Interior (2014) Poster


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Good...bad...a little better...okay.... WTF!?!??!
auntieveracharles27 June 2018
Guy alone in a house that he is "Ghost Hunting" in for a former girlfriend and her husband and child.

Great use of modern tech. Good moments, dumb moments and an ending that is truly incomprehensible.

I would have to say that the biggest problem with this movie, besides the INCREDIBLY over-long "circle vision" segment and the WTF ending is verisimilitude. Even fantasy needs a base of reality and verisimilitude.

Give it a shot if you've got 90 some minutes to kill... otherwise... pass.
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Not terrible, not great
saphira_dragon-802705 February 2019
It's not too too bad. It's very low budget, but there are some actual good scares. It's really creepy pretty scary. The ending is dumb and some other scenes are also dumb and don't fit in. It's a solid 5, watch if you are bored
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Great horror!
sundstrom-9226 September 2018
If you want to watch a film filled with pure horror this is it! The story was okay and some scenes could have been better but the horror sequences in this movie was masterfully made. It's well worth your time if you want the hair on your neck to stand up.

It's as close as you can come to a 7 star film.
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i didn't get it
phenomynouss16 August 2020
Right away the film starts off with an intense and highly intriguing hook, starting apparently in the middle of the story, with the main character in the dark texting on his phone to someone, begging to know if they are at their house or outside the window where they currently are. He says he is at their house. The person texts a photo of a person standing outside their window who looks exactly like him.

Then it goes back to the beginning to set up the story. Some guy, Sam, decides to help his ex-girlfriend Allison with a suspected ghost in her house. She already knows all the backstory of the ghost or ghosts based on the diary of a former owner or something. She wants Sam to get proof on tape or in pictures.

The entirety of the movie is basically Sam doing this... maybe? I say "maybe" because there's one incident where he sets up a camera in the main hall to film, and teasingly plays with a Halloween-y mannequin head creepily peeking into the hallway. Then he takes this footage, alters it a bit in Adobe, then posts to Facebook like "I think I found something!"

This little incident isn't explained at all and doesn't fit at all in with the other seemingly legitimate ghostly encounters he has and posts updates to facebook about. I couldn't stop thinking about the fake ghost staging and its lack of any real purpose in the film.

A lot of the horror moments are jumpscares, which are accompanied by such incredibly overly dramatic music that they become comical. The tone of the film absolutely wants them to be taken seriously but constantly sabotages itself as a result.

Then comes a part at the end, which I won't even begin to spoil. It goes into a completely different tone from the rest of the movie and makes for something that might be some kind of twist ending except it doesn't make any sense at all. It may have been a neat idea of some sort but not enough information was gleaned to infer whether the event had any meaning beyond just an idea hammered on at the last minute.
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nickeyblack3522 July 2020
This movie made absolutely no sense. I watched it so i could judge the movie, and not be persuaded by others, but this movie sucked! I've seen some terrible movies worst than this, but this movie really upset me, and that's unusual. I've never gave a movie this terrible a review. Because they weren't this terrible. This could've been at least a 6, but too much stupidity, and no story. This is my 1st time ever saying this "Don't waste your time."
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wandernn1-81-68327417 December 2019
This movie really isn't worth the time. Some horrible lines, illogical story, very little scares. Predictable. Just really not worth watching.
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Unlike many horror films, this one truly is scary.
planktonrules4 April 2016
I am not a huge fan of horror films but I can say that Interior is clearly a very scary film. There are many, many moments in the film where I felt myself on edge...something that rarely happens to me when I see a horror movie. Despite a rough spot near the end, overall it's worth seeing.

The film is set in a modern American home in suburbia. Sam is a struggling filmmaker who needs work. So when his old ex-girlfriend, Allison, offers him a chance to make money he jumps at it. She insists that her house is haunted and wants Sam to stay the night and document any weird happenings in the place. Sam naturally believes this is ridiculous but he needs the money and seems a bit infatuated with Allison despite her now being a married woman with a young daughter.

Almost the entire film consists of Sam being alone in the house. At first, not surprisingly, not much happens and the director, Zachary Beckler, does a good job in allowing the tension and suspense to slowly build. Even when things do begin to happen, they are rather unimpressive...such as drawers which seem to have opened themselves or knives that have inexplicably fallen onto the kitchen floor. The don't seem to faze Sam. What happens next, however, scares the ever-living crap out of well as the audience!

Despite the film being very scary, one portion near the end didn't work for me. Following the film, the director was in the theater for a question and answer session and he said some of his inspiration came from Kubrick's "2001". Well, this portion near the end was highly reminiscent of "2001"...but that didn't mean it made much sense nor did I like it. It was way too artsy and strange...and I wish he'd instead chosen to stick with the prevailing mood of the film...a mood which will scare the crap out of you! Despite this, I still recommend you see the movie since it is, on balance, very well made. Plus, Beckler is young and I don't expect perfection from a guy with limited experience in filmwork. Considering this, making a full-length film like this...and keeping the audience's attention is a major achievement.
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homesickalien8116 February 2019
A truly terrible movie. It's littered with jump scares paired with loud obnoxious noises and the awful acting and plot progression ruins anything positive this film could have been. For instance, so the viewer can get some more information about the haunting, the house owner calls the investigator (at around 2am, because normally people stay up all night) and even her small daughter is heard in the background talking. Doesn't anyone sleep in this film? It defies all common sense. I understand and appreciate that this is a low budget film but the haunted house is boring and bland in appearance. Honestly, the whole thing felt like a college term project that was rushed in order to meet a deadline. Pass on this garbage.
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A wonderfully creepy micro-budget horror
akirajump3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First things first; the sound design and score of this flick is astounding. Seriously excellent work there.

The film builds tension very well, starting slowly at first but gradually building up as the movie continues. Sam is played well and, even though he seems a bit of a dick, is likeable nonetheless.

There are two 'ghosts'. Alice and Emily. Or maybe three? I'm not too sure who the guy ghost was, so it was a bit confusing there. When in the darkness, these ghosts are very creepy and had my hairs standing on end. However, when the light is on them/it, it looked very cheap. I know this was because of the tiny budget but I would've preferred not seeing it at all to be honest. I will say though that there was one scene when Sam is in the living room and a set of fingers appear around a door frame. That was the scariest moment for me. Just impeccably well shot.

The scene near the end was obviously inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey, but it seemed to go on longer than I would've liked. The ending was a little lacklustre, leaving me a bit disappointed to be honest.

Overall, if you can overlook the budgetary restraints, this is a good little horror film that contains all the right elements.

Just as an added note; on the movies website, there is a prelude short film that expands this 'universe'. Interesting for those who enjoyed it!
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africe3 August 2019
Who the hell is rating tbis so high? Are they high???? This is a poor attempt at horror at best. Too much crappy camera footage and frame adjusting. The segments that are supposed to scare you are lame. Nice try with the build up music but it didn't work. The short videos within the movie were also pretty lame. Lost interest 30 minutes in
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Capturing a haunting with today's technology
donb-519-33507528 February 2015
I believe that it is more difficult to make a good horror movie than other genres. Zach Beckler's "Interior" is an outstanding first film for the young filmmaker. He takes a simple story: One man - one night - one haunted house - and makes it new and fresh by infusing it with technology and technology driven humor. The basic plot is pretty standard - let's film a ghost in a modern haunted house. But the sounds and scares are excellent as the isolated filmmaker who is going to capture the "ghost" moves from skepticism to outright terror as the movie ramps up the scares.

Most effective was the use of multiple cameras filming the various rooms. This is not your typical "Paranormal Activity" use of cameras and film (talk about stale, that series should have stopped three movies ago). Beckler uses cameras to great advantage as ofttimes Sam (Christopher Carullo) is too frightened to even look in the next room - so he sticks the camera around the corner and snaps off a bunch of photos. The resulting photos are usually very unsettling and unusual.

The videos of Sam as he investigates the disturbances in the house are very disquieting as well.

The main actor, Christopher Carullo, does an excellent job as the filmmaker trapped in the house. He conveys a sense of tension that I have not seen since "High Tension" - one of my all time favorites.

My only concern was an overly long "black hole" sequence at the end. Not sure what was being portrayed - or why it seemed to go on forever (I was never a great fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey), but this is Beckler's first film, so no big criticism here.

Interestingly Beckler has also made a short which accompanies the full length feature called "Where is Alice?" - which is excellent and very artfully builds suspense and thinly disguises terror. You really should see both of them.

So I say "great first effort" to Zack Beckler. Unfortunately I do not know where to tell you to go to see these films - but if you can find them they are worth watching.
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jcroak-181748 August 2020
It has been a very long time since I was really scared. I didn't think I could be scared that badly again. The scary parts were very scary and you should give it a watch.
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Good, if you like watching a guy sitting around on his sofa
Leofwine_draca4 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
INTERIOR is an extremely modest indie horror film that somehow consists of a single guy hanging out in his apartment for the entire running time. He has occasional, mundane conversations with friends and associates and then spends the rest of the time sitting around on his sofa. The horror content is so limited as to be unrecognisable.
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An ok amateur effort, but nothing special
bachemar12 August 2018
For a low budget new director feature, this movie has some decent spooky moments. The acting is ok, but the script certainly has some "horror movie stupidity" on the part of the characters. The most perplexing part of the film Is the main character being relatively flippant at the fact that he's locked in a house with real paranormal activity until about twenty minutes before the end of the movie. And after the real scares start there is a part where Sam snaps from being terrified to acting like a disappointed teacher and simply stands in the room scolding the ghosts in an annoyed tone of voice. It really pulls you out of the terror the movie is trying to create and is a glaring error on the part of the director. All in all, it's an ok choice if you get it off Amazon Prime or find it on Netflix and have a boring rainy afternoon, but other than that I wouldn't bother. Though I'd like to see what this director can grow into five or ten years from now.
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An amateur film project that would work better as a short.
WisdomsHammer4 July 2018
I found this movie on Amazon Prime. The trailer looked decent so I gave it a chance after reading some of the reviews here. Apparently some people were being generous because this was the product of a first time film maker. That doesn't make this worth watching at all.

Please don't waste your time with this. There are about five minutes of this thing that are worth watching, but the ending is so unsatisfying that it's not worth wading through.

This could have been cut down to 15 minutes and been halfway decent. There are a few interesting moments and Christopher Carullo's performance wasn't bad at all. But after watching this entire thing I felt so cheated that I feel it a duty to tell others so they don't waste their time.
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Anyone who rates this above 4 is someome that helped make this "film"
This was so bad. The acting was so bad. The editing was so bad. The music was so bad and didnt even match up with what was going on. For example, in one scene he is simply opening a laptop and they are playing this horrible techno beat. The whole movie just sucked especially the END, made no sense at all. The conversations and the shifts between cameras just feels choppy, like a soap opera. Just really bad. I only gave 2 stars bc i actually feel bad for him. God back to film school dude.
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Very amusing. I think I was supposed to watch this stoned.
nickel197624 April 2024
Film maker says 2001. I say yeah...and Pink Floyd's "The Wall".

But that was the feel of it. There are several differences.

This is apparently a movie that uses the short film "Séance" as its foundation. I saw the short film and immediately followed it up with this one. I gave the short film a higher rating, though.

It's a haunted house horror. A lot of regularly used tropes are - once again - used. Someone is trying to catch paranormal activity on camera, tries desperately during the day time, gets a very boring show from the supposed ghost. Then it gets dark and things start to happen.

Eventually, the plot spins around and introduces the absurdity of a cynical photographer doing what he knows about to catch a ghost. He is self-assured and when "Emily" exposes him to his weaknesses, he falls apart and doesn't even really notice it. Reality becomes the enemy in his mind as he cannot discern what is real and what isn't. There's a lot of tongue-in-cheek references about voyeurism and what it must feel like to be on the side of the camera where you don't know you're being filmed. However, as the film wore on, the story seemed to disassociate from the effects of visual and audio stimulation. For a little too long. I didn't really understand it. But I'm completely sober, lights on, and while the soundtrack was pretty well crafted, it went a little overboard. That's one of the big reasons why Pink Floyd's "The Wall" comes to mind. Thing is, Pink Floyd's "The Wall" is presented as a musical, in a twisted sense. This isn't.

Which is why I think I should have been stoned or high while I watched it.

Too bad I really don't care to. I have been high, I've been stoned, I didn't like it. I'd watch it drunk but gotta be high or stoned.

Maybe someone will see it with some good drugs in their system and provide a detailed review, Aldous Huxley-style.
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lanceslanier3 August 2019
Was is it scary? ABSOLUTELY Did it have a storyline? YES Did the storyline end well? Depends..... Your questions will not be answered.

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absolutely nothing going on here
attennessee18 September 2020
Reviewers who praise this mention its small budget. well you don't need any budget to have a brain and you don't need much of a budget to write an intelligent script, film with some style (other than point and shoot) or develop a plot.

this "movie" has none of these. and that house isn't creepy it's just ugly. like 1960s ugly and doesn't fit at all with the characters. nothing remotely scary and anyone who describes this as "terrifying" has only seen Hallmark rom-com movies.

dull (in every sense) and derivative. lastly the main actor is extremely weak. other characters do things that make no sense. all in all really bad.

hard pass. 2/10
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Worth the watch
gzm58625 September 2018
This just shows that you don't have to have a big production company with a big budget to be scary.
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Couldn't Even Make It 10 Minutes
bisslestefan24 November 2020
Just bad. Bad acting, bad script writing, bad plot, seriously just a terrible movie.
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Would Shoulda Coulda
tmccull5219 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Despite a slow start, I liked this movie... right up until the last five minutes or so. The events leading up to the end of the movie took it right off of the rails, at least for me.

Yes, it's low budget. No, some of the special effects are not of the most convincing quality. The story itself is not terrible, even if the premise has already been presented a dozen different times in a dozen different movies. A skeptical ghost-hunter is asked by an old girlfriend to document the haunting that appears to be going on in her house.

Although initially skeptical, and a bit dryly sarcastic, our hero, Sam, gradually becomes convinced that the house is indeed haunted. "Interior" is a decent, creepy, low-budget indie horror film... right up to the electro-funk, psychedelic, kaleidoscope conclusion.

Is Sam dead? Is he seeing himself, through his own camera lens, as the newest ghost in the house? If he's dead, and a ghost, why does his ex see him when she returns home with her husband and daughter? Does the evil entity possess Sam, and leave the house using his body?

At one point in the movie, Sam locks himself in the bathroom to escape the dark entity. While exchanging frantic texts with his ex, Sam.types in "Wtf???". By the end of the movie, I found myself thinking the very same thing.

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Kept me watching..
shontiajones10 April 2019
I thought it was a awesome movie. It kept me on my toes.
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A horror movie with scares! Finally
amanda-252-9376887 September 2021
I love found footage horror movies, and I watch a lot of them. This one I found by accident and I am so glad I did. I absolutely loved it and it gave me that knot in my stomach I've not had from a horror movie in 20 years. This is what I expected the Conjuring universe to be like, but it wasn't This has great jump scares, but it's how it manipulates you being in that room is amazing.
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Worth the wait
ceyx7 March 2021
This film lulls you into thinking it's going to be just average, then things get crazy! Well done.
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