
91 Reviews
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So bad....
8 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Read the reviews here but had to have a look. So absolutely terrible! Not the fault of the actors who give it a fair go. But it's like a scandi noir written by a ten year old. Within the first five minutes you know exactly what's going to happen...and it does! When the stranger declines to wear rubber boots and opts to retain his white trainers you know he's going to slip! And why did anyone think hauling loads of drugs instead of lobster pots would get by the skipper on a tiny boat? I laughed when he slipped and stabbed himself but roared when he banged his head. Not funny enough to make it to the end of the first episode. Does BBC four buy this stuff without watching it first?
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A big fat turkey
20 August 2022
Billy Wilder is a terrific director with many top films to his credit. The cast here are also consummate actors. But nothing can save this turkey. Agatha Christie may be the world's top selling English language author, but she has never written anything worth a damn. This is a clichéd pile of garbage. Let's have a twist? Ok let's have another twist, why not? This is a highly polished turd, but it's still a turd.
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Trom (2022)
Clunking scandi by numbers
16 July 2022
This drama is good looking but sadly let down by dire scripting and continuity errors. The acting is fine but there are so many ridiculous and unlikely scenes. So much of it simply isn't credible and I'm not going to put in spoilers. It's clearly been left open for a second series....let's hope that doesn't happen....
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Król (2020– )
13 July 2022
When I saw this series I was mightily impressed. The production standards are so high. I then bought the book, which, though excellent is superseded by the series. The mood, passion and desperation of the book are preserved entirely but the changes, if anything enhance it. Some issues are clarified and I would recommend the book as an adjunct.
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Written by a bit?
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First episode quite involving but second dire. This kind of drama has to be credible. Our protagonist is wandering around the top security place in the UK talking to various 'characters' without any permissions or locked doors. My local hospital is more secure! And it's only her second day! Then she tells her boyfriend who's in a training camp for climate protesters that most of her interview questions were about HIM! And they still took her on? And the lesbian scene? So ridiculous.
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The Sinner: Part VIII (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
In a world of stupid TV....
26 May 2022
Not understanding the relatively low ratings for this superior series. True there are inconsistencies in Harry's actions, mainly explained by his own childhood traumas, and his deep feelings of guilt and alienation. There is also the fact that this went on maybe two episodes too long. Nevertheless it's a gripping series which tries to get under the skin, something American TV and film rarely does being largely obvious and superficial in the main. I particularly liked the set up where we are introduced to nihilist thinking via Nietzsche (where misreading of same is explained) and by the setup whereby none of the main protagonists can look to 'a higher power' and thus must own all their actions, deprived of support. Great support cast too.
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Very dull B movie
26 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It disturbs me that so many reviews here regard this as a decent movie! I grew up watching this stuff as a kid . It's a low budget pile of crap. Ludicrous plotline, thin script and not even half credible. A flying saucer lands near the north pole. It survives the landing but is buried in ice. However a few ice melting bombs manage to destroy every last part of it, except for an alien who miraculously manages to survive intact. Cue melting alien doing a Frankenstein's monster performance without even making any attempt to communicate. Indeed this does resemble attempts at Frankenstein which show the the thoughtful and philosophical monster of the book as a murderous oaf. This creature from an advanced civilization seems only capable of blind violence! Cue deranged scientist trying to befriend it...the fool! Doesn't he know the only good Communist, sorry alien, is a dead alien! To round it off our stereotype journalist tells the world we must praise our wonderful armed forces! Complete and absolute garbage.
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Burning (2018)
Flat as a pancake
31 March 2022
I'm assuming the great majority of reviews here are fakes. This film is dull dull dull. There is no energy, no drama, and if the translation is anywhere near accurate, no script worthy of the name. The main protagonists are two dimensional with very little personality to reveal. Couldn't even make it to the end...
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Holding (I) (2022)
Surely the book can't be as bad....
18 March 2022
An absolute dogs breakfast. No amount of quality actors can save this misconceived pile of garbage. Dreadful script and dreadful direction, it views as an unrehearsed walk through before getting down to the script editing ......actually insulting....
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Belfast (2021)
Just awful
17 March 2022
Not enough to throw Jude Law and Judy Dench at this pile of tripe. Law is embarrassing as a pretty boy who couldn't do working class if you threw him down a mine. Dench can't even do the accent. This is a cringe worthy pile of sentimental tripe. Not the actors' fault though. The story is banal, the script flat, the background suitably vague with the politics reduced to a few thugs. Why people think this is worthy of awards is simply depressing.
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Seaside Hotel (2013– )
It's ok
18 December 2021
I used to rely on IMDb but recently I've become concerned at the number of glowing reviews for fairly pedestrian series. Many of these from Walther presents. The scandi thriller series have become formulaic and clichéd but the reviews don't reflect this. Just watched the very first episode. Its quite fun, and they've managed to get the balance of comedy/drama fairly well which is quite difficult to do. Definitely a cut above the usual. Having now watched the first two series I have to say I'm quite enchanted. I'm already wondering how to get beyond series three which is all I can watch on All4!
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Best regarded as a spoof!
4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this on TV yesterday after watching it as a young man at the cinema almost 50 years ago! Dear old Clint has never been subtle and never will be. The blatant racism, sexism homophobia disableism and macho posturing never went away. It is quite laughable here. Women just can't stop throwing themselves at this gorgeous man who regards them with distain! The plot itself is ludicrous! He's a sensitive cultured professor who murders strangers for money while criticising the state that pays him. He's supposed to off an agent on a climbing trip despite no one knowing who it is! When all the rest of the climbing party meet their doom no one even cares. No police no investigation. This presages Trumpism and us very much an unconscious presentation of Eastwood's conservative politics. Full of contradictions which are ever left unexamined.
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Hallam Foe (2007)
I thought this would be miserable
31 October 2021
This film is enormous fun! I thought it would be grindingly dour but quite the opposite. Because it's so well made we emphatise with Hallam and don't judge so much. His journey is palpable and his single minded carelessness felt so personal. All the characters are great. Please God the septics don't do a version.....
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When I'm Sixty-Four (2004 TV Movie)
26 August 2021
Actually quite annoyed with this film. Underscripted, unlikely and difficult to suspend credulity. A terribly dull man, for some reason attracts the friendship and attention of another man for no discernible reason. The film plods on predictably with zero chemistry between them. The interpersonal relations between them and the potential for family tensions is given two dimensional treatment. Painfully amateurish.
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Another Scandi by numbers
11 June 2021
Wallander, The Bridge, The Killing, Borgen. Scandinavia has given us some excellent drama series. Sadly, however, a slew of rubbish shows has followed in their wake. This one is typical. Predictable, under produced, under scripted with two dimensional stereotypes. Motivations, actions and scripts have huge gaps. Conversations which would have been had are simply not there. Disappointed.
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The Pact (I) (2021– )
I despair
19 May 2021
What's really upsetting is the MSM reviewers saying they like it. Despite it being on BBC it has all the cachet of an ITV thriller. A good cast, ludicrous two dimensional characters. Every line flat as a pancake. Every single trope you've ever seen is thrown into the mix. Every 'twist' is signposted like a motorway. You just know we'll be given one red herring after another until they need to install traffic lights in 'the woods'.
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8 April 2021
Spike Lee has produced some excellent films, but this is not one of them. Op have mentioned two dimensional characters, politics skipped over and out and out misrepresentation of the facts. What concerns me is the complete absence of politics of the main character. I've googled him to find out but nothing. I suspect he was really an establishment figure, reporting on black political movements but you'd be struggling to find out. Clearly many of those who gush praise haven't seen fit to mention it or make enquiries.
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Peterloo (2018)
Powerful but needed an ending
21 March 2021
Mike Leigh has done an excellent job here in demonstrating the forces leading up to this demonstration of the considered violence and barbarity of the ruling class. Nothing here is exaggerated. Most interesting for me were the strands of opinion and levels of radicalism within the reform movement. What was disappointing perhaps was the omission of the aftermath. We are shown journalists determined to expose this barbarity in the final scene. But did they? And what was the result? How did peterloo shape the actions and ideas afterwards?
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Unforgotten: Episode #4.1 (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Thus is how you make a cop show....
23 February 2021
Was watching the dreadful Bloodlands and switched to this. The difference is stark. It's not just the brilliant cast; it's the camera work, the direction, the script, the pace....all perfect. Within minutes you're drawn in. Funniest bit: the script writer s are clearly fans of Father Ted; the Marathon/Snickers scene is an homage to an episode in FT! Can't wait till next week! So absorbing! Why are none of them coppers now? Where's the head? I also suspect Cassie's sweet partner may be grist to the's the last series so no one's safe!
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Bloodlands (2021–2022)
Unbelievably bad
23 February 2021
This pile of crap is an insult, not just to the people of Belfast but to anyone with a critical faculty. Dire script and wholly unfeasible plot lines. Phoned in parts (and who can blame them) just one example ....they are interviewing the wife of the disappeared Keenan....a former big chief in the IRA...'and is your husband the kind of man to keep secrets?' Jesus wept.
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Can't believe these reviews
20 February 2021
With a whopping 8.6 here I felt assured of quality drama. How wrong I was! It has really brought down my opinion of reviews here. This is an exhibition of artlessness. It's just dreadful. Plonky piano to tell you how to feel. A lame script and wafer thin characterisation. I feel like crying to think there are so many people so devoid of any critical capacity that they think this is quality. Thank God we don't have to rely on America for decent films.
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Edie (2017)
Unpretentious and the better for it.
18 February 2021
What you see is what you get here. This film could have been twice as long, with more background and a more credible script. But with the craft and experience of Sheila Hancock she carries the film almost entirely. thank God this wasn't made in America! What I liked most was that she's not a particularly nice person and her crankiness, irritability and defensiveness are entirely naturalistic and credible.
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Not so sure.
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I tend to avoid 10/10 reviews as they are in my opinion planted puff pieces or by people without critical faculties. This series is absorbing and the deliberate glacial pace gives a hint of the exhaustive nature of the true investigation. Two thing come to mind. Firstly, did the media interest lead to resources being allocated to this investigation at the expense of others? Also the character of Jens was a little disturbing. His seeming inability to relate to people hinted at possible autistic spectrum characteristics. He takes phone calls at any time or circumstance to the chagrin of anyone with him. His obsession with the dead precludes any meaningful connection with the living. Instead of waiting for a phone call he prefers to wait all night in person, missing important family events even though he's been told there won't be a result till morning. I would have welcomed a little more explanation of the prosecution case and the accused's explanation. How does stabbing a corpse 17 times, dismembering it, and throwing into the sea save the parent's pain, as he said? Worth watching though.
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Mother! (2017)
So bad it's almost funny
1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes US movies don't make it to the UK screens cos they're just terrible. This one of those movies like Dream House with a stellar cast but dead inside. None of the characters are consistent. There is literally not a single coherent conversation in the whole disaster. She's got some mental health issue (never discussed) so we assume what she sees is illusion, but guess what? It isn't! So riot police actually ARE in her living room fighting a mob! And for some reason her husband rips her heart out at the end! Just....terrible...
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Dream House (2011)
Absolute tripe
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jim Sheridan who directed this has made plenty of good films. This isn't one of them. Decent cast. Daniel Craig can't act anyway so no loss to him. This is a poorly written piece, riddled with plot holes which ends up a complete mess. We are suppose to believe that Craig, a successful businessman, resigns his post in the Big City and moves to the country with his perfect wife and kids. Of course it's 'murder house'. Turns out his wife and kids are ghosts and he may have killed them five years ago. Just the CV a top exec needs. But we also find he's been in a mental hospital for years and the house is actually condemned! But the icing on the cake is the finale! Turns out the asshole divorced guy from across the street hired a hitman to kill his wife five years ago but the dummy killed the wrong family! Five years later he hired the SAME freakin hitman AGAIN! Not only that but the hitman goes into Craig's house again??? Cue lots of shooting, fires, tied up sexy female and amazingly it's nearly over. Craig survives and when the firemen ask him if there's anyone inside the burning building he says no, despite there being two people there. But hey, it hardly matters since the cops don't get to figure in this pile of bs.
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