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has potential
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like campy horror comedy for example Thankskilling. A movie like Killer Klowns from Outerspace is awesome to me but they didn't necessarily make it completely campy, for example many of the actors play their roles seriously. And their are some genuinely creepy parts to the film. This is one where the budget looks higher than Thankskilling it's still in that caliber of film to me, where I wish they just went more campy. I wish they told the lead actress to create a humorous character, instead it looked like someone who wants to get into Hollywood and be the next Jodie Foster but can't act. Maybe she can act, but not in this format, and the way she delivered the lines in the beginning of the film especially really turned me off to the point of almost not watching this film. Compare her to the love interest cop, I felt like he did better, where as to she just came across bitchy, and I do feel like this is more the director's responsibility than hers, but it's not about blaming people, and I don't know how the behind the scenes went. Anyways I like HP Lovecraft stories, so I wish there was more research done and put in to this film. They could have put in so many homages and it wouldn't have jacked up the budget. In a campy film why deliver any lines at all that is "normal", why not make every line outrageous? Mainstream can't really do that so do what they can't is what I say! The villainess I believe is the actress from the amazing "Warlock" film starring Julian Sands, in Warlock she has a scene that is a show stealer, I really believe it's her, they casted an awesome horror actress for this film. Her henchmen is awesome too, this guy is so good, I think they should make a BeetleJuice film with him, I know everyone would hate it, saying where is Keaton and this and that, but this guy would be great more like the cartoon Beetlejuice. The priest was awesome, the chief could have been better, I thought he was gonna be outrageous because of his beginning dialog to the lead actress but then he kind of turns normal. There was quite a bit of boobs in this, if you are gonna do that, why not show the whole thing, it was a cross film between HP Lovecraft type story and women's prison, even though it wasn't a prison, Catholic home for lost/troubled girls. So in these exploitation prison films, you expect a shower scene, if a fight breaks out there even better, you expect corporal punishment, and when feeding the monster why would you remove all the clothes except the panties? Are you looking for an excuse to show the female form or what? Instead this felt halfway in it's attempt. Lots of potential, I was able to enjoy it for what it was, was craving more campy.
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Better than expected!
25 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I got this at the dollar store, I was expecting it to be worse than Sharknado. However I do like certain B-movies a whole lot, so I was a bit hopeful. There were others to choose from but I went with this one because it said on the cover of the box: PANZER A Most Horrific Interactive Experience Get the APP (see back) Then on the back of the box it says: But what makes Panzer so unique is that the film is interactive. Using a sophisticated cellphone app, Panzer becomes much more than anything you've ever seen. Ok so notice that the title is Panzer but it's also Panzer Chocolate. It seems like they had problems deciding. But never mind that, they actually advertise this as the world's first interactive with your cellphone feature. I mean how fun is that! I saw the film, I haven't been able to experience it the way it's advertised, I have tried looking for the app and can't find it, not even sure if the app was ever actually made. But I give it an A+ for the effort, it's such a neat idea, like in the old days where they used gimmicks like 3D glasses! The movie itself was better than I expected but I have to admit that my expectations were low as hell. Unfortunately we don't get the cool guy on the cover, but the film does deliver. Can we say Nazi Meth chocolates!!! (believe it or not, suppose to be historically true, you can look that stuff up online) There is a tiny bit of martial arts. Frankenstein's monster is thrown in! Yes it's crazy and awesome to just throw him in as a mindless brute of a soldier, he pretty much steals the show with his cool chain weapon! You also get a weird cult with the cult leader doing a great acting job (where in the world did they find this dude?), it's always neat to see an underground base, cute girl revealing her breasts. You can compare this to Frankenstein's Army, which is more intense and probably a better film, but this one is more enjoyable for me. Personally I wish they had made this super campy but I got to admit this was a fun ride, I admire what they were trying to do, multiple endings, and they even made a comic book for it. My dvd worked fine without the app and it just played like any other movie, but it would have been super cool if they put in all the extra stuff on the disc maybe for blu-ray so people can get the full experience without the app.
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Slipstream (1989)
severely underrated
22 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is an amazing film but there is a catch. You will need to change your views in order to appreciate it just like the characters in this film change. I firmly believe that the reason why this film didn't do well is that it repeatedly crushes people's expectations. This film is a total expectation killer, however that doesn't make the film bad, quite the contrary it just means you will have to let go of your expectations and enjoy the film for what it is.

Unique Sci-Fi First off this is not a sci-fi action film. That's probably the first cause of disappointment right there. This is sci-fi drama. The title is Slipstream which can be a metaphor for the "path of life" of four characters we meet and we see each of them grow.

Return of Mark Hamill This was the big return of Mark Hamill but he doesn't play a character that is anything like Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy. In fact he is more of a side character and more of the "villain" in the story. So that's disappointment number two.

Different World This is a post apocalyptic film, yet it's not like Mad Max The Road Warrior, the world of Slipstream is totally different from that. If you weren't told that it was post apocalyptic you may not have even realized it was so. There are hostile winds circling the planet called the Slipstream yet it's not super evident throughout the film except for the one scene with the kite. So that is disappointment number three.

Bill Paxton It can be argued that the main lead of the film is Bill Paxton's character. He's kind of a Han Solo but not as charming, more cheesy and used car salesman like. He plays an unlikely hero who is almost an anti-hero, while the idea of an anti-hero seemed to work well for the public in films like Big Trouble in Little China, here it was probably disappointment number four. The world wasn't ready for Bill Paxton as the lead yet.

The Android While the Android here is ahead of it's time, very Lt. Commander Data if you will, this was still the 80s and the public probably expected to see combat with the synthetic organism like Blade Runner and Terminator. Instead think of the last moment in Blade Runner where Rutger Hauer's character shows a very human side. Imagine if that was 95% of the film instead of being the last 5% of the film, then you get Slipstream which was probably another major disappointment for people.

So in the end if you are able to turn all those disappointments into unexpected pleasures of refreshment then this film is for you, are you up for the challenge?

I saw this as a kid in the theater in Japan thinking it was the sequel to Dune. In Japan Dune was called the Planet of the Sand, while Slipstream was called Planet of the Wind. So I had to overcome that disappointment right off the bat, but it has been a film that I have never been able to forget. I hear the Orinoco Flows song from Enya as the characters fly through the amazing landscapes of this film.
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Tremendously enjoyed it!
14 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off this is not for everyone and that is a good thing! It's shot like an independent film so that for me is a breath of fresh air, for the people that are more use to today's Hollywood style that is fast paced quick editing style, Disney Star Wars and Transformers films you are not going to like it. This film reminded me a lot of Mandy with Nicolas Cage in filming style. Very moody and tons of interesting cinematography. What really gripped me was the Master and apprentice relationship here with the Witch and Gretel. The witch was awesome, actress Alice Krige just kills it here. It made me say to myself now that's a witch! Gretel and Hansel are exceptionally vulnerable and you can feel it throughout the film, that kind of tension remains and you know the final battle is about to take place right as either one of them or possibly both is about to be put in the oven, oh the tension, but in the mean time the pacing is slow and creepy, while Gretel is being taught... so Gretel has the potential to become a witch? What a refreshing twist to the classic story! The "fight" was very satisfying and made sense to me strategically while so many other movie fight scenes do not. The ending also works for me, it made me want more, what happens next? Does Gretel turn to the darkside or is she able to control it somewhat? What happens to her brother? What about the mom? Beautifully scenes, creepy and slow paced, interesting master and apprentice relationship. That about sums it up.
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For Hardcore fans only!
13 January 2020
In my opinion this film is for the hardcore fans of the franchise only and even for the hardcore fan it might test their patience. I enjoyed seeing Sue Price make a brief appearance. I enjoyed the music. I enjoyed seeing this director's take on the Nebula, it was kind of Tron like, I dug the effects. It was also nice to see the twins given an homage even though they don't look that close to the originals. This film made me think that a super fan of the franchise made it. I felt the same way after seeing Phantasm Ravager. At the end of the day I'm glad I saw it. Whether people think it was good bad or ugly I hope the franchise continues.
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Deadball (2011)
Not for everyone, but it was good fun for me!
23 May 2018
You don't need to be a pro with Japanese humor to appreciate this film. However Deadball is really one of those films that is not for everyone. If you enjoy extreme comedy films like Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie then this one is up your alley.

I saw a Japanese review of this movie on Youtube just to gather some more info and apparently this film is the 4th one of the Typhoon Festival series of splatter films for the world market. Yes this is a comedy movie with splatter mixed together, it's not meant to be taken seriously in anyway.

The baseball aspect is quite small. Far less baseball compared to the Major League films. And the appeal of this film is that the story doesn't really make sense, it's a baseball film where they don't really play baseball, but instead they kill each other.

Probably the best part of this film occurs after viewing, when your trying to tell your friend all about the insanity that is this film!

Dead Ball is the sequel to Battlefield Baseball. However if you jump right in with Dead Ball you will be fine, you won't be lost. Between the two I recommend Dead Ball over Battlefield Baseball because the budget is bigger.
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More please!
10 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really didn't know what I was getting into, believe me I was doubtful and expected to not be able to finish the movie. I was delightfully wrong, I really enjoyed it. Here is what I enjoyed, the characters, the casting, the theme, the style, the low budget quality, the Halloween store props, and most of all the story. What I liked the least was the dialog. I felt like it could have been really campy and outrageous just like the film itself. Maybe the director thought it was, and I just wanted it to be more so.

It gave me a Rockabilly vibe which was cool, the switchblade lesbian gang girls were great. The mom, and the Humpinsteins were all great too. The story is simple but cool, even though the castle was pretty much one room it still worked for me. Reminded me of Orgy of the Dead, where strippers are introduced one after the other and put on a strip show, except this really didn't show any nudity. It's predictable in a good way, I mean you know the mom is going to change, and the boob fight she had though short was still fun! And there is even a small twist at the end which I really liked! I'd like to see a sequel.

Sadly I did not enjoy the bonus film The Erotic Couch as much, it didn't hold my interest.
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Super Majinger 7!
23 December 2017
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This is a lower budget Korean knock off version of a vintage 80s style Japanese "Super Robo" anime.

The hero giant robot Super Majinger 7 is a made up robot for this movie. More than likely they used the Majinger name without permission. Super Majinger 7 is kind of cool looking but also all over the place design wise. I mean it friggin attaches to a space train making it look like Medusa or something.

The best part happens within the first half of the movie where Super Majinger 7 fights an evil Raideen robot.

The core story is pretty simple. Earth or an Earth like planet gets invaded and demolished. The Prince, Princess and children are sent off in a space train. They meet up with Super Mazinger 7. The Prince wants revenge rather than go to safety. The hero, pilot of Super Majinger 7 disagrees with the Prince. They end up at the invaders's base and defeat them to save the Galaxy.

This is my 3rd Korean Super Robo DVD that I got for $1.00 each. The others are Defenders of Space, and Space Transformers. Between the 3 of them, I'm still trying to decide which one I like the best.
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Predestination (I) (2014)
No praise but no bashing either
9 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert.

I thought the acting was pretty darn good. Filming/editing seemed fine by my unprofessional eyes too. I had a problem with the script.

Sci-fi movie with Ethan Hawke, Gattaca comes to mind. And I enjoyed Gattaca so I thought this might be a similar experience.

Instead I got a movie that focused on the biography of a hermaphrodite. If that sounds interesting to you then you should be fine. For me it was disappointing.

And since they focused so much on that, the time traveling part felt neglected and ultimately not satisfying. Which is understandable because it would be difficult to do both areas well.

In premise you have an elite agent, who time travels to battle against their biggest threat ever, a rogue agent. Elite agent versus rogue agent might be a fairly common story like, Skyfall or even Apocalypse Now.

So I guess in order to be unique they added the Ouroboros element (the end is the beginning is the end) mixed with gender bending. Which I will give credit and say that the concept is unique, I just didn't find the presentation of it interesting.

If they had focused more on the agent versus rogue agent it may have worked a little better for me.
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13 Demons (2016 Video)
Not for Everyone
8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a unique film for a unique audience. The concept is right up my alley because I play board games, I like fantasy stuff, and I read D&D novels.

Mixing in the board game with a horror film is also something I enjoy. I can't think of many films that do that. If you like Beyond the Gates like me, then this is worth taking a look, I enjoyed both films very much because they are not your typical Hollywood films.

To enjoy this film you got to be able to enjoy Troma and Full Moon type movies. If not, don't even try it.

Reviewers seemed to complain that in Beyond The Gates there was not enough actual board gaming. This film on the other hand has lots of board gaming, it was very interesting, made me want to play a similar board game! Definitely one that doesn't posses you!

I thought that the dialog written is clever and fortunately I had subtitles to make sure not miss anything. The delivery by the actors were good too, I just didn't know whether to laugh or cringe, the film puts you in that awkward place where it's serious, but funny but serious.

The only real complaint I have about the film was when they went to the other world in their minds, the way it was filmed was seizure inducing.

Overall I enjoyed this unique film, glad I saw it!
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Ambitiously fun!
18 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was browsing through the Walmart DVD section and when I found this a while back, I was super excited, since I've been a fan of the franchise.

When I first saw this film I was a bit disappointed even though I was still happy to own it as part of the legacy.

Upon second viewing, I was able to enjoy it much more. Some people said this is like a fan film, and I think they mean that in a bad way. While I can see some of what they are saying, no fan flick is like this.

You have the original actors, the car is here, the weapons are here, the bad guys, inter-dimensional travel, and the spheres. The trademark theme music is here, some people can argue that the mood setting is lacking in this one, and I can agree to that, but that doesn't break it for me. This one may feel lower budget than the other titles in the franchise, but once again that doesn't break it for me. I'm just glad they made it.

The time traveling is a bit hard to follow, but instead of analyzing it, just take it as Reggie's mental state imploding and it all leading to his rescue. A little bit like when they rescued Neo from The Matrix.

So we know this is a never ending battle between the Tall Man and our heroes. And some of this film takes place in a post apocalyptic future where the Tall Man has taken over the world. You see an invasion. It's very ambitious and the thought is very interesting. Large spheres that resemble a mother ship hovering over skyscrapers and taking them down with a single laser blast! What an image!

To me this doesn't mess up the story, it leaves room for more, I really don't have any complaints, I look forward to watching it again and again.
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The Jester (2007 Video)
Gives Killjoy a run for it's money!
7 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the film Plan 9 (today's homage to Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space) very much, so I was delighted to check out director John Johnson's other works. That lead me to this film The Jester. If you enjoy movies like Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Leprechaun and the Killjoy franchise like I do, then I think you will enjoy this film.

A victimized Jester from a fantasy world, comes back to haunt modern day descendants as a demented perverted Jester with some supernatural and homicidal tendencies.

I have to say, what a fun film. You have these young adults getting killed off one by one in the obligatory cabin in the woods. The kill scenes are enjoyable, the Jester becomes wicked quite rapidly and definitely steals the show. There is some nicely shot nudity and practical gore effects that definitely make this R rated.

This film has lots of wacky scenes to look forward to like the Jester eating people's souls by transforming them into a cupcake, we get to see a human marionette, female jester, and even a sword fight at the end!
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Nostalgia for certain people
20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I play board games about once a week. I have and enjoy the VHS board game Nightmare and the revamped VHS board game Atmosfear. I also like low budget horror films and independent films, so this movie is pretty much right up my alley.

If you like Tom Hanks's early movie Mazes and Monsters then chances are you might like this one too.

Cult horror film actress Barbara Crampton steals the show she did a really phenomenal job in this.

Another fascinating character was Elric at the strange goth store.

Some people have accused the characters as boring or unlikable, the rest of the characters are not scripted badly in my opinion, but since the film is slow paced, it definitely would have helped to make them more likable, especially the two brothers.

I didn't like that their cop friend was killed, but I cheered when the younger brothers loser friend got killed.

I definitely would have liked to see more of the board game interact with them. I wasn't quite sure that once the gate was active, what were the parameters of this thing. I'm not sure if they should have had the screen tinted the entire time, or they should have limited the players only to the house, or perhaps wandering in the gate world.

Either way, it's a unique movie, a unique viewing experience about things that I like, so I really enjoyed it, even though there was a lot of character development that I didn't care too much about.
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T3 is it that bad?
20 May 2012
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It seems like the public opinion of this film is that it is the worst of the 4 Terminator films. The budget, the production, everything is done big. Almost too big. Many people hate the story because they found it confusing or it didn't make any sense. The reason why I enjoyed this film is because I was able to detach it from T2. It sounds silly to do so because they are part of the same franchise but T2 to me was a global phenomenon. I think that when T2 came out back then, it pretty much caught everyone's eye. So to compare it to a film like that is a pretty tall order. So how do I see T3? The romance between John Connor and Kate Brewster could have been much better, but it was a nice concept, nice to see Arnold back even though he seems to have completely stopped trying to act robotic at all in this one. The concept of the TX a female Terminator that hunts other Terminators is very interesting. The plot with the so called twist ending at the end was not well done, But overall to me this is a film that I call easy watching. This is another film that also had a ton of potential. In the trivia section it is stated that Vin Diesel, Shaq, Famke, and Chyna was considered for the role of the TX. I think it would have been great if they had casted all of them. Arnold would have to defeat each one, and hopefully each one would have a unique special ability instead of cramming multiple abilities into one like they did the TX. So if you keep your expectations low, your getting an average action flick with an A class mega budget, so I had fun with this one.
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Has Potential
18 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Francis Ford Coppola did a great job with Bram Stoker's Dracula so I was looking forward to this one directed by Francis Ford Coppola's nephew, however let me say this was Chris Coppola's first feature, and this was filmed before Bram Stoker's Dracula. The plot is relatively simple enough, which is a good thing if you ask me. When an eccentric owner of a small wax museum in Hollywood receives an extra crate which has Dracula's wife, Vanessa in it, all the problems begin. If you like gore, there is quite a bit of it. I'm personally not into that, if the gore was there to show some kind of dynamic between how sensual she is and how violent she can be, it would have been much better for me, but I didn't feel that kind of relationship. The main problem though I have to say is with Vanessa herself. The 80s business suit she walks around in the entire duration of the film seemed like a waste of wonderful possibilities. With Dracula's wife, they could have had historical costumes to something along the lines of fantasy and so on. Her personality was also unattractive, with someone like Sylvia Kristel they could have explored a sensual/dominatrix style character, Dracula is a sex symbol, you would assume that his Queen is similar. The yelling and tantrum like parts were not attractive. The scene with the Devil worshippers was memorable and I wish it was explained a bit better. Always nice to see a Van Helsing in a Dracula film, the part where he is reading an old book about Dracula's wife and acts like it's the first time he's ever read that made me raise my brow. Nice to see the main character's GF sleep walking, for some reason I like seeing sleep walking in vampire films. All in all, it had potential, I would like to see a remake! -2 (for senseless gore and Vanessa)
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