Lower Budget, Higher Quality
23 September 2020
Guyver:Dark Hero surpasses it's mediocre predecessor in many ways. I didn't expect it to be an enjoyable movie after watching the first one, but it prooved me wrong and exceeded my expectations. First of all an R rating. Enough said. The acting isn't outstanding, but surpasses the mostly lethargic and dull performances of the first movie. While it is definitly obvious the movie had a lower budget, it still looks pretty good. This is most evident in the monster costumes, which look beatifully hideous once again. Where the first one had tonal issues, this one rectifies these problems by stream-lining the tone of this movie and making it more consistent, leaving little space for jokes and joy, but still having enough lighthearted moments to change things up, preventing the movie from getting too monotonous. The only complaints are a few scenes where the acting does get a bit sloppy and the story being pretty bland. It still has enough action, fun interactions and effects to keep you invested. It is a mostly engaging movie all the way through.
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