Poor, Poor, Lazy, Writing..
16 September 2010
I gave this film an even worse rating than "Bender's Game", although they were both absolutely terrible.

I asked myself the question "was that film worth sitting through?" and honestly had to answer "NO" to both "Bender's Game" and "Into The Wild Green Yonder". The ONLY half-decent part of this movie was at the end, by which time it was far too late anyway.

It's clear to me that trying to turn Futurama into four full-length movies was a really stupid idea, and it shows. The writing was entirely over-the-top in the first movie, and by the third and fourth movie I was falling asleep and trying to figure out if I even cared about the various plots.

Futurama the TV series was always "fresh", not just overusing the character stereotypes that developed. However in the films, you get the same drivel thrown at you time after time. In "Bender's Game" all I can even remember was "Mom" slapping her kids the entire movie (yeah that got old pretty quickly). In this one it was a confusing maze of a plot that I just couldn't make myself care about.. This is not the same show I watched so fondly years ago.
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