island is hilarious, granted, it does have its moments, but hey,at least it's something different! The way I look at it, there's nothing really wrong with this show. I'll definitely buy the first season when it comes out on DVD if it hasn't already! Overall, I enjoyed the show because it didn't leave me with that sense of wishing my time back. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but I recommend this show if you're looking for something different to watch.
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A terrible way to end the Godzilla series
18 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
i have never seen a Godzilla movie that I did not like, but this one however,it has too many aspects from previous Godzilla movies. Firstly, the monster battles, most of them from the Showa series,then a few from the millennium series. Godzilla battling alien x reminded me of the battle in "Godzilla 2000 millennium" except for when Godzilla threw him across Tokyo. Then you have Godzilla, obviously a compilation of previous Godzilla's, from "vs Gigan:,to Tokyo s.o.s. (see the resemblance?) Why did they have to include Minilla?! And of course, the very end of the movie, I will not say, but if anyone has watched most of the previous movies they'll know what i'm talking about. Watch it if you want to , personally,I prefer "Godzilla vs Destroyer" the last real Godzilla movie.
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