
4 Reviews
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Every Second Counts (2008 TV Movie)
Riding Lessons Anyone? How about learning to ride an actual Cutting Horse.
20 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Kind of a Fluff piece. Having ridden all of my life, and having my Grandfather teach me, even to include corrective Shoeing of a horse, the opening of the movie kind of insults my intelligence. Here is a woman supposedly a top penning rider, and she does not have a clue about how to ride a cutting horse. She holds the reins separately in each hand and reins as if she were reining a plow horse. All riders, even novices know that you hold the reins together and lay them against the side of the horses neck to rein the horse in the direction you wish to go. Also the type of horse that would be doing this type of work, is a cutting horse, and is directed more with leg and knee pressure. A good cutting horse, you can drop the reins on their neck, and work with leg pressure only to direct them, and never touch the reins. Maybe next time they will get a rider who actually knows how to ride a horse. As far as the rest of the movie. About the same. Milk Toast plot, Father has visions of one life for Daughter and Daughter has her own visions. What can I say. Another movie filmed in Canada with a Canadian view on our lives. They do not have a clue about life in the real world.
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Attack Force (2006 Video)
Helium Anyone
17 May 2008
I was really disappointed in this film. Steve seems to have inhaled Helium before some of his lines and then is his own voice again. It is not to brilliant to have someone dub a voice that does not even sound close to the persons own voice especially if their own voice is heard in much of the production. "Rated it 1 as awful" Which it really was. The team members with him did not seem to bright either. People keep dropping down from above to attack them, but through the whole thing nobody bothers to look above them as they search. DUH. Oh well thats why they call it Science Fiction I guess. Super human strength, but no super fast moves? Who knew.
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The Patriot (2000)
"Shenandoah" 1965 James Stewart Revisited
6 December 2003
Enjoyed the movie. A little to visual on the blood and guts, but adds to the realism.

Reminds me of the 1965 Andrew V. McLaglen movie "Shenandoah" staring James Stewart. Same premise. A farmer not wanting to get involved in the war, but once his son is taken he can no longer sit on the fence, and commits to it wholeheartedly much to the British' detriment. If you see the "The Patriot", you should try to catch Jimmy Stewart in "Shenandoah" sometime. The similarities are there if you watch for them.
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Silent Tongue (1993)
Pass out the Bicarbonate
16 October 2003
A more sickening, film, with no plot, continuity, or even good acting I have never seen. It drags on and on. The premise of it is lost on any intelligent individual. If you have a need for electricity to flow through your TV set, then catch it when it shows. I do not know if you could even find it in a Video store, but if you do, you would have done better to give the money spent to rent it to the pan-handler outside. If you want Richard Harris, then watch a Man Called Horse. As far as River Phoenix is concerned, cannot see the fascination viewers have for him.
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