Bowling for Moore.
15 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Bowling for Columbine (2002): Dir: Michael Moore / Featuring: Michael Moore, Charlton Heston, Marilyn Manson, Matt Stone, George W. Bush: Brilliant documentary about gun possession in America. Title represents the fact that two teenagers who open fired in a Columbine school were earlier bowling. Michael Moore takes viewers on a dark and sometimes comical journey to discover compelling and disturbing facts. We learn that America is driven by fear sparked by media. Moore interviews rocker Marilyn Manson whose music was blamed for the Columbine incident. He also embarks upon the influence of entertainment and violence and interviews Matt Stone, one of the creators of the popular Canadian cartoon South Park. George W. Bush is also featured for mockery and regardless of one's view, Moore still makes his vision funny. Charlton Heston also appears in his pro gun rallies and Moore addresses the fact that his rally took place a week after the shooting of a six year old girl. Moore also makes discoveries in Canada and other countries about guns. He even joins two Columbine survivors in their approach to K-Mart, which sold the bullets embedded in their bodies. The film contains Moore cynical approach that is branded with his humorous insight and opinions. The film requires us to reflect upon life and how it can end with the senseless pulling of a trigger. Score: 10 / 10
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