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Not enough Idi!
19 January 2007
I remember the brutal reign of Idi Amin years ago reading about his brutal reign in Uganda and was surprised that it took this long for a movie to be made about this mysterious dictator-madman. I was eager to watch this movie in hopes of gaining some insight on his rise and fall and learn more about how it all came about. After watching this movie, I must admit I was disappointed that the focus was on a fictional character (Dr.Nicholas Garrigan) and not on the dictator himself. A story focused on the Dr. and how he came to Uganda and eventually met Idi was not what I had hoped for. Forrest Whittaker did a marvelous job in becoming Idi on screen--truly worthy of the awards that he will receive for this work of art! The problem with this movie is the lack of focus on the main character. We do not learn how Idi rose to power, his early years and even his brutal character was hidden for most of the film. The last part of the film does capture his brutal and paranoid personality but so much of the film was focused on the other character (who is fictional!) that I left disappointed. Still so many questions left unanswered on who the real Idi Amin was that I will have to read more about him to get those questions answered. The story was interesting but the movie was not what I had hoped for. The previews for this movie is misleading because Idi is really the secondary character. He doesn't even appear in the movie for the 1st 20 minutes. The previews make it seem like he is the primary character and this isn't the case. While the movie is still a good one, I think it could have been a real classic if more of the focus was put on the main character.
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Ladder 49 (2004)
Best movie on firefighting
4 May 2005
This movie is excellent. It portrays the life and hardships of a firefighting crew as seen through the flashbacks of a dying firefighter, Jack Morrison (Joaquin Phoenix) trapped in a huge burning warehouse having flashbacks on his career as a firefighter and his marriage. John Travolta is excellent (as usual) as the Captain of this brave unit and there is action galore as shown through the hero's career (in flashbacks). Several of his closest comrades precede him in either tragic injuries (horrible burns) or death and the risks this unit takes in order to save lives portrays this profession in the historic light that these brave men deserve. Our hero's tragic ending does not diminish the film, but rather adds to it in allowing us to view this profession in the way in which they deserve. 10 out of 10 in my view!!
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Useless Spook Movie
4 December 2004
This is THE most overrated movie of all time. The camera action was soooo bad that it gives you a headache trying to watch the action!! I have a camcorder and to make a recording this poor is worse than having it held by a 2 year old!! The plot is cheap, the acting terrible and the special effects non-existent. This movie makes Ed Wood's movies look like masterpieces. The idiots that thought this movie was scary must either been on drugs when they watched it (in order to see a monster since there was none shown in the movie) or don't have a clue what makes a good movie--(you know, like a plot, good acting and realistic special effects--all lacking in this bomb!) To give this movie more than a zero is a joke to the rating system. Maybe I'll make a scary movie----I'll get drunk with my friends, stumble around some trees and call it a forest, stick cartoon cutouts in trees and have my buddies scream and disappear while I shoot these scenes twitching my hands spastically so the viewers can't tell what's going on and call it "Monsters in the Forest". Then, I'll overhype this "classic" as a true story and rake in the millions!!--As ridiculous as this seems, the makers of this bomb did just that and must be laughing all the way to the bank!!
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The Reagans (2003 TV Movie)
Actors can play presidents
29 May 2004
James Brolin's portrayal of Ronald Reagan is easily the best I have viewed. Judy Davis was very good too in her portrayal of Nancy Reagan as she captivated Nancy's personality just as I would imagine it as Ronny's strong right hand. Viewers who criticize this as a "hatchet job" should either get their head out of the sand or read a history book because it is a well known fact that Ronny was an out of touch, hands off president who deligated power so recklessly that it finally got him in big trouble in the infamous "arms for hostages" debacle that casted a dark cloud over his final days as president. It is also well known that in his final years he was often in a memory lapped fog as his mind and memory were slowly degenerating in the early stages of undiagnosed Alzheimer's Disease. This was very apparent when he was interviewed about his role in the "arms for hostages" and he had a blank look on his face as he stated that he couldn't remember anything. Not long after that, his doctors finally diagnosed his condition and he made his final farewell speech and stated that he was going to "ride off into the sunset". He will always be remembered as a great president in spite of his flaws. This movie did a great job in showing Nancy and him, with all their blemishes, in a fair and accurate portrayal. It is also common knowledge that they had a poor relationship with their children and were somewhat cold and distant to them -especially Nancy being cold to her 2 stepkids by Jane Wyman. She was known to be quite jealous of Ronny's first wife and unfortunately for the 2 kids, they had to take the brunt. Knowing alot about this couple in advance made me enjoy the movie all the more, because it did not seem to pull any punches or gloss over their faults but also portrayed their good side too. James Brolin did such a good job of looking and acting like Ronnie that he deserves special recognition. My respect for him as an actor increased multifold after viewing this movie and it will remain as one of my favorites. Definitely a "10" out of 10 in my opinion. Banning this movie from television (it was originally a made for t.v. movie) was ridiculous and those who criticize this movie should have their heads examined!!
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The Alamo (2004)
A cause to die for!
13 April 2004
Excellent movie about Texas independence from Mexico and the heroes who made it happen! Billy Bob Thornton was surprisingly good as Davey Crockett (I was interested in seeing this movie for that reason alone--I thought this was a funny choice but he was excellent in this role. Jason Patrick also was good as Jim Bowie and Dennis Quaid proved once more to be a versatile actor by his fine portrail of Sam Houston. I thought this movie was better than the John Wayne Alamo of the 1960's -more accurate in showing Travis death (a bullet to the head early in the final siege on day 13) and also showing Crockett's capture and execution (most historians believe he and a few of his men were captured and executed shortly after the Alamo fell.) I also liked how the movie continued after the Alamo fell and told how Santa Anna was finally defeated. It is a good family movie to see --very educational and historically accurate. The critics have bashed this movie for reasons unknown. Several people who left the theatre the same time as me said almost in unison -"I can't understand it, the critics ripped this movie and it was really good" --The Alamo didn't concentrate on any one central character and didn't throw in a ridiculous love story to appeal the masses like "Titanic", "Pearl Harbor" and "Enemy at the Gates". I guess this is an essential element with today's critics because if a movie doesn't have it, the movie gets ripped!! --This movie deserves a much better rating than the expert critics gave it.
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Rudy (1993)
Better than "Rocky"
22 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was dubbed a football version of "Rocky" except for one exception --it is an actual true story!! If you can watch "Rudy" and not have a lump in your throat during several scenes, especially the ending, then you are a hard to please critic!! This movie deserved much better than the 7.1 than the "critics" gave it. Sean Austin did a magnificent job playing overachieving Rudy and for those who ridiculed the fact that he only played a few seconds at the end of a lopsided game missed the whole point of the story. Rudy's dream was to play football at Notre Dame and earn everyone's respect (including his doubting family). With his lack of talent for both academics and athletics, the mere fact that he was even admitted into Notre Dame after struggling so hard to get good grades at Holy Cross (the Junior College Rudy went to in an attempt to prove himself worthy of Notre Dame since he had been out of High School for several years and made poor grades in High School.) He overcame his learning problems that had held him back in High School and this was a monumental achievement in itself. The scene where he was finally admitted into Notre Dame on his final attempt (he had been rejected 3 earlier times) was uplifting indeed. Rudy overcame reading difficulties thru hard work much the same way he overcame his lack of size to make the Notre Dame's football team --thru a gut-busting, never quit attitude. His teammates were so impressed with his attitude that they forced the coach (Dan Devine, a real jerk in the movie) to dress him for the final game. The final scene where the entire stadium was hollering "Rudy, Rudy, Rudy" in an effort to get him into the game at the end was spine-tingling! Rudy busting thru the line to sack the quarterback at the end of the game and get carried off the field with the stadium going nuts chanting his name---Well, movies don't get any better than this. And all this really happened!! Amazing how one of the best stories ever told in movies involve an "average Joe" who achieved his dream thru hard work----a Horatio Alger story indeed--10 out of 10 definitely ---For some of you "critics" that rated it worse than a "7" --you should take a class in movie critic reviews --you definitely would flunk my class if you gave this one a worse score than that!!
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Rudy (1993)
Better than "Rocky"
22 February 2004
This movie was dubbed a football version of "Rocky" except for one exception --it is an actual true story!! If you can watch "Rudy" and not have a lump in your throat during several scenes, especially the ending, then you are a hard to please critic!! This movie deserved much better than the 7.1 than the "critics" gave it. Sean Austin did a magnificent job playing overachieving Rudy and for those who ridiculed the fact that he only played a few seconds at the end of a lopsided game missed the whole point of the story. Rudy's dream was to play football at Notre Dame and earn everyone's respect (including his doubting family). With his lack of talent for both academics and athletics, the mere fact that he was even admitted into Notre Dame after struggling so hard to get good grades at Holy Cross (the Junior College Rudy went to in an attempt to prove himself worthy of Notre Dame since he had been out of High School for several years and made poor grades in High School.) He overcame his learning problems that had held him back in High School and this was a monumental achievement in itself. The scene where he was finally admitted into Notre Dame on his final attempt (he had been rejected 3 earlier times) was uplifting indeed. Rudy overcame reading difficulties thru hard work much the same way he overcame his lack of size to make the Notre Dame's football team --thru a gut-busting, never quit attitude. His teammates were so impressed with his attitude that they forced the coach (Dan Devine, a real jerk in the movie) to dress him for the final game. The final scene where the entire stadium was hollering "Rudy, Rudy, Rudy" in an effort to get him into the game at the end was spine-tingling! Rudy busting thru the line to sack the quaterback at the end of the game and get carried off the field with the stadium going nuts chanting his name---Well, movies don't get any better than this. And all this really happened!! Amazing how one of the best stories ever told in movies involve an "average Joe" who achieved his dream thru hard work----a Horatio Alger story indeed--10 out of 10 definitely ---For some of you "critics" that rated it worse than a "7" --you should take a class in movie critic reviews --you definitely would flunk my class if you gave this one a worse score than that!!
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Dreyfuss is hilarious in this one!!
21 February 2004
This is the 2nd comedy that I have seen Richard Dreyfuss in that I thought was hilarious -"What About Bob" being the other one. Again, I am shocked and appalled at how brutal the other so called "expert" critics are towards this very funny movie. Some critics bashed it because of the gullable way in which the college staff and students fell for Krippendorf's ridiculous plot. Basically, Dreyfuss plays James Krippendorf, a college professor raising his 3 kids due to the untimely death of his wife and professional colleague. They both studied native tribes in Africa, but the wife dies leaving Krippendorf very depressed and unable to continue with these tribal studies. The college is unaware that he hasn't continued his research in spite of the generous grant which was spent on everything except the research for which it was intended. He devises a scheme involving himself and his kids playing native Africans from a "lost tribe" being filmed "on location" to have something to show for the misappropriated grant funding. His film is a big hit and he is forced to continue to make up additional stories and film on this "lost tribe". Jenna Elfman plays Veronica Micelli, a fellow teacher and admirer to his work who unknowingly gets duped into becoming a part of this scheme (by getting drunk and having sex with Krippendorf while both are made up to look like African natives in a hut!) Lili Tomlin plays a jealous professor who doesn't like all the attention that Krippendorf is getting from this "lost tribe" and decides to investigate whether this tribe exists (by flying off to Africa to see this tribe herself). Although this movie has a ridiculous premise (who would really believe that the lost tribe films were authentic in real life), it is still very funny and deserves a better rating than the 4.9 that was given. I would give it a 7.5 as a comedy because it has many funny moments. Krippendorf standing in front of a large classroom and nervously weaving his tall tale of the "Mike-a-moo" tribe with a blank sheet of paper as his "research notes" and the way which this story escalates makes for a very entertaining comedy. Some "critics" should learn to develop a sense of humor and not bash films such as this for not being "realistic" in content.
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Ed Wood (1994)
This movie will grow on you!!
21 February 2004
When I first watched this film, I had never heard of Edward D Wood Jr. or saw any of his tasteless films. I kept waiting for his story to have a happy ending -like making a movie the world would love and couldn't understand why he seemed like such an idiot while I waited patiently for him to "hit it big". When the movie ended, I felt cheated until I investigated who the real Edward D. Wood Jr. was and rented out some of his "classics" -"Plan 9 from Outer Space", "Glen or Glenda?", "Jailbait", "Bride of the Monster", "Night of the Ghouls". Now I am the "proud" owner of all these "classics" and am the biggest Edward D. Wood Jr. fan. I also have "A Look Back in Angora -The Life and Times of Edward D. Wood Jr" (a must see for any Ed Wood fan) -This hour long film shows the real Ed Wood and interviews those that knew him well. His life really spiralled out of control after "Plan 9" was nade (just like the movie said) and he became a bloated drunken derelict too pathetic to even make skin flicks at the end of his life (although he made numerous tasteless porn flicks during the 60's). This true life story would make an effective A.A. film -showing the devastating effects of extreme alcohol abuse and how it ruined Edward D. Wood Jr. (although it never destroyed his talent since he had none to begin with!!)---10 out of 10 definitely (it will make you an Ed Wood fan too!)
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Ben-Hur (1959)
Greatest Movie of all time!!
16 February 2004
This movie has it all --Great story line, great acting, great special effects and great message! -If ever there was a movie that deserves a perfect "10" this is it! Charlton Heston plays the roll of a lifetime as Judah Ben-Hur, a persecuted Jewish Aristocrat, condemned to the gallows for a crime for which he was innocent by his childhood Roman friend, Messalah. The intermingling of his life and times with that of Jesus is done in a most interesting fashion and gives a message of hope and faith to those who watch it. The special effects are spectacular considering the time period (1959)in which this movie was made. The chariot race is still thrilling to watch and 1st rate. Some critics downgrade this movie for being too long. I believe that it has to be long due to the lenghth of the story that is told. To shorten it would leave out crucial elements of the story. It is well delivered and the story-line flows well. Charlton Heston will go down as the greatest Biblical actor of all times (he also was great playing Moses in "The 10 Commandments"). The ending to this movie still puts a lump in my throat even though I have watched it many times. If ever a movie deserves a perfect score, this one is it!
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Classic sequel, better than 1st-Farewell to Burgess Meredith
12 February 2004
What I am most amazed about viewing this site are the ridiculous comments bashing really good movies. This movie is really funny with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthew in prime form. Ann Margaret is back playing Jack's wife and Sophia Loren is sexy and funny playing Maria Righetti who wants to open a restaurante in place of the beloved bait shop that has been there for years. The boys use every trick in the book to try to stop this restaurante from opening and Walter Matthew falls in love with her in spite of himself. Burgess Meredith is hilarious as usual playing horny Grandpa Gustafson (Lemmon's dad)and the scene at the grocery store where he is comparing cucumber sizes with Maria's mom is classic. Also, where he is sitting at the restaurant, getting loaded with Mama Rigetti and "putting the make" on her is also funny stuff. For those of you who were bored stiff with this movie I say you are definitely a hard audience to please because I thought this movie was very funny and better than the 1st --8.5 out of 10 for a comedy. I think this was Burgess Meredith's final movie made prior to his death and if so, this was a fine way to finish a great career!
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Rodney deserves respect for this classic
12 February 2004
This movie is easily Rodney's funniest in my opinion playing super rich Thornton Melon. He is married to a gold-diggin wife who he ditches and tries to make up with his son (who hates his step-mom) by surprising him with a unexpected college visit. Rodney finds out that his son, Jason, is about ready to quit college so he decides to enroll and help him get adjusted to college life by doing it with him. Ned Beatty is hilarious as "Dean" Martin, a college administrator who never met a rich donator he didn't love. Poorly educated but rich Rodney donates a ton of money as a bribe so he can be admitted, has a new school building named after him due to this "generosity" and several of the teachers have it out for him as a result. Sam Kinison is hilarious as a dedicated psychotic history teacher and Sally Kellerman is great playing Rodney's college love interest (as well as the college poetry teacher. There are plenty of hilarious moments in this film, especially when Rodney is scuba diving in his hot tub with several college beauties and asks on of them what her favorite subject is. "Poetry", she remarks. "Well, I bet you can straighten out my Longfellow", Rodney replies. There are other hilarious scenes, especially Sam Kinison's hilarious tirade about the Korean War as he tears up a chair and leaves a petrified student in tears on her lack of morals and conviction. The 1st time I saw this movie, I laughed myself into tears. This is easily Rodney's best movie and deserves a much higher rating than the 5.9 that your poll has given it. Good supporting cast, funny storyline from start to finish. For a comedy, easily a "9" out of 10. I felt obligated to come to this movie's defense when I saw the mediocre rating that you "experts" gave it. This 5.9 rating is further proof that Rodney gets "no respect".
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This movie makes Edward D Wood Jr. look like a "genius"
8 February 2004
As a bad movie fan of Edward D Wood Jr's 2 "classics" -"Plan 9 From Outer Space" and "Glen or Glenda", these 2 movies have been argued to be the stupidest and worst movies of all times and that is what adds to their appeal. Well, move over Ed Wood (thank God, he's not alive to see this) because the BWP has these 2 classics creamed for bad and tasteless. As far as scary, Plan 9 at least shows who the villains are trying to take over the earth (so called "Aliens" dressed up in carhop uniforms) As far as BWP is concerned, nothing is shown and the camerawork is sooo poor in quality, that a drunken alien could have done a better job with the quality of the filming. My son hookwinked me into going to see this piece of trash and I felt like demanding my money back when the movie ended. When we got home, I screamed 'I was robbed, I want my money back!' After taking some time to cool off, I suddenly realized that I was "priviledged" to have witnessed the worst movie of all times and there will never be a worst movie made!!! I can't believe that there are tasteless idiots that liked this crap, maybe I should sell them my Bridge in Brooklyn for a cheap price!! This movie will go down in history as the biggest public scam of all times in the movie industry!!! The only good thing to be said of this movie is that it makes "Glen or Glenda" look like a "Rembrandt"
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The Germans last "Big Gamble"
8 February 2004
I don't understand why so many critics bashed this movie. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, especially the characters that Robert Shaw and Henry Fonda portrayed. I thought Telly Savalis was excellent playing the merchandise peddlin' tanker. This movie didn't concentrate on any one actor (like so many new releases do now in the style of the latest "Titanic" and "Pearl Harbor" --take an event and focus on 2-3 actors and throw in a love story.) It seems like any movie that doesn't do this is not popular. I for one, think that this new wave of moviemaking is poor and "Battle of the Bulge" did not fall into that same trap (although it was made back in the 60's) This movie does not have a lot of fancy special effects but does have several tank battle scenes that were good considering that the special effects of that time period was limited. The storyline is followed better than most war films of today and I consider this film well done for its day. This is a war classic film in my view! 9.5/10
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Williams at his finest!!
7 February 2004
The only thing more amazing that there are tastless viewers that don't see the humor in this movie is the fact that you would actually print their responses like they were "expert critics". Williams delivers playing fast talking discjockey Adrian Cronouer. He is hilarious in the fast talking lines that he delivers over the air and the movie also has an interesting serious side too, showing the pointless destruction that war brings about. This movie delivers from both angles, from the funny to the serious. The other actors such as Forrest Whitaker complimented Williams quite well and this movie deserves high marks. 8 out of 10 definitely (or 3.5 out of 4)
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Tuesdays with Morrie (1999 TV Movie)
Great film -Can't understand why others bashed it so badly!
6 February 2004
One of a kind film that teaches us to enjoy each day and not take anything for granted. Also teaches us about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and its devastating effects on even the most fun-loving of people (Jack Lemmon) and how someone's illness and imminent death can affect those closest to the victim (family as well as close friends) in both a sad and positive way. I thought this was a beautiful film and Jack Lemmon gave an excellent performance. When he was saying goodby to his "favorite pupil" on his deathbed and lectured him one last time "I'll be buried by a beautiful oak tree, you talk, I'll just listen." This movie has both a sad but beautiful ending in getting across the message that death is a part of living and shouldn't be feared. Maybe this message is too heavy for some of the other so called critics but we all have to face up to it eventually.
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Seabiscuit (2003)
Not enough info about the horse!!
5 February 2004
Yes, I agree with your evaluation that this is a very good movie and great story. What bothered me about the film was how long it took before the main character was introduced into the story. Once the horse was brought into the film, the movie got real good and had an inspirational ending. What bothered me was how little we learned about Seabiscuit. How many races did he enter and win? How much money did he win for his owner? How long did he live after he stopped racing and was he put out to stud to manufacture other "little Seabiscuits?" A truly great film about a certain character whether it is a war hero, sports great or even a famous horse should both entertain and teach us about this character's life and times. We should come out of this film knowing a lot more facts about this character than we did before we saw the film. While "Seabiscuit" was very entertaining, it left out important facts about the main character that left me wanting to find out more about this horse that the movie failed to tell us.
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The Rookie (2002)
You are never too old to chase your dreams
5 February 2004
One of the best films I have ever seen! An inspirational true story of a man who gave up his dream of making the "Big Leagues" many years ago due to a severe shoulder injury who coached his high school team and was also teaching science. His shoulder had healed over the years and he was able to throw batting practice without pain and his team was amazed at how hard he could throw. They made a deal with him that if they won their conference and went to State, he would have to pursue his dream (long ago given up) by going to a major league tryout. He thought this was a safe bet, since the team had started the season off on a losing note. The team got hot, won the conference and he reluctantly followed thru on his end of the bet. The amazing fact was how much harder he was able to throw now, as compared with how he threw many years ago. The movie left out the fact that when his shoulder was operated on many years earlier, a large bone spur was removed and he no longer had shoulder pain (although he had already retired from baseball) The movie made his new founded ability to throw 98 miles per hour (he could only throw 85 in his prime) seem miraculous in nature. Even though it is remarkable, the real Jimmy Morris was a muscular athlete who probably was limited by this large bone spur in his shoulder that wasn't removed till after he retired. Other than that, the movie follows his true life quite accurately and Dennis Quaid was excellent playing Jimmy Morris. The fact that he was the oldest major league rookie since Satchel Paige makes for an interesting story and it is truly a remarkable, uplifing movie.---definitely 4 stars out of 4 in my opinion
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One man really can make a difference!
5 February 2004
Although the special effects were very realistic, way too much emphasis was given to the Russian snipers dual with the German sniper. A truly great book, "Enemy at the Gates, The Battle for Stalingrad" tells the full story of the German 6th army's successful invasion deep into Russia until they were stopped at Stalingrad. While the movie concentrated on 2 central figures (the 2 snipers), the book goes much more into detail on how the Germans failed to support their flanks in the large areas outside of Stalingrad, poorly protected by their Hungarian allies. The fierce fighting to take control of the city lasted many weeks, from August 1942 thru January 1943 but it was the successful counterattacks outside the city that surrounded the 6th army and spelled its doom that was the real story of this battle. This was the most important battle of World War 2 that totally changed the momentum of the war and if you watched this movie you missed all these important facts. What happened to the 6th army after they were surrounded by the Russians and were ordered to "hold fast" and not retreat from Stalingrad while their army was still strong enough to break out and make a run for it would have made for a much more enjoyable and educational film. If you do not know the full story of Stalingrad, you can watch this film and not have a clue how the Russians end up winning this key battle (although you do learn which sniper wins the dual). If you are going to make a movie with the exact same title as the book ("Enemy at the Gates"), it would help if you followed the book a lot closer than this movie does. 2 stars out of 4 in my opinion. I was horribly disappointed in the film for those reasons. If it had followed the book, it could have been so much better.
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Eight Men Out (1988)
Great film -your analogy does not do it justice
5 February 2004
To fully appreciate this film, one should read the book (also called "Eight Men Out") and the movie follows the book quite well. I do not agree with your criticism of the excessive length. The fact that the movie shows the poor planning and uncertainty of the players to follow thru with the "fix" is shown in both the film and book. The film shows the games that were thrown, the ballplayers getting "stiffed" by the gamblers (mainly Abe Attel) and changing their minds to try and win the series (at least some of them did) when they didn't get the promised 20 grand per player like each was originally promised. Shortening the movie would leave out key parts from the true story and thankfully, this wasn't done. I think the actors do a real good job in the recreation of the baseball scenes and the middle of the movie which your critic bashes is unjustified. The only part of the movie that could be improved is showing that the trial took place towards the end of the following season with the "Black Sox" only a game out of 1st and after Chick Gandel taking the "lions share" of the payoff money $35,000 out of a total of $80,000 and retiring from baseball. The other players came back and the team was winning in spite of the ongoing investigation of the World Series scandal. The book goes into this much more in detail but do include this in the movie would have lengthened it at least another 45 minutes. This would have made it especially too long for critics (such as this site) who viewed the movie too long as it was.
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