Fifteen and Pregnant (1998 TV Movie)
Not a realistic movie at all.
2 July 2004
This has got be one of the worst, and most unrealistic, movies I have seen. It was obviously meant as anti teen pregnancy propaganda, and in that regard it worked. But as a movie showing how teen pregnancy really is, it was terrible.

Tina's mother has got be one of the worst parents I have ever seen. I know people think (and the movie portrays) that she is a good mother for not kicking Tina out, but that's not enough. Every single thing that happened she put in a negative light. Even in the show Tina commented on it, but that was done in order to show just how naive and not ready for pregnancy Tina is.

Every time Ray (the babies father) tried to do the right thing and be a father for his kid the parents kicked him away. If there was a rule book listing how to make sure someone does not want to be a father for his kids they followed every single rule!

He may not be an adult, and he may not marry Tina, but he can still be a father for his kid, and he sure wanted to! But he was not allowed to.

And why exactly did the teen moms have to miss graduation? They are not invalids or something, oh but wait, I forgot: this is supposed to be propaganda, so lets make pregnancy seem as bad as possible.

And the teen mom in the movie? If there was ever an example of how not to be a teen mom she was it. Again we are supposed to see just how bad it is, even if it's not realistic. For example her daughter basically cried in every scene she was in, and made her mothers life as miserable as possible. Not even a single scene of her mother playing with her daughter. Or adjusting her schedule to work around nap times (and sleep times) as every real mother on the planet does.

And even outright lies are not above this movie - some of the characters are discussing how many women die in childbirth and mention that it's 20%. And nowhere in the show are they ever corrected (it's more like 0.8%). Obviously in order to put some fear in the minds of the teen viewers.

If you are trying to scare your teen, then sure, watch this movie. But if you want to see a show about teen pregnancy stay far far away.

And if you want to see how to cope and deal with pregnancy, basically do exactly the opposite of everything in this movie.
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