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Canada's Drag Race: Sidewalk to Catwalk (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
So Far... SO Good! (Ep 1 & 2 review)
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off, what's with the 6.8 score (as of July 28)?

I've just finished watching the second episode of CDR S3 and I felt compelled to praise this season as I've found it very entertaining, far more than S13 & S14 of RPDR's first 2 episodes! Here's my thoughts:

The cast: The most important factor, in my opinion. Wow, what a confident bunch of queens! Even queens like Chelazon Leroux, who entered the workroom in a white hoodie-dress (Choices??), and Bombae, who also didn't have my favourite entrace look, have completely shown their talents and star factor pretty much right off the bat. In fact, the whole cast seem to have very stand-out and individual approaches to their drag.

It's a very fun mixing pot of aesthetics, characters and SHADE!

Miss Fiercealicious, whom I was cautious of at first, has already made me kind of fall in love with her Valentina-esq confidence and no-holding back attitude- I feel like her and Kimmy are definitely spicing the season up a little. The 'drama', or whatever you want to call it, has been refreshingly upfront and honest... so far!

The fashion: OKAY, so... I'm impressed! Queens such as Vivienne Vanderpuss, Chaos and Lady Boom boom are really selling it.

Lady Boom boom especially, I have to say, her first week design challenge outfit is one of my favourite garments constructed on any Drag Race season. With that gorgeous makeup I saw a real inspiration from the likes of Alexander McQueen and I'm so glad she's bringing a cool sense of style to the show, as, if we remember season 1 of CDR... the show hasn't always given us the best fashion. Not a joke... just a fact.

The judging: Apart from a few slightly off moments timing wise from Brooklyn on the main stage (I think, in part, due to a slightly janky edit), I'm enjoying the judges so far. They seem to give relevant critique that actually makes sense with the girls' placements and PERFORMANCE in both episodes (I'm looking at you RPDR!). So far, so good.

So.. yeah! I'm already seeing a very strong cast by the end of episode 2. Each remaining queen actually seems super talented and like they could be the stand-out. So, I guess it just depends on which way the producers wanna swing things.

My top picks would have to be: Lady Boom boom. Vivienne Vanderpuss, Kimmy Couture, Miss Fiercealicious and probably Bombae. Boom Boom or Vanderpuss are my stand-outs overall so far though.

Very impressed. This season feels a little like RPDR UK S2 and that's saying something. Let's see if the season keeps up the momentum!
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Pose: Never Knew Love Like This Before (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
One of the best episodes in an incredible, important and empowering show
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For the people saying this was a halt in the momentum of the show... F you.

This episode was beautiful, it was also necessary. Pose is certainly fun and glitzy and glamorous HOWEVER let's not forget the fact that these characters represent real people, real queer lives and losses. I think this episode was the reality check us viewers needed- Candy may have been a fictional character but she represents so much and her send off was truly heart-warming.

So much respect for the entire team behind this episode, from the actors to the writers to the crew. Everyone clearly put their best foot forward and it showed.

Well done Pose.
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Pose (2018–2021)
POSE is absolutely brilliant
4 April 2021
I've Just finished season 1 and I have to say that Pose exceeded my expectations completely. What a marvellous and rewarding experience to watch these characters grow, make mistakes, learn and most of all show the purest love (with an occasional heavy dose of shade) that genuinely warms my heart.

I want to go into every character and storyline but I feel like it's redundant- If you're at all curious about this fantastic show and you see this review... go give it a watch ASAP!

I will add that it took me about 2/3 episodes to get me hooked, it wasn't instant- I think due to the huge range of characters and plots, however I'm so glad I gave it time because I think this is my favourite TV show now.

I'm so happy I can watch season 2 already, I've heard it only gets better!

Ps. MJ. Rodriguez, Dominique Jackson, Billy Porter, Evan Peters and Indya Moore are all absolute triumphs- it's rare to have a show with so much raw, unfiltered TALENT!
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It's a Sin (2021)
Incredible mix of impending doom and nostalgic joy
27 January 2021
Two episodes in to It's a Sin and I can safely say I'm hooooked.

I'm 19 so I never grew up around the AIDS times the show is set around, yet the show really transports you back. It's so terrifying and sad yet does an amazing job at catching the group in a beautiful way. I love all the characters and I think they're well written. The whole show is incredibly written in fact, so many scenes I felt like I had also lived through. Really refreshing.

Great show... I hope my heart doesn't break too much when I finish watching... I've heard rumours.. Xx
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Industry (2020– )
Extremely entertaining... perhaps I'm just vapid?
20 December 2020
There are so many negative reviews on this show, I am slightly confused by them. This is a dramatisation... it's a piece of fiction. I've never worked in finance/banking, but I doubt it is as extreme 24/7 as Industry seems to suggest, however I'm sure there are reflections of reality within the show.

Exaggeration aside, I have found each episode of Industry to be thoroughly entertaining. Several of the characters stories are genuinely quite engaging, especially Jasmine and Rob. I really enjoy the electronic soundtrack and the cinematography is good, not wonderful... but good. I think the show focus' on story and its characters, over how it looks. The plot is obviously slightly absurd, yet I find myself glued to the screen every episode- clearly it's doing something right.
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Entertaining and well-acted show... Held back by confusing intention/messaging
1 July 2020
I watched the whole show today, so my review is about the entire show in general.

The positives:
  • Michaela Coel as the leading actor does a really great job. Also big props for writing and producing the show as well.
  • There are several different intertwining story lines with different and well- constructed supporting characters.
  • The whole cast are actually all pretty good, and I think it's refreshing and important how diverse the cast is.. I'm so used to white washed casts that this show felt unique in terms of representation. The more positive representation the better in my opinion.

The negatives:
  • I feel like although I found the show interesting and liked how it focused on different characters and different issues, I found the plot a bit thin or even neglected. Such as the most central story line of the show, focusing around sexual assault, sort of fading into the background. I just found the plot a bit wavering at times.
  • I also don't think I saw much character progression from any of the main characters. I was expecting them to sort of go through a change and come out the other side, but I don't really think any of them came out much better than they were at the start? It kind of just felt a bit anti-climactic.
  • I think the show suffered from showcasing too many story lines, social issues and politics. I really like a show that isn't afraid to be honest and political, however I thought that there was quite a lot going on, when maybe It would've been more effective if Cole had just focused on a smaller amount of issues but with more depth. I don't know, it's just how I'm feeling..

Good show though- I mean clearly, I watched the whole thing in a day!
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Normal People (2020)
29 April 2020
I watched this series in two days, it completely pulled me in and mesmerised me. I don't know what more a person could want from a love story, it really has everything. It's not an easy-breezy story either, there are parts actually quite difficult to watch and a rawness not many shows/films of a similar nature manage to capture, in my opinion.

Paul Mescal's performance of Connell was really quite remarkable. I empathised so much with his character and he handled the intense characteristics of his role so well, whilst also being extremely loveable and warm. Similarly, Daisy Edgar-Jones captured Marianne's unhinged nature heartbreakingly well, whilst also portraying a character whom I cared for greatly. I just wanted her to be okay so badly.

The series on the surface is unremarkable in terms of story; it's quite a standard 'love story'. However, something about the chemistry between the Mescal and Edgar-Jones, alongside the beautifully peaceful cinematography and music really sets it apart as something to experience and dive in to. It's so immersive.

I'm 18 years old and have never experienced a love and relationship like Connell and Marianne's, maybe I wont, as it seems like a real one-off, but it's something that I think I would like in my life, even if it comes with the less beautiful side. It seems like the purest thing a person can experience.

Gosh, really great show.
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A beautiful behind the scenes of a Gay Icon
4 April 2020
Such a lovely and raw insight into the life of one of the most famous drag queens in the world right now. This documentary wasn't glitzy, wasn't glamorous... it was real. We never get to see behind closed doors of a famous drag queen's life, this documentary just gave me such a deeper understanding of Brian's life. It made me see how much he cares for people.

I also think it's so great how this documentary allowed us to see the up and down relationship between Trixie and Katya, because whild they're still both incredible on their own, as a pair their chemistry is just undeniably loveable. They're iconic! Seeing a darker side to Katya was really upsetting, but it also just highlights how much the pair have been through together.

Really loved this, It's given me a whole load more respect for Trixie Mattel.
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What a wonderful film
24 September 2019
Just finished watching Azkaban for the first time in years (I'm 18, I think I watched Akzaban for the first time when I was about 12). I'm really surprised by how in-depth and detailed this movie is, considering how I thought that only the third film into the series, it would still be quite childish. However, I was proved wrong and left enchanted by a beautifully rich set design and intricate plot- one that in the final act, had me gobsmacked by how interesting and UNIQUE it was!

Watching this film, sometimes you forget that it's one of the largest film franchises on Earth. Usually, with these big films, there's never any attention payed to how the film looks; it's all about big explosions and SFX. However, with Azkaban (and hopefully the rest of the series, that I'm going to binge after this review), the cinematography is STUNNING. The whole film is engrossed in such a mesmerising, fresh and vibrant British countryside, along with incredible architecture. I'm a sucker for gorgeous British settings in films, with 2005 Pride & Prejudice's own setting helping to make that movie one of my all time favourites, Azkaban has the same beauty that immediately pulls me into the film.

Great plot, brilliant acting, especially from Rickman and Thewlis.

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Peaky Blinders: Strategy (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
One of my favourite PB episodes ever
4 September 2019
There was something really spectacular about this episode, it felt like the new style of season 5 really found its feet.

From some of the best dialogue I've seen in this series, at several points actually, paired with some incredible cinematography and experimental style choices, I just found this episode very compelling. I had my doubts about series 5, but now I think it's in full swing.

Very happy with where the shows going, if that counts for anything...
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Chernobyl: The Happiness of All Mankind (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
I don't quite think some people understand WHY this episode needed to happen.
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
'Could've done with less', 'would have been more effective if they'd just stopped after the first one'...

No Brenda, it wouldn't.

I think that this episode is one of the most brutal depictions of violence I have ever seen. On one hand, you have violence for entertainment's purpose (I.e GOT/ SAW) and then you have the violence within 'The Hapiness of All Mankind': necessary, no thrills & disturbing. There was no over the top music, no sad piano picked up when we saw the puppies. Everything felt raw...real.

I think that this series isn't supposed to entertain like so many other dramas of similar caliber. Whilst it is interesting to see what happened following Chernobyl, I think the show was created more to remind us of what had to be done. Of the sacrifices people made.

If you don't like the TV show because it showed radioactive dogs being shot and bleeding, not for fantasy or entertainment's sake, but because it is what actually happened, then just leave. Stop polluting the space with your close-mindedness. This happened. Animals died. People burnt from the inside out. Sorry that your little safety bubble of your own life was burst, but this show is necessary.
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Chernobyl: Open Wide, O Earth (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
The makeup and SFX team need THE HIGHEST AWARDS
30 May 2019
Honestly, if you've seen the episode, you know what I'm talking about. Utterly disturbing sights to see. Utterly incredible effects and makeup, shockingly dark and realistic.
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Chernobyl (2019)
Easily the best TV series I've ever seen
30 May 2019
Completely concise in tone, style and horrific atmosphere. This show is absolutely shocking and feels like it sits very close to the truth. Can't really say much other than I think it is sublime storytelling of true and terrifying events, maybe the worst in human history...
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Watched it on a whim & became instantly HOOKED
13 May 2019
I want to start off by saying that for me, most of the time I try to avoid American Tv series' as I find many to be contrived, overly censored or just dull. I've never fully watched an American Netflix series except 'The Haunting of Hill House'. 'Dead to Me' has broken the endless cycle of Netflix let-downs. IT'S SO GOOD!

First of all, the two leading women... Brilliant! Applegate is truly very compelling in her widowed character and her delivery of lines was just perfect. Really great. She brought much of the dry comedy that makes this show so refreshing and if you've watched the trailer for the series, literally the first thing she says is hilariously dark. She was just great. Linda Cardellini also plays her role brilliantly, creating a character with a very questionable moral compass whom you just have to love. The supporting cast is also great, plus the amount of diversity in the series is really positive to see. All in all, casting wise, 'Dead to Me' is perfect.

The plot is great, without spoiling anything, I will just say that when a show GENUINELY shocks me (See: The Red Wedding for primary reference) I just immediately fall in love with it. I love to be kept on my toes and questioning what's going to happen next. 'Dead to Me' provided me with this shock-factor that I just really appreciate. It feels like the writers really took their time to create something so brilliant.

All in all, if you're looking for something compelling, shocking but also with a heavy touch of dark comedy- 'Dead to Me' is bloody perfect.

I'd maybe even give it a 10/10, but there's always room for improvement in everything- Don't you agree?
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Possibly the only film that I have seen 3 times and loved it even more with each viewing
9 May 2019
There's something just so sumptuously gorgeous about this film. The vivid greens and warm yellow sunlight never fails to completely enchant me, coupled with Knightley's effervescent performance, it's just so close to perfection.

I am a stickler for an English film, perhaps even more so for a period English film, so Pride and Prejudice just gets me every time. The settings always amaze me and the director has done a sublime job at really engrossing you into the scenes.

For a film with such a steady pace, Pride and Prejudice never feels boring. Never too slow or monotonous. It feels as if you're part of this dreamy world, gliding through with the characters, who all contribute to the general feel in their own unique ways. Knightley is just great, it is wonderful to see her character's relationship grow and flower with Mr. Darcy.

The score is also just impeccable. The title piano track really fills me with such a warmth every time.

I just adore this film and find that it gets better with every viewing. It is surely one for the ages.
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Wild Child (2008)
'Wild Child' has always held a place in my chick-flick heart
5 May 2019
The first time I watched this film I think I was about 12, must've been about 2012-ish. I watched it again today at 17 and I still felt the same love for 'Wild Child' five years on.

I just really LIKE British (ish... I know she's American) films in general, I think us Brits really know how to make the most of our beautiful settings and brilliant actors. 'Wild Child' really has an amazing setting, from a grand stately home-like school to gorgeous seaside towns. I think what the film drops on in terms of a meaningful plot, they make up for with their beautiful settings.

Also, the music! I feel like no one has mentioned how GREAT the soundtrack is! M.I.A.? Adele? Robbie Williams? I think 'Wild Child' might be the best 'chick flick' movie in terms of its soundtrack. Although this film was made over a decade ago, there's some songs that I still listen to now. It feels cool and current to this day.

Emma Roberts also just makes me laugh with her bratty portrayal of Poppy. I love her character development and the whole cast is spot-on aswell.

Just remember that this is a light-hearted movie. I wanted to watch it again to take a break from A-Level revision, not because I was expecting high-brow cinema.

Give it a go, it's really fun.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
It's rare that a GOT episode, or any piece of television, leaves a real impact... THIS ONE DOES!
29 April 2019
At 1hour 20 mins, 'The Long Night' is a real journey.

I am not going to spoil this episode, so this review will be pretty short. However, this episode was a constant ride of ups and downs and I'm truly very shocked with the outcome!

For me, it ranks up there with the Red Wedding and Battle of the Bastards.

Nice to see characters who are usually never in danger also get their hands a bit dirty as well.

Just GREAT. Can't wait to see what happens now.....
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
From all the one star "worst movie ever" reviews, it is clear how brilliant 2018 Suspiria truly is
27 April 2019
The best thing any piece of art can do is draw up a reaction within oneself. I never want to leave a theatre, gallery, museum etc feeling indifferent. A 5/10 movie in my eyes, is worse than a 1/10 movie. At least the latter truly had something to say. Some reason to be so bad.

These people giving this film is evidence enough why you should watch it, if you're into suspense, horror and grotesque violence.

It is certainly NOT the 'worst film ever', I think many people have just got bad blood because Luca took it in such a different direction than the original. Nevertheless, it's created a reaction! That's exactly what good art should do.

Give this film a go.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
Series 2 is honestly about a million times BETTER
10 April 2019
Series 1 was good anyway, but honestly, I've literally just binged all of series 2 and there's something so concise and poignant about this second series. Fleabag's really found its feet.

I found series 1 had very odd tonal issues where I wasn't sure if I was watching a comedy or a complete drama, there were some very sad times. Alongside a rather scattered plot, I ploughed through however. because I know how brilliant Weller-Bridge is- this second series did NOT disappoint!

Wasn't massively struck on episode 1 but then things just happened that were so CLEVER and made you realise how amazing the writing is. The plot for the rest of the series is really vey very wonderful. I'm just so happy that it's found its place.

Really hoping this continues!
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The Favourite (2018)
Not what I was expecting but I'm honestly not quite sure what I was expecting.
27 February 2019
That's about all I have to say on the matter. The acting and cinematography is superb, I also loved the first 30 minuets. I'm just not entirely sure about how I feel towards the latter half of the film. It felt like a slight farce. Beautiful film though. The Lobster is one you should check out also.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Cool, gritty & classy
31 December 2018
I've said it once and I'll forever be saying it again: you cannot beat a British television drama. To he honest, I might prefer British films in general too.

Now I'm early on in the race, just finishing series 1, so my 10 stars might be a bit ambitious for the next 3 seasons, but from what I've seen so far, Peaky Blinders is one of the best shows on television, one of my favourites.

Cillian Murphy has a strange way of pulling you in, like he has his own gravitational force. It might just be the character of Thomas Shelby, but I really cannot see anyone else playing the role with such conviction. He's just great. In fact, the whole cast is bloody brilliant.

Superb balance of drama, comedy and grit. I'm not one to shy away from on-screen violence and in fact Peaky Blinders uses it in such a masterful way. There's never a time where you think they're overdoing it, or toning it down. It's just perfect for the period, very gritty.

Absolutely astounding set design and cinematography also. The music is additionally brilliant too. Am I sounding a bit too positive? Yes? Well it's hard to criticise from my eyes.

Can't wait for more.
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Bird Box (2018)
Dull... but I watched to the end for some reason!!!
31 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Bullock was great but the story was just a bit dull. Felt very been there done that.... but with the added unbelievability that people can navigate forests completely blind without smashing their noses in on tree trunks or swim in rapids and not freeze to death or find their 5 year old kids after. Ah, the realism.
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Carol (2015)
22 December 2018
Such a strong cast. Blanchett is monumental, such charisma- she pulled me into every single scene with just that one smile. Beautiful.

Possibly the best film that I've seen with hardly any real action. It felt like a dream.

A very vanilla review, I know. I've just watched this film and I'm feeling very tranquil. The final end scene honestly took my breath away- and with no dialogue! Absolutely sublime filmmaking.

Just lovely. I reccommed anyone looking for a film with extraordinary female leads and a gorgeous period plot to watch this film.
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One Day (2011)
19 December 2018
After seeing the 1h 40 min runtime I knew this film was not going to be a favourite of mine. Ten minuets in, I was not wrong.

David Nicholls's 'One Day' is in my opinion, a really gorgeous book that made me think introspectively about my own life. I loved it. It felt like it had magnitude, ambition and a really warm story that I just fell in to. This film has severely irritated me.

Firstly... the positives: Hathaway was perfect, reading the book, she was exactly the kind of woman that came to mind for what I perceived Emma to be like, good job casting directors. The guy who played Ian was also brilliant, bringing a whole new life and lovability to the character that I didn't think was there in the book. Nice.

Right, now what I didn't like... DEXTER. I thoroughly do not think Jim Sturgess was a good casting choice AT ALL. Is it just me? I just did not find one interesting or redeemable thing about this movie's interpretation of Dexter. In the book, yes he was an idiot, but I still found him interesting and routed for him. I just found him overbearing in the film. His ageing process was really not very believable either... So 1/2 of the main cast I hate, not great... Also, I just don't think the format of the book could work on screen, especially with such a short run time. It felt really REALLY rushed. There was no time to really attach onto any character at any moment, it all felt a bit of a wash. ALSO... I absolutely HATED those year by year banners that came up and then magically whooshed away every 5 minutes, talk about subtle!

Overall, this film was just a right old let down. Some decent humour in places, good casting of Emma but even with Hathaway's brilliant portrayal, I just didn't get enough time to care about her in this film. I'm sure lots of effort went into it so i don't want to discredit the director etc but I'm afraid that this film was a complete miss for me. Just put some extra effort in and read the book...well you probably don't want to now, you know what happens in the end......

Well that's me done. Bye.
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With regards to the use of red in this film
9 December 2018
Colour symbolism in movies is something that I appreciate very much, whilst also realising it's something that can be overdone.

I've awarded this film ten stars for many reasons, one of the primary reasons being how the colour red is used in this film. Spectacular. My mother didn't notice red played such a huge role, but that's when you know it's being done right. The use of red really reminds you throughout of the anger Mildred constantly feels the whole run time. With red finishes on her shop, a red sweater worn my Mildred on several occasions and flashes of red light throughout you're forced to deal with Mildred's inner emotions spilling out into the physical world. You're trapped in the anger of it all.

Also huge HUGE credits to McDonagh for not shying away from the violence and language presented in this movie. It just makes everything feel less Hollywood and real. Why wouldn't you swear every other minuet after your daughter was raped and killed? Some scenes are so shocking and then completely downplayed by the next scene. It's incredible.

Excellent film with no resolution, because in the real world, how many people actually find a resolution to crimes like rape and murder?
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