I'm very conflicted
31 December 2023
On one hand, the special effects are absolutely stunning, considering this film came out in 1968. Some of the ideas in the film were intriguing, and well ahead of its time, such as the AI, and the monoliths.

On the other hand, the film was so painfully slow. A lot of scenes were comprised of spaceships flying, and/or docking for literally 10+ minutes at a time. The opening scene was like watching a National Geographic documentary.

Maybe I'm just not intellectually superior enough to get much enjoyment out of this film. I appreciate that it was different, and controversial, but it was not easy for me to comprehend, and the whole ending was very strange to me.

I see that a lot of people regard this as a masterpiece, and that's fine. I enjoy watching mind-bending films, Interstellar being my favorite, and I am a sci-fi fan in general as I love Star Wars. But this is not a film I think I will waste my time with again.


I wouldn't regard it as an average film, but rather a film that was as equally interesting as it was dull.
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