
22 Reviews
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Exam (2009)
Nonsense.. Stupidity Interview
21 March 2013
Bad thriller, poor plot, yet watchable. For all intelligent thriller's lovers, this one will insult your intelligence.

The idea probably copied from "The Method". Use the same argument, all candidates reunited in the same room just for one job.

The difference is that The Method delivers sense and reality (all what this one lack of).

I liked the beginning, but little by little it let me down. When all male characters start showing their "Macho with no brain" qualities, when is more about surviving and outlasting to the others, you almost forget that this is about a job interview (it could have been for the Army). They tried to fix it at the end, trying to provide a clever answer to the whole process of violence, but to me it just make it even worst.

I guess it would be worth it to watch both (The Method is Spanish) to compare. To me this is a 4, The Method is a 7.
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Skyfall (2012)
Bond 50th anniversary couldn't been worst
22 December 2012
Firrst of all I will say that I was a Bond fan in my youth but to me Bond died with Roger Moore. I stopped watching Bond movies for a while after seeing Timothy Dalton's. Then, after reading some reviews, and because I liked him as Remington Steele, I decided to give Goldeneye I chance (big mistake) and then once more with Casino Royale and this last one.

Without loosing Bond identity features, its roots, I would expect the scriptwriters to squeeze their brains a bit more cause today is not enough if you make a cocktail with just a sexist man, a fancy car, a pretty girl, some random killing and action and a villain (shaken or stirred) and serve it thinking that as the ingredients are good anything with them in it is gonna be tasty and good, wrong! I need a more elaborated plot. Is like having a carpet in the kitchen or in the bathroom, sure 50 years ago was fashionable in UK but today I just do not want it.

Reviews were good so I decided to go. Also for its 50th Anniversary, for Bardem, for Scotland. I liked the tributes made to the first Bond movies, I liked Bardem in his first 10 min but then as the story cannot be more absurd there's no way the actors can hold the movie.

At some point I thought I could be yet surprised when action is translated to Scotland: "could it be? Will Sean Connery make a surprise cameo?" After all the tributes at least I could have given that to the movie, a nice surpricse and the ability to laugh at themselves but not, wasn't Sir Connery, WASN'T even Scottish!!

I tend to take now 007 as a joke, a comedy, a bad action movie and even worst thriller and I will try to refrain myself of watching next "best bond" movie yet to come as that was 50 years ago. I will go to the pub instead and ask for a martini, shaken not stirred.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Grab a big pack of popcorn...
5 June 2012
.. so it can last for 2 hours cause is the only good thing you will have in that time.

I was looking forward to see this movie. Well, I will resume this movie in 7 lines:

  • 2 hours of tediousness.

  • The script is poor, too poor.

  • Acting, cannot judge it cause the actors didn't have enough material.

-Mr Scott.. what the hell is this? I guess you were thinking only in

making money without bother in the script, the plot, everything.

  • Huge disappointmen. I will think it twice before going to see your

Blade Runner's sequel.
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A weak cocktail between Forest Gump, English Patient and The Notebook...
1 February 2009
I will try to give my review of this film and apologised in advance for my English but I will try best.

When a short story is put in on the big screen and it last for almost 3 hours better you make a good entertaining piece of film... If it's a runner for 11 awards of the academy you expect to watch a piece of art cause potentially it could win all of them. Well I just see one Oscar coming and it's a make-up or special effects. Apart from that nothing but a fairy tale with flaws if we take the movie seriously.

I won't named all of them. You can read it in other reviews and I don't want to be that critic. Just say that beside the story (a baby born old and getting younger with years) there's nothing new. Even more is a cocktail between Forest Gump, the English patient and Notebook all blended together and adding a lot of water. As a results you got a weak cocktail nothing remarkable, not to be the cocktail of the year at least.

The plot focused mainly in two aspects; Benjamin Button getting younger which is probably the most attractive point in the movie and a weak and impossible love story due to his condition. Well, all the where abouts of his re-born life is not as good as in Forest Gump (speaking from a tale point of view) but as the movie can't deliver an appropriate drama feeling there's no other way to watch it. The drama fails as well in the love story. You care a bit but is predictable and you can recognised a lot of scenarios from previous films. All the story love comes from a diary, the be loved woman dying in bed and remembering her past and so on.

Performances are OK and the truth is I was entertained for almost 3 hours even when some times is slow or you could have cut a few minutes or define better the plot, either just a tale story or drama love story but not in half way of both. Or you could make characters in more depth.

Despite of all is a watchable movie just not expect the movie of the year. See it with an open mind and ready to enjoy and it will make its work. Do some popcorn too!!
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as in the movie "It's good but there's no salt in it"
28 January 2009
I always liked Allen and being myself Spanish and the movie being shot in Barcelona well... It was a "must see" to me. After 90 min I can recall is not the best movie of Allen by far. Is not the worst neither. Is like he had to made it so he threw up an average script, hired good actors and set up some "typical Spanish" locations and scenarios.

There's the mostly unnecessary voice-over narration that fills in expository gaps. C'mon Allen, you have 4 fine actors who could have done it with no needs of this voice and it would allowed to go into the characters more deeply. Dialogues are just fine speaking of Woody Allen. Not as sharp or intelligent as used to be. A master in "Catalan Identity"? Uummm... well. And how about a master in "butifarras"? (catalan sausage). The pretext could have been better but it doesn't actually matter. It has no relevance in the movie.

I have to say this movie is not about Spain or Barcelona. Barcelona is the scenario that's all. Some actors are Spanish playing Spanish. I can't understand why people is complaining about not being the real Spain what's is portrayed. This movie is about the story of one summer in Barcelona. Could be anywhere. And that's the way you have to watch it.

Javier(what an actor!!), Scarlett and Cruz are all good, but it is Vicky character (Rebecca Hall) who stands out giving such depth.

I've criticized enough this film but probably cause I expected a bit more. It has its points too. However I rarely find a film of Allen that isn't worth seeing The film is enjoyably light.
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Distracting but nothing special.
23 January 2009
I recently moved to Oxford and being Spanish well, I was curious to watch this film. First of all I will say Alex de la Iglesia is not among my top-5 favourite Spanish filmmakers. Probably is not even among the first 10 but anyway the title, the plot and the location intrigued me enough to give it a try.

There are some thrillers which the plot is flat and the final twist is good. There're others (most of them) in which 3/4 of the movie is OK but the end is either predictable or incredible or flat. And there others in which everything is flat. That's the case of this film. Is an old fashion movie, nothing new, nothing spectacular, no great acting, final twist is a bit predictable and in average with the rest of the movie.

I don't think any of the actors were convinced about the script cause their acting is so sober and flat. Maybe with the exception of Leonor Watling.

Among the good points of the movie... well, Oxford is a nice city. The Oxford Crimes is not pretentious at all so even when is not incredible is distracting, good for a weekday at home or watch it after lunch. 5/10
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REC (2007)
Seriously a 7.8??
22 January 2009
I might seen a different movie here or I've got a completely different taste for horror movies.

I have to admit that I'm more into psycho-thrillers or horror movies with no much gore. I have to confess that I didn't like "The Blair witch project" in its time or any previous films from Jaume Balagueró ("The nameless" could be saved) so when I heard about REC and how it was shot I didn't care to much about it but after a couple of weeks and with all these positive reviews it had I decided to give it a shot. Well... I shouldn't. I recognised that probably is more me than the movie itself but I didn't like it. I wasn't frightened at all, not once. There was a point that I wanted everyone dead to safe me to watch the rest of the movie. I actually laughed watching the movie.

The format isn't new. The Blair Witch project was the pioneer. The plot is lame although in most of gore-horror movies is. I was laughing in all sequences I should be scared... why is that?? It has cheap scary moments plus main characters are also naive and stupids in the way of "let's do this when everybody would do the opposite and run away".

Now Quarantine, the American re-make is on theatres. Well I can't name a single American re-make of an horror movie (or any genre) which resulted better than the original.

If you feel like a brain-dead zombie... watch it!
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The Wrestler (2008)
A lesson of good cinema!!
22 January 2009
The issue is common in every sport men life: "It's time to leave. Where I can go now?" And Aronofsky reflects it perfectly with his narrative in the movie. The Wrestler shows how the story of the boxer whose career is over (or almost) still work out for the audience. OK, technically he's not a boxer is a wrestler but it makes no difference in the story.

Randy Robinson (Rourke) is a wrestler at the end of his career. Fighting in 3rd category rings when he was a star in the 80's. One day he has a heart attack and doctors recommend not to go into a ring again and then is when he look around and realised he has no more in his life but wrestling, he's alone and not rich precisely. He will try to do the right things in his personal life when he couldn't do it before.

The main character role is perfect for M. Rourke. Maybe cause he was (or he tried) to be a boxer in the 80's. Even Rourke admit this role has a lot to do with his career back then. He knits it to perfection, it's a superb performance by Mickey Rourke. I haven't seen yet other candidates to the Oscars award but he deserves to be nominated for sure. And then you have Pam (Marisa Tomei) the stripper and mother of two son also at the end of her career and in need of changes in her life. Marisa Tomeis is also amazing performing as stripper.

This movie is a classic and it works so good. Aronofsky finds again the right way to relate the story. A bit depressive some times but isn't new in his movies. The scenes on the ring are incredible. Simple, no tricks but among "Raging Bull" one of the best I've eve seen. You will get hooked watching this.

I would recommend without doubts. Just have the day to watch a good drama. 8/10
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Shame of a stupidly quick thought end. Very entertaining rest of film!
21 January 2009
I wanted to see this movie after reading all the good reviews it have and it didn't disappointed me. I'm not a big fan of western although lately there've been a few good ones.

As usual, there's the good guy, the bad one and a mission to be done. The fact is the bad guy is not than bad and the good one is strong enough to keep going in his mission under any circumstances. Both actors gives intensity, both can transmit a lot without saying a word plus they deliver good performances. Dialogues are well written, shooting work is brilliant, well done action scenes and outdoors.

This remake is more cynic, brutal and faster than its predecessor in 1957.

I don't rate it higher cause in my point of view there're 2 things could have been improved: - In the original one (1957) the countdown of the hours till 3:10 train is much better. The tension, the stress to get on time, etc. That is lost it this one, not at least with the same intensity.

  • Shame of a stupidly quick thought end. Very entertaining rest of film!

All in all, is a very recommendable western. A good popcorn movie. Enjoy!!

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Flawless (2007)
A good Old style - old fashion thriller
21 January 2009
At last a decent thriller this year. Flawless it's been a good surprise from beginning to end. Is a thriller with all substance and no flash. There's no tricks, characters and their relationship are really good developed. You understand them, their motives to rob and also their doubts and the most important, you understand how they do it. No tricks, no James Bond gadgets which solve every issue.

The story is truly believable. Also are the characters. Michael Cain (janitor)as usual fills the scene just with his presence. Demi Moore is in one of her best, probably her best, role and performance (and I'm not a big fan at all of her). The screenplay and dialogues are brilliant. The plot is very well knitted and the final twist is different, refreshing.

Is like to be watching a good movie from the 60's. No doubt, I recommend this movie to those who like real thrillers.

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The Mist (2007)
I expected a lot more.
21 January 2009
OK, I'm not a big fan of Stephen King's movies made. Except the Green Mile and Misery and after watching this I will stick to those two.

The plot sounds good. A mysterious mist wrap the city and you don't know why but is not good. Well, The Mist lasted for me 20 min. Once you know what is out there the movie lose everything. I've seen recently Silent Hill and the mist there provided more atmosphere than here. Especial Fx aren't good neither, even bad. Actually, the horror is inside the store. With Marcia Gay Harden (Mrs. Carmody) performing than good that you wanna kill her in her second line. Reading the book you feel claustrophobic, you want to get out of the store watching what's happening inside too but you are scare of what's outside. I didn't get that feeling neither in the movie. I didn't care at all.

It's predictable, lame, flat and it didn't get me at any moment but hey, is just me. The final twist, I have to admit, took me by surprise, you don't expect it at all.

If I would have gone to theatre to watch it I would have felt swindled. Instead I rented and after 10 minutes I completely forgot the movie. It could have been better, much better. If you have a flat brain day and you like horror movies go for it. It last 2 hours and you won't have to think for that time.
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Conjurer (2008)
Nothing new in the genre. Still watchable.
21 January 2009
I will be brief in this one. This is a classic supernatural, ghost-spirit-spell story movie. And that's all. You won't see anything new, the typical twist at the end is not the sixth sense but it's just normal. Good points: It's about more the story than to give you frightening moments. There's no blood, no gore, any unnecessary. Actually it doesn't abuse of cheap-fake frights at all (you know music in-crescendo, funny tricks with camera but finally nothing happens etc) It keeps simple. The plot is not bad but as in most of this genre movies could have been better or treat it more in depth.

I wouldn't go to theatres to watch this movie but I didn't mind to rent it. If you have the day of watching an OK movie go for it!!
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Silent Hill (2006)
Nice surprise. Solid fantasy thriller movie.
20 January 2009
I knew Silent Hill is originally a video game although I 've never played so I decided to watch it with a very open minded and no prejudices at all. In result I have found a good film. Astonishing shots. Certeanly you can notice where it comes from cause I could picture in my mind how must be playing the game . Is visually amazing. And the storyline is pretty good too.I felt trapped in it right from the beginning. All casting give solid performances. The mist in Silent Hill is more creepy and add more atmosphere than the "The Mist" itself by far.

The atmosphere in general is great. It doesn't try to give you cheap frights like most of American horror movies. I'm not a big fun of violence in horror/thriller movies but watched this a fantasy thriller tale I didn't mind that much. Plus, I don't know the video –game so I can't judge.

Weakneses.. yeah, there are. Dialogues could have been better. Plot could be better explained (for those who doesn't know the game), more in depth but in general it's been a nice surprise. Comparing another recent horror movies reviews with this one… For me this is a bit above the average.
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The Lookout (2007)
Very entertaining piece.
19 January 2009
"A guy in his middle 20's as a main character? Uummm Is not going to be good" That's what I thought when I started to watch this movie. Well, I was wrong.

The movie keeps simple all along but solid and effective. Actually it gets better and better and you dive more and more into the plots and the circumstances.

I'm sure Joseph Gordon Levitt will be a Hollywood star in 10 years time. Performances are solid. Jeff Daniels in his secondary role (blind Michael Pratt's flatmate) good, Matthew Goode is believable. Is not a big budget movie, at least not done with a blockbuster expectations and besides is better than a lot of them (Ocean's 12 and 13 come's to my mind). But don't get me wrong, the movie is a lot more about Michael Pratts circumstances than planning how to rob the bank. Having to decide between being part of the bank robbery or trying to get a better life without compromise his life more than it is.

Well defined characters, suspense, not new but mixing 2 attractive plot and the result is a satisfactory movie which keeps real. 7/10
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Barrio (1998)
Nice portrait of low-medium Spanish class with a great black humour
17 January 2009
Barrio is a great portrait of the low-middle class in Madrid. It shows you the life of 3 teenagers sick of their way of living and dealing with all the issues it brings.

These kids have to deal with their problems, their parent's, their hormones, the lack of money, unemployment, trying not to get into the drug world... Trying to make their way out of it and it's here when a brilliant black sense of humour comes and it's delivered in the movie over and over. The story of the delivery pizza boy, among others, is surreal, funny and brutal if you think a bit about it. Is due to this scenarios full humour that you can watch the movie without feel depressed. Don't look here for nice views of Madrid cause there aren't. It's the underground that semi dark face of the city nobody want to see.

In resume: Is a great portrait of the low-medium Spanish class with a great sense of black humour.

The end is bitter, it's true but probably because you can watch the film so easily even laugh although is not a light subject at all, the end reminds you exactly that, that it's hard, is not easy and is a serious matter. It could have left and open ending, that's true too.

Acting is great. You could even think that the guys are for real and the director is filming their real life.

I like Fernando León de Aranoa. I liked "Familia" and "Los Lunes al sol" and that's not an exception. All of his films portrays the issues that the medium class people in Spain has to deal with. Is probably the Spanish Ken Loach.

Watch this movie if you haven't watched yet. I still thinking is one of the best Spanish movies of the last 20 years. 8/10
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Changeling (2008)
As usual... Clint Eastwood as director is a secure bet.
16 January 2009
I have to admit that I've always liked Clint Eastwood as a director. He never lets me down and "Changeling" it isn't been an exception. At the same time I'm not a fun of Angelina Jolie but I have to admit I had to like her this time (not sure as everybody say worth an Oscar, but really good acting).

Based in real event, and knowing what is this film about, means is gonna be a super-drama and it's.

I always said that a good movie, liked or not, makes you feel things. And this one delivers Frustration, rage, impotence and shame and at the same time overcoming, hope and a deserved final justice.

Great directing and acting, not just Angelina Jolie, all the cast. Superb recreation (portrait) of LA city and society in the 30-40's.

Just mention is 137 min long and under my point of view the last 20/30 min could be taken out. Doesn't contribute at all in the story and the truth is, after the trial, it becomes slower and a bit pointless.

Anyway, I can't wait to watch "Gran Torino".

Overall a fair 7.5/10 and a well worth drama to watch.
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Watchable movie but I expected it much better.
14 January 2009
I've read every single book of Arturo Perez Reverte's novel and when I noticed there all them will resume in just one movie I was afraid of the results. To those who haven't read imagine Peter Jackson would have made just one move instead of the trilogy. The result is obviously wouldn't have been the same.

Apart this I wanted to watch it cause so far is been the most expensive movie ever made in Spanish history (around 32$ millions) and wanted to see what we are capable of. It seems we have to improve a lot. Actors are great, the portrayal of Madrid in the 16th century is amazing (for a Spanish movie). Although I missed more open shots or panoramic which could show us Madrid more detailed Madrid. As the 5 novels are concentrated in 120 min sometimes is difficult to follow the plot or it lost strengh. Casting is OK but I think it could have been better with less well known Spanish actors as some of them have just 5 lines and I start to understand were all that budget went to.

In conclusion it's a watchable but obviously is not a piece of art. As a first attempt for the Spanish industry to make an epic and a worldwide known movie is a so-so beguining. Hopefully it will improve next time. It will keep you entertained but don't expect high heroic deeds. 6/10
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One of the best movies of the year.
14 January 2009
I didn't know what to expect of this movie when I watched. I had no idea it came from a graphic novel and suddenly and after those words "Remember, remember the fifth of November..." I couldn't believe I was watching one of the best movies of the year. It was a really nice surprise. Since then I might have watched it at least 10 times. Is one of those you don't mind to watch it from time to time.

The plot is simple but at the same time powerful and can't leave you indifferent on the matter. Same one as the 1984 novel. A corrupted system, a lack of freedom to express any idea against the system, a big brother who controls everything and everybody in orther to keep the lambs under control and in the other hand the mind, the soul and the person who wants to remind us that to feel or think is a all right. The one who suffered on his own skin the atrocity of the system to reach the power and absolute control of mankind. Is a story of revenge is a fight against the corrupted system, a fight pro-freedom, it's.. a Jewell of cinema.

Great casting, great portrayals, superb performances by every single actor, solid action, good scenes, powerful main character, good dialogues and a well done and deep plot which makes you think, depth characters so u can identify with them .. what else can you ask for?

Is one of these movies which leaves you with an incredible sensation after watched it. Satisfaction.

I can only say: Watch this movie cause you won't be disappointed. Even when u are not into movies which come from comic. You won't noticed. 9/10
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Goodbye Indi!! Leave this stuff to X-Files people.
14 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I will always be an Indiana Jones fan. I grew up with him so after those years I couldn't believe that finally the 4th one was on theatres. I went to the cinema with so high expectations and they last it for half of the movie. I always measure movies depending if at the end I'm happy to have paid the ticket or it would have been better wait and rent it. This one was on the edge.

I don't mind see H. Ford getting older and un-fit, don't mind the first incredible action scene with the fridge but I mind Indi having a son or how his first love is again introduced in his life and of course not forgetting the Happy ending (still thinking is not possible). And what about all these E.T thing. Spilberg lost the plot here.

For me Indi was always about chasing ancient objects, magic, don't know but I know this movie has to do more with X-Files than to archeology. First part of the movie is actually good, keeping Indi style but little by little it gets worst and worst. Doesn't click at all leaving you at the end with a sweet and sour taste of what could it have done if the theme had been different, if they weren't that amount of romantic-sensible twists or without the X-files stuff and in the other hand you are happy cause you could have seen Indi again.

Afterall 6.5/10 and praying for Spilberg not making a fifth one ever cause it could kill my myth forever.
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El Greco (2007)
Big budgets don't make great movies always.
12 January 2009
I wanted to see this movie. The one with the highest budget in all Greek history. Well.. I still don't know where all that money was spent.

It lacks of almost everything. No good dialogues, good actors wasted due to a, being good, a very poor script. It's a voice in off who tells you most part of the story... why do you want actors then I asked.

Probably the customs, colours and music is the only thing you can remember after watching it but not enough. I wanted to stop the movie several times cause is so superficial. You don't get involved at all with any of the characters, not with the story. Actually you don't care about El Greco after 20 min watching it.

I could feel the same frustration when I saw "El Capitán Alatriste". The Spanish movie with the highest budget ever in this country. Very, very disappointing. El Greco is, with all my respects, The Greek-Crap.
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Taken (I) (2008)
Great action-thriller movie.
12 January 2009
I have to admit that probably thrillers are my favourite genre plus I like Liam Neeson and when I can see him in a good thriller movie I like it double.

Saying this, and if you like this genre too, you will agreed that is difficult to find out one that it keeps you on the edge of your seat for the whole movie. That's one of those difficult ones to find out. Probably in the mix there's more of an action movie than a thriller but still a very enjoyable piece.

Everything goes to fast, straight-forward. You don't have time to breath. It's true that it doesn't allow you to play with the movie cause it gives you no time to think. Don't look here for a psychological thriller cause is not. Is pure tension, action, suspense and high levels of adrenaline.

Better than any "Bourne" movies, million times better than any "007" ones (at least for me). Make some popcorn, sit and relax (if you can). 8/10.
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A nice fairytale movie.
12 January 2009
I went yesterday to watch this movie. I had read some critics and I decided to give it a try and after 2 hours I left the theatre with a mix of feelings. First of all I have to admit that If the movie had been 100% American. Meaning that actors, and scenes had been shot at any place in Europe or America the movie would have been completely forgettable. Liked or not, and in my point of view (being European) see some Indian stuff everywhere made this movie enjoyable and I'm not going to judge now if it's or not realistic.

Saying that I liked the movie. Don't watch it as a masterpiece or under any big spectations cause in that case it will failed. Watch it as a fairytale based in India. With bad guys, good ones, love and almost impossible endings. The movie doesn't pretend to show us India in deep but it gives you brushes of it and that Boyle makes a really good work with the camera.

The movie is predictable, indeed it is. That is not realistic, probably it is not. But it touches you. Makes you feel different feelings along the movie. It reminds me a bit to the first story in "Amores Perros" ("Love's a bitch" in the English market) with a happy ending. And in India of course!!

Worth to watch it. 7/10.
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