Its fun and also gives a message.
18 May 2016
'Nil battey sannata', the movie title, is a phrase used for people who are complete laggards in mathematics. Chanda, the protagonist, is one of these people and is distraught at seeing her daughter, Apu, stumble in mathematics too, making her life's mission of educating Apu more challenging.

In one of the opening sequences of the movie Chanda attempts to motivate Apu to do better in studies, but Apu is reluctant because she believes her mother cannot afford to pay for her studies even if she passes the board examination. Determined, Chanda relentlessly preaches to her daughter the good that would come if Apu studied hard. When her words fail to influence Apu she approaches Dr. Deewan at whose home she works as a maid. Dr. Deewan patiently listens to Chanda and suggests an outrageous solution to the problem. Chanda is hesitant at first to enroll as a student in her daughter's school but her resolve to see Apu become successful allays her fears.

The principal of Apu's school does not like the idea of Chanda studying with kids but eventually grants admission to Chanda. Apu is furious to see her mother in her class as a student and vents her anger when they reach home. Chanda agrees to quit school if Apu outscores her in mathematics. With the help of her friend, Apu studies hard for the test and bests Chanda in mathematics. Chanda is happy to see her decision bearing fruit but her joy is short lived. Apu reiterates her assessment that a maids daughter will also be a maid and so its no use to study. Chanda rejoins school when it becomes clear that Apu only aimed at stopping Chanda from coming to school. Chanda's rejoining the school makes Apu very angry and she vows to avenge Chanda's treachery. A persistence mother and a stubborn daughter fight in a battle which brings them closer and ultimately teaches Apu what her mother meant the whole time.

The classroom fun in the movie is reminiscent of everyone's childhood and the witty replies of kids to the principal's questions are a treat to watch. There are not many characters in the movie but every one of them is significant, played brilliantly by accomplished artists. This movie is short and sweet and bitter, mostly sweet though.
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