The Office: The Negotiation (2007)
Season 3, Episode 18
Andy Bernard is poison
25 November 2023
I really liked this episode. It was great but it was torpedoed at the end with the return of Andy. I wish I could pepper spray this character.

I hate Andy Bernard. He ruins every scene and makes every episode he is in worse. I love the office but if Andy Bernard just ceased to exist as a character the whole series would be improved a thousand fold. Goddamn banjos and singing and just all around irritating garbage. Name something Andy Bernard has done that is funny or has made any episode better. Not possible. He's the worst. I'd rather eat a thousand nickels than watch Ed helms ruin another office episode. It's almost like an unnecessary surgery that I'm forced to watch being performed. Andy Bernard is both the rusty scalpel cutting me open and the junior mint giving me sepsis. I hate you, Andy.
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