9 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Last Broadcast definitely has an intriguing premise and setup, but it's ultimately mostly squandered.

The first half of this movie is definitely better than the second half. They do an effective job at explaining the situation and giving us some backstory on the characters. The acting during the interview segments is, for the most part, effective and comes off as genuine. I was really excited to see where everything was going to go but...

It really starts to drag in the second half. They keep repeating the same things and the same footage we've already seen and heard. It really got boring after a while. I just kind of wanted them to get to the point but it only got worse. The film completely loses focus. In the last half hour it suddenly becomes a commentary on media? The 'message' feels clumsy and tacked on.

And then there's the ending, the twist, the big reveal. I caught on a few minutes before it was revealed but thought there was no way it was actually going to happen. But it did. And it sucked. I get what they were going for, it's supposed to be this huge reveal that you aren't actually watching a documentary but everyone who's ever watched this movie knew they were watching a movie. It just comes off as silly and nonsensical. And oh my god, does the camera work look terrible after it changes styles. It's unbelievably cheap looking compared to the rest of the movie. It's almost parody levels of stupid as far as twists are concerned. It is such a disappointing payoff. Everything falls apart in the end.

Starts off promising but gradually goes downhill before completely going off the rails at the end.
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