Great Leftist Propaganda
26 November 2002
If Michael Moore were any more to the left he would live in Havana or Communist China. He is most amusing and very entertaining. He is so biased and so off the wall that one rally needs to see his work to understand how the `far left' thinks and operates in America. Everyone will agree that Children killing children is wrong, but what Comrade Moore never asks and will not admit is that the founding fathers were concerned that a strong Federal Government should not have absolute power over its people. The second amendment is there to project the citizens from the Federal Government. Guns are not the problem, people are the problem. He shows this with his trip to Canada. They have nearly as many guns per capita as the US but they have a different mindset and therefore have virtually no killings with guns. Instead of banning guns and (His preference) ammunition he could look for ways to change the mindset of the population here in the States.
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