
171 Reviews
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I liked it
4 April 2014
Not my kind of movie, but I really liked it. No pretending, no idealization, the things what they are. The idea is always more important than the acting, and here we have both done good. I just watched a movie with Norman Reedus yesterday and I think he is playing his part very well in this one too. One of the scenes I didn't like is the fight on the beach. Too identical scenes, too much time taken for them. And I think they should show more between Elizabeth and Robert, like contact, like conversation, like communication between them. We know they had something together in the past only because she mentioned it. The end was good for me, but I think they should show it if she get back to him. I really prefer that kind of movies, than actions with too much effects and chaotic fighting.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Just No
17 April 2014
What am I suppose to say? I don't like the series and there are reasons for it. If I have to be honest I am here for Norman Reedus. I was catching the show on TV before and I was disgusted, now watching it only because of him, because I respect him like a man and actor, but first two seasons are one of the most terrible things I've ever seen. I am not a fan of zombies, and I don't know who and why can like rotting flesh, decay and death. It's abnormal for me. It's just like that: Drama and destruction, and nothing more. Till season four, where something happened and the show started to live. If we have to disregard from the zombie part - the story of the group is nothing special. Family drama between Rick and Lori wasn't even little interesting, then he got crazy and weak, sacrificing life of everybody because of his own madness. Andrea was more than stupid protecting first Shane and then that governor in spite of all they did. She was just blind and beautiful, and that's not enough to make me like her. Story is going so slow and nothing catched my interest till season 3, they just arguing and smash dead men's heads, again and again, till you get sick and need to throw up. Sick humor is interesting and make environment more bearable from time to time, and a few strong moments, that's all. Anyway, we need more of Daryl in the new season, and I vote for Daryl to be leader. Man, I love Rick, but he sacrificed everybody for no reason. First Merle on that roof, the kid in the barn after he swore they don't kill people, then left Daryl gone, isolated prisoners in that sector at prison, let Carol gone, let Merle to bring back Mishonne to that sick idiot... Rick is important and great person, but the film is not called "Save Rick's family". He was chosen to lead these people and save them all, not only Carl, Judith and Lori. He is responsible for all of them. I like the end of season 4, hope season 5 will be a blast. And another one thing that I couldn't understand - it's zombie apocalypse, everybody fight for their life, how they change their clothes a few time in every episode? Like they are living in a mall or something. That doesn't make any sense.

At the end I want to say I still don't like the series, but I am less or more obsessed. So yes, I'm waiting for October and will watch season 5!
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Hello Herman (2012)
Not realistic enough
20 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of the movie was great, more of it too. But emoitons are like drained, they are gone. Mother who losing her son don't just cry, she is completely destroyed by grief. On top of it - nobody should let an execution of non adult kid to be showed on television. The end was ridiculous too - he just continued his show like nothing happened. There were nasty scenes with the "negar" kid, and nobody said how he made it and escaped from that group, Lax I mean. Not good enough for me. Norman's playing was absolutely professional as always, and his character was more convincing than Herman's one. That offset the viewer's attention from the real problem. Great idea, bad performance, that's what I have to say. I couldn't feel the emotions of that drama, I couldn't see it from the deviations. You have no more than five from me. And it's too much.
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Red Canyon (2008)
24 April 2014
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I don't know why great actor as Norman accepted to play in such ridiculous movie. It's more than terrible, it's awful! Not even one good scene, no atmosphere, no plot... I wonder why someone gave money this to be filmed. Hour and a half absolutely waste of time! It's worst than teen drama, it's not even a horror, it's some kind of joke! Forget watching this, better find some friend and go to a bar! Unrelated scenes, hysterical girls, idiotic accidents... The guy who wrote the scenario must have been drunk. Without overstate - this is the worst thing I've ever seen! Half of the movie is how a few teens going on vacation, it should be in first ten to fifteen minutes, not more than half-hour. Not even one good scene, non violence, or sex, or fear even when they run and after them are killers who want to tear them apart. I could not feel anything of their emotions, I stayed like "When the interesting part will come?" The movie ended and it doesn't came. Now you go to thank toy Norman Reedus, because more of the raiting you have is because of him!
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Absolutely sick movie
25 April 2014
It does not worth it. Great actor playing but the story was more like fairy tale. I still can not get it at all. This movie is worth it only for hearing Norman moan till the cute chick doing her job on his little friend. It was extremely hot. Other things sucks. First - that macho man with split personality, not interesting at all. I can not understand why he was in that castle, why these guys came... Everything was so put up, the spectator can not use his imagination for details and everything. Second thing - church never raised killers, god never sent avengers and they with sure don't kill hookers. No matter how many stars you bring to a movie, you should know more for history before make them play they roles.
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Dark Harbor (1998)
27 April 2014
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Well, I expected to end in absolutely different way, I mean like someone cuted half hour from the movie. I expected David to try to revenge for the death of his wife. Nowhere in the movie the name of that guy is revealed, it's kinda mysterious, but annoying too. It's unusual to invite someone in your house, be attracted by him and cheat to your husband with him, and never know his name. The fight in the kitchen was unusual too, they showed his face just at the end. You expect the guy must feel awkward when man and woman fight because of him, but no, not even a sign he was there. And so at the end he gave her the other shroom, the poisonous one? Just because of her husband? It's not the end I expected, and not the end it should have this movie ended. The idea is great, the performance - not so good. You have to guess the things, because they never happen and you never could see them. I gave it 3 from 10, just for the idea. I am a big fan of Alan Rickman and Norman Reedus too, but that end got you a few points from the vote too, not usual, not normal, not... Just not!
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Vikings (2013–2020)
28 April 2014
As everybody I was exited when this show started. And it was good, the costumes, the actor playing, decors, everything. Just one thing I don't like, and that made me give up on that movie once and for all - it have nothing together with the reality. These psycho executions have nothing together with what vikings were, with their history, traditions and mentality. Yes, they were rough people, but not such an bloodlust animals. You can't cut the guts of someone with such ferocity and with these arms care for your children. It's not normal, it's not what really happened and it's not interesting to me. There's always blood in battles in history, this is not history, this is perversion.
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Absolutely awesome movie!
30 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If we disregard from the fact that poor boy was with mental disorder because of his crazy mother, the movie was one of the best I've ever seen. Great performance by Norman Reedus again, this man knows how to gets under your skin. Interesting, realistic and unpredictable. You can get a bunch of famous actors and make them do their best, when the story is bad nothing can make it better. I like this one and it definitely was worth it for me! I found a lot of great quotes too, like "Respect one thing, trust another. You can't trust cats." I watched with interest from the beginning to the end,and it was good. I think he had to kill her, and that was the only miss in the movie. He realise so many thing for himself, but not the most important. After all he was just a victim of misunderstood love, and that makes him even more liked for all who watch.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Super Natural
2 May 2014
First I have to say I am totally obsessed of this show, and even started to watch it with a knife near by me (just in case). Sam, Dean, Cas, all of them - they can't be better. And then are coming slow episodes and failures which I can't pass. First of all - pentagram in all religions is bad symbol, satanic, evil, dark. It can't be used for protection, every idiot knows that, This is the first miss. Second one - in the episode where Sam and Dean were returned to collect phoenix ash Dean was injected with adrenalin right in vain. It never, I repeat - never must me injecting in vein, that can kill the man immediately, it can make the heart literally to explode. Another thing about symbols and their meanings. I can't remember the season, but remember the episode, Cas engraved symbols on the ribs of the buys for protection against demons. First one on the top of the sternum was Satan symbol. I am not a fan of occultism but I know pretty good what is the meaning of it, and I think it's just a joke with all of us who watch to blame us on that way. OK, up there with symbols. What about the last seasons? What is that, some pensioner show? What about jokes between the two of them, what about driving with the Impala, the rock music, the thrill? With every episode I watch i feel stuffed. You are about to kill this show and the passion of it. Nobody if them meet a girl anymore, or anyone new. All of their friends are dead and nobody new is coming. It's not normal, it's not natural! In first two seasons boys only blame each others and read books. At first it takes two seasons of Sam, Dean and their father to kill one single demon, now they find the worst creatures and kill them in one episode, and go back blaming each other. Stop doing that with Supernatural, if there's nothing more to say - just keep silence and leave it with good memories. Don't ruin something that so many people (including me) love.
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Sand (2000)
Not so bad, I like it.
6 May 2014
This movie wasn't actually so bad. A little bit put-up, not some great love story or stupid American action Rambo style, but it was realistic. Well, that's what one brother should do after some ugly nasty scums tried to ape his sister. I expected worse, so this movie is something I don't regret I watched. Norman Reedus played absolutely professional and I have no remarks to his part. Too many talking between the dad and the guy with the black jacket, too many similar scenes, not enough playing by Tylor, who was supposed to be the main character in this movie. Well, I am glad he didn't played much, he was too spineless. But I have to say I think that was a good movie. Much better than The Beanicks, Beat or Dark Harbor. I'd like to watch it again with a better quality and a beer ;)
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14 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
That was the most disgusting thing I've ever watched! I like movies like Dracula, because there are true horror. Here it was a joke with the genre. I don't know who was the sick mind wrote that and why such a great actors like Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman and Helena Bonom Carter are playing in it. It was truly disgusting and a completely waste of time. I've lost two damn hours of my life and no one will take the bloody responsibility of that. The trailer was more like a fairy tail. The cannibalism, the scenes... Well, I cannot be feared so easy, but that I will remember for life. I just was started watching Jhnny Depp movies and thoughft he is a great actor. More, after he started being animal rights defeder I felt respect for him. With this movie he fell so low, I don't know if can be more than that. Horror movies and stories must have some sense for characters, this ended bad for all of them. How this can be called good movie? Who the heck payed this film to be released? He must be judged and locked in jail! That's the sickest thing I've ever watched, the director of this must find professional help!
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Deeply disappointed
3 December 2014
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Honestly I expected more from this show. Started watching it late, not finished all seasons yet, but it's not as great as more people use to say. It's more a big family drama than anything else. First season was worst, second I liked, next are just boring. Never ending lies and secrets of Gemma, brutal murders of Clay and Jax who is always wondering and always have a doubt about everything. Every episode shows how they plot against each other, kissing and embracing each other and a little shooting between bands. There is always a chick with broken nose and too much drama. Not enough good sex scenes, not enough about the other members of the club relationships and life, not enough rock music or good shots of any of them, their bikes or whatever. It's so banal and the same. They work in auto service, it supposed to show some cars and bikes, talk about it, not even a word about that. It's always the same - lies, shooting, kisses. It begins to pall after a few episodes watched. And about Jack, I really liked this man more with long hair despite he rarely washed it. Can't even comment his dressing style, he have a nice body and wearing hobo clothes all the time. Just this show is a big disappointment for me as a fan of rough playing, rock music and fast driving, bikes and classic cars at all. They could do much more.

I can't believe how this movie can downplay all the good human sences and emotions, and turn them to something so banal and lower. I really hate I lost my time watching this movie, really. I never actually enjoyed it, none of it.
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11 April 2015
I love the idea and I hate the performance. Too slow, too lazy, too anemic movie. All the scenes are behind some mug, actors are lazy, one or two good scenes. Everything is so empty of emotions, you can't say if the guy just get stabbed into the neck or he is resting at the floor. I couldn't stand to watch all of it. Completely lost of time. Mark Wahlberg have a great roles, this one is just pathetic. It's a bad drama and really bad action. Not enough for thriller, not enough for whatever. There's no life in this movie. All of the actors are ugly. Not physical ugly, their radiance. In every story even the bad guy have his charm, here even good guys are antipathetic.
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Furious 7 (2015)
A remarkable movie
13 April 2015
Fast and Furious 7 is not a movie you just sit, eat your popcorns and leave, then write a review in IMDb and recommend to a friend. This movie is a requiem for Paul Walker and an end of fifteen years of work, the beginning of new friendship and one new family. If you watch on this movie as on a movie you probably didn't got anything of all the series.

When I entered the cinema I had expectations, very big actually, when I was watching and after the movie ended I was crying. There is a soul in it and all of us, fans, people, we loved this story, we loved Paul. His death was timely, his life was too short but he left a spark in all of his family, friends and fans. He was a great actor and an amazing man, and I am absolutely sure that the place he is right now is better than the one he left. So no, it's not just a movie with fast cars, good fight scenes and famous actors, it's a one lifetime.

Rest in peace, Paul William Walker. And be proud of your fellows, they did it great!
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Banshee (2013–2016)
For the first season
28 April 2015
I just found this show and I am on the last episode. At the beginning I found it awesome, I just loved the rock music, the fight skills of our guy, the sex scenes and characters, the city, everything was fine. Then sex scenes started to appear in every episode. You know once or twice is OK, its provoking, seeing tits every time is boring, it kills the shiver. I have a critique about the girl, Deva. I loved her style from the first view, but everything in town - she is involved. It's too obvious. The drugs, the high school attack, she is everywhere and all the time in the middle of all shits. Other thing, the blood. Blood is not pinkie-red like a syrup, and when somebody get beaten like Ana, she can't just jump and run, you know when you cut your finger making salad it needs two weeks to heal. Too much fight, and they are like some kind of Rambo guys. And last, why the heck "Lucas" lick his underlip all the time? Like some cow damn it! It was cute first few episodes, then it started being annoying. Pretty annoying!

I would vote higher, but the last season is pretty messy and twisted. Kinda... There must be some lines not to cross even in honest films.
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Something between Ice age 3 and How to train your dragon
18 July 2015
This is completely waste of time! So what, you have a computer, you can add effects and the story doesn't matter anymore? Red haired hot chick, muscular guy and a bunch of computer created dinosaurs based on Ice age 3 and How to train your dragon, and you think that is a good movie? I want somebody to return these two wasted hours of my life, or at least buy me a beer and popkorns. It started with annoying classical music, repeated some parts of the first Jurasic movie and included just absurd dinosaur training... Give me some good reason who and why directed and payed this movie to be released! I am sorry but this movie is completely waste of time. I have watched trailer and I decided to give it a chance. What a huge mistake! When you make a better movie call me, till then do not bother. I am sure dinosaurs should be ashamed of the way this movie shows them after all these years.
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Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016)
Good, but not enough
11 August 2015
I liked the idea, but I expected more, much more. Here are my notes: First, things happened too fast. They met and he showed at the first episode, there was no waiting, guessing, he just came out and that was. It should be more mysterious, he is not a entirely human after all. Second, there was not even one ugly character at the movie. It's unnatural all models to work at the police. Yeah, I know the show is called "Beauty and the Beast", but after all it tries to represent something at least real at some parts. That's where the third thing comes. Catrin, or the actress who plays her does not fit. This girl is so sweet, so thin, so perfect, she does not looks like a someone who works at police. She does not looks like a tough girl, and that's what police woman are. At "Castle" they at least shows Becket with uniform and training, here it's a model show at the police office. It's not looks believable. And the biggest problem of all is there are no emotions. They play, I can't feel their pain. Some of the scenes are realistic, but things are too candied. I can't feel the rage of Vincent, or the pain of Catrin (probably because of her temporary smile or that pink shirt wearing at work), I don't know, but this show looks cheep like that. The good idea is almost killed by the bad performance.

And for god's sake, make Vincent change that gray shirt, buy the guy some clothes!
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
Terrible terrible and more terrible
19 January 2016
I can't understand why someone would pay this to be recorded! Terrible actor cast, terrible play, terrible everything! I admit I may be a little bit older for such teen show (26) but at least I've watched the movie and have the first book, and things look much much better in there. First - the actors - they are not good looking, they are not even cute. Painted kids taken from some teen magazine. Actors from the movie had nature, acted better (not the best, but better), you can't get are these people scared or happy or whatever, they are fake! Starting with Clary's hair and finishing with Jaces one. The old church which is some kind of super technology place, the goddamn Valantine place... Everything is so cheep, so fake. People forgot what good movie is and that's why teens grow up idiots.
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Last Quarter (2004)
If it was not that ending...
8 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If it was not that ending I should vote with 10. I really liked the movie, actors, playing, story... But is that some kind of a joke? They reborn to be together and she chose the other boy? How that? If I understand right love is beyond everything, she knew his song from the very beginning, she died for him, and she suddenly chose the other one. It's not fair. "You will find me again, promise? Till I'm playing with someone else you will wait for another eternity 'till I get tired and come back to you." Well, I realised Japanese movies are quite good and actually I missed a lot not watching them. My bad. I think they should make more scenes with Adam and Mizuki, we actually can't see their strong bound, only a few scenes from their memories. And I really liked the song, it was pretty good for the movie. All I can say it worth the watch.
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
Don't like it.
22 April 2016
Somebody said it's a great human story which was not expressed the right way. My personal opinion is movie was too long and unvaried. Half of it is at these boats, other half at Japanese lagers, showing all and the same. These flicker moments about his past were interesting but not enough to make movie good, nothing to catch my attention. It could be done much much better. Moment from their arrest to releasing them we only saw beating him, breaking his nose, repeating, it wasn't easy to watch but nothing special. And I actually could not understand why Lui confronted Watanabe so passionately. He wasn't the person who could change the system there, provoking Watanabe was just stupid, not heroic act. He could keep his mouth shut and be safe. And I think nobody got Watanabe's point, Miyavi played the character excellent by the way. Watanabe just wanted to be priced, even by the enemy American soldier. They say only weak person is able to do violence against someone else. Lui's insubordination made him mad but the fact Lui never shown even little respect to him was the big deal. And the ridiculous thing was he never gained anything from it. I expected more, maybe that was the problem, and I think movie is so high priced because of Angelina's part in it, not because the movie itself.
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Supernatural: All in the Family (2016)
Season 11, Episode 21
You killed Supernatural
17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Guys I don't know how you can destroy a show that so many people love to that level! This is new level of failure for you, for your story, for Sam and Dean. Forget what we, fans, all who support you and all thanks to who this show is still alive like? We like monsters, the personal fight, Impalla, rock'n'roll, brotherhood and all little jokes, give seasons already this thing is gone, stop joking with us! So you could make two seasons and so many details and information for the yellow eyed demon who killed Merry Winchester, but you showed God as some stupid guy eating Chinese food without pants? My apologies, not as believer, as a fan of Supernatural, you killed this show! We watch 4 seasons one after another Sam and Dean drinking beer staying in front of the computer. No drama, no action, no life or death, no violence, no passion, no nothing. I remember the time when every single detail was important, from the notebook to the guy's accessories, we wanted to be like them, we adored them. You killed all of that. My grandma actually may like it! Your hunger for money killed Supernatural, thank you very much!
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House M.D.: Maternity (2004)
Season 1, Episode 4
20 July 2016
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First I want to say that "House MD" is probably my favourite show. It's somehow sad and charming, as himself. This episode was absolutely touching, it makes you ask yourself is it right or wrong what House was doing, is there an excuse for his actions, must he be punished or congratulated, he saved these kids lives. It was a good starting for the season after first episodes, it was something personal with Cameron, it keeps interest about the team and people always like gossips. The thing I didn't like was the end. I couldn't believe he smiled seeing the old lady with the cold He must exposed her, sue her, because of her sloppiness the baby died. She was not supposed to come at work while she was sick. But Hpuse is House, he is unpredictable.
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15 August 2016
I voted with five. I should vote with less but the end was good. As most of the Asian movies this was long too, not because of it's time but because of the empty scenes. It could be more dynamic and cut some of the repeating scenes. One of the things I disliked was the lack of emotions with actors. They driven cars with 180km/h but acted like they are sitting at home and drinking tea. I could not feel the tension of the moment. What about cars, for me Porche wasn't the best choice for racing car, but anyway it worked for this movie. In most American productions with Asian actors there are Asian music, in this movie all the music was American, it sounds malapropos to me, just a personal opinion. It was not bad but it could not make me wait for the end, being excited. I felt it more like personal drama of the characters than a racing movie. They probably could create more moments in the garage and more information about fixing the "Z" instead of a few multiplied scenes with the actress who never dared to race in real combat with her GT-R. Movie could be better, it was enjoyable but not something memorable.
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No way
4 September 2016
I just watched it. By my opinion it's nothing together first movies. Every next one becomes worst. It only shows how effects are not everything. First is the rude humor, too many butts, it's a kids movie after all. And second, you ruined Sid. I loved Sid, he was sloppy but never with bad hygiene, you made him look disgusting. The whole story somehow runs too fast, like stupid American action, we could not feel the atmosphere. It was running, screaming, rude jokes, you totally ruined the movie! Yes, there were good details, but details without base is nothing. Too many new characters, too disgusting thing like spitting lama and all those other things... And why the... Diego looks so old? Manny and Elly were fine, he looks like an old man. Tiger, pardon me. Do I have to say again you ruined the movie?
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14 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK I guess I am the first here. My first words would be "I am disappointed." Watched the show and I think there were a few very touching moments, but that is. The conception was pretty good, not something unseen by this moment, but good - man and woman separated by an accident, and supernatural powers brings him to life. But... Only at third episode I was bored to death, same scenes, same lines, the Makoto is attracted by Ruka and her feelings make her act inappropriate, at the next day she apologise, they meet at the same places every day, the same way, saying the same things. He wants to live but he don't want to bite her... Story was running too slow. We saw the same scene at the restaurant about 20 times too, coming in, coming out... The most annoying for me was the end. First thing, how Ruka just disappeared and she left him, after all the tears and struggling and promises, I would never be able to understand why most of the Japanese stories ends like this. And everybody forgot him, like he never was there. By the way how it comes that the assistant director asked Makoto for dinner again after all, isn't there laws in that country against sexual abuse? Or beating someone and forcing her marry you is something absolutely normal? As I said - I am disappointed. I liked the movie but these little things just ruin it.
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