
39 Reviews
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Don't bother
4 February 2024
First, I have really enjoyed a number of the Transformers movies despite the usual criticisms. They were, generally, fun, well thought out intl terms of action scenes and had a few key actors to give them a little more appeal. This one seems to have the casting and script all wrong. The supposed academic is barely able to string a sentence together and is wholly unconvincing as someone who could work out how to get out of the bathroom let alone anything else (also the actress is dire but hardly the point). The main actor is uninspiring and deals with the awful script with seeming boredom (I doubt it is genuine boredom as this is presumably his big break) and the cutesy nod to the 90s for the transformers themselves seems, well, meh? Overall, boring, badly acted, shocking casting and a sad epitaph.
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Reacher (2022– )
Loved season 1, season 2 however
2 February 2024
Not sure if I just remember season 1 through rose tinted glasses, but I gave it an 8. Season 2 is a bitter disappointment, at least for me. Reacher's character comes across as a dumb oaf throughout, making me prefer the Cruise adaptation to this season. I don't know whose decision is was to dumb this down all the way, but I believe it backfired. Of course it is still wildly popular, and I was super eager following the first season, but just because the main actor is the same size as the character in the books, doesn't make this a decent translation to screen. So, sadly, giving this a four, but if I am honest, were it not Jack Reacher (but rather a stand alone show), I would give it less.
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Poker Face (2023– )
Started so strongly
21 July 2023
Natasha Lyonne is great, she is so much fun to watch and is brilliant in this role. Sadly, the rest lets her down. The initial episode was excellent and set up what should have been a fantastic series. This did not pan out, in my view. Episode 2, fine, episode 3, just like 2, episode 4, just like 2 and so on. The script is mediocre, the plotting, pretty dire. I get the whole Columbo thing, it's hard to miss, but there is pastiche and there is tedium and predictability. I really hope they get some better script writers (at the time of writing not looking likely) for any follow on as this show deserves it. Did someone let LLM AI lose on this? Anyway, kudos to the lead, she is mesmerising, the rest, well, off you go.
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Fun but forgettable
15 July 2023
A whole load of fun, light hearted, amusing and, ultimately hugely forgettable. My bad for buying it, should have waited for regular streaming as it is worth a watch, just not really worth paying for. Chris Pine does what he does best and while the supporting actors are variable (ahem) the nature of the film does not mean any shortcomings are fatal. So, my advice is once it is on one of the main streaming channels then have a laugh a watch when you want some entertainment need an antidote to something too serious. This is not intended to be a critical review at all, just one which hopefully puts in the right slot.
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A great return to form
12 June 2023
After the disaster that Discovery became (and I thought Picard stretched credulity (to the extent Star Trek doesn't always)) I had almost given up on Star Trek working on the small screen altogether. The Strange New Worlds came along and it is just so much fun from start to finish. Centering around plot, not trying to preach, and watchability, with fun and excitement, it hits the nail on the head. For me at least. I am sure there are those that appreciate the Discovery approach, and no disrespect to them, just not my idea of the purpose or strength of Star Trek's sci-fi light. Pike and the other character are well played, engaging and likeable. Not going to change your world vision, but may distract you pleasurably from the quotidian reality.
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Brilliant meta
1 June 2023
For those saying this is too over the top, repetitive of earlier instalments, lacking in dialogue as opposed to action scenes, I think (respectfully)they are missing the point. This is a fantastic homage to the previous movies (and a nod occasionally to other Keanu movies here and there if you look hard enough). It takes the best of what has gone before and deliberately amplifies it and mythicises it. What other way would be more fitting to end the series? It is not trying to be goodfellas, the Godfather, Cala Blanca, it is trying to end one of the most entertaining and refreshing franchises in recent times with a bang not a whimper and in my view does so admirably. It is not for everyone, but for those that enjoyed the first, it is a fun version of the first movies on amphetamines (or should I say, Speed?).
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So lacking in engagement
30 May 2023
I think my expectations were too high for this. Other than drag in a few themes from his other movies, this just repeats much of the first without the wonder. Sure it's pretty, as many have pointed out but as they have also pointed out it lacks anything else. I just found myself wishing for it to end so I could move onto other things. I watched it on streaming service so I think I may have been more engaged by the visuals in the cinema. Either way, at home it is largely a waste of time and effort. Struggled to find anything remotely original or unique in this. Tedium in a very nice wrapper. Please don't make any more.
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Liaison (2023)
Not as bad as they say
12 April 2023
Yes the script is not great (imagine something to do with writing in multiple languages but what do I know) and Eva Green is as painfully bad and typecast as always (seriously she plays the same role in everything). But it's actually perfectly watchable. Vincent Cassell always has an intense on screen presence. I will defer to the cyber security nerds complaining about reality in that respect, but if you don't really care then it's quite fun. And as other have mentioned, good cinematography and set scenes. I doubt you or I will remember it in a coupe of years but while waiting for something meaty to come along it's above average.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Definitely give it a try
22 February 2023
I really enjoyed it. Had few expectations beyond a decent IMDb rating but was pleasantly surprised. The acting is extremely good, the storyline is captivating, and Renner carries the roll really well. It's not as adult as the usual over the top trigger warnings have you believe (honestly does anyone remember the original I Spit on Your Grave etc?) but it isn't a kids show. Sign of the times I guess. Anyway, I think it has a lot going for it on a number of levels so imagine it will appeal to a broad spectrum and IMDb rating still, for me, the most accurate bell weather for deciding to give a show a try. Thus far it speaks for itself.
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Bucking the all or nothing trend
31 January 2023
And saying that this movie is ok. Not great, not terrible. Just ok. Watch half and you have seen the whole. Visually amusing then slightly annoying. Acting great although the squeaky male lead grates after a while and somehow it is difficult to take the 'fat' (using the movie's nomenclature as am sure I would be cancelled if I used it without quotation marks) daughter too seriously. But then not much is too serious about this and that's part of its charm. For my part I felt the message was received way before the finale. To the point where I just willed it to end so I could be done with it and wonder why it was nominated for an Oscar. There are good things for sure but the self indulgence and unnecessary hammering home of the themes just got boring for half of the movie. Shame as the first half was fun.
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Happy Valley (2014–2023)
Great acting by principal characters but....
28 January 2023
A very weak plot and supporting actors. Also it would have been better condensed into four episodes as too much tiresome padding. I appreciate I am going against the grain in this opinion but approached it on recommendations and really tried to enjoy it. Main actors do a good job and the script is decent (am not commenting on the criticism of the feminist rationale as frankly I don't think that's an issue).

So I am sure most people will love it. I thought it to be a little self satisfied and lazy. That being said the lead actress is brilliant, the rest lest less so but still worth a watch to see if it is your thing.

Update: watched second two seasons. More of the same but worse. This really is average at best. It's neither a social drama nor a cop show (many many better examples of both out there). Plot writing gets even worse and just repeats the same formula. There's a real cult around this so assume I failed to take the correct coloured pill.
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The Capture (2019– )
Very watchable
17 October 2022
There are relatively few BBC shows that I think are worth watching generally for one reason or another but this one is eminently watchable and the acting is not overdone or two dimensional at all. Cannot speak to the accuracy of the subject matter, but for a layman, great fun. I am sure it is iterative somehow (most things are) but for a few engaging hours with good actors, who cares. There are a few cliches but again, difficult to avoid without a bug budget and expensive writers.

Goodness, I am not allowed to leave a brief but pithy (hmmm......) review so have to amble on until word count is at the limit. There you go!
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Great viewing
3 September 2022
Loved it. After the fiasco that was Wheel of Time (may that die a silent death never to return, I was skeptical that Amazon could pull this off, but they did if the first two episodes are anything to go by. I enjoyed Tolkien back in the day but am not a crazy avid fan but this reignited a fire I thought had long extinguished. Early days I know, but hopeful. The pacing was just right (those that say too slow clearly have not read Tolkien lol). And the acting more than good enough. Tolkien was never about the beauty of his dialogue (far from it) so honestly this is an improvement in that respect.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Sublime to ridiculous
23 August 2022
Season 1 was excellent. Season 2 less so but watchable. Season 3 veered between fleeting moments of brilliance and a preponderance of absurdity and dreadful plot lines, pandering to every demographic they could think of and a general disregard for anything that came before. Still enjoyed it for the most part, just a wasted opportunity.
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Moonfall (2022)
Treat it like a B movie and it is awesome
11 August 2022
Don't look for anything more and, honestly, so much fun. Pure B movie fun in a way I haven't seen in ages. It's a bit like Vegas: go with the right frame of mind and you will love it; fail to do so and you will criticise incessantly.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Margot great but
14 July 2022
The movie has zero going for it. Humour? Fail. Action? Fail. It tries to tread the line but wanders off into oblivion. Margot was the one good thing about the original Suicide Squad and even she cannot save this.
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Resident Evil (2022)
I have no allegiance to the game
14 July 2022
But this show is absolutely dire in all respects. Seriously such a waste of time (mine and Netflix's), money (mine and Netflix's) and effort (mine and Netflix's).
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The Boys (2019– )
Aspects are great, others not so. Watchmen is it not but fun
12 July 2022
While it cannot compete with the Watchmen graphic novel (ignore the movie and show), it does hit the mark in certain episodes well, in others, just goes for shock value which degrades the subtlety but gets people reacting so fair enough. The more two dimensional (erm, sadly most in the Western world these days) will see it as a polemic which I am not sure it is, although I can see how cursory viewing might suggest that (the Fox News-like segments etc). Maybe be grateful we are in a society where we can discuss this freely and indeed take sides. Opps, tangent. Anyway, fun for the most part with some decent acting, again for the most part.
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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
29 June 2022
Unintentionally ironically predictable and with some major plot holes but very watchable nonetheless. Not sure if it will be memorable but a decent way to pass the time.
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20 June 2022
Plot seemingly devised by a drunk 14 year old with five hours to spare otherwise preoccupied with snagging the future love of his/her life while realising he/she has an exam in the morning for which a good six hours revision is necessary . A pointless waste of three hours and better spent examining the seemingly diverse patterns on pebbledash walls. Just my opinion of course.
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27 May 2022
Only two episodes in but overall pretty unimpressive which is a shame. I actually think the actress playing Leia is one of the best I have seen so it is not the "Disneyfication" that ruins it. The script, the awful cliches, the Reva character are all so awful that it overshadows the rest. I hold on to a hope that things improve but I fear that the Mandalorian may have been the high point and the rest, like Bobba, won't get that close.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
Brilliant example of this genre
16 May 2022
Superb. So many UK shows are overrated and, frankly, pretty poor (looking at you Happy valley and the Bodyguard), this knocks them out of the park on every level (I know they are different...). Great acting, great characterisation, engaging plots, decent screenplay. Gary Oldman is often a pleasure but here he is in his element.
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Star Trek: Picard: Monsters (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
Skip this episode (and never hire the script writers ever again)
11 May 2022
Goodness, did the adults leave the room to whomever scripted this? Yikes. OK, so it isn't the best show, but it was doing ok in revisiting the familiar tropes from prior Star Trek seasons (namely Q and Borg, Data always seems a little out of place) which will always appeal to a fan base to a degree (fanatics shoot me down) but this is just a dreadful version of the dream sequence filler which plagues a number of shows which run out of....what? Money? Ideas? Enthusiasm? Whatever they ran out of, the result was very poor.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
12 April 2022
I cannot see the originality here, just forced scripting despite Cena's best efforts to make it work. It's fine, I guess, but honestly the only reason I went beyond first show is due to the overall rating. Just goes to show that you cannot agree with he majority all the time. With such a myriad of choice available now, not worth going beyond episode 2 for me but have fun those that disagree!

Addendum: the opening dance credits are worth 10 stars though!

Update: I made it through the season and it definitely improves and really builds out the characters intelligently, I think in line with new directors to be honest. Updated to a 7 (although was tempted by 6 due to the first couple being so off) .
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Eternals (2021)
Just because it is different from other Marvel
12 January 2022
Doesn't make it ground breaking or lacking cliche. It neither avoids mediocre acting nor tiring attempts to inject middle school philosophy. Still, bits are fun and engaging even if the whole is not. Any movie which in all seriousness uses "the truth will set them free" without huge comic intention deserves a degree of derision surely? Anyway, am sure there will be those that love it and defend it and those that hate it. It's Marvel after all.
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