Dark (2017–2020)
I Loved the 1st Season and Hated the 3rd Season
24 December 2021
I feel really conflicted about this show. I thought the first season was fantastic. But, by the time the 3rd season ended, I felt thoroughly annoyed by this show.

Season 1 has a really interesting, unique, and well crafted plot. The story is a little complicated, but not overly so. The 1st season was a fantastic scifi mystery story. It really sucked me. After watching the 1st episode, it was difficult to drag myself away from the TV.

It was thus with high hopes that I began watching seasons 2 and 3. However, after watching them, I find myself wishing the show had been cancelled after season 1.

As time goes on, the plot gets more fantastical, unrealistic, and contrived. It also gets really complex. The show introduces a huge cast of characters, and it becomes difficult to remember who everyone is. I felt like I needed a spread sheet in order to keep track of everyone.

Ultimately though, I think this complexity was covering up a stupid plot. Throughout the show, there are coincidences, things that don't make sense, and characters who behave in absurd ways. I'm also not certain that the established rules of the show's scifi mechanic are always portrayed consistently.

Also, the show gets ham-fistedly dramatic. Many of the characters love to give big dramatic speeches, and to give long soulful stares. Towards the end of the series, I fond myself constantly rolling my eyes.

All that said, the 1st season is really good. I have a love/hate relationship with this show. I recommend that you watch the 1st season, but pretend that the 2nd and 3rd seasons don't exist.
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