
71 Reviews
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Silly, predictable, slasher film
21 February 2024
I don't know how but the second I saw the cast I already knew the storyline and who was going to be the murderer. Turns out I was right. Movie has been done a hundred times over so there's absolutely nothing special about this film and I mean nothing. I sort of enjoyed the very last scene, but it's been done before so not a unique or unexpected ending. Can someone PLEASE come up with a unique, never done before horror movie??? Even if it's a slasher film! There is literally nothing out there that doesn't fall under the predictable been there, done that, category that horror movies have somehow become today. It's sad. If you have time to waste then go ahead and turn it off. You could watch the first 5-10 minutes and the last 5-10 minutes and understand the entire movie if you're really curious though.
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Night Swim (2024)
So much potential but once the monsters are revealed, the film goes downhill
1 February 2024
I love James Wan movies and I'm a die hard Blumhouse stan!! But I have to admit, their movies have been going downhill lately. They've gone from playing a part in some of the most successful horror movies I've ever seen, to now some of the silliest most unimpressive ones. This movie actually had potential. The amount of jump scares in the beginning was my favorite part! I honestly didn't mind the storyline either, even if it was headed in a predictable direction. Where everything went downhill for me was the monsters/spirits. The second a "monster" in a movie is revealed and they are overly CGI'd or look like a Halloween costume from Party City, I immediately lose all interest. When there are UNLIMITED amounts of technology that can create the most creepy and realistic images in seconds then why are we watching goofy comical looking characters in horror movies? Sorry, but this is such a pet peeve of mine lately and sadly, GOOD horror movies are so difficult to come across nowadays!!!
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Total B movie where the monster is comical but the storyline is intriguing and the scares in the first half of the movie are great!
30 January 2024
I'm a huge horror fan. With the lack of good horror movies being released I find myself watching B and C horror films more often. This one was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed the acting and I also really liked the storyline. The jump scares in the beginning were AMAZING! I love when movies leave the monsters up to the viewers imagination which is exactly what this film did in the first half. The girl staring in the two eyeballs in her closet, the reflection in her phone, her hair floating up, even the creepy hands of the monster, and also when Tamira was staring at nothing before she got taken away. I've found that the best horror films leave the monsters up to the imagination. Sadly, about halfway through the movie, the ridiculously stupid monster was revealed and all interest in the movie is lost. The suspense is gone and you're just trying your hardest to actually make it to the end because it's almost unbearable how dumb this monster is. I really wish horror movies would understand this one simple thing! SO MANY horror movies ruin their amazing start just because they feel the need to put their budget towards a silly costume with hours of makeup or CGI that are unbelievably cringe worthy. This movie truly had so much potential and could've been a hidden gem in the horror genre!
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Barbie (I) (2023)
I loved the set & outfits and of course OBSESSED with Margot Robbie, but as far as storyline goes, I feel like "Life Size" did it much better
27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Who doesn't love Margot Robbie?? She is the main reason I decided to watch this movie. The second reason being this film is talked about everywhere I go. I had very high expectations based on how much it's been hyped up, but unfortunately the movie fell flat in my opinion. I think if I had a tween daughter or neice then I would have loved to take her on a night out to see this movie. The Barbie set was nostalgic and so adorable, but the storyline really fell flat for me. I expected a story with a lot of meaning behind it and although some parts were great like when Barbie tells the elderly woman she's beautiful (Ugh! That pulled at my heart strings big time) and the part when America explained the things expected of women as she started de-programming the brainwashed Barbie dolls and lastly when Barbie told Ken it's not his girlfriend or his car that defines him.... those 5 minute scenes were honestly the best things about the movie. I wanted more of those or at least more depth to the storyline. Whether that be more of a connection between Barbie and her human or Barbie spending more time in the real world. I wish there was a better storyline and more feelings throughout the whole movie not just small glimpses.
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Interesting take on an end of the world type of movie
10 December 2023
I wasn't sure what to expect going into this movie, but the cast and genre drew me to watch. There are so many moving parts that made this movie great! The unexpected and unwarranted humorous moments, the unsettling music and sound effects, and the way the scenes change from one room to the next. The storyline itself falls a tad bit flat, but at the same time I think that's because nothing too unbelievable takes place. Everything that occurs in this movie is very realistic. It's what you would expect might happen if/when the world were to end. It's the confusion, chaos, and boredom that majority of people will go through right before a war breaks out or a bomb hits. It's a very intriguing aspect. I've watched a ton of "end of the world" movies and nothing quite like this storyline has been done before. The cast did an amazing job all around!!
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Amazing Squid Game remake using real life people who have a chance to win $4.56 MILLION DOLLARS!
7 December 2023
I was disappointed when I saw this on Netflix and realized it wasn't season 2 of the original Squid Game series. One weekend at home I decided to try it out, and I was immediately hooked! It follows the concept of Squid Game the series so closely, but I love the addition of mini "tests" they do as well. Another thing I love about the show is, you aren't going to win based on being the biggest, baddest, prettiest, strongest, smartest, or coolest person. Majority of the game has to do with chance...winning the money basically has to be part of your fate/destiny in life. I kind of wish producers wouldn't have worked so hard to try to push certain people onto us like Trey and his mom, Doc, Stephen, etc because if/when those players get eliminated you find yourself kind of lost and wondering who else to root for. But then on the flip side I really like that aspect of this show because you never know who is going home or who's going to make it to the end! I was surprised just how great this show was. And the set was incredible!!!! Can't wait for another season of this!!
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Shining Girls (2022)
Wild ride! Creative, unique murder mystery that will have you saying "HUH?" But don't worry, you get answers in the end!
26 November 2023
I really enjoyed this 8 episode series! Shining Girls starts off as a murder mystery, but you'll soon realize things become a little...odd. In the beginning, I was incredibly confused and continued having confusing moments throughout the first 3-4 episodes. Stick with it though, and you'll get an ending that wraps everything up.

Another thing I love about this show is that it's unique! You have no idea where things are heading and there's no way you could predict where they finally end up. Everything Elizabeth Moss is part of is wonderful in my opinion! Go in with an open mind, PAY FULL ATTENTION, and don't stop watching mid-series.
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Held off on watching this due to bad reviews, but I was entertained with this film and wish I had watched it sooner.
26 November 2023
Horror movies just aren't made like they used to be. How these "horror" movies like Five Nights at Freddy's, Scream 2023, Megan, There's Something Wrong with the Children, and soooo many more like this receive an IMDb rating of 7 stars, yet this movie is rated in the 4's is mind boggling to me.

Exorcist: The Believer is not a new concept. It's not a unique storyline that's never been done before, but it is a good movie. It's a possession film with plenty of jump scares, moments that creep you out, and moments that make you want to turn the lights on. To me, THAT'S what makes a good scary movie! The acting was great, the storyline (although done before) was a good one that kept you on your toes and entertained. Trust me, in comparison to the "horror movies" being advertised today, this one is worth the watch.
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Love Brit Marling!! Off to an amazing start!
19 November 2023
Had no idea what I was getting into. Wanted to start a movie or show thinking I would eventually fall asleep to it. I put this on with no expectations, but wow. I was drawn in almost immediately! Obsessed with the mysterious, dark vibe that the show gives off! When I saw Brit Marling was the wife, everything made sense...why I loved it so much, why the series felt so top notch. Brit is truly incredible! The OA is still to this day my favorite show on Earth! If only it could've gone on a little longer. Anyways, back to A Murder at the End of the World- captivating storyline thus far, acting is incredible, video reography draws you in. I can't wait to see more. Hoping it continues on this path of impressiveness and blows us out of the water! We've been needing a good series lately!
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Didn't know what to expect. The quality of the film was great, but the storyline itself..ehh.
7 November 2023
Someone pointed out this is rated PG-13. I personally wouldn't want my teen to watch this as there were many parts that seemed too mature for a child, but on the flip side, there were many parts that seemed too kiddy for an adult film too. I kind of felt lost as to who the intended audience was meant to be. The whole animatronics thing is something that was difficult to get past. It's quite honestly just silly in my opinion. I loved the cast, loved the cinematography, and even loved the storyline about the missing brother. But it was so difficult to get past the animatronics. I appreciate that they tried to do something different in the Horror genre, but isn't the ideal horror film.
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Evil Lives Here: Sisters in Silence (2023)
Season 13, Episode 11
Such a heartbreaking story that no one should experience. Especially by their own mother
28 August 2023
These two girls pulled so hard on my heartstrings. I just wanted to grab them and hug them tight. The psychotic abuse they experienced from their mother was unimaginable. Part of me wishes there was some backstory about the mother's life to explain why she is the way she is. (Not that that would change my opinion in any way, I'm just curious). With her being from Korea I wondered if she thought certain punishments were normal? Either way, the fact that these girls endured what they did, and made it out together is such a gut wrenching story. I couldn't help but to cry, be angry, be proud, and at the end feel a little spark of hope and happiness for both of them. Def worth a watch. Wish these girls nothing but a happy and peaceful life.
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Jarhead (2005)
A much different look into a "war movie". Very realistic film without all the added cinematic details
13 July 2023
I didn't know exactly what to expect going into this movie. I was looking for something compared to 13 Hours (2016), 12 Strong (2018), The Covenant (2023). - This film is hard to compare to others because it didn't include all of the "action" or cinematic chaos that most war movies provide.

It is a very realistic adaptation of what going into the military could be like for majority of people. Not every single person who goes to war comes face to face nonstop with gunfire, bombs, or the enemy. This movie does a great job depicting the brotherhood that forms. It shows the endless days and nights of waiting for your peak moment of this huge war you thought you were going to face. It shows the way that life at home may continue full speed while you're away fighting for your country.

It is definitely a good film, but it's not a typical action film or war movie. I don't want to say it's slow because I didn't feel it was, but it was very much like real life and when you compare real life to a Hollywood movie, of course your life is going to seem more slow paced. If you know anyone in the military I think you should watch this because it will give you a little more insight into their world.
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I've seen every thriller & horror movie under the sun. For a psychological thriller, this was a solid film
3 July 2023
Was it the best movie I've ever seen? No.

It felt a little long and drawn out, but production quality and acting was strong. Even the storyline ended up coming full circle and giving the audience resolution and answers to the questions which I really appreciated. Usually this type of movie will end up leaving you to feel confused or they'll leave you on a cliff hanger. I appreciate that things were explained and that the story made sense in the end.

I loved the creepy/eerie shots. Like when they would stare at the black hole in the fireplace or staring into the black empty dresser. I feel like the storyline compares to movies like Hide and Seek (2005) or The Watcher (2022), but it had a very dark, unsettling, eerie feeling that compared to The Witch (2015) and Hereditary (2018). It's nowhere near as scary as either or those movies, but the music and camera work had similarities.

If you enjoy thriller or horror, then I think it's worth a try. Especially with the lack of horror movies and thrillers on the market right now.
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Extraction II (2023)
Really great action movie!
3 July 2023
To start off, I was surprised to see this movie was rated higher than Extraction 1. The storyline in the first one was soooo much better in my opinion. I would give this one a 7 and the first one an 8.

However, I have to take a moment to say how INCREDIBLE the film work and acting was in the one continuous action scene where they were trying to break out of prison. I mean WOW! To have an action scene where there are no cuts, that many actors, that much fighting..I'm sorry, that is truly talented. That scene alone makes me understand why people rated this one a bit higher.

Actors in the film were beyond good! Chris Hemsworth gave yet another impeccable performance. Love love love Golshifteh Farahani too!! Her character adds so much more to the movie. Definitely worth the watch, but make sure to watch the first one if you haven't seen it yet.
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Interesting futuristic concept but horrible storyline
3 July 2023
Black Mirror is notorious for thinking outside of the box. I was so excited to see this when I saw it was a "Black Mirror" movie. When it comes to creativity I give this movie a 10/10. It's never been done before, it's a great concept, but when it comes down to the actual plot/movie itself, this was a major fail. What's so "unique" about this movie is YOU (yes you) get to decide what direction the movie goes in. Which path do you want the character in the movie to take, you get to make that choice. Ideally, it sounds like an awesome concept. Thinking about Game of Thrones, imagine having the option to see two endings depending on the outcome YOU want to see most. There's something very interesting about this concept.

Now back to this specific movie and storyline, it blows. Long, drawn out, no real point to the movie. Just a disappointing movie overall.
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2000 Mules (2022)
To say election fraud isn't a possibility is foolish. I'm not saying it definitely happened, this film doesn't provide enough evidence. But it is still an interesting film
15 May 2023
This is a political film where a few people come together and state their opinion on election fraud in the 2020 election. It is more conservative or right leaning, but in order to see the full picture of things, I feel it's important to watch and listen to all sides and then form an educated opinion.

They do provide video evidence of ballots being "stuffed," and they do have a few interesting points that make you think, but I personally don't think they went far enough into what happened after the ballots were dropped off? Even if I put 50 ballots into a dropbox, who's to say those 50 ballots will be counted? I don't feel as if they went into depth or had enough "proof" to make me feel like the 2020 election was, without a doubt stolen. This one documentary didn't have all the answers or even a portion of the answers in my personal opinion.

However, to say election fraud is IMPOSSIBLE, is a very foolish way to think. For the people saying "this film was created by a criminal." So what?? Are you saying no one who's ever committed a crime can give their honest opinion ever again? Because of one mistake they're now, for the rest of their life, deemed untrustworthy?

To the people saying "this film has been debunked", other than the negative attention the media has said about it, where has someone actually debunked these theories?

I'm sure 99% of the 1 star reviews never watched a minute of the movie. At the end of the day, IF election fraud happened, I don't think any judge would ever actually pursue legal action. Could you imagine how terribly America would crumble if it came out that our government was lying to us and our democracy actually hasn't been a democracy at all? The world would be in shambles if something like this came to be true. Do I think it was stolen? I haven't been given enough evidence to say yes or no. But to say it could NEVER happen is unbelievably naive.
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The Mother (2023)
It's fine I guess...
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Was this movie great? Not even close. It was so long and drawn out. There were some plot holes in the story. For example, why were the men after the young girl to begin with? Of course child trafficking was eluded to (when JLo opened the storage container and saw all the children inside), but is this why the men were after the girl? If one of them was her father then why would they want to traffick their own child? 2 hours later and I still don't have the answer. The best way to summarize this movie is, it felt as if a ton of people sat in a room and brainstormed ideas from different action movies. Then when it came to write the story, the writers tried to squeeze in as many of those ideas as they possibly could.

Another thing I can't stand in movies similar to this is when a teenager is being chased, kidnapped, shot at, threatened to be killed or trafficked, and they STILL act like spoiled brats. For whatever reason this is incredibly unrealistic to me and it bothers me when movies portray kids this way. They're not going to be rescued, see someone killed in front of them, then go to the diner and say "I hate you...or I NEED my phone now" to the one person who rescued them and who's keeping them safe. This is a pet peeve of mine that I feel writers get wrong over and over again.

As far as the production of the movie, some scenes almost had a comedic feel to them which was odd. And when JLo was interrogating the man in Havana, the punching was so clearly fake. But my biggest issue with the production was WHY SO MANY OUT OF FOCUS AND BLURRY SCENES?? It seemed like 1/4th of the whole movie was filmed out of focus! I didn't understand that at all.

Lastly, the cast was full of strong, well known actors. I love me some Jennifer Lopez, but for some reason I didn't feel like this role was meant for her. That's not to say she can't do this type of fact, I loved her in "Enough." It's one of my favorite movies! But for this particular movie, I kept feeling a huge disconnect between the character being played and the actor.
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Seven Seconds (2018)
Amazing! The series shares the harsh reality of power in the US and lack of accountability/justice when it comes to the system
27 April 2023
This series grabbed my attention right from the start! A white cop happens to hit a black 15 year old kid with his car. The cop's boss and coworkers show up seconds after and tell him to leave the kid there...essentially ignoring/covering up a hit and run and allowing things to turn to a possible homicide. This is just the beginning of a sick, downward spiral. Unfortunately this doesn't have a happy go lucky, movie magic storyline or ending. Instead this movie portrays HARSH REALITY! The reality of giving power to a corrupt and unjust system. It really opens your eyes in so many ways. This movie made me feel so many different things...frustration, heartbroken, surprised, yet not surprised at all. I don't doubt for one second that this stuff really happens exactly the way it played out on screen. Actors were incredible!! A very high end, solid series that keeps you glued from start to finish!! Highly satisfied! Would've loved if they could've continued this series with different cases and new cast each season!
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Lullaby (IV) (2022)
A B-horror movie that has some creepy scenes and a twist at the end, but don't go into it with high expectations. (Be prepared for som CGI "monsters")
8 April 2023
Surprisingly, I did kind of enjoy this movie. Granted...there are hardly ANY horror movies out right now so my expectations are quite low, but overall it's a fine horror flick. When I saw it was the same director from the movie "Annabelle", I thought okay sure, let's check it out.

Make sure you go into this movie knowing it's a B-movie. The storyline was actually decent for a movie like this. I kept wanting to watch and see what happens in the end. The twist at the end is one thing that up'd my rating.

Be prepared, there are some funny-like scenes of a little two headed gremlin baby and even scenes of the demon Lilith that are just not scary at all, but go into this movie with an open mind. You'll get a good 3-4 creepy scenes, and possibly a couple jump scares. Like I said, the twist at the end made it a little more enjoyable in my opinion.
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
A very traumatic, unbelievable, and amazing true story of Louis Zamperini's fight to survive
8 April 2023
The beginning of this movie is about a young boy, Louis, who is getting into trouble, so his brother convinces him to join the track team. He trains and practices so much that his goal becomes making it to the Olympics.

Based on the beginning of his story, I thought this film was going to be a very happy, feel good, inspiring story. I had absolutely no idea of what was to come for the remainder of the movie and the horribly, sad, traumatic abuse and pain this man would have to experience during his life. Don't get me wrong, Louis Zamperini is extremely inspiring and his story is one of a kind that everyone should listen to, but the obstacles he had to face are difficult to imagine. So please be prepared that although this is an inspiring story, it is a fight for survival. The long list of hurdles and challenges he had to overcome are incredible. UNBROKEN is the most perfect title for this film!!
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Go into this knowing it's a Gen-Z twist on teen slasher with comedy and a small surprise ending
3 April 2023
I don't know why, but I really loved this movie! It's a teen slasher, murder mystery film with comedy and an added twist. Think of the game Clue...someone ends up dead and the murderer is among them so they have to figure out who would do such a thing. I feel like everyone in the reviews hyped up the "twist" at the end of the movie. Based on the reviews I was expecting the surprise of the decade, but in my opinion, the "twist" was predictable. On a positive note, it was executed well! I would go into this movie expecting to see a comedy slasher, not a true horror or thriller movie. As long as you go in knowing what to expect then you'll enjoy this movie. The acting was great and the film was well produced! Very enjoyable!
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Amazing story!! Worth a watch if you don't know the true story of Kara Robinson. The downside is that it's a Lifetime movie
3 April 2023
This film is based on the true story of Kara Robinson, so if you aren't aware of her story then I recommend watching this. Kara is kidnapped from her friend's front yard at 15 years old. She fights to survive, but will she make it? It's an inspiring story that gives you hope and makes you feel a sense of strength and accomplishment from such a young girl.

The only reason I rated it on the lower end of the scale is due to the fact that it's a Lifetime movie, so it's not high quality drama, cinematography, or story telling. Nor is the acting up to par. But with saying that, there were two parts that made me cry thinking about everything this sweet girl (and the people around her) went through, so even thought it's a Lifetime movie, it obviously does a good job at getting Kara's story out.
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Very sloooowww, drawn out movie, but oddly, I still enjoyed it
1 April 2023
Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn's dry, sarcastic, humor fits this movie perfectly! The film is almost 3 hours long so be prepared. Each scene is sooo long and drawn out...almost to the point where you feel an uncomfortable amount of silence. I feel like they could've told this story in half the amount of time. With saying that, I still enjoyed this movie. I loved Vince Vaughn and Mel Gibson. So many times they made me laugh and I'm not sure if that was the goal, or if they are just so dry and sarcastic that it makes the film funny. Once you finally get to the story, it's really good! Other than the length of the film, a definite recommend!
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Babel (I) (2006)
Ehh...I love that it's a true story, but some parts fall flat
1 April 2023
I have been on a "Based on a true story" movie kick! These are some of my favorite movies right now, which is how I came across this title. It wasn't the worst movie, but it also wasn't the best. I didn't really understand the reason for the Asian storyline. It felt unnecessary. I understand the reason they tied it into the story, but at the same time, I don't get why they thought it was relevant to play it out on screen. It made the movie confusing and less exciting in my opinion. I also didn't like the amount of sexual scenes that involved children. The little boy sitting under the rock and him watching his sister shower... Plus all the sexual issues the Asian school girl experienced were all disturbing scenes to say the least. I felt like the story fell very flat. I honestly could've went without watching this movie and I would've been just fine.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Great show to binge! Not one episode was boring
1 April 2023
There has been such a minimal amount of good shows ever since COVID. I didn't go into this show with high expectations. I thought it would be low quality, slow, nothing to remember, but I was pleasantly surprised! It's not necessarily a high caliber series, but it's very entertaining. Not a single episode fell flat or was slow/boring. It was high paced and kept you guessing. Don't go in expecting it to compare to the best series of the year, but it's wonderful in its own category. I loved the mystery, action, and storyline. There were so many times I expected the "villain" to be X, and then I would second guess myself. Figuring out the puzzle was the best part. Highly recommend binging this on your off day!
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