
51 Reviews
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Still Waiting... (2009 Video)
one of the direct to video sequels.... this is definitely a must see
14 February 2009
I am one of those people that HATE i mean absolutely hate direct to DVD sequels or movies in general. They always lack the talent, or effort put into them. Well if you enjoyed Waiting... you will definitely enjoy this. This movie was non-stop laughs. It brings back a majority of the original cast, some with just special appearances. I didn't even know it was made until i seen in out to watch. I am definitely going to pick this one up for my collection. The only thing i missed way Ryan Reynold's character, Anna Farris, and the guy they were training (who is Sweets in Bones). Even if you are skeptical about seeing this at least give it a shot. You shouldn't be disappointed.
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Halloween (2007)
awful crap
31 August 2007
watched it today..opening day. i only watched it to compare how he made to the original. I absolutely loved the original, but this remake was a load of crap. Worst 4 dollars i spent if i hadn't being there with anyone id have walked out. it is as most say another house of 1,000 corpses or devils rejects. zombie should have just left well enough alone and let a classic remain a class and not attempt to ruin it. Let along the movie company should have decided again a remake and just made another sequel or something. The only things i liked was the dirty look given to the mask. other than that i just say is all a piece of S-h-i-t.
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Joey (2004–2006)
The next best thing after Friends
16 September 2004
I have to say Joey is the next greatest show after friends. Joey still has his charm in an all new location. From the pilot episode to the next one, I have laughed my ass off. It is great. I just don't wanna wait until next Thursday to watch it again. I definitely won't miss one episode of this show. It is marked on my calendar so Thursday nights are all booked up. I love his sister and his nephew, and the blond lady - Allison i think. Oh this is just to die for. A few on my friends have watched it and have been just as pleased so if you are a die hard friends fan, give this show a try you won't regret it at all. I hope this show lasts just as long and it only will get better.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Way better than # 1
30 June 2004
I went and saw the midnight showing of spider-man 2 last night. It was worth being up late. I loved it. The story was good, it made you laugh and the action was just astounding. They definitely left it open for a third movie. When you see it you'll know what I am talking about. It was only 2 hours but it fit the movie just right. It explains a whole lot and the CGI it just cool. I am amazed at how well the movie was done. I plan on seeing it at least 6 more times before it leaves theaters. I have to match it up with my record for the first movie and maybe then some. I would highly recommend everyone and anyone to go see this film. It will blow your mind.
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One of the best films of the year.
25 June 2004
I went and saw the first showing of this movie this morning at the local theater. I was amazed at how good this movie was. It was awesome. Moore was at his best. When the end credits came up everyone and I mean everyone in there applauded (the theater was sold out). People don't understand it not Moore's point of view. He is simply giving the fact and he proves that Bush is in fact a moron. Bush couldn't have proved it more but his answers to questions he has answered. I can't wait to see this film again. Michael Moore knows his stuff. If you have read anyone of his books (especially Stupid White Men & Dude, Where's My Country?) who will see some of the same stuff but this times it's visualized. The Bush administration are just plain idiots. The films should be seen by all. 100 out of 10. This rocks, Moore keep up the great work.
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Awesome movie...maybe better the the first 2.
9 June 2004
I thought the movie was spectacular. I love how the director make it dark to sort of match the theme of this part of the series. On that note of the director I would like to point of other than the way he shot the movie, I thought he sucked a a director. For one I hated how he opted to have the movie short, and in the finished product he didn't put little parts of the story in the correct sequence from the book, making it obvious. I for one I wonder if the guy read the book and second cared if he was getting it right. I did love the movie but the way it was put together in some areas and especially the ending sucked. Adding 10 to 15 more minutes would have done the movie a lot more good than harm. What also bugged me were the fade ins and outs wit the hole circle to cut to another scene. It worked for one part of the movie but then the others were just thrown in. I am glad this guys is not directing the fourth film. But I thought the movie overall not looking at those aspects was brilliant. I thought the character have improved a lot and found it nice to be more grown up, though I do still wish they would shoot back to back. But I hope they keep one with the films so the main characters never become new actors. These films kick butt!!!!!!
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A lame film all together
1 May 2004
I want to start out and say that this film was good in a way but sucked. The film was over the top of violence. I love violence but what bugged me is how they cut to black and white for no reason. I stated in my review for vol. 2 that I thought the black & white worked to represent past & present. Here I figured I would have expected the same thing but out of now where in the last fight with crazy 88's it jumps to black and white which made me mad. there was no reason for it. If he had cut down on the blood he wouldn't have had to do that. Tarantino is a bad filmmaker. He has blood gush out like a constant spray, yeah that's wrong blood doesn't do that. Those parts were over the top. He probably figured he had money why not blow it all on crap effects. The other thing the irritated me was the stupid animation to tell the story of that one chick, I forgot her name. That was a waste of money. It would have been more affective if it was like action with real people. The story was good but how he slapped it together sucked. People talk about it getting nominated for an oscar, I don't think it should have made it to DVD. I liked the second one a whole lot better than this. I watched this to gt a little more feedback on what's happening in 2. This film should make Tarantino got down as the work filmmaker of all times.
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Semi decent film
30 April 2004
Before I start, I want to point out I have not seen the first of the two movies. So i may kick myself in the butt after posting this. I want to say kill Bill 2 was decent. I am not a Tarantino fan so I don't expect much out of him. But I am a film student, so what I am about to say is coming from a film student point of view. The movie had a lot of dialogue, most interesting but some seemed to ramble on & on. Also what irritated me was that he doesn't use a lot of a shot variation. He sticks with a constant shot for every scene and it gets boring, there is nothing there to hold you attention. If he changed the shots up from time to time and not go back & forth between two different shots, the movie would have been more interesting. He does well with the action sequences but the other parts the shots are just boring. I thought the black & white to color style was effective, relating to past & present. That worked well. I will say I am gonna try to rent the first film and watch it but so far i am impressed with the story but not with the filming style. Tarantino needs to get with the damn program.
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The Punisher (2004)
The coolest movie I have seen this year.
19 April 2004
I thought that this movie kicked major butt. The action was awesome. It was well directed, everyone with major rolls did awesome at the parts. I loved how it was such a dark movie. I loved this a whole lot better that the one with Dalph Lundgran. This movie was an action packed ride, non-stop. Go see it, the only disappointment was that there was no Stan Lee cameo. John Travolta does a great job as the bad guy. There weren't a lot special effects but for the most part it was not needed. It was different to see Rebecca Romajn normal and not in the blue costume dressed as mystik. Over all this movie was awesome. I am definitely seeing the movie again tomorrow. To see what I might have missed.
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Not Necessarily A Chick Flick
28 March 2004
I went last night to see the sneak preview and I wasn't thrilled to see it but my girlfriend wanted to see it because she loves Julia Stiles. Well I have to say I was quite pleased with the film itself. The ending was a little skeptical for my tastes but it was still good. It wasn't just a little girl fantasy movie. It had a good moral for young adults. If your a guy and see it you'll know what I mean when I say, there were parts in the movie for guys. I don't want to ruin or spoil the movie with scenes but if you have seen it you know what I am talking about and if you haven't and do see it you'll see what I am talking about. Over all I would say it's a pretty good movie, a great date movie at that.
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A good thing to see.
12 March 2004
I just watched this movie and thought I was something you should see. I am originally from MI, around the Flint area where that little 6 yr old girl was killed. I thought it good that he put that in the documentary. But it goes to show who the dicks are in the US, Charleton Heston being one of them. I remember seeing the new report of the little girl but never new about the NRA being in Flint. Seeing it now I can't believe it. What bugged me about the film and it's nothing against Michael Moore because he had nothing to do with it, it was that Heston wouldn't even look at the photo of the little girl. What I thought was great was Moore left the photo behind, leaving it open that you hope he looks at the photo or he just threw it away, but you don't know, you hoped he looked at it. But all in all, I expected it to be mainly about columbine but it wasn't and that was good, this was a documentary to make and I am glad that someone made it. It makes people think about this kind of thing.
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Friends (1994–2004)
The End Is Near
11 March 2004
Why must all good things end? Friends is a great funny show. I love it. I always watch it on TV on Thursday nights, and I end up watching reruns over and over and still laugh as though I had just seen it. I am now buying the seasons. I am up to season 4 now. I don't see why they want to stop making the show. Money isn't everything and they need to realize that. I wish they would consider a reunion show sometime in the near future. It wouldn't hurt them. Like an hour thing to bring back the memories. I love the show and certainly it won't die with me. As long as the seasons are out on DVD I guess I'll be ok. But why must you end? Please don't leave. I don't know what I'll do on thursday nights anymore. Maybe it's for the better, but think of the fans.
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The Lion King 1½ (2004 Video)
A very good movie; better than expected.
12 February 2004
I wasn't sure when I heard about this coming out. I was thinking how dumb is Disney getting. I was wrong. I found it to be very good. I mean it's not The Lion King but it's cool to see another side from a certain point. It was very funny. Also it wasn't one of those corny disney sequels were the animation sucks, it was just like The Lion King animation. The only thing that eritated me was the whole movie theater thing through out the movie. Not to give anything way but you'll know what I am talking about. I also fun that it was cool to have most of the cast from the original to return. It was a very good movie over all.
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One of the funniest movies this year.
7 February 2004
I went and saw this film last night, and it had to be one of the funniest i have seen in a long time. It was about as funny as the first if not funnier. It was great though there were a few things I didn't like about it. At the beginning, though it may have been intentional, the camera was quite shaky for non-moving characters. One of the other things that bugged me was the whole Queen Latifa thing. Just before the movie starts there is a preview for Beauty shop, a spin off from barbershop and you'll see why when you see the movie. Except the whole beauty shop thing didn't have any thing to do with the story what so ever except for one part and they could have cut that out. The beauty shop thing kind of slowed the story down from time to time. MGM is stupid for wanting a spin off for something that didn't show for about 5 minutes all together in the whole Barbershop movie. But it was a hilarious movie and if you liked the first or even if you haven't seen the first, go see this you will appreciate it.
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Very good though Ashton Kutcher is in it.
25 January 2004
I thought the movie was excellent. They did a great job making it. Though I am not thrilled about Ashton Kutcher, but he did really well himself. It wasn't one of his stupid goofy characters like he normally plays. I liked him in this movie. I thought the movie played out very well. The theater i was at had some difficulty with focus on the picture for about 10 minutes, I got the point. I really liked it and I would recommend it to others, but I think you have to be into the whole time displacement type of thing, which i am but i am sure you don't have to at the same time.
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Very Good
5 January 2004
I just wanted to say that this movie was awesome. The beginning is a little slow but picks right up. I don't like prequels at all but I really enjoyed this one. By the end of the movie you get why Burt (from Tremors 1-3) really likes his weapons.
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To handle so many kids, turned out to be a great movie
29 December 2003
I just want people to know that though it's a good comedy movie, that it also has a touching spot near the end of the film. I think most people will enjoy it. I wasn't sure if I would but I saw it anyways, and I loved it. I am not so big on Steve Martin, but it was really humorous. It's a great family comedy, which will have you laughing all the way through it. And by the end of the film will have you greatly appreciate your family (especially if you have two kids). Go see it it. What a great holiday film.
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Paycheck (2003)
Woo it was good
27 December 2003
I just wanted to say that this was a pretty good film. You should definitely go see it. I liked the plot of the story. I really get into movie if it deals with time travel or something about seeing the future or future events. Ben Affleck does a really good acting job. The plot it all out amazing and how they use the clues he has recieved.
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best of the 3
24 December 2003
I just want to say that this movie kicked major butt. I loved it, it was action packed. I believe it's better than the other 2. The others were good but not like this. This is a must on when it comes out on DVD. This is one of the greatest trilogys of all time, the other being the Back to the Future trilogy. This movie made my dad shed a few tears cause he was overwhelmed at how well they keep the movie so much like the book, they did a great job and I hope it's true that this guys makes The Hobbit. Go see it if you haven't you'll be glad you did. **********/**** stars (10/4).
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suckiest movie ever made
21 December 2003
I just wanted to say that this movie blew the big one. I was really hoping for a good scary movie, not that I like Rob Zombie, but i thought it would be good. Well I was wrong this movie sucked,there was no story line at all. All it was was 4 teens get killed, it's been done before and a lot better I might add. All it was was a blood bath with no concept of story telling, this was twisted too. Rob Zombie should be locked up in an institution. If you want to be put asleep watch this but don't waste money on it what for it to hit HBO, or cinemax, or showtime or something. -100 * out of ****
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The Drew Carey Show (1995–2004)
not good anymore, gone way down hill
13 December 2003
I just want to say that the show has gone down hill. It's not funny anymore, it's down right stupid. There is no point to it anymore, the gags are old news. It's time the show is taken off the air. Good riddence to it, and big in something fresh and new.
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Becker (1998–2004)
Awesome sitcom
10 December 2003
I have only recently started to watch it, since i moved to Cali. I only have antenna TV. I watch it all the time and I laugh my a$$ off every time. I hope it last for a long while. I am going to a live taping of the show so I am quite excited about that one. This show is great, Becker is the kinda of guy you'd never really want to bump into but it hilarious to watch. Two Thumbs up!!!!
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Friends (1994–2004)
Will be greatly missed.
8 December 2003
I for one would like to say that I will definitely miss the show. I love this show a whole bunch. I have a passion for it. I have watched every episode and some more than others, and for those reruns I have seen over and over, they bust me up every time. I wish the show would go on forever but i understand that some of the cast members would like to move on. I can't wait for Joey's spin off though, that will be excellent. Maybe some day after a while they will have a reunion show to bring back everyone for one last time. For now I would like to say, to the cast of FRIENDS you will be greatly be missed by one fan and probably many others. Good luck with the future.
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Not good
1 December 2003
I don't know how people liked it. It was down right boring. I thought it would be most enjoyable because Jim Carrey was in it. I couldn't stand it, it was to slow, I would rather watch the cartoon of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Since I didn't like this movie I don't know about seeing The Cat in the Hat. Hollywood should definately leave the Dr. Seuss stories alone. Let them be the childhood classics we will remember.
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Not what I'd hoped for.
27 November 2003
I want and saw this movie today and it wasn't what I thought it would be. i thought the previews and commercials for it hyped it up too much and it was sort of a let down. It was funny but kinda of a bummer. I was hoping for a good movie like Pirates of the Caribbean. It's worth seeing if you like the ride but I wouldn't hope for too much from it.
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