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Bates Motel (2013–2017)
not impressed but giving it a chance
19 March 2013
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I have to say I was so excited about this show until the trailer showed Norman listening to Ipod. I'm pretty sure in that short amount of time Alfred Hitchcock found a way to roll over in his grave...twice. Being a fan of the movie I'm really disappointed in the direction the show is heading in and all the differences surrounding it: 1) the motel is by the sea, not in Arizona 2) Norma, mother, is nothing like what was described of her and her inspiration to buy the hotel was completely different 3) Norman goes back and forth from mama's boy to rebellious teen which considering the character I don't think fits him at all and various other reasons that are too numerous to explain. The time period really throws me off to, why in the world was this set in present times? It makes no sense but I do find it interesting that Norma and Norman seem like they are from another time entirely like they both just popped out of the early 60's, it's very strange. Maybe it's to make them seem like they're a world apart from every one else? It really clashes way to much for the general setting of the story. As much as I want to like this prequel to Psycho I think A&E dropped the ball a little. The story is not quite there all the way but it does have that curiosity that keeps you watching. I'm going to give this more time but for certain this will never live up to Psycho in any possible way.
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After.Life (2009)
dreadful...and not in a good way
29 August 2010
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*EXTREME SPOILERS!!*I will admit the movie did have some key points that I enjoyed, very POEesque but all in all I honestly have to say I'll never watch it again. The story is very simple, very clean cut: a woman (Anna),a teacher, who finds no real happiness in life "dies" and fights to live but then it get complicated. You end up with a overly calm mortician (Deacon) who claims that he can speak to the dead and keeps assuring this woman who's walking and talking in his morgue that she's dead and she just needs to let go although she's insistent that she's alive. The movie, throughout most of it,tries to convince you that yes, she's dead and that she's basically a ghost although as the movie progresses you realize that's not the case. It tries to cover that fact up through the grieving boyfriend (Paul). He's having visions, strange dreams and can't come to grasps with her "death". The key moment that really sets the plot off is when Deacon won't let Paul see Anna's body because she's down in the morgue screaming for Paul who can't hear her of course. There are several attempts to keep the audience guessing about her real condition but they fall severely short and half way through the film you know exactly what's going on thanks mostly to the paralyzing drug that Deacon keeps giving her. To put it in perspective, it's a prologue to "Premature Burial" although done rather poorly. The only saving grace is that Liam Neeson (Deacon) plays his role flawlessly. I was mesmerized by his performance and was disappointed that his character was underplayed in the story while Christina Ricci's character (Anna) was overly exploited throughout the film. I wanted desperately to know the why's and what of Deacon's character from his point of view but instead the director felt it better for an 11 year old boy (Jack),who was Anna's student and local weird kid, to interpret Deacon's complex nature. The target was missed by an hour and a mile. I think in the hands of another director maybe Burton or Shyamalan the movie could've lived up to it's potential and what the film was trying to convey but instead we're left with a diet sixth sense.
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Constantine (2005)
A very underestimated film
17 February 2010
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I don't think any character has ever had such a disregard for the afterlife whether it be heaven or hell. It shows a very clear picture that even heaven has its flaws which you don't see very often in film. Keanu Reeves was without a doubt the perfect John Constantine, I loved every second of his character. Rachel Weisz did an excellent job only i wish her and John could've had a stronger bond/love connection towards each other. My only BIG BIG problem with the movie is there wasn't enough Shia Labeouf. His character Chaz could've gone so much farther in the story than it did and I am soooooooo not pleased that he was killed in the end but I guess the very last part of the movie makes up for it ( he looked hot as an angel :) ) I L-O-V-E-D LOVED Gavin Rosdale! who would have suspected him of being that great and I thought this film's version of Satan ROCKED. I think my favorite thing about it was John called him "LU" like they were old friends or something. Wonderful. I thought this had everything an audience could ever want and it's one of those you could watch over and over again and still want more.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
top of the top
15 February 2010
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Simplicity can be complex if you work at it and 12 Angry Men is a perfect example of just that. The first time I saw it was in my civics class my freshman year of high school and unlike my other classmates who saw it boring and dull I was for lack of a better word riveted and here's why: The beginning of the film brings you into the tail end of a trial about a teenage boy who's accused of murdering his father. The evidence is a switchblade knife and the testimony of a old man and woman who heard and allegedly witnessed the crime. The Judge sets the tone for the film explaining that the "jury" (you included) have to decide whether the boy is guilty or not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The jurors descend into the confines of the jury room and are locked in until the verdict is made. Most of the men automatically deem the defendant guilty just because they want to leave and a few because of the evidence which consisted of the eye witness testimony. When the first vote is taken Henry Fonda (juror #8) is the only one who says not guilty but not because he thinks he not guilty or guilty but because he isn't sure. The film then progresses into Fonda breaking the case down to the others and slowly but surely guiding the others into a verdict of not guilty all except juror 10 and 7. After some heated prejudicial and racial words eventually all become convinced of the kid's innocence. The very end of the film concludes that men go their separate way revealing only 2 of the men's names and the picture ends.

The great thing about the 12.A.M is that you really need no information on the case, the trial, or the testimony you solely rely on the jurors showing that a little usually means a lot. I think it's a wonderful movie with a brilliant classic cast including the man behind the voice of Winnie the Pooh's Piglet (you'll know it when you hear him) and of course the incomparable Henry Fonda. Truly a film although simple was way ahead of it's time.
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Ghost Adventures (2008– )
Freakin' addicting!!!
15 February 2010
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If Ghost Adventures had their own church, I would be there every Sunday and Wednesday service and more than likely every single pie pickin bake sale!! This show ROCKS!!!! Premise is simple: 12 hours, one haunted place and 3 tubular dudes with video cameras who are locked in from dusk till dawn (sweet movie.) It can't get any better. Personally, I don't doubt them one bit. Their not there to prove a haunting or dismiss it, they're just their to capture the legends on film. The locations are credible, you've probably even seen them on other paranormal shows which even makes them more credible! As for their evidence, they break it down immediately after it happens sometimes playing it over a few times or at a slower pace and if they catch anything really spooky like a full apparition, it's analyzed to death because ultimately that's the main goal is to show you that what they get is REAL. It's also nice to have just 3 regular normal guys interacting with you through the show than a bunch of pocket protector scientists whom you can't even understand. Zak, Nick and Aaron are just like you which makes the series even better. They do the exact same thing my friends and I do on the weekends and it's so awesome to know that we're not the only ones who do that crazy crap!! I love them, can't get enough of them and hope it's on air forever!!
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One of the best
14 February 2010
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There's almost too much that can be said about RWAC. For one there's James Dean. If anyone ever doubted his acting ability they need to take seat, watch and shut their mouths. His portrayal of Jim Stark a lonely, misunderstood and underrated teen is probably one of the best performances to ever grace a strand of film. Natalie Wood of course did a wonderful job of Judy whose need for love at times out shines Dean's lead character and Sal Mineo's best work is seen through Plato's eyes.

The film begins when Jim is taken to the police station for drunkenness where we also meet our two other principal characters Judy and Plato. Judy is there because of a fight she got into with her inattentive father after he called her a dirty tramp for wearing lipstick of which she ran away from home and was then picked up by the police. Plato is there for drowning puppies which he could not give a reason for. Later Jim's parents come in and begin arguing which really upsets Jim. After that officer (Ray) takes Jim into a back room and eases him by letting Jim vent his anger on a desk and tells him to call if things begin to go over the edge again with his folks. All go home and begin and new day. The next day Jim meets Judy and The Kids, a gang of delinquents that Judy calls her friends and who is girlfriend to the leader Buzz. Later, on a field trip to the planetarium, Jim consoles Plato who was frightened during the show and then shows off to The Kids to get Judy's attention. Outside Buzz and Jim get into a knife fight and after Jim wins is invited by Buzz to participate in a "chickie-run" which Jim agrees. That night, at the bluff, Buzz tells Jim that he actually likes him but that they "gotta do something" just to prove themselves to the rest of the gang but once again Jim's main goal is to prove him self to Judy. The race begins and Jim ends up jumping before he reaches the edge only to watch Buzz drive off it due to the fact that his jacket got caught on the door. Buzz dies and the gang scatters. Jim takes Judy home and contemplates whether he should tell the police. Meanwhile Plato is accosted by Buzz's friends mainly Crunch and Goon who are scared that they'll be turned into the cops. Plato gets away and runs home to grab his mother's gun as protection. Crunch, Goon and a few others then proceed to find Jim to stop him from ratting them out. Jim gets in another fight with his parents and leaves for the police station. Discovering that his police friend Ray is out Jim calls Judy but is rudely hung up on by her father. Judy hears this and sneaks out to find Jim. Plato, Judy and Jim meet up after Plato warns him about the gang coming for them and tells them they can hide out in an abandoned mansion by the planetarium. They go there but are soon found out by the gang and the police. Plato shoots one of the gang and then runs to planetarium locking himself inside. Jim and Judy go after him and Jim attempts to talk Plato out of doing anything rash. He takes the gun and removes the bullets hiding them in his pocket from Plato after he gives Plato the gun back. All is well until they begin to leave the building. upon seeing the gun and officer shoots Plato only to learn quickly afterwords that Jim had the bullets. Plato dies and Jim's father consoles him realizing that he has to stand up for his son and to stop taking verbal abuse from his wife. As they leave Jim introduces Judy to his parents and they go home, so ends the movie.

Rebel is certainly one of the most time appropriate movies for it's time even with Plato's gay undertones which you can either agree or disagree with. I never really thought about Plato being gay, I always considered it just how James Dean's character Jim described it "that he just wanted to be part of a family" and that he considered Judy and Jim his family. I did see though how Plato could be thought of as gay but I don't think that's really a major issue in the film. You can definitely see the closeness in the cast and especially if you look at the behind the scenes footage which makes it even more apparent. It all clicks, the story, the cast, the's everything that great movies should be and sadly aren't anymore in this day and age. Even though this film is set in the 50's i think many of the problems between the parents and the kids are very real today as they were then which makes Rebel just as relate-able to kids now. It's timeless and tragic all in one which makes "Rebel Without A Cause" one of the best.
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Black Sabbath (1963)
Horror at it's finest *spoilers*
14 February 2010
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although tripped out in LSD lights, "Black Sabbath" is a gem of a film.Perhaps one of the scariest trio films i've ever seen. "Drop of Water" is scary as all get out. I can't watch that story without being freaked out to this day. It has a great tale tell heart aspect to it and the acting makes the story even more convincing. One of my favorites throughout the whole film. The second story is more predictable which is "The Telephon". The plot is very familiar in the sense that it follows the "I'm watching you" paranoia that we all face from time to time. I think it classically sets the bar for the "baby sitter" books or the movie "when a stranger calls" giving it it's true status of horror by scaring you with invisible fear. The third story I normally skip over because it's so boring. Karloff should've never even tried to play a vampire and i think this story really killed the film because it starts from a mythical stand point which is of course vampires. the other two were scary because they were more believable as where vampires really aren't. Other than that it's a great movie especially if you wanna get the daylights scared outta ya and i recommend it to all.
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Gladiator (2000)
not that impressive *spoilers*
14 February 2010
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since it's release i've caught parts of the film but never saw the full thing, last night i finally did. To be quite frank, Russell Crowe's performance bored me to tears. I couldn't believe in his portrayal of Maximus, there just seemed to be something lacking. The only scene in the film that he actually made me believe was when he was speaking to Marcus about his home and how he didn't want to be emperor. There I was convinced after that... nothing. Joaquin on the other hand did a phenomenal job. He was ruthless and i literally couldn't wait to see what he would do next. To me he was amazing as Commodus. The fight sequences were a little drawn out but I feel that way about most fights in movies and they weren't bad but just a smidgen over done. The scenery was awesome and the sets had a great WOW factor to them but thats all that was really good about this movie. The ending ticked me off the most. I hate movies were from the beginning you know the main character is going to die. I mean why even bother with it? They should've at least had one of them live, maybe it would've made it better I don't know. I think this is one of those movies where you either love it or hate it no matter what and despite the issues with it, I have to give it a thumbs up.
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fantastic can't even describe it *spoilers*
11 February 2010
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I think people when they first saw it actually believed this was real and then became VERY ticked off that it was a fake. I'm not gonna lie, i believed it until I saw Madison on some dating show on TLC but I still put this movie in my favorites pile plus most of my friends refuse to watch it b/c it scared them so much. The story is very simple: a group of people get together and spend the night in a haunted house and document what they find. The history to the haunting in parts is real and then others are doctored up a little or taken from other stories but that isn't the part I think that turns people off about this movie, I really believe it's the evidence and the topic of ghosts in general. It's a 50/50 split between pure skepticism and absolutely belief which makes the investigation and the outcome so unrealistic. Towards the end it becomes a block of pure cheese. from Paul finding the arm in the attic to Madison being attacked and how can you forget Ryan being sucked through the floor. As for the rest of the film it's funny at times ( "it's for science!") and scary (the chair in the attic kicked so much butt "go sit in that chair, let it know who's the dominate being." ) and gives the audience i think exactly what they asked for.
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truly underrated *spoilers*
11 February 2010
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Even though Glenn Quinn (the guy in the locket story) said that this was his least favorite film, I actually thought it was one of his best. Had to point it out cuz i'm a HUGE fan.

On to the movie, it's not the greatest cinematic thing ever to be put on film by any means but it is well worth watching. story consists of four friends coming home from a concert who get in a car accident. While waiting for the police (which how they knew where these kids were beats me but like i said, it's not perfect) they tell each other classic scary stories to pass the time. The opening story "The Hook" of course is one that everyone knows and although it didn't really have any connectivity to the plot of the film, it just kinda gave you a heads up about what the movie was going to basically be about: urban legends that of which being the oldest. "The Honeymoon" wasn't exactly my favorite mostly because of how it ended. the guy hanging upside down on the tree with the ring scraping actually is an alternate tale from "The Hook." So i was turned off by that one. "People can lick to" was more or less just creepy especially for me because i share the girl's first name and i was about the same age when i saw the movie for the first time so usually i skipped it. "The Locket" is my favorite. Personally, that could've been made into a whole movie by its self. I really loved the ending of that story to where Quinn and Barrett's characters shared a previous life, pretty cool. The ending of the movie confused me for a while. My friends and i came up with the idea that Cliff was basically telling these stories as a way of apologizing to his friends...i don't know that's just what we came up with. Anyways, it's fun to watch, OH and keep watching a little after the credits, there's a funny ha ha moment that's quite enjoyable.
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The Evil Dead (1981)
cheap and wonderful *spoilers*
11 February 2010
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As a horror movie fan you have to give props to "evil dead" and it's creators for beginning "the ultimate gross out horror movie genre" which scary movies today emulate. For example look at Cabin Fever, it's the same premise: group of friends take a nice vacation out in the woods at a cabin that turns into a disgusting blood bath of guts and gore with it's cause seeming to never end but back to Evil Dead; the film its self is incredibly cheap, the acting by the supporting cast is for crap but the horror element of it remained. I thought Bruce Campbell was extremely convincing and his reactions through the whole movie at times made it absolutely frightening. I still to this day have to fast forward through the part where Linda is possessed by the demon and she's singing "we're gonna get you" oh it gives me the chills!! The other 2 sequels weren't as creepy as this one but for those who aren't fans of Evil Dead 2 and Army Of Darkness b/c of that lack of creepiness it allows you to watch Evil Dead all on it's own without wanting the story to continue and be perfectly fine with it. This series reminds me of the Return Of the Living Dead series where although different movies entirely they still have an element of same plot, same characters, same's a great combination of horror and dark comedy making it truly classic.
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a great WTF old school monster flick
9 February 2010
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i freakin love Jeeper Creepers! it makes u want to never drive on a stretch of open road ever again. Once again simple scares work the best in a horror film and that is exactly what this gives you. Story wise it's great: brother and sister are driving home from college on a road that's out in the middle of bum f*#k no where and come across the remains of old church where they discover the legend that is the creeper. While being chased by this demon being they run into a psychic who tells the siblings that for one month out of the year it eats and gathers parts from people that it wants. Unconvinced and eventually cornered in a police station the Creeper takes the brother and disappears leaving sister in a state of numbing shock. Thus ends the film.

When I saw it it was opening night, theater is packed and to make it even better it's the thunderstorm of all thunderstorms outside, a beautiful night altogether. We get up to the point where Darry and Patricia (bro and sis) are in the police station and it looses power. One or the other says "he's here" and the camera pans to a wall around the corner and right before you see him we lost power in the whole theater. Crowd freaks. Once everyone calms down (we're still sitting in total darkness mind you) some guy in the back starts whistling jeepers creepers like the monster does in the film. crowd freaks even more. I loved it. had to share it.

Anywho, the only part that peeved me was there's a part in the film where they are in the car being escorted by a police car behind them and the song jeepers creepers comes on the radio. The song is actually "peekaboo" by siouxsie and the banshees. (look it up when the video was aired on beavis and butthead it's sooo funny) i can't stand stuff like that. Loved it when the monster dude french kissed the decapitated head. it's so gross and awesome at the same time. it's stuff like that that makes me love JC every time i watch it.
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The Exorcist (1973)
Should be number one on every horror movie marathon!!!! *spoilers*
9 February 2010
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When approached with the opportunity to watch The Exorcist I'm like "Hell flippin yeah! pop that bad boy in!!!" It's a total roller coaster ride for me. I also know that i am not the only one that will fast forward through half of the beginning just to get to the good stuff. Any way you watch it by the time you get to the end you've already planned it in your head that your going to church the next morning to be blessed by priest which makes it even more fantastic! This is with out a doubt the scariest, sickest, most awesome movie ever made. I think the part that freaks me out the most is when Reagan does that spider walk thing down the stair....blagh!!! i get creeped out just by the thought of it!! I LOVE IT!!!! Now i grew up in a house where i could watch pretty much whatever i wanted, no joke my first memory of viewing any movie was when i was 4 and i watched "Day of the Dead" with my Dad. Seriously. But this movie i was forbidden to watch until i was 16. If your parents literally hide it from you you know it's good. This will forever be a classic, I don't care 500 years from now it will still be scaring the pants off of people as it should.
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stick to the original *spoilers*
9 February 2010
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As far as horror remakes go i was not at all impressed by this film. From the repetition of the song "sweet dreams" by Marylin Manson to the casting and the story it's self really makes this movie a complete waste of an hour and a half. I do admit that i watch it from time to time but i find hardly any enjoyment in it, it's basically a "there's nothing on but this so i guess i'll watch it" kinda flick. I did think however that Geoffery Rush was perfectly cast but as for the rest of them...not so much. I love Chris kattan, but he TOTALLY did not belong in this movie AT ALL. The asylum setting was a nice touch instead of a mansion, added a great creep out value to the story if the story was stuck to. The roller coaster beginning i thought was a waste of 15 mins of film and the ending was just as left off as the original. How the hell did they get off the top of that huge building? Jump into the ocean? doubtful. And the whole black blob evil thing? OK, sure. The weak attempts to had original aspects into this film i thought ruined it even more and the whole "the ghosts are connected to the guests thing" completely turned me off to altogether. To make my point, the 58' version had the potential to be even better when remade but sadly enough like most remakes it always ends in disaster like this movie.
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High Spirits (1988)
A overly under-rated movie "spoilers"
27 January 2010
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This is without a doubt one of my all time favorite movies!! I love every eccentric cheap second of it and couldn't ask for anything more, I've actually memorized it!! The story begins with Peter Plunkett (Peter O'Toole) about to have his home/castle/hotel taken away by a family rival named Jim Brogen who wants to open it as a theme park called "Irish World" in Malibu, CA. Fearing the loss of his home and place of employment he gathers his fellow workers and drunken mom (Liz Smith who I would love to have drink with) to conspire a way to get tourists to come stay at his hotel by masking it as a "haunted castle" which of course it's not although mum says otherwise. Of the many colorful guests that are staying there is Jack Crawford (Steve Gutenberg) and his wife Sharon (Beverly D'Angelo) who are having extreme issues with their marriage and are coming to Castle Plunkett in an attempt at a second honeymoon which Sharon wants no part of. Among the other guests are a parapsychologist (an expert in ghosts) and his family set to disprove the haunting, a not yet affirmed priest (peter Gallagher) and a sex crazed chick (Jennifer Tilly). Shortly after arriving the guests discover Plunkett's gimmick and prepare to leave but not before they learn that Sharon was sent by her father Jim Brogen to spy on Plunkett thus using her and Jack's trip as an excuse.Jack then gets drunk and stumbles onto a ghostly murder taking place and somehow manages to stop it. Soon after he falls for the murdered specter named Mary Plunkett (Daryl Hannah) and her killer husband Martin Brogen(Liam Neeson)who stabbed her on their wedding night wrongly believing that she loved someone else.Later weird things start happening to the guests and the very real ghosts of the castle begin to make their presences known especially Martin who won't give up on trying to seduce Sharon. (funniest parts of the movie if you ask me).On Halloween night things come to ahead and Jack and Mary get it on which afterwords puts him up the the ultimate test of love. Sharon unknowingly gives up her life for Mary and takes her place to be with Martin.By the end everyone is happily ever after. Honestly Liam Neeson was my favorite character of the whole thing and Peter O'Toole was brilliant. I believe this is somewhat based off a much older movie but for the life of me i can't remember the title any who, watch it on a rainy day and i promise you won't regret it.
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has it's moments but overall entertaining "spoilers"
27 January 2010
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it's not one of John Cusak's best films but it is worth watching. The only thing that disappointed me was that there wasn't a strong chemistry between his character Gib and Daphne Zuniga's character, you really can't feel the spark until the very end when the teacher is reading his paper about "The Sure Thing." I think the best parts of the film are his dream sequences and when he's showing her how to drink beer properly. If anything, the film really shows the birth of John Cusak's characters and how he plays them; the quirky over educated love enthused guy who's waiting for "that dare to be great situation" (if i may quote "Say anything"). A well deserved must see.
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